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Chapter 828: If and freedom

Both sides were caught off guard

To put this situation in another way, both parties were shocked.

Inexplicably, I felt like I grabbed it casually and caught a big treasure.

From Isenbul to Beihai Shengzhou, Li Tianlan's eyes intertwined with light and darkness for a second. Before his consciousness had time to react, the two forces of 'truth' and 'what if' were already entangled together.

He just touched it casually, completely subconsciously, and then he touched the authority he needed most now.

An authority with obvious problems, tainted by chaos.

Before Li Tianlan's consciousness even had time to figure out what was going on, all his thoughts, behaviors, and movements fell into complete chaos.

He didn't know what he was doing now, he forgot where he was, and he didn't know who he was. Under the power of chaos, he moved forward and backward, turning left and right, and his body kept twisting.

This state only lasted less than a second and then completely disappeared.

Golden lines continued to flow and flicker on the coat. The Hall of Heroes was directly enveloped by an extremely dense gray mist. The most unreasonable chaos was suppressed by authority. At the same time, Li Tianlan saw the Hall of Heroes in front of him vibrating.

The white light mixed with the faint black is constantly surging.

Li Tianlan felt two completely opposite emotions.

It was an emotion of great joy, but also extreme rejection and disgust.

‘What if’ is in a state contaminated by chaos.

Li Tianlan knew this very well. To be precise, from the moment his authority recovered, with the recovery of his memory, he had already felt the state of 'what if'.

If the reincarnation palace master hadn't had an accident and returned to Central Continent from the Lin Clan, his first stop would have been Beihai, where he would have taken back his authority, and then become an existence with both lies and destiny suppressed, but without restrictions.

Then he will look for an opportunity to temporarily give up the power of destiny while possessing the authority of destiny, so that everything in Central Continent can get back on track.

But now the unexpected has occurred.

The Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation has taken control of life, and is then affected by the power of life. This seems to be a matter that only affects the City of Miracles at the moment, but on a larger scale, it is a major event that affects the survival status of the entire neutral camp.

No one can harm a life, only seal it.

The ability to seal the power of life, seal the large amount of joy that comes with it, give the reincarnation palace owner enough humanity to let her find herself, and then try to master the power of life little by little in the next time

This is already the best result.

In fact, if the prayers in the starry sky had not played an extremely obvious role, even the power of the seal would have turned into pure life force when approaching the Lord of Reincarnation Palace.

Without prayer, Li Tianlan would never have had such a chance, and it would be useless even if he got the power of 'if'.

Prayer gives humanity to life authority. In other words, it is the master of all life authority in the neutral camp who is using his own power.

Forcibly affecting the state of life authority.

This kind of thing sounds incredible, but the world has ended time and time again in a long time. The influence of the neutral camp on the authority of life has long been to the point that cannot be ignored. With the help of domination and the cooperation of lies, an almost perfect

A sneak attack directly disrupts life and authority.

Li Tianlan also seized the opportunity and stole without hesitation, no, collected the entire Isenbul.

Isenbul has become the domain of the Lord of the Samsara Palace and is a part of the Lord of the Samsara Palace. Under normal circumstances, this is definitely a part that cannot be collected, but the prayer gave Li Tianlan a chance.

And without Isenbul's life authority, it has become incomplete. Only in this way can she be sealed.

As for how to take back power and how to deal with the pollution of power, Li Tianlan has never worried about this.

No matter how incomplete his memory is, he can't even remember what authority he once had. He grasped authority, integrated authority, and became authority.

Li Tianlan has reached the third step, which is the end of the Supreme.

In other words, he is the truth, he is what if, he is rebellion, well, it should be called freedom now.

Authority is part of him.

King Wei in the Corridor of Time and Space, in his complete state, can be regarded as a clone that can exist independently of him.

As for now, whether it is Xuanyuan Feng, the truth, or the current Wuyou, they can be swords, clothes, or anything, but no matter what they are, these are their external manifestations. In fact, they

It's part of Li Tianlan.

'If' can be contaminated, this means that the level of the chaotic creature that polluted it is not low. Even if it is not supreme, it should be a chaotic creature infinitely close to this level. But now what remains inside if is just some messy chaotic aura. This

It's like a pimple on Li Tianlan's face. He can ignore it and not deal with it, but if he really wants to squeeze it out, a chaotic breath is nothing more than some pus. It will only hurt when squeezed out. What specific effect can it have?

So the moment Li Tianlan put his palm on the Heroic Stone, the 'if' attached to the Heroic Stone had already begun to return. Both sides were caught off guard. But in terms of initiative, Li Tianlan could definitely crush or even kill the chaotic aura instantly.

The only pity is that 'if' was used too early, and he did not originally intend to use it on the Lord of Samsara Palace, but now, it is obvious that he can no longer care about anything else.

A sixth-level seal master with destiny authority.

At the supreme level, the so-called sealing master, even if he is suppressed at the fourth level peak, can still seal concepts. This is the best way to temporarily solve the power of life.

The thick gray fog completely enveloped Xiongxiong Terrace.

On the Xiongxiong Stone, as Li Tianlan’s palm fell, chaos

The chaotic aura was struggling crazily, and each of the names carved on it was flowing with strange black light, but more and more white light was continuously merging with Li Tianlan, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Li Tianlan abruptly peeled off the chaotic atmosphere in the "if".

The entire Xiongxiong Tower was shaking crazily as the chaotic aura struggled, but the vibrations, which were enough to overturn the entire Imperial Army Mountain, could not break out of the gray mist at all.

The power of chaos poured into the edge of the gray mist and bounced back directly. The steps and ground on the Xiongxiong Platform were all shattered, but the light pouring into Li Tianlan's body became more and more pure and dazzling.


As the last ray of white light merged with Li Tianlan, the stripped chaotic aura caused the Heroic Stone to explode suddenly. .??.

The loud noise echoed on the broken Hero Stand. This huge stone that had stood here for hundreds of years, representing the countless glory of the Beihai Wang family, and even witnessing the history of the Beihai Wang family, was directly turned into countless fragments, each carved one by one.

The names of the people who went up were shattered and flew in Li Tianlan's field of vision, and then turned into powder.

The chaotic atmosphere that was stripped away from the authority suddenly became extremely dim, and then silently broke through the blockade of gray fog and disappeared completely.

A pure white brush appeared in Li Tianlan's hand.

A brush with an extremely simple and ordinary shape, without any variegated colors on the whole body.

Li Tianlan held the pen and clicked his tongue, seeming a little regretful.

He had been very careful in his movements and had taken enough precautions, but at the last moment, he still failed to catch the chaotic aura.

He took back his authority and even sealed the surrounding space. When it was clear that the chaotic aura could not escape, the other party ran away unreasonably.

The neutral camp knows too little about chaos.

And the City of Miracles is a real environment. The high-level chaotic atmosphere that appears here, Li Tianlan can be sure that it must be related to Jiang Shangyu without even thinking about it.

No, to be precise, Jiang Shangyu should be related to this chaotic aura.

If this chaotic aura can be left behind, even without considering its research value, Li Tianlan can use it to determine the location of Jiang Shangyu and solve future troubles.

“Somewhat awesome”

He whispered to himself softly, and then his voice suddenly stopped.

A familiar yet unfamiliar force silently penetrated the gray fog and covered the entire Hero Tower.

In an instant, it was as if time went back.

The broken Xiongxiong Platform quickly became complete, and the Xiongxiong Stone that had turned into powder began to be put back together. The particles of dust had already floated back before they hit the ground, and then started in the same way as before in front of Li Tianlan.


The broken Xiongxiongtai immediately became complete.

The shattered Heroic Stone also began to become complete, and clear or vague names reappeared on the huge stone.

A wisp of black aura appeared in front of Li Tianlan without any movement.

Li Tianlan still holds the white brush in his hand, and the power is in his hand, but except for the power, everything here has returned to the scene just now.

This is a reincarnation.

The power of fate directly resets everything here without affecting the 'what if'.

The chaotic aura that ran away was also reset and fixed in its previous position.

Li Tianlan was not in a daze. He found the lost place completely out of instinct. He connected the starting point and the end point here.

The next second, the chaotic atmosphere disappeared again.

The chaotic rules ignore the end point that overlaps with the starting point and choose another path.

Just when the chaotic atmosphere disappeared, its fate was reset again, and it still appeared in its original position.

Li Tianlan was about to take action when he suddenly raised his head.

His gaze penetrated directly through the gray fog and looked high into the sky.

The sword energy above the Imperial Army Mountain is already majestic and sharp as the sea.

Two slender and shining long swords appeared in the air without any warning. With the shining sword light, the long swords suddenly pierced the gray fog on the Xiongxiong Platform, and then without any pause, they directly pierced Li Tianlan's left and right chests.


The two long swords completely disappeared the moment they came into contact with Li Tianlan's body.

The next moment, the huge heartbeat shook the gray fog, and the sharp edge that penetrated the body completely drowned out the chaotic atmosphere.

The black chaos was chopped into pieces by the sudden burst of sword energy, and fell to the ground one after another, turning into tiny black crystals one after another.

Li Tianlan had closed his eyes and took a deep breath. At this moment, he didn't even care about the tiny crystals left behind by the chaotic aura, but felt his own state.

Two delicate small swords appeared on his left and right chests.

As soon as the small sword entered his chest, it began to fuse with his two hearts.

Li Tianlan felt the power.

A long-lost, familiar, power that I don’t like but have to admit is very useful.

the power of freedom

Xuanyuan Feng was taken away by the God of War

The rebellion taken away by the God of War has now become freedom and has returned to Li Tianlan again.

‘If’, ‘truth’, ‘freedom’.

Three kinds of authority, three kinds of authority, once again returned to Li Tianlan.

The light of truth shines brightly like never before.

At this moment, Li Tianlan is still the Supreme, but he has become the Supreme with three jurisdictions: martial arts, destiny, and lies.

He now has three powers, and all of them are lies.

He felt oppressed.


no limit!

This chapter has been completed!
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