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Chapter 365: Black Cat and Dog

 For the first time in his life, Gu Xingyun felt an extremely biting chill.

For the first time, he discovered that the wind and sunshine could be so cold, and that the light could be so pale.

A slight wind blew in the village, and the sun shone down from the sky. The wind, rain, and sunshine were even a little warm when I first felt them, but the longer they stayed here, the colder they became.

It was indescribably gloomy and cold, bit by bit, along the skin, piercing into the flesh, freezing the blood and freezing the soul.

He felt that his body was dying little by little, and the vitality began to decay, become pale, and become dead, becoming perfectly integrated with the village in front of him.

Who is Jiang Shangyu?

In a daze, Gu Xingyun suddenly began to think about this question, and quickly came up with a relatively vague answer.

The vague answer cannot be said to be Gu Xingyun's mistake, but it can also be said to be his biggest mistake.

He is concerned about Jiang Shangyu.

Whether it is the special status of the Jiang family or Jiang Shangyu personally, they are all worthy of Gu Xingyun's attention.

He wants to win over the Jiang family into the special warfare group and Jiang Shangyu into the special warfare group.

Jiang Shangyu is undoubtedly an outstanding, even very outstanding young man.

Gu Xingyun valued him very much, and he even thought about betrothing his daughter Li Qingcheng to him in order to completely tie Jiang Shangyu to the station car in Kunlun City.

But it has to be denied that he does not attach absolute importance to Jiang Shangyu.

Easy to talk to, easy to get along with, has a certain degree of ambition, can be controlled, non-threatening, low-key and calm.

In the eyes of everyone, including Gu Xingyun, Jiang Shangyu roughly has this image.

But it was only now that Gu Xingyun suddenly realized that Jiang Shangyu, who was hidden behind that image, had not revealed more than just his strength. Perhaps this village was his biggest secret.

The brain is a little confused, but the fear in the heart is gradually dissipating.

With his will, it is impossible to be frightened and collapse. Everything he experienced today may be a little weird, but Gu Xingyun can be sure that based on the current situation of himself, Jiang Shangyu, and Li Kuangtu, this cooperation will be beneficial to him.

It is beneficial and harmless to both sides. At least for the time being, Jiang Shangyu and Li Kuangtu still need to use their status to place their forces in various positions in the Central Continent's special warfare system. They have no reason to harm them.


Gu Xingyun calmed down a little, and then he looked at the small village in front of him.

The village looks to be quite old, the houses all look extremely old, and the internal layout seems to be filled with the limitations of the times. The streets are extremely narrow, so it looks particularly eerie. White lanterns are placed above every household in the village.

Hanging on the door, blowing in the wind, the blood-red words "Happiness" swayed slightly, and the whole village exuded an extremely strange sense of joy.

Gu Xingyun seemed to be standing in the middle of the street, and he could see the outline of the village to the greatest extent. The street was very narrow, but extremely clean. It had obviously been cleaned not long ago, but standing in the village, Gu Xingyun didn't feel it.

Any sign of human activity.

A lifeless silence spread throughout the village.

Under the sun, there was no sign of human activity in the village. It looked like a mountain village that had been abandoned for a long time.

Gu Xingyun felt that something was wrong again, but for a while he still couldn't figure out what was wrong.

He walked quietly on the streets and soon visited the entire village.

The village is indeed not big, with only about two hundred households.

But there was no one in the whole village.

The doors of every house were closed tightly, and in the absolute silence, even the sound of the wind seemed to have disappeared.

Gu Xingyun slowed down his breathing and returned to the position where he first stood.

In front of him was a relatively large-looking house.

The pale white lanterns were swaying in the wind, the dark wooden door was dark, and in the quiet atmosphere, the scene in front of me seemed to have an indescribable coldness.

Gu Xingyun hesitated, and finally took two steps forward, pulled the black metal ring on the wooden door, and placed it on the door.


The sound of slapping seemed extremely harsh in the quiet environment, and it could be heard far away from the deep streets.

Gu Xingyun's face turned a little pale again.

As an invincible master, his will will not make him collapse in fear, but everything he experienced today is challenging his mental endurance. His field has shrunk to the extreme, and his body is completely tense, as if he is worried about the sudden attack behind the door.

Like something rushing out, Gu Xingyun is now in a state of war.

There wasn't even the slightest sound at the door, and no one came to open the door.

Gu Xingyun hesitated for a moment, and then increased the sound of slapping again.

The sound of banging on the door spread further on the street, making it seem a bit noisy.

But there was still silence at the door.

Not even the residents nearby made any sound.

Gu Xingyun gritted his teeth and placed his palms against his class. After hesitating for a few seconds, he pressed his palms slightly.


The wooden latch that locked the door panel at the door was broken by the force.

The black door opened a gap to the inside.

A gust of cold air hit my face.

Gu Xingyun's body shook subconsciously.

He looked around, but there was no change, and the cold doorway inside the door was dark. Gu Xingyun always felt that there was a pair of blood-red eyes at the door, staring at him.


Gu Xingyun took a few deep breaths, gritted his teeth, and pushed the door open a little further.

The crunching sound was so clear that it was almost torturous.

The pair of eyes at the door did not appear, and there were only some dry firewood in the doorway.

Gu Xingyun gritted his teeth and walked in.

His attention has been completely focused and he is ready to face any unexpected situation at any time.

But nothing happened.

After walking out of the gate, there is a simple courtyard. On the wall facing the entrance is a huge black tree with extremely depressing ink. A black cat is lying quietly on the wall, with a pair of eyes with shrunken pupils.

Staring at the ancient clouds, silently.

Gu Xingyun stopped.

The black cat stared at him silently.

The confrontation between one person and one cat lasted about half a minute.

Gu Xingyun, whose body was tense, slowly took a step forward.

The black cat made no movement.

He moved forward again.

The black cat still doesn't move.

Until Gu Xingyun reached the black cat, the black cat remained lying on the ground and looked ahead silently.

Gu Xingyun carefully squatted down, tentatively stretched out his hand and placed it on the black cat's body.

Black cats are hard.

But the fur is extremely soft.

This seems to be a sculpture that is so lifelike that even Gu Xingyun couldn't tell if it was real or fake when he looked at it up close, a sculpture covered in the skin of a real cat.


Gu Xingyun suddenly remembered the human skin that looked like a map. He felt sick, stood up quickly, and walked to the front hall.

He also knocked at the front hall door.

No response.

Gu Xingyun hesitated, then carefully opened the door and walked in.

The dark room was shielded from sunlight to the greatest extent. The room was a little damp, with a smell that seemed like something must have been left for a long time.

"Is anyone home?"

Gu Xingyun stood in the front hall and shouted loudly enough for the entire courtyard to hear.

His voice seemed to be amplified countless times in an instant. The huge sound wave made his heart jump suddenly. However, the next second, his huge sound wave seemed to be swallowed up in an instant. The huge sound suddenly became smaller, and then became smaller again.


The transmission of sound seems to have become completely chaotic, without any rules.

The two words "Excuse me" were like thunder, but the following words were so quiet that even Gu Xingyun himself didn't hear them clearly. And when it came to the last two words, the sound suddenly became louder. Gu Xingyun's question appeared in

What he heard in his own ears turned into an inexplicable sentence: "Can I ask about my home?"


Gu Xingyun clenched his fists and waited for a long time without getting any response.

The courtyard was completely quiet and lifeless.

Gu Xingyun slowly walked towards the bedroom.

His palm fell on the door handle, and finally he gritted his teeth and pushed the door open.

The sound of the door banging was dull and low.

Gu Xingyun stared closely at the bed in the bedroom.

After entering this village, he finally saw people for the first time.

The two figures were lying quietly on the bed, covered with quilts, and showed no reaction to Gu Xingyun's sudden appearance.

Gu Xingyun breathed heavily and walked into the bedroom regardless.

He finally saw the scene on the bed clearly.

Not two people.

There seemed to be a young couple on the bed, both of whom looked ordinary, and between them, there was a little girl about six or seven years old sleeping. The girl's palms were tightly holding the quilt, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was a strange one.


The couple was lying on the bed with their eyes closed.

No breathing, no heartbeat.

But their posture was too peaceful and leisurely.

Gu Xingyun was not even sure whether they were dead bodies or ordinary people resting and sleeping.

Gu Xingyun walked to the window, slowly stretched out his hand, and carefully landed on the young man's forehead.

During the whole process, he was staring at the other party. As long as the other party made any move, he would react immediately.

But the young man didn't make any movement from beginning to end. He just lay there and fell asleep quietly.

The palm of his hand was pressed against the other person's forehead.

With a little warmth.

There is body temperature!

But there was no heartbeat and no breathing.

Gu Xingyun's own breathing seemed to become difficult.

This time he was finally sure that the family of three on the bed...

They are all dead!

They are all corpses!

And it was a recently deceased body!

He thought of the eerie quiet of the village.

Could it be that the entire village and every house is filled with corpses of the recently deceased?


Gu Xingyun's mind was slightly confused and he subconsciously exerted force on his palms.


There was a slight plastic-like sound coming from the inside of the young man's corpse.

For no reason, Gu Xingyun thought of the black cat at the door.

Or maybe what you see in front of you is not three corpses, but three dolls that can be fake and real?


Gu Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief, but his spirit suddenly became tense in an instant.


Maybe it's fake.

But their skins are all real.

Gu Xingyun can confirm this.

Placed in front of him were pieces of extremely complete human skin!

No matter what is under the human skin, what is in front of you is human skin!

Genuine human skin!

Gu Xingyun gritted his teeth and slowly released his palm.


The moment his palms were released, an extremely shrill cat meow suddenly rang in Gu Xingyun's ears.

A slight weight fell on Gu Xingyun's shoulders.

Gu Xingyun, who was completely focused on the front, was shaken all over and turned around subconsciously.

The black cat he had seen at the door seemed to come to life in an instant, lying on his shoulder and staring into his eyes.


Scalp numbness.

A burst of ice-cold chill completely shattered all the defenses in Gu Xingyun's heart.


Clear laughter suddenly rang in the bedroom.

The quilt on the bed moved slightly.

The little girl, who was lying between the couple without any breathing or heartbeat just now, slowly sat up.

She opened her dark eyes without any whites and looked at Gu Xingyun quietly with a sweet smile: "Dad, where is my dog..."

This chapter has been completed!
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