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Chapter 8: Abandonment

 When the accurate information was passed to Yinlonghai through various departments, Li Huacheng was discussing with Hua Zhengyang the layout of the academy for the next five years.

This is the most important thing for academics at the moment.

Li Huacheng has already been confirmed for re-election, and his status is so stable that no changes are possible.

In the past ten years, due to the lack of academic background, although Li Huacheng came to power, his behavior was relatively moderate. The entire academic group found it difficult to compete with other groups, so that they did not achieve anything at all in ten years.

expected impact.

If things develop according to normal conditions, if Li Huacheng retires next year, it will definitely be an unprecedented failure for the academic group. They may still be among the six major groups, but they will be overwhelmed by the Southeast Group and the Prince Group in all aspects.

, it is even difficult to compare with the wealthy groups after the reshuffle.

This was far from their expectations. In their expectations, during the ten years since Li Huacheng took office, even if the academic sect could not surpass the Southeast Prince and become the number one group in Central Continent, it should at least keep pace with those two ancient groups.

If in the end they still have to survive in the shadow of other groups, they will not be able to accept this result at all.

Fortunately, the changes in the Beihai Wang family and the rise of the Eastern Palace disrupted the rhythm of the major groups.

Li Huacheng has five more precious years.

In recent months, all the backbone members of the academy have come to Youzhou intentionally or unintentionally. Taking advantage of the opportunity to report on their work, they quietly warned Li Huacheng, hoping that Li Huacheng would pay more attention to the future of the team.

The two remaining senior figures in the academic sect also came to Youzhou to discuss this issue with Li Huacheng.

They didn't say anything explicitly, but their meaning was clear.

I hope Li Huacheng can unite the forces that should be united most.

This is undoubtedly telling Li Huacheng that he should take advantage of these five years to grasp the future of the academic school.

As a leader, Li Huacheng clearly felt pressure from within.

This pressure already existed two years ago.

The dissatisfaction within the academic community with the status quo will also turn into dissatisfaction with him over time.

However, this dissatisfaction did not reach its peak. The news that he could be re-elected had already spread, temporarily suppressing the undercurrent within the academic faction.

But the problem is always there.

And it must be an issue worthy of facing up to.

Li Huacheng's position seems to be supreme, but no matter how much he cares about his family and country, he must stabilize the internal affairs. If no one supports him internally, he can't do anything.

The arrangement for Hua Zhengyang is the clearest signal.

Li Huacheng's attitude was extremely determined, and he wanted to overthrow Hua Zhengyang as the head of the cabinet.

This is also the biggest demand of the academic faction in this election.

If it succeeds, the academic group can be guaranteed to become the most powerful group in the next five years.

After the goal of promoting Hua Zhengyang to the top, there are still many internal positions that need to be adjusted.

Some people come up and others come down. With less than a year before the general election, all major groups are optimizing and adjusting their structures in order to form a group with the most combat effectiveness.

"There's not much of a problem with the military."

In the deep night, the office was brightly lit.

Li Huacheng took a sip of tea, looked at Hua Zhengyang, and smiled slightly: "Minister Dongcheng is quite cooperative. We have studied it carefully. I know the candidates you recommended and they are quite capable. This is probably the only official appointment.

Two months, you ask them to pay more attention."

It seemed that he had made up his mind to adjust his thinking, and in a private setting, Li Huacheng's words were very clear.

Hua Zhengyang nodded, frowned and said, "Over there is the forbidden army?"

"We haven't discussed it yet. This issue is quite sensitive. Let's find a suitable opportunity."

Li Huacheng was a little helpless.

Hua Zhengyang snorted coldly, a little dissatisfied, of course it was directed at Dongcheng Wudi.

The influence of the academic party on the military has not been very great. At the most dangerous time, their control over the military was far inferior to that of the prince group and wealthy groups.

Qi Beicang is the leader of the special operations group but has extremely close ties with the Prince Group.

Military veteran Wei Tianhang.

Ye Dongsheng, the military god of Zhongzhou.

One by one, they are all super heavyweights whose influence in the Central Continent Military Headquarters exceeds their own positions.

At that time, the academic faction saw no hope of breaking the situation, so five years after Li Huacheng established a firm foothold, the academic faction joined forces with the wealthy group.

Dongcheng Wudi suddenly became the director of Central Continent, officially took control of the military department, and was clearly ranked third among the directors. After the election, he became the second-largest figure in Central Continent.

The academic faction undoubtedly hopes to unite the Prince Group to check and balance the strong influence of Southeast and the Prince Group in the military.

So far, this move seems pretty good.

In the past five years, most of the attention of the two major groups in the military has been drawn by Dongcheng Wudi. Dongcheng Wudi, the God of Killing in Central Continent, has served as a powerful marshal for twenty years. His toughness and domineering attitude have been revealed both internally and externally.

Undoubtedly, it made the prince and the Southeast Group miserable.

The academic faction also took advantage of this opportunity to expand its influence in the military.

But all this is obviously not enough.

The academic faction hopes to further strengthen its influence on the military through Li Huacheng's re-election.

This is a very reasonable request.

But this is not a request that Dongcheng Wudi is willing to accept.

The focus of this is the Border Guard Corps.

As the super-large comprehensive army with the strongest combat effectiveness in Central Continent, the Frontier Corps can be said to be the unique banner of the Central Continent Military Department, and its importance is far greater than that of several major war zones.

If we can take the lead in the Border Guard Corps, the academic faction will undoubtedly rise strongly in the military department.

But Dongcheng Wudi showed no intention of relenting.

A few years ago, the position of commander of the Border Guard Corps finally fell to Di Jiang of the Beihai Wang family, and a lot of deals were made secretly. After Di Jiang resigned, Dongcheng Wudi continued to serve as commander of the Border Guard Corps.

The word "concurrent" is destined to not last long.

After this election, Dongcheng Wudi is still the permanent minister of the military department, but he has no reason to hold the position of the Border Guard Corps concurrently, otherwise the whole world will think that the Central Continent Military Department has no one available.

This position is currently the focus of wealthy groups, southeastern groups, and academic groups.

This is not as simple as a congressman and a marshal with real power, and its significance cannot be overemphasized.

"He still wants to let Li's Eagle King control the border army?"

Hua Zhengyang's voice was a little gloomy.

"That's not true."

Li Huacheng shook his head: "The matter of Tianying was mentioned once. Since I didn't agree with it at the time, it is unlikely to be him in the future. But when it comes to candidates, Minister Dongcheng has too many candidates, and the Border Guard Corps has

Commander, strength is not the most important thing, the main thing is prestige and combat acumen. Thunder Pegasus, Bloody Yellow Sand, and several military commanders of the Border Guard Corps. Any military commander is barely qualified to compete for that position. They are all from Dongcheng.

An invincible direct force. And Beihai also hopes that Ye Dongsheng can concurrently serve as the deputy minister and the commander of the Border Guard Corps and become a director. Not to mention, this matter has been fought openly and secretly for several years. It has been difficult to give birth until now.

Let’s take it one step at a time, I’m afraid we won’t be able to really decide on the candidates until the eve of the general election.”

"We still have a chance, right?"

Hua Zhengyang's voice was a little eager.


Li Huacheng smiled. Just as he was about to continue saying something, the confidential phone on his desk suddenly rang.

Li Huacheng raised his eyebrows slightly, answered the phone, and said hello.

Hua Zhengyang didn't hear the voice on the other end of the phone clearly, but he could hear the other party's voice saying something in a hurry.

Li Huacheng's expression changed, and he continued to listen attentively, humming from time to time.

A phone call lasts about five minutes.

Li Huacheng silently put down the phone and pondered for a long time.

Hua Zhengyang hesitated to speak, and finally suppressed his curiosity and said nothing.

Li Huacheng glanced at him and said in a low voice: "It's about Tianlan, it's also about Gu Xingyun and Jiang Shangyu. Hey, I'm afraid it's going to be really difficult this time."

"What's wrong?"

Hua Zhengyang's heart tightened slightly.

In Zhongzhou now, anything related to Li Tianlan and the Eastern Palace needs to be treated with caution.

Just like the Wang family of Beihai before.

Anything related to Wang Tianzong needs to be treated with caution.

What Li Tianlan said more than two years ago has really become a reality today.

As far as Zhongzhou is concerned, he is the overall situation of Zhongzhou.

Li Huacheng took a deep breath, reached for the cigarettes, took out one, lit it, and took a long puff.

After smoking nearly half of a cigarette, he cleared away the smoke in front of him and said in a low voice: "After Li Tianlan left Youzhou, he went to Tiannan and encountered the siege of Jiang Shangyu, Gu Xingyun and Li Kuangtu. The battle is now over.

Jiang Shangyu Gu Xingyun was seriously injured, and Li Kuangtu was captured and fell into the hands of Li Tianlan. Judging by the time, Li Kuangtu should be in the East Palace by now."

Hua Zhengyang was stunned, and his expression changed drastically.

"Kuantu Li? Gu Xingyun?"

His mood was agitated, his voice was high and low, and he had a look of disbelief on his face.

"It feels incredible, right?"

Li Huacheng gave a bitter smile and rubbed his forehead: "But this is the truth. Three against one, not only did not win, but also lost miserably. Even Li Kuangtu was captured. Fortunately, Jiang Shangyu ran fast, otherwise if the three

Everything falls into the hands of Li Tianlan, making things even more difficult to handle."

Hua Zhengyang was obviously still obsessed with the names of Li Kuangtu and Gu Xingyun: "How could the two of them join forces?"

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Li Huacheng said lightly: "If we really want to investigate the reason, it is probably because of pressure. We all attended Mr. Li's funeral, and the relationship between Li Kuangtu and Li Tianlan was a bit tense. The former did not approve of the current East Palace, but he did not approve of it at all.

There is no doubt that both of them want the dominance of the Li family. Judging from the current situation, what chance does Tiandu Purgatory have?"

"The strength of Tiandu Purgatory is still there."

Hua Zhengyang said subconsciously, then shook his head: "But they seem to have left a lot of people in the past two years and joined the East Palace."

"That's the way it is. And do you really think that the people who are staying in Tiandu Purgatory are willing to die for Li Kuangtu? It's impossible. Not counting those who left, the people who are still in Tiandu Purgatory are still there.

, must also be vacillating between Li Kuangtu and Li Tianlan. These people have no say in their external attitudes. But in their hearts, they are incapable of taking action against Donghuang Palace. In this situation, if

The East Palace is really at war with Tiandu Purgatory, and it would be great if there are only one-third who are willing to fight to the death for Tiandu Purgatory."

Li Huacheng shook his head.

Hua Zhengyang didn't speak for a while, but he didn't have the slightest doubt about Li Huacheng's speculation.

Or maybe this is not speculation at all, but fact.

If the East Palace had just started and was still called the East Palace, perhaps there would have been more people standing in Tiandu Purgatory.

But the East Palace has become the East Palace.

What does the East Palace look like now?

A truly invincible palace master.

Three deputy palace masters in the invincible realm.

There are nearly twenty masters at the half-step invincible and thundering realm peaks.

There are dozens of thunder realm masters.

The current lineup can no longer be said to be no worse than other forces.

This kind of lineup is unique in the entire dark world.

Now the Eastern Palace is the strongest.

Just counting the high-end combat effectiveness of the Thunder Realm, the current Donghuang Palace is no worse than the Beihai Wang Family that was still at its peak a few years ago.

The only thing that is uncertain is which one is more powerful, Li Tianlan now or Wang Tianzong from the time of Moormans.

But no matter what, the East Palace has crushed Tiandu Purgatory in all aspects. No matter from every aspect, the strength of the East Palace is dominant. As a result, even those old people of the Li family still have a lot of power.

Part of me is staying in Tiandu Purgatory, but it's hard to say which side my heart is leaning toward.

"Li Tianlan..."

Hua Zhengyang was silent for a while and said softly: "I suddenly agree with the Prime Minister's point of view."

The prime minister he was talking about was naturally Chen Fangqing, whose funeral had already ended.


Li Huacheng sighed slightly.

He also feels the same way now.

This sentiment is not directed at Li Tianlan.

Rather, it is the instinctive fear of a behemoth that is almost out of control from one's own standpoint.

Don't say that Li Tianlan has developed to this level.

From Li Huacheng's point of view, even if his biological son developed to this extent, he would be worried and fearful.

"What should we do now?"

Hua Zhengyang asked.

"Prepare the car."

Li Huacheng's voice was low: "I'm very busy tonight."

He paused: "Go to the Interstellar Research Institute and see how the meeting is going over there."

Hua Zhengyang nodded silently.

The Interstellar Research Institute is a branch of the Central Continent Academy of Sciences. It contains all the most famous astrophysicists in Central Continent. It can be said to be the authoritative institution of astrophysics in Central Continent.

The blue moon a few hours ago had already shocked the world.

As soon as the blue moon disappeared, Star Country, Snow Country, England, France, Germania, East Island, Bansi, Italos and other countries had contacted Central Continent immediately.

As the country with the strongest comprehensive strength in the world, Zhongzhou has surpassed Star Country and Snow Country in the development of astronomy in the past century. The Seeker 1 interstellar probe launched by Zhongzhou fifty years ago is about to leave the Kuiper Belt of the solar system.

Several lunar explorations also yielded a large number of results.

After the Blue Moon incident, all countries began to communicate with Zhongzhou. Now in the Interstellar Research Institute, Zhongzhou’s astrophysics experts have held video conferences with elites from various countries for several hours, proposing various theories to discuss.

There may be some truth behind the blue moon.

In fact, ordinary people may sneer at extraterrestrial civilization, or they may be doubtful, or they may believe it deeply, but no matter what attitude they hold, there are very few people who have actually seen extraterrestrial civilization, or they may not exist at all.

of boasting.

But when it comes to specific countries, any country will have some confidential information.

They have never really seen extraterrestrial civilization.

But in Star Wars, well...

To be precise, in the exploration of the solar system, each superpower has some fragmentary information.

Led by Zhongzhou and Star Kingdom, they have conducted quite in-depth research on the moon.

During several lunar explorations, they found some mysterious metal debris and also saw vague ruins near the lunar pyramid.

At the same time, a large amount of data has proved a fact.

That's the moon, it shouldn't exist.

There are also many ancient documents that record that a long time ago, there was no moon in the sky above the earth.

These ancient documents do not refer to Middle-earth.

But there are similar records in ancient documents found around the world.

For example, the mysterious and ancient Mayan civilization did exist.

In the chronicles of the Mayans, there are descriptions of Mars and Venus, but there is no record of the moon.

In the Book of Mountains and Seas of Central Continent, the first description of the moon appeared after Emperor Xuanyuan.

There are similar records in too many documents.

All signs seem to indicate that a long time ago, the moon seemed to suddenly appear out of thin air one day.

No one knows exactly how long this period of time was, but based on various signs, it is speculated that if the moon suddenly appeared out of thin air, this time should probably be more than 10,000 years ago.

There is still no accurate statement in the scientific community about the origin of the moon, and there are only various hypotheses.

But this time the Blue Moon time has once again aroused the enthusiasm, or uneasiness, of various countries about the moon. Several of the most powerful countries in the world almost unanimously gathered together to start discussions after the Blue Moon.

"Let's take a look at the results of their discussion first. If necessary, we can share some confidential information. Of course, other countries need to exchange confidential information. Since it is a discussion, we must be candid, especially Star Country. Keep an eye on this.

Just stare."

Li Huacheng continued.

Hua Zhengyang hummed and looked at Li Huacheng: "What about you?"

"I'll go find Guo Wentian, and then I'll go meet Dongcheng Wudi."

Li Huacheng shook his head: "Possible natural disasters are never as scary as possible man-made disasters. I want stability in Central Continent. Central Continent must also be stable."

Hua Zhengyang was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "I understand."

He knew very well what Li Huacheng meant.

Li Huacheng wants stability.

The East Palace is now a source of instability.

But from the perspective of the Eastern Palace, they have done nothing wrong at all. The so-called sources of instability are just some imaginary situations based on the parliament's fear of the Eastern Palace.

Li Huacheng wanted to balance the power of the Eastern Palace.

This also means that he needs to create a rival for the Eastern Palace.

Such an opponent may be weaker than the Eastern Palace, but it must exist.

Gu Xingyun doesn't have enough weight, but it's a choice.

If the amount of rain on the river is not enough, it is also an option.

Li Kuangtu and Tiandu Purgatory are not important enough, but they are still a choice.

When these three people join forces, this choice seems very reliable.

So Li Huacheng planned to ask Li Tianlan for help.

But where is the Li Tianlan now or the Li Tianlan a few years ago?

As the most powerful superpower in the dark world, the young Donghuang is sitting in Xuanyuan City, and he really has the ambition to be invincible in the world.

If you want someone from him, even if it is Li Huacheng, you can't just say you want it.

Especially at yesterday's meeting, the relationship between Li Huacheng and Li Tianlan was not very pleasant.

The sudden exposure of the Phoenix Pavilion incident has caused an uproar within the parliament. Everyone's heart is a little complicated. Facts have proved that during the more than 20 years since Gu Xingyun served as the protector of the country in Central Continent, he did secretly do a lot of outrageous things.

Things, some things even hurt the interests of many people to a certain extent.

For example, Li is the biggest victim.

The Li family's treason case more than 20 years ago was most likely a conspiracy initiated by the Gu family, or it was a naked frame-up.

If this matter is announced, how big of a stir will it cause in Central Continent?

Li Tianlan may have entered the world just for this day.

Gu Xianyan has enough evidence in her hands. As long as she is willing to say it, every word she says may be a huge wave for Zhongzhou.

It is precisely because of this that Li Huacheng finds it incredible that Gu Xingyun and Li Kuangtu join forces.

He did not ask Gu Xianyan to tell more evidence at the meeting, which had caused great dissatisfaction in Li Tianlan. His approach may be for the good of Zhongzhou, but from another perspective, it is equivalent to Li Huacheng having stated

attitude towards the treason case.

The treason case has always been an unsolved case in Central Continent. It is complicated and confusing, and no one has really stated anything about it.

But Li Huacheng's attitude was very obvious.

Regardless of whether the treason case was true or not, he did not want anyone to mention it again.

This also means that he does not allow anyone to mention Li's experiences for more than twenty years.

One can easily imagine how strong Li Tianlan's dissatisfaction was.

Under such circumstances, Li Tianlan arrested Li Kuangtu.

Li Huacheng also decided to ask Li Tianlan for help.

Although Hua Zhengyang was from an academic standpoint, if he were Li Tianlan, he would feel that Li Huacheng was going too far.

Is this really treating him like a temperless piece of dough? What do you want to do?

Li Tianlan was young and energetic, and if he really acted impulsively and completely fell out, it would most likely lead to a situation that both he and Zhongzhou would regret.

It was impossible for Li Huacheng not to have thought of this.

So he had to visit Guo Wentian and Dongcheng Wudi overnight.

Reached a consensus with Guo Wentian to put pressure on the Eastern Palace.

We must also reach a consensus with Dongcheng Wudi and give the East Palace huge compensation.

The compensation this time was most likely due to heavy bleeding.

Saving Kuangtu Li and making up for what happened to Li over the years, such compensation is completely unimaginable.

At the very least, the border guard army that several major groups have been fighting for should be gone.

Hua Zhengyang sighed, shook his head, and walked out of the office.

Li Huacheng sat in the office, smoked a cigarette silently, and opened the office door.

Outside the office, secretary Ma Si stood up immediately as he was sorting out documents.

"Get off work."

Before he could speak, Li Huacheng had already waved his hand: "It's very late today. I'm going to sit with Wen Tian. You don't have to follow me."

Ma Si smiled and nodded.


Li Huacheng suddenly said: "Is Minister Dongcheng in Yinlonghai tonight?"

As one of the directors of Zhongzhou, Dongcheng Wudi naturally has his own residence in Hidden Dragon Sea, but he occasionally lives in Bai Family Manor.

"Here I am."

Ma Si nodded: "Something happened over there in Liaodong. Chairman Bai rushed back to deal with it. Minister Dongcheng returned here in the evening."

Li Huacheng nodded, hummed, walked out of the door, and walked slowly towards Guo Wentian's residence.

It was already late at night.

But I don’t know how many people around the world stayed up all night at this time.

The three masters besieged Li Tianlan and failed miserably.

Is this a thing?

These are completely two different things.

The first thing is the cooperation between Gu Xingyun and Li Kuangtu.

The second thing is Li Tianlan's unparalleled strength.

Everyone who knows what this thing means may find it difficult to rest at this time.

This must include Guo Wentian.


Guo Wentian is receiving guests.

To be precise, I was video chatting with someone.

When the secretary opened the office door respectfully, Li Huacheng saw at first sight the serious and ashen-faced Guo Wentian pacing back and forth in the office.

A somewhat familiar voice accompanied by the sound of electricity rang in the office.

"That's probably it. Fortunately, things are still under control. We can conduct a deep review to the parliament and dissolve the Phoenix Pavilion, but..."

The voice paused, obviously seeing Li Huacheng walking in.

Guo Wentian nodded to Li Huacheng, took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down.

Li Huacheng looked at the office.

There is a huge screen temporarily set up in the office.

On the screen, the pale-faced Jiang Shangyu and Gu Xingyun were together. Before Li Huacheng came in, they were discussing matters about the Phoenix Pavilion.

Li Huacheng's expression was dull and his voice lacked any emotion: "Where are you?"

"We are safe now."

Jiang Shangyu said softly.

The picture on the screen flickered from time to time, and the sound of electric current was obvious. Obviously, the signal on the other side was extremely poor, and the communication could be interrupted at any time. Li Huacheng didn't talk nonsense. He looked at Gu Xingyun, squinted his eyes, and spoke in a cold voice.

Said: "How do you plan to deal with the Phoenix Pavilion matter?"

Gu Xingyun's face was obviously distorted.

Obviously, he still can't bear the sudden exposure of the secret organization he has cultivated for decades.

Thinking of Gu Xianyan, the disciple he had devoted all his efforts to train, Gu Xingyun clenched his fist tightly.

"I can provide a list of everyone in Phoenix Pavilion, but it doesn't mean much."

Gu Xingyun said in a hoarse voice.

"We will talk about this when you come back. You know your current situation, we are now..."

The picture on the screen suddenly flickered for a moment, and then went completely black.

Li Huacheng's voice faltered.

"The signal over there is too poor."

Guo Wentian let out a long breath: "This is already the third time."

Li Huacheng was silent for a while and asked: "What do they think?"

Guo Wentian sighed, rubbed his face with a wry smile, this period was really eventful, and he was exhausted every day: "Jiang Shangyu's intention is very obvious, he hopes that we can come forward to put pressure on the East Palace to get Li Kuangtu back.


"Before you came, we had talked a lot. Tiandu Purgatory, Kunlun City, and Jiang Shangyu planned to merge into a new force to fight against the Eastern Palace. To be honest, I agree with this proposal, no matter what

From any point of view, Donghuang Palace has now reached a point where it must be contained. If it continues to develop, he will even be more threatening than the Wang family of Beihai. Li Tianlan is too young. At the age of early twenties, he at least has

It will take decades to develop. During this period, if the East Palace is not curbed, their development will be unimaginable. I think it is time to put some pressure on Li Tianlan."

"Just putting pressure won't do."

Li Huacheng shook his head: "It's not that Central Continent cannot accommodate the Eastern Palace. Ultimately, from our standpoint, we just don't want an absolutely invincible force to appear. What I want has always been clear, balance, not extinction. As long as

The development of the Eastern Palace within a controllable range will be of huge benefit and benefit to Zhongzhou. Because of Li Tianlan's existence, Zhongzhou may even completely unify the dark world in the next few decades. The significance of this is beyond me.

Say, you know it very well."


Guo Wentian asked back expressionlessly.

"Appropriate compensation is necessary."

Li Huacheng said.

Guo Wentian sneered: "Is compensation really appropriate?"

Li Huacheng sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and said silently: "Actually, I'm not afraid of the East Palace Lion opening his mouth now, I'm afraid he won't open his mouth."

"Zhongzhou is indeed very strong, but you and the Prime Minister both had some misunderstandings during your lifetime. First, you seem to be very firm in your belief that as long as Zhongzhou can make up its mind to take action, it can wipe out the Eastern Palace and the Wang family in Beihai. Second, you seem to think that

, without Zhongzhou, the Eastern Palace cannot survive."

"Similarly, you have not considered who will take their place after the East Palace and Beihai Wang clan are gone."

"Zhongzhou has the strength to eliminate the Donghuang Palace and the Beihai Wang Family. What happens next? As long as any force has enough strength, development is inevitable. If we eliminate the current Li Tianlan, the second Li Tianlan will appear sooner or later. If he cannot develop like this

To this extent, it only means that he is not as potential as the current Li Tianlan. We want a super strong man who can unify the dark world, but we also require him to be absolutely loyal to us, which is impossible."

"When an individual is strong enough, how can he be absolutely loyal to the group?"

"You have always wanted to forcibly suppress the Donghuang Palace and the Beihai Wang family, putting pressure and constant restrictions, but is it really meaningful? If you really push them to a desperate situation, you have seen Wang Shengxiao's counterattack before, and now you are facing

What do you think of the North Korean Marine Corps, which has expanded to 500,000 men and is still recruiting troops?"

Guo Wentian frowned: "We are discussing the East Palace now."

"Nothing is different."

Li Huacheng said calmly: "It is true that the East Palace does not have a legion of hundreds of thousands of people, but they also do not have a base that has been operating for hundreds of years. Therefore, Li Tianlan is more likely to go to extremes. If he is really pushed to the point of completely falling out with us."

"Do you believe that the big powers like Star Country and Snow Country will cry and beg Li Tianlan to join them? As long as Li Tianlan is willing, those people will be willing to kneel down to greet Li Tianlan without any hesitation. Zhongzhou can give it

Xingguo can give Li Tianlan the same, or even more."

"That's treason!"

Guo Wentian looked angry.

"Li Tianlan once said something during the chaos in Snow Country."

Li Huacheng said softly: "Zhongzhou will not let me down, and I will not let Zhongzhou down."

"Nothing is taken for granted. You can ask Li Tianlan to do whatever you want, but Li Tianlan can also ask Zhongzhou to do whatever you want. These are rules and a matter of principle. In the name of keeping an eye on the overall situation, you oppress a person without limit and tell the other person that the overall situation is the most important thing.

This is outside the principles. We might as well imagine what would happen if things really develop to this point and Li Tianlan turns against us."

Guo Wentian's face was ashen and he said nothing.

If Li Tianlan really rebelled against the country and took the core team of the Eastern Palace to other countries...

"There are many people he cares about here. Some people he cannot take away, such as Dongcheng Wudi... As long as he dares to leave, Dongcheng Wudi's ending is completely conceivable."

Guo Wentian gritted his teeth.

"What a coincidence, as long as he drives away, we can also imagine the outcome of you, me, and everyone in Central Continent. If Li Tianlan insists on killing you, who can stop him in the whole world?"

Li Huacheng seemed to be angry and laughed.

Guo Wentian was shocked all over, and after a long while, he snorted coldly.

"I'm not here today to fight with you."

Li Huacheng waved his hand: "I don't want to hear you complaining. Things have already happened. We really need to establish an opponent for the East Palace now, so as to better prevent them from going astray, so pressure is necessary.

It is necessary to get Li Kuangtu back. But compensation is also necessary. We must reach an agreement first, and then I can communicate with Dongcheng Wudi and talk to Li Tianlan through Dongcheng Wudi. This way, it will be more tactful and the other party will be more accepting."

"It sounds like you're begging him."

Guo Wentian gritted his teeth.

"We can order him, but we have to separate the matters. From this point of view, it is Li's internal affairs, and our request is a bit excessive in his opinion."

Li Huacheng was calm.

Guo Wentian looked at him blankly for a while, then suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "Then what do you want to give him?"

"You shouldn't think so."

Li Huacheng looked up at him: "I should say, what can we give him so that he can be willing to let him go? Or, there is something that we can give him in exchange."


The night of Ulan Kingdom shrouded in the polar night seems to reveal a bottomless depth.

Snowflakes were flying in the air, falling in the interlaced lights inside the Snow Dance Corps station.

Thousands of elite Snow Dancers are still in the Dark Knights stabilizing the situation.

And there are still nearly ten thousand elites here silently holding on.

When Huo Nan arrived outside the deputy commander's office, the secretary was walking from the corner of the stairs carrying a generous lunch box. There were wisps of steam coming out of the edge of the lunch box, which made people feel very friendly and warm.

Seeing the hot man, the secretary was stunned for a moment and subconsciously raised his hand to salute.

"What's delicious? Eagle will have extra food tonight?"

The fire man smiled and asked casually.

"A few stir-fries and two kilograms of rice. The general has been busy since the morning and now has some free time."

The secretary smiled.

"give it to me."

The hot man took the lunch box casually and waved his hand: "Go and do your work."

The secretary hesitated for a moment, nodded, and returned to his seat. He was originally just a junior officer in the Thunder Legion. After coming to the Xuewu Legion, he became Li Tianying's secretary by chance. He knew many things about the Li family.

He didn't know much about it, but Huo Nan had a very good relationship with his boss last time. He knew this. Both of them were born in the Li family. Occasionally, when they had free time, they would often sit together and reminisce about the past. Unfortunately, the legion was stationed there.

Li Tianying always felt a little regretful that he couldn't drink.

Huo Nan knocked on the door of the deputy commander's office. Without waiting for a response, he opened the door and walked in.

Li Tianying was sitting on the sofa in the office watching the news about Ulan Kingdom, with a rigorous and serious expression. When he saw Huo Nan, he was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "My salary as the deputy commander of the army is a bit high, so let the senior members of the army

A combat staff officer serves as a secretary. This is a good guy..."

"I'm flattering the leader in advance, so that I can save you the trouble of giving me little shoes to wear in the future."

Huo Nan snorted coldly, put the lunch box on the table and opened it. There was only one serving of bowls and chopsticks inside. He didn't bother to say anything more, so he picked up the rice bowl and took a bite of the food.

"With your virtue, I'll give you a lot of shoes from now on."

Li Tianying laughed and brought another set of bowls and chopsticks over to enjoy dinner.

Regarding the affairs of the Central European Army Corps in Europe, the parliament fully respects Dongcheng Wudi's opinions. They all know that this is Li Tianlan's territory. Therefore, from the beginning to the end, the other major groups, including the Prince Group, have not said anything about the personnel here.


Cheng Huining, the top officer of the Army Corps in Europe, has been here for several years. It is time to make a move. Dongcheng Wudi relies heavily on him and will propose his transfer in the near future. Taking advantage of the precarious situation of the special operations group,

During this period, Dongcheng Wudi hopes to completely eliminate the influence left by his predecessor Qi Beicang, so Cheng Huining should be transferred back to Youzhou, promoted to one rank, and take over Bai Qingchao's current position, or take over from Ye

The position left by Dongsheng.

The top officer of the Army Corps in Europe is Li Tianying.

As one of the strongest veterans left by the Li family, Li Tianying is undoubtedly half-step invincible, and he is a top-notch one. Without enough strength, Zhongzhou would not have used his name as his name a few decades ago.

The designation of a special force.

He was originally a candidate promoted by Dongcheng Wudi to compete for the commander of the Border Guard Corps. Now that the conditions are not mature, it would not be a bad thing to spend time in Europe.

Although Huo Nan is in the Fire Realm, his strength is not inferior to Li Tianying at all. After Li Tianying takes control of the European garrison, Huo Nan will become the new commander of the Snow Dance Legion. Of course, it is also possible that Li Tianying will also serve as the commander of the Snow Dance Legion.

Due to his position, Huo Nan became the deputy commander of the army, just like the relationship between Cheng Huining and Li Tianying now. However, no matter what the position, Huo Nan will be the top leader of Xuewu Army in the future.

And this place will gradually become a gathering place for veterans of the Li family in the East Palace.

"You look like you're in a good mood?"

The hot man was eating his meal, looking at the old man with a smile on his face, and asked thoughtfully.


Li Tianying was puzzled: "I've been in a good mood. Is there something in your words?"

The fire man didn't speak for a while.

"I know you won't come to me if nothing happens. Tell me, what's going on?"

Li Tianying picked up a piece of fried pork with chili peppers, and a drop of sweat broke out on the tip of his nose while eating.

"You should have received the news too, right?"

The fire man asked calmly.

Li Tianying's movements paused slightly, and after a long while, he slowly said: "About the young master?"

"Which young master?"

Huo Nan asked directly, his tone was very direct.

Little Lord.

This is a very interesting title.

Li Tianying and Huo Nan are both in their sixties, older than Li Kuangtu and Li Tianlan. Both of them used to be direct descendants of Li Honghe, especially Huo Nan, who was one of the sacred guards around Li Honghe.

, after Kuangtu Li broke through and entered the invincible realm, Huo Nan followed Kuangtu Li and became the sacred guard beside Kuangtu Li.

From the perspective of the two of them, starting from Li Honghe, Li Tianlan is undoubtedly the young master, and Li Kuangtu can also be regarded as the original young master.

Li Tianying put down the bowl and chopsticks and looked at Huo Man silently. After several minutes, he said calmly: "What do you mean?"

Huo Nan smiled and asked the question again: "You should have received the news too, right?"

Li Tianying frowned, a little impatient: "What do you want to say?"

"have no idea."

Huo Nan shook his head: "I'm a little confused. I don't know what to say. I always feel uncomfortable."

Li Tianying suddenly smiled and picked up the bowl and chopsticks again: "As you can see, I am in a good mood now."

"Yeah, I'm quite envious when I see you like this."

The fire man said softly.

"Because I never think about it so much. One thing I know very well is that I am a member of the Li family. More than thirty years ago, when I was on a mission in Hengguo, if Mr. Li hadn't pulled me out, I would have

My body has long been broken into pieces and buried in a foreign country. From that day on, I told myself that I am from the Li family. The Li family is very good, and they are good at any time. I have experienced the peak of the Li family that turned everything upside down.

During the period, I also stayed at the border with Mr. Li incognito for many years. I have experienced all the ups and downs, no matter what kind of Li family I am, Li family is very good."

"I like staying at Li's and have never thought about leaving, so why do I think so much about it?"

Li Tianying said casually.

Huo Nan frowned and said in a deep voice: "Just because you think too much doesn't mean you want to leave the Li family."

"I don't want to leave, why do I think so much?"

Li Tianying's voice was a little cold: "Before Mr. Li died, he made it clear that Tianlan is the heir to the Li family. This is Mr. Li's will. I don't care about other things. But anyone who does not recognize Mr. Li's will, regardless of him

No matter who you are, they are all my enemies, the ones who will fight to the death."

"So you are indifferent to Tian Lan catching the fanatic?"

Huo Man's voice is a little complicated.

Li Tianying was silent for a while and said calmly: "I have never liked fanatics very much. That was the case back then. He took everything too far. Such people may be able to succeed in everything, but once they fail, they will be very disappointed.

The difficulty lies in turning over. Facts have proved that my view is correct. A large part of the reason why he is where he is today is because of his character."

"I don't like him, nor do I approve of him. The real heir of the Li family is not him, so why should I care?"

"Even if Tianlan kills him?"

The fire man asked coldly.

Li Tianying was slightly startled, and stopped where he was with his chopsticks, frowning and saying nothing.


He put down the bowl and chopsticks: "If Tian Lan really wanted to kill him, he would not have taken him captive back to the East Palace. You should know this very well."


Huo Nan nodded: "But I'm just afraid of what might happen. Now he is indeed not dead, but who can predict the next development?"

"If Tian Lan is impulsive..."

"Then just kill him. If he dies, he will die, clean and tidy."

Li Tianying suddenly said something.


Huo Nan raised his head and looked at Li Tianying in astonishment.

Li Tianying smiled, that smile was a little cold.

He asked the same question as the hot man.

"You should have received the news too, right?"

The fire man frowned slightly.

"Don't you find this news interesting?"

Li Tianying asked.

"The news should have been released by Jiang Shangyu."

Huo Nan frowned and said in a deep voice: "This news, huh, the first thing is to tell the Central Continent Council. After the Council knows about this matter, it will definitely take action. Tianlan is too strong in Central Continent now, and they need someone who can

The candidate to check and balance Tianlan. Secondly, he is telling us, the old people of the Li family, that we can put pressure on Tianlan. Thirdly..."

The fire man twitched the corner of his mouth: "It should be for the purpose of stimulating Tian Lan. If Tian Lan impulsively kills the madman, not only Zhongzhou will be disappointed, but even us will be disappointed, and many stories may happen by then.


"I'm not disappointed at all."

Li Tianying suddenly said.


The fire man frowned.

"I mean..."

Li Tianying looked at Huo Nan: "Don't you think this news is interesting?"

"Jiang Shangyu, Li Kuangtu, and Gu Xingyun join forces."

He stared into Huo Nan's eyes: "Li Kuangtu and Gu Xingyun join forces!!!"

Fire Man:!!!

"Haha, join forces..."

Li Tianying laughed, but his eyes were extremely cold: "After the treason case, Mr. Li gathered all the forces that could be concentrated in a short time and took us to the border. Do you know the exact number of people at that time?


"I know."

Li Tianying tapped his chest vigorously: "One thousand nine hundred and eighty-three people."

"Twenty years! In twenty years, one hundred and thirty-three people from the Li family died of natural causes. The natural deaths I mentioned were due to illness, old injuries, hidden injuries, and natural deaths without conditions for treatment. At that time,

People are dying in our camp without even a bottle of penicillin."

Fire Man: "..."

"In the past twenty years, more than 800 brothers have gone to Tiandu Purgatory."

"And when the young master left the border for Huating a few years ago, there were more than a hundred brothers of the Li family in the border camp."

Fire Man:!!!

Li Tianying's voice was very calm.

Calm to the extreme, it is a kind of hysterical madness in itself.

"Tell me, where are the others?"

The hot man has nothing to say.

"Do you think Kunlun City will let us go when we reach the border? The best answer is to eradicate the root cause. Those brothers who are really dead are the best answer."

"For more than twenty years, the ups and downs, the so-called hard life we ​​have lived, I like it, I fucking want it! I think such a life is very good. But except for myself, except for my brothers who share weal and woe, no one else

My qualifications tell me: Life like this is good."

"All this is because of Gu Xingyun, because of Kunlun City, and because of Li Kuangtu himself."

"I have never complained about him, and none of us has ever complained about Kuangtu Li. Until today."

"And now, what am I hearing?"

"It's Kuangtu Li who has joined forces with Gu Xingyun!"

"Tianlan left the border in order to restore the glory of the Li family, to avenge Kuangzu Li, to destroy Kunlun City, and to return exactly what our Li family has endured for more than twenty years."

"And now, Li Kuangtu, the initiator of everything, has joined forces with Gu Xingyun."

"He is targeting the people of the Li family, the heirs designated by Mr. Li, the people who want to avenge him, and the people who want to get back all the honor he lost!"

"Fuck team up!"

"Bang! Bang..."

Li Tianying overturned the table in front of him.

Vegetables, rice, pieces of meat, bowls, chopsticks, lunch boxes, everything hit the wall with a loud crash.

"What does everything we have suffered in the past twenty years count?"

"Who are those brothers whose bones are really buried at the border?"

"What were your years in a desert prison?"

"He teamed up with Gu Xingyun, hehe, hehe, haha, what on earth is this?"

"When he joined forces with Gu Xingyun, did he ever think about the brothers standing behind him who are still in Tiandu Purgatory?"

“Ever wonder what exactly we encounter at the border?”

"Have you ever thought about his father and his family, who once stood at the pinnacle of Central Continent and were so depressed that they were left hanging on the border because of him?"

"Oh, maybe he has thought about it. I think he should have thought about it, and then he told Gu Xingyun on behalf of the Li family, on behalf of Mr. Li, on behalf of each of us, dead and alive, on behalf of the Li family:

On behalf of Mrs. Li, I forgive you and what you did. Let’s go deal with Li Tianlan.”

"He deserves it?!"

"Unfaithful, unfilial and unjust, will I be disappointed if Tianlan kills him? I'm not disappointed, I will celebrate it properly!"

Amidst the rapid knocking on the door, the secretary who heard the commotion directly pushed open the office door.

Li Tianying waved his hand: "It's okay, I'm just ordering a meal and I'll celebrate."

The corner of the hot man's mouth twitched in embarrassment.

The embarrassment showed on his entire body.

There was no way he could say that he could understand Li Tianying's mood.

Because there is no real empathy.

What he remembers is all the good things he had with Li Kuangtu, the friendship.

What Li Tianying remembers is everything he endured at the border.


The moment he heard that Li Kuangtu and Gu Xingyun had joined forces, the so-called friendship seemed to have completely disappeared.

Seeing Li Tianying's excited expression, Huo Nan sighed deeply.

He had every reason to believe that after learning that Li Kuangtu had joined forces with Gu Xingyun, Li Tianying was definitely not the only one who gave up on Li Kuangtu from the bottom of his heart.

There are more veterans of the Li family who will have this idea.

give up?

Or maybe this isn't called giving up at all.

Because from the moment Kuangtu Li joined forces with Gu Xingyun, he seemed to have given up on Li's identity and the grudges between Li and Kunlun City.

And this is exactly what Li has insisted on for many years and has persisted to this day.

This chapter has been completed!
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