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Chapter four hundred and ninety third: not bad, not bad, not surnamed Li

Strictly speaking, this middle-aged man named Li Tianpeng should be called Brother Tianpeng by Li Tianlan.

He is different from other old people in the Li family.

People always refer to the old people of the Li family, referring to the direct descendants of Li Honghe and Kuangtu Li.

These people are all members of the Li family, but not all of them have the surname Li.

Li Tianpeng is a member of the Li family. To be more precise, he can be considered a member of the Li family.

The Beihai Wang clan has a branch, and the Lin clan has a branch.

The original Li family, starting from the generation of their ancestor Li Xiuxin, was also a top force that had been passed down for hundreds of years, and naturally had its own branches.

Li Tianpeng's branch was separated very early. Until now, his blood relationship with Li Honghe and Li Kuangtu's branch is far away, but he is very close to them. That branch really started from the Li family.

If you look at the big family, they are relatively small in terms of seniority. He and Li Tianlan are both from the same generation. It can be said that they are brothers separated by a long distance.

But there is obviously no point in worrying about these things. Li Tianpeng is only a few years younger than Li Kuangtu, and he has been called Uncle Li Honghe since he was a child. From here on, in terms of seniority, it is natural for Li Tianlan to call him uncle.

Whether it was when the Li family was at its peak or after the collapse of the Li family, Li Tianpeng was very prestigious within the Li family.

To be precise, the Li Tianpeng brothers are very prestigious in the Li family.

He also has a younger brother. Both brothers are extremely talented. At the end of the Li family's most glorious period, the two brothers became the peak masters of the Thunder Realm at the age of thirty. Together, the two brothers could even challenge the top half-step invincible realm.

At that time, it could be said to be quite famous.

And compared to Li Tianpeng, his younger brother has a higher status in the Li family, even if the Li family is now controlled by Li Tianlan, the same is true.

Li Tianying.

Now in Leki City, he controls the Snow Dancer Group together with Fire Man.

There are many elderly people in the Li family, but Li Tianying can definitely be said to be one of the most trusted by Li Tianlan.

And it goes without saying that both of them are loyal to the Li family.

During the most difficult period of the Li family, the Li family had to face extremely harsh situations every day to survive on the border. Li Honghe decided to extend the power of the Li family outwards and let the elites of the Li family begin to fake their own deaths in batches.

Escape and join Tiandu Purgatory.

This plan has been implemented for nearly twenty years and has involved nearly a dozen groups of people.

The two Tianpeng and Tianying brothers had the opportunity to leave several times, but they always stayed at the camp. They did not leave until Li Honghe left for Lin'an.

In other words, they were the first to know about Li Honghe's plan, and they had no intention of putting their chips on Li Kuangtu. From the beginning to the end, they were optimistic about Li Tianlan, and only Li Tianlan.

Nowadays, brothers Li Tianpeng and Li Tianying are already semi-invincible figures. Their positions, strength, and attitude, taken together, can be said to be the absolute foundation figures of the Li family.

Li Tianlan believed that they would not leave, no matter what.

And their attitude also means that they don't want their companions to leave. After Li Tianlan shows his sincerity, they will definitely do the work in secret.

Li Tianpeng has a high prestige in the Li family, and it is very convenient for him to say some words. His prestige, coupled with Huangfuyi's methods, is the reason why so many people in the Li family remain silent and never leave?

"Tianlan is back."

Li Tianpeng looked at Li Tianlan and smiled: "Congratulations."

His expression was gentle, and his voice contained a sincerity and warmth that could not be concealed.

Li's current staff composition is a little complicated.

Not only those veterans who are truly loyal to the Li family, but also some of the 'old men of the Li family' who came over during the process of integrating Tiandu Purgatory. Some of these people came from the border, and more were Kuang Li's disciples.

The external forces that gathered together during the dormant period were considered members of the Li family because of Li Kuangtu, and their qualifications were very senior. However, as the situation changed, their positions became very subtle.

Li Tianlan's departure from the East Palace inevitably made them feel a little regretful and even a little dissatisfied.

But for a real old man of the Li family like Li Tianpeng, Li Tianlan leaving the East Palace is not necessarily a bad thing.

They had no objections to Donghuang Palace and Qin Weibai, on the contrary, they respected them very much.

But after Li Tianlan left Tiannan, everything he was about to do in Youzhou was, in Li Tianpeng's eyes, the real team of the Li family and the real Li family, which he liked very much.

Even though there is no longer the foundation of the dynasty with the unparalleled wealth of the Eastern Palace, Li Tianlan is still there, and has replaced Gu Xingyun, and has even truly entered the parliament. This is enough.

Li Tianlan nodded and said calmly: "What are you talking about?"

"Let's talk about the problem you left us."

Li Tianpeng was a little helpless, looking at Li Tianlan like a wayward child having a tantrum.


Li Tianlan frowned.

"It's not that meeting, you promised everyone freedom..."

Li Tianpeng clicked his tongue: "Many people are very excited. You are waiting for the results after the meeting, but I am the one who is busy.

Fortunately you didn't come back yesterday, otherwise someone would have tried to run away.

Huangfu and I joined forces yesterday to stabilize the situation first.

Tianlan, I can understand your mood, but it is difficult for me to accept your decision this time.

Don’t blame Huangfu, I was the main instigator of our actions. If I am really responsible, it’s my responsibility.”

"This is serious."

Li Tianlan sighed and said seriously: "Uncle, I think it's better to respect everyone's choice."

"I don't mean to disrespect anyone else."

Li Tianpeng looked at Li Tianlan with a very serious expression: "But from my understanding, the promise you made to everyone is just to give everyone a chance to choose freely. Am I understanding it correctly?

Does this mean that everyone now has the choice to leave, rather than that you must drive everyone away? I say that, right?"

Li Tianlan nodded and said yes.


Li Tianpeng laughed: "I didn't force them to stay, I just gave them suggestions. If they want to leave, I won't stop them. Your Majesty, rest assured that Huangfu and I will never threaten them.

The Li family has now returned to its peak, and everyone is living a good life. There is actually no difference between leaving and staying."

His Majesty Li Tianlan shouted, what can Li Tianlan say?

He now has a very complicated view of the Li family. He has been accepting the inheritance of the Li family since he was a child. Looking back now, he can confirm that Li Honghe did treat him with good intentions.

But the stories from another time and space always left him with a lot of haze in his heart.

The story he heard about himself in another time and space was actually very simple.

But the key is that another memory of himself appears in his mind almost every moment. Although those memories are very messy and most of them cannot be sorted out, they are enough for Li Tianlan to realize some key information.

He didn't know what was going on, but in the flickering pictures, he saw that both Li Tianying and Li Tianpeng were dead. The process of his rise in that time and space was countless times more difficult than it is now.

Li Tianying died in the hands of the Wang family in Beihai.

Li Tianpeng was killed by Li Kuangtu.

There are many, many, many people who died for him.

One general's success will destroy ten thousand bones.

The blood and tears of countless people finally recast the glorious steps of the Li family, but it was short-lived after all, and he died under the sword of Gu Xianyan.

It's not that Li Tianlan doesn't welcome them to stay, but he sincerely hopes they can have one more choice.

The so-called freedom, wealth and good life are what everyone sincerely yearns for.

Now that he can give it, why not?

"I really hope that everyone can live the life they want."

Li Tianlan murmured: "There's no need, really, there's no need to tie everyone up, uncle, that would be boring."

"I know."

Li Tianpeng's eyes were very gentle: "The current life is actually what everyone wants, and it is already very good. The Li family is not yours alone.

These two words are actually very important in everyone's heart.

If you had not left Tiannan, if the East Palace had become a dynasty, everyone would have left.

But it's different now. You are now in need of people. Even if many people want to leave, they still want to stay and lend you a hand.

If you want freedom, no one will stop you. When you truly stabilize, everyone can leave if they want. I want to retire early.

but not now."


Li Tianlan opened his mouth.

"Your Majesty, we are short of people now."

Huangfuyi directly said: "And there is a very, very, very short of people."

Li Tianlan was silent for a moment, silently took out cigarettes and distributed them to the two of them, then lit one himself.

Lack of people.

Why doesn't he know this?

He originally wanted to transfer the senior executives from the Eastern Palace, so that he would be surrounded by the core team and he could quickly stabilize.

In his original plan, it was not just Li Baitian, Bai Youming and the others who were to be transferred.

It even includes two invincibles, Li Xi and Situ Cangyue.

Once such a force is added, the situation of the entire special operations system will quickly stabilize, and I will have the power in my hands to barely control the overall situation.

But now, Ma Si has rejected those people's resignation applications.

Ma Si wouldn't criticize young people who haven't grown up yet, let alone Situ Cangyue and Li Xi.

Such a move indeed ensured the integrity of the Eastern Palace to the greatest extent and minimized the harm caused by his leaving Tiannan.

But this also directly resulted in Li Tianlan really having no one he could use.

Huangfuyi is a staff member.

But no matter how powerful the staff is, it is impossible to conjure talents who can act independently out of thin air.

That's why he came together with Li Tianpeng to try to keep the Li family here.

But even so, it's still not enough.

It can even be said that it is far from enough.

"Based on the people we have now..."

Huangfu Yi paused and continued: "In fact, if we don't count the veterans like Li, I don't know how many people we have.

The Xue Wu Jun Group will allocate some, the wealthy group will allocate some, and we can cooperate with the Northern Group and the academy to allocate some, but that's it.

Your Majesty, I have a plan to change the structure of the entire existing special operations system so that our personnel can be streamlined, but no matter how streamlined we are, we will not have enough people to use.

Even adding these veterans from the Li family is not enough, but at least it doesn't have to be too shabby.

If Tianpeng and I don't do anything, His Majesty will truly appreciate the feeling of sitting in Gu Xingyun's position after a while.

Because you won't see any difference at all. Whoever Gu Xingyun used in the past can only be used by you now, because..."

He smiled bitterly: "We don't even have anyone to replace."

"Isn't the problem right in front of us?"

Li Tianpeng said with a smile: "Tianlan, I won't say much about your situation. Huangfu and I will present the facts. Look at those people, how many of them have the nerve to leave?

Even if you decide to leave, they will come back and continue to help you. At least they will give you a ride so that you can go higher, right?

When you were young, you said you would take us out and let us live a good life.

Now that we have come out, good times are here, but those years before do not mean they no longer exist.

After more than 20 years of hard life, how can the people of the Li family be so hypocritical?

Freedom or something like that is great if you have it, but what if you don't have it?

And it’s just not there for the time being. I’ve been here for so many years. Do you still care about staying a few more years to help you?

Don't worry, we people don't have much future, but we can still do something. If we really have to wait for you to establish a firm foothold in the future, or even establish a Li dynasty, it won't be too late for us old guys to leave.

Now, hey, you are in this situation, you can't beat it away with a stick.

Our Li family doesn't need anyone or anything, I can find someone to support you in any position."


Li Tianlan looked at Li Tianpeng and said softly: "Mr. Li is indeed not bad at work, but I...my surname is not actually Li."

This chapter has been completed!
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