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Three hundred and thirty nine chapters: the end of the road (2)

 Guo Wentian’s voice was very soft and the content was very short.

But Chen Fangqing, who had always maintained an indifferent attitude, suddenly shook his body.

Li Tianlan comes to Beijing.

Everyone knows that this will happen sooner or later, and it is bound to happen.

But when she heard the news, Chen Fangqing couldn't help but feel upset.

It's irritability, panic, fear, coldness, and not wanting to face it.

At that moment, Chen Fangqing's emotions were so clear and so desperate.

Guo Wentian watched all this silently, his eyes a little sad.

Now it’s not just Chen Fangqing who has these emotions?

The entire Prince Group was a little panicked when Li Tianlan entered Kyoto.

It has been less than twenty-four hours since the decisive battle in Beihai. After defeating all his opponents, Li Tianlan did not hesitate and went straight to Youzhou.

That's right, it's pounce.

Simple, straightforward, brutal, domineering.

For everyone in the Prince Group, everyone can feel the determination of Li Tianlan's trip. It is an indescribable cruelty, with naked ferocity and the smell of blood. He opens his teeth and claws. Every inch he approaches Youzhou in the air,

The Prince Group will feel even more dangerous.

After several years of continuous suppression, the Prince Group, which has always been the protagonist, has done too many things that it should and should not do.

Perhaps as Chen Fangqing said, what they did was right.

But the Eastern Palace would not accept it.

Many things in this world often do not pay attention to simple right and wrong at all.

Li Tianlan controls Chen Fangqing's life and death by winning the decisive battle in Beihai. He controls Chen Fangqing's life and death, which means he controls the future of the Prince Group.

As soon as Li Tianlan arrived in Youzhou, the entire Prince Group smelled an extremely strong bloody storm. Everyone was waiting for Li Tianlan's move with almost suffocating depression.

"What do they want?"

Chen Fangqing took deep breaths several times before asking hoarsely.

"The specific requirements have not been mentioned yet."

Guo Wentian shook his head with a heavy expression: "After all, everything has just begun, but the establishment of the new group has become a foregone conclusion. During this period, Wu Zhengmin and Bai Qingqian have made relatively big moves."

Chen Fangqing snorted and asked: "Southern Guangdong?"

"It can't be saved."

Chen Fangqing was a little helpless and helpless: "We have discussed in a small area before that Nanyue must not be saved. Things in the Haoyue Group are getting bigger and bigger, which is very troublesome. It has not been a day since the decisive battle in Beihai, and three senior executives of the Haoyue Group have already surrendered.

There are a lot of revelations. If this matter wants to be settled quickly, Nanyue must give up, otherwise it will be difficult to handle."

Chen Fangqing gritted his teeth.

Haoyue Group is a very large group that he single-handedly supported, and it is also the most beneficial cash cow for the entire Chen family. Although there are not many similar groups in Zhongzhou, there are not many. Many times, in order to fight for something that has to be fought for, Haoyue

Consortiums like this group will go beyond the rules and more often than not, when dealing, especially when dealing with certain foreign groups and forces, they will follow the will of the country.

It's just that this kind of thing cannot be brought to the table, so it leaves countless hidden dangers.

The reason why Haoyue Group has fallen to this level is not at all the reason why the chairman of Haoyue Group was killed. The most fundamental reason is because Chen Fangqing's foundation is unstable and he cannot protect himself. As the prime minister of a country, he is undoubtedly the best representative of Zhongzhou.

He can easily cover up many things about the Haoyue Group. Although he did something wrong this time, no one can deny his character and stance.

The Haoyue Group has indeed delivered a lot of benefits to different foreign forces over the years, including money, technical data, technical drawings, and even weapons, but the Haoyue Group can only get more from the other side and serve Central Continent.

But with Chen Fangqing's status in turmoil, there is no way to explain these things. Everyone will deliberately cover up what the Haoyue Group has brought to Zhongzhou, and people will only focus on what the Haoyue Group has taken away from Zhongzhou.

Right and wrong are never pure.

Under the current situation, even if the Prince Group wants to protect itself, it will not speak up for Chen Fangqing to support him.

Abandoning Nanyue and settling the matter of Haoyue Group, Zhongzhou had started discussing this matter as early as a week ago, and the first person to put forward this idea was Zhongzhou Vice Minister Wu Zhengmin. This was undoubtedly the condition offered by the new group.

At this point, the Prince Group has no room for bargaining. No matter how unwilling they are, they must give up.

Although the Haoyue Group has been in trouble for a short period of time, so far, two directors in Nanyue have been trapped in the quagmire. If they don't let go, they don't know how much trouble they will cause in the end.

No one will doubt the determination of Donghuang Palace and Li Tianlan.

The establishment of a new group cannot be done by just talking about it, nor can it be done by sending Wu Zhengmin to the position of director of Zhongzhou.

The most basic structure of a group is the need for territory.

A site used to improve its own structure, cultivate new blood, make a unified voice, and implement its own ideas.

Every group has such territory.

For example, the Beihai Province of the Southeast Group and the former Wuyue Province.

For example, the Tianfu Province and Southwest City of the Prince Group.

For example, Zhongyuan of the wealthy group.

For example, the Northern City of the Northern Group and the northwest and northeast regions where the academic faction has great influence.

Li Tianlan's new group also needs territory, enough to support the continuous expansion of a new large-scale group and continue to consolidate its own territory.

Southern Guangdong is currently the most suitable area.

This is the forefront of the development of Central Continent. In terms of economic aggregate, it is second only to Wuyue. It is one of the most developed provinces in Central Continent and has an extremely complete structure. The Speakers of Southern Guangdong are all Central Continent members. This is very important for the new group.

It is also crucial to say that with Nanyue, the new group has a stable foundation. Not to mention its prospects, at least there is no risk of falling apart.

The Prince Group has great power in Southern Guangdong. Although it is incomparable with Tianfu's own backyard, in the game with major groups, the Prince Group's power in Southern Guangdong has always had an absolute advantage. The current Speaker of Nanyue is

One of the leaders of the Prince Group, seven of the thirteen directors are from the Prince Group, including a deputy speaker at the governor-general level.

Among the remaining six directors, two are from the Southeast Group, one is from the wealthy group, two are from the academic group, and one is a high-ranking official from a local background with no obvious traces of the group.

At the municipal level, Prince Group’s advantages are equally obvious.

But now, with the rise of new groups, most of these people

Many people have to be transferred. Others may still have a good position, but the Prince Group continues to shrink. These people are transferred from southern Guangdong. Not to mention better positions, just having a current position is considered good for now.


Such a heavy loss, even Chen Fangqing, who is now worried about the future of himself and his family, can't bear to witness it.

And most importantly, that's not all.

These are just the conditions put forward by the New Group to settle the case of the Haoyue Group.

The New Group's knife will definitely not stop after cutting off Nanyue. They will definitely continue to cut flesh from the Prince Group to enrich their sphere of influence. One Haoyue Group has been replaced by another Nanyue, which shows how much appetite Li Tianlan and the New Group have.

How big.

"Besides Southern Guangdong, at present, the one most likely to be taken out by them as conditions is Western Guangdong."

Guo Wentian thought for a while and suddenly smiled: "Fortunately among misfortunes, I got the news. A few hours after the decisive battle in Beihai, Wang Shengxiao went to Tiannan and had a battle with Li Tianlan. Wang Shengxiao was defeated. He will definitely have to fight."

To pay the price, according to my speculation, the new group will also take away Jiangnan and Dongshan. As a new group, it is enough to own the four provinces of Nanyue, Xiyue, Jiangnan and Dongshan."

Chen Fangqing's facial muscles twitched again, but he didn't know whether to be grateful or angry. Xiyue is also one of the back gardens of the Prince Group, and Dongshan is the area where the Southeast Group and the Prince Group check and balance each other.

Every inch of land must be fought for, and the only exception is Jiangnan Province, which is one of the back gardens of the Southeast Group.

Southern Guangdong, Western Guangdong, Dongshan, Jiangnan...

Chen Fangqing silently thought about these four provinces, his face became increasingly uglier, and he hesitated several times before finally speaking: "No, I can't give it to him!"

"What can I do?"

Guo Wentian spread his palms: "The other party's idea is so accurate that there is no way to stop it."

Among the four provinces, Southern Guangdong and Dongshan are both extremely developed provinces. Southern Guangdong is what the Prince Group has to give, while Western Guangdong, seriously speaking, although a province is extremely important to any group, everything has its own priorities.

, Under the current situation, it is not that the Prince Group cannot afford a Western Guangdong. In the eyes of the Prince Group, Western Guangdong is an area that can be abandoned as a last resort.

In the same way, Jiangnan is the same for the Southeast Group. When compromise is necessary, Jiangnan will also be abandoned by the Southeast Group.

The provinces that can be abandoned mean that they won't waste much effort to get the Eastern Palace. The two entry points of Xiyue and Jiangnan found by the other party can be said to be extremely accurate.

After this incident, Dongshan Prince Group will definitely not be able to hold on. The new group wants Dongshan, but it is not their own back garden. Southeast Group cannot fight with the new group for those few positions. The rise of Dongshan Palace has already

Become inevitable, under such circumstances, appropriate compromise is within the acceptable range of everyone.

This also means that the Eastern Palace can obtain four provinces to form the basic framework of the new group without spending too much effort.

With the current momentum of Li Tianlan and Donghuang Palace, not to mention four provinces, there are more. They also have the ability to take away, but now they only need four, and they can get four without much effort.

what does that mean?

The only possibility is that they want to focus more of their attention elsewhere.

Where else could it be?

Chen Fangqing thought of Wu Zhengmin and Bai Qingqian.

His face became increasingly ugly, glowing with a hint of black and blue under the light.

Unless there is a huge accident, after the decisive battle in the North Sea, part of the location of the next Central Continent Council has become settled.

Today's Vice Minister of Zhongzhou Wu Zhengmin will become a director of Zhongzhou and further serve as the deputy prime minister of Zhongzhou, becoming the true second-in-command of the cabinet.

Bai Qingqian will give up Liaodong, which he has been operating for five years, and let that land return to the control of the academy, and then take over Wu Zhengmin's current position as one of the deputy prime ministers of Zhongzhou.

These two people plus the new speaker of Nanyue will become the three giants of the new group.

Two of them are in the cabinet.

A junior prime minister, a deputy prime minister, in the cabinet.


The cabinet that leads the development of the country and the economy of the country.

There is no doubt that in order to support their new three giants, the new group will focus all their energy on competing for the dominance of various cabinet ministries after taking over four provinces.

If they gain enough say in this regard, they can give back to the four provinces under their control in terms of national policies to form a cycle, and then allow the new group to maintain long-term stability.

Once this goal is achieved, another private voice similar to the Beihai Wang family will appear in Central Continent.

Chen Fangqing thought countless times about erasing the influence of the Beihai Wang family in Zhongzhou. However, now that the Beihai Wang family is still there, the Eastern Palace will become the second Beihai Wang family.

How could he bear this?

Chen Fangqing's face turned from livid to blood red. He stood up suddenly, but for a moment he felt that his eyes were in a mess, he was dizzy, and he fell on the sofa again.


Chen Fangqing's extremely suppressed voice sounded like a very sad roar: "Thieves of the country!!! Wang Tianzong is, so is Li Tianlan! They are all thieves! They all deserve to die!"


Chen Fangqing suddenly stretched out his hand and knocked the tea cup off the coffee table. The cup fell and rolled on the floor. It was not broken, but the warm tea splashed everywhere, and some of it even splashed on Guo Wentian's pants.

Guo Wentian silently looked at Chen Fangqing, who was venting his emotions crazily, and smoked silently without saying a word.

Chen Fangqing knocked over the tea cup, kicked down the coffee table, and even the carpet was lifted up. His body fell on the sofa again, breathing heavily and pressing his forehead hard.

The severe pain made his consciousness become a little blurry.

He breathed hard and kept mumbling to himself: "If you want to stop him, you must stop him."

He rubbed his forehead, looked at Guo Wentian seriously again, and said in a deep voice: "If we stop him, it will not be good for the country if this continues! I can die, or I can be ruined. I don't care about these. Li Tianlan wants a new group to rise.

I can support it, but their plan must be stopped."

"Can't stop it."

Guo Wentian shook his head without hesitation: "One move can affect the whole body. If you stop it...how can you stop it?"

Chen Fangqing was stunned for a while, then slowly said: "Bai Qingqian and Wu Zhengmin, just stop one of them, or the various cabinet ministries and commissions can block some candidates from the new group, even if they are given a province,

It’s going to get stuck.”

"Can't get stuck."

Guo Wentian shook his head: "Even if you give them a province, they may not be willing to take it. Now the one opposite

The goal is very simple, that is, to have a say in the cabinet. If necessary, they can even stop Jiangnan Province and continue to join forces with the Southeast Group. How can things be so simple?"

"That's why I came today. The other side has already begun to lay out. If the layout is successful, their new group will mature quickly in the next term. Four provinces may not be enough by then. Next term, Zhou Yunhai

It's time to retreat. Northern City will most likely fall into the hands of Li Tianlan. He doesn't even have to fight for this. So after stabilizing the internal situation in the next term, they will most likely want to fight for Huating, and even want to fight for it.

Wu Yue, Wang Qinglei will no longer be safe by then, and the situation will only get worse in the long run. I hope you can give me a reasonable suggestion."

Guo Wentian looked at Chen Fangqing seriously and said.

Chen Fangqing has been in the cabinet for more than ten years. Now the cabinet has become the focus of this election. The Prince Group is in danger. Guo Wentian hopes to get some effective suggestions from Chen Fangqing.

Chen Fangqing was silent and lit a cigarette again.

He rubbed his forehead with great force. When a cigarette was about to burn out, he said in a low voice: "Cooperate with the academic faction and let Zhuang Huayang go up. Wang Qinglei is transferred to the cabinet. His ranking should be at

The one in front of Bai Qingqian."

Guo Wentian frowned, a little unhappy, and his voice became colder: "In this case, comrades may not be able to do their jobs well."

Chen Fangqing calmed down surprisingly. He looked at Guo Wentian with clear eyes: "This is the only way."

Guo Wentian was stunned.

This only solution will also make many people in the Prince Group dissatisfied.

Cooperate with academics?

They have just finished cooperating with the academy.

In a sense, at the most critical moment for the cooperation between the two parties, if Li Huacheng had not led the academic group to retreat first, the current Prince Group and Chen Fangqing might not have ended up like this. As long as the two parties unite, Li Tianlan and Wang Shengxiao

It can't make any big waves.

But at the most critical moment, Li Huacheng retreated.

This is undoubtedly betrayal, and it is naked and blatant betrayal.

The senior officials of the Prince Group are naturally unwilling to cooperate with academics. Maybe they are not so immature and can look at problems rationally, but people's emotions are always difficult to control.

And the most important thing is Wang Qinglei.

After the decisive battle in Beihai, the competition between Wang Qinglei and Ye Dongsheng basically came to an end.

The possibility that Wang Qinglei wants to go further in this election is basically zero.

He will still be a member of Zhongzhou Council in the next term, but Chen Fangqing actually wants him to join the cabinet?

This is tantamount to asking Wang Qinglei to give up Wu Yue and the base camp he has run for many years.

Wang Qinglei cannot go further, so going from Speaker Wu Yue to Deputy Prime Minister Zhongzhou is equivalent to a horizontal transfer.

Wang Qinglei can now be regarded as a member of the Prince Group, but Wuyue is still the territory of the Southeast Group. The Southeast Group still has a very strong influence in Wuyue. Once Wang Qinglei leaves, it will be difficult, even extremely difficult, for the Prince Group to control its own

People pushed Wu Yue to the position of Speaker.

Moreover, Wang Qinglei was transferred out to cooperate with the academic faction and make the current deputy prime minister Zhuang Huayang the prime minister of Zhongzhou. To achieve this goal, the cooperation between the two parties is not enough. The academic faction must also appease the Southeast Group, so once this is done, the Southeast Group

Almost as if Wu Yue was taken back immediately.

This is what is most unacceptable to the Prince Group.

They had already lost Wu Yue this time, so they were counting on Wang Qinglei to stay in Wu Yue for one term and complete the integration. They took advantage of the situation and took over Wu Yue as compensation for giving up Southern Guangdong.

But now Wang Qinglei is being transferred, is it actually to check and balance Wu Zhengmin and Bai Qingqian that Wang Qinglei be sent to be Zhuang Huayang's younger brother?

Guo Wentian looked at the thoughtful Chen Fangqing silently, with some dissatisfaction, some anger, and some admiration.

Chen Fangqing's method was tantamount to completely giving up on Wu Yue and even giving up on Wang Qinglei's future.

Guo Wentian actually wanted to ask Chen Fangqing whether he had the Prince Group in his heart.

But he already knew the answer before he even asked the question.


At this time, Chen Fangqing did not have the Prince Group, his own family, or even himself in his heart.

All he has in mind is Zhongzhou.

He really felt that letting the Eastern Palace take control of the cabinet would be detrimental to the country, and he also really felt that the existence of Beihai would do more harm than good to Zhongzhou. He tried his best and tried everything to correct these mistakes, but he failed.


Even though there is still some improvement, he still has not given up. He wants to take the country to the right path that he believes.

Even if most of the interests of the Prince Group are sacrificed.

Even if you fully cooperate with the academy.

As long as we can contain the Donghuang Palace and the Beihai Wang Family, we can do anything.

His body was ruined, his reputation was ruined, his life was short-lived, and he was left in infamy for thousands of years.

He no longer thinks about this now.

What he was thinking about was what would happen to Zhongzhou in the future.

Guo Wentian sighed softly, his whole body becoming weaker and weaker.

He understands Chen Fangqing and admires Chen Fangqing.

He knew what kind of person Chen Fangqing was a long time ago.

He can not think about the Prince Group, but he can't.

"Now, it's just me."

Guo Wentian said in a complicated tone.

"I have no choice but to make a choice."

Chen Fangqing shook his head and said in a deep voice.

"My end will not be too good."

Chen Fangqing shook his head: "But I have no regrets. Whatever I have done before, I will continue to do it if possible. No matter what happens to me, at least now, I am still in this position and can still exert some residual energy.

If you don't have a better way, then I suggest you follow my method. Even from the perspective of the group, this may cause heavy losses, but it is better than waiting until Li Tianlan grows up and completely breaks up our group.

It’s much better.”

Guo Wentian clenched his fist vigorously and said nothing.

Chen Fangqing suddenly smiled: "You don't need to be the bad guy. Even if Li Tianlan arrives in Youzhou, can he kill me right away? We still have some time. The group is so big. I am in a bad situation and I am afraid of speaking.

Not many people are willing to listen, but there are still people who can listen. I will express my attitude. As for the president, I will go to him to talk. For Wang Qinglei, I will do the work. This time we may have to make more concessions.

Some, but the future can still be stable.”

Chen Fangqing's voice paused and he smiled again: "Next, no matter what tricks Li Tianlan has, I will follow them."

This chapter has been completed!
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