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Chapter 869: Trembling

At around ten o'clock in the morning, an earthquake hit Youzhou.

Not an adjective, but a real shock.

With Youzhou as the center, the slight vibration radiated to the north and to most of Yanzhao. Everyone living in this area could clearly feel the subtle vibration of the ground.

This kind of vibration is very subtle, and theoretically it will not cause any disaster at all. But the problem is that the vibration has not stopped, from five minutes to an hour, without slowing down or intensifying, and the entire earth has kept vibrating at a fixed frequency.

If it were in the past, this phenomenon might only bring confusion to ordinary people. If some authority explained it, the matter could be fooled whether the people believed it or not.

But with the disappearance of Isen Bull, people's emotions were already sensitive, and Li Huacheng's announcement added fuel to this emotion. For more than two hours after the announcement was issued, people had not really realized that

When the content of the notice actually meant, this slight but continuous shock suddenly occurred, and even greater panic suddenly began to spread in Youzhou.

On the Internet, a post titled "The Trembling Youzhou" began to gain popularity rapidly.

Dongcheng Wudi, who ended the meeting with Li Huacheng, signed a series of six or seven orders after returning to his office. His will was carried out immediately. Soon, Youzhou, Beifang, Yanzhao

Wherever the earth can be felt trembling, a large number of elites begin to appear, cooperating with each other to help stabilize order.

More places, or in other words, the entire Central Continent have become observation areas.

In the face of great changes, panic and a little chaos are inevitable. No matter how popular Zhongzhou is, nothing will happen. It can only be said that it is trying its best to guide the situation.

Li Huacheng's announcement seems to be just some slogans, but in fact it is a very important hint. As long as the people of Zhongzhou can focus on this aspect, then Li Huacheng can barely control the panic no matter how big it is.

Now the entire Central Continent is within the observation range of the Parliament. No matter where it is, as long as it is still in Central Continent, when the situation is close to getting out of control, a large number of elites will appear as quickly as possible to stabilize order.

The current Dongcheng Wudi is the actual executor of this plan.

"These days, no, it should be said that for at least the next half month, every minute and every second is a critical period.

We all have to stay here before the last batch of Central-European people enter the underground city. I will introduce some people to you two later. Let's all work together. I hope we can have a happy cooperation. Thank you for your hard work.

Especially Lao Zhou, he will have a heavy responsibility next."

Dongcheng Wudi stood in the command room of the building, looked at the screen in front of him, and said to Zhou Yunhai and Lin Fengting beside him, "Here are elites selected from various departments, including experts in intelligence analysis, and a team responsible for publicity and guidance.

, there are also experts responsible for intelligence collection, network aggregation, and psychology authorities. Their presence will help us grasp the situation more accurately."

As he spoke, he pointed to the hall beside him.

This is a hall with an area of ​​at least several thousand square meters. Workstations are arranged vertically and horizontally. Everyone is working meticulously in front of the computer. From time to time, staff members will rush to different positions holding files for brief discussions and exchanges.

After that, the file was quickly transferred to another area, and then pieced together with other files, and someone began to do detailed analysis.

There were at least hundreds of people busy in the entire hall, but the overall environment was still quiet, with only the faint sounds of typing on keyboards and footsteps.

In front of Dongcheng Wudi and the others was a large and somewhat exaggerated screen.

On the screen was a complete map covering all the territory of Central Continent.

Different places on the map are marked with different colors, and the color of most areas is a light blue that is changing towards dark blue.

The Youzhou area, as well as the Yanzhao and Northern areas, are all deep red.

This is the current real-time situation across Central Continent.

Dongcheng Wudi divides different situations into four levels and marks them with different colors.

Light blue represents stability and everything is under control.

Dark blue represents that panic has begun to spread and the situation has escalated.

Red can be said to be a warning line. Once an area on the map appears red, it means that you must pay attention at all times.

Crimson is the highest level, and elites from all over the world need to enter the scene as soon as possible to stabilize order.

And the current command hall can definitely be regarded as one of the key locations in Central Continent today.

There seem to be only a few hundred people here, but at this time there are countless people who are related to these hundreds of people.

Everyone is in close contact with several teams scattered in different regions of Central Continent, and there are teams below the teams that are in contact with them, layer by layer, clearly and distinctly, observing the dynamics of different regions of Central Continent from all angles

, any disturbance will be summarized immediately, and then filter out the unimportant ones, continue to summarize, filter again, and repeat.

This is an extremely cumbersome process, but under special conditions, sufficiently important information can be transferred directly from the ground floor to this command hall within a few minutes. From here, decisions can be made quickly, the colors of the Central Continent area can be adjusted, and then

Here is the same specific response.

It is no exaggeration to say that in Central Continent now, any remarks about the end of the world will be captured immediately. They are pessimistic, radical, crazy, optimistic, and all kinds of remarks.

Remarks that are obviously wrong will be passed on, and we will conduct a detailed analysis based on the situation of the other party's location and take quick action.

>The whole of Middle-earth is in motion.

The powerful system power has completely formed a large network that can cover the entire Central Continent.

Any subsequent effects can be temporarily put aside at this stage.

Li Huacheng's goal and Dynasty's goal are only one.


Protect the security of every corner of Central Continent.

Before Li Huacheng's announcement was sent out, most areas of Central Continent were light blue, which meant that although Isenbul's disappearance had an impact on Central Continent, the overall situation was relatively stable.

After Li Huacheng's announcement was sent out, the overall mood of Zhongzhou changed obviously. Everyone was greatly stimulated by the content of the announcement. This did not seem to be a good thing, but it was an inevitable process. Compared with what they had received,

Come down and focus everyone's actions. The excitement caused by the announcement is actually a good thing.

At least this can be considered a sufficient psychological preparation.

If Li Huacheng doesn't speak out, once everyone in Zhongzhou starts to gather together, the trouble will only be greater.

This announcement, combined with the subsequent actions, clearly tells everyone that our civilization is about to encounter an unknown disaster, but we have enough methods to deal with it.


Zhou Yunhai stood beside Dongcheng Wudi, looking quietly at the Youzhou area on the map. There seemed to be some kind of emotion in his deep eyes that was constantly fluctuating. "Are you sure this is the highest level?"

The corners of Dongcheng Wudi's mouth moved.

He understood the meaning of this sentence.

The dark red color on the map represents a crisis where a large number of elites must come forward to maintain stability.

The ground in Youzhou has been shaking now. Standing in the command hall, Dongcheng Wudi can clearly feel the tremor. This is also the reason why this area has turned dark red now, because everyone is frightened and their emotions

It is unstable, so elites are needed to take control of the situation.

This is already the highest level of deep red.


just in case

If the elite's efforts are useless, or if the elite's power begins to collapse, what will the color be like at that time?

"After crimson, there is black."

Dongcheng Wudi said slowly, "Once black appears, it means that it is time for us to make choices and trade-offs. However, such a situation will basically never happen. Just like the sage said in the announcement, please believe in our dynasty.

We also believe in our elites, who have the courage and psychological quality to face everything.


Dongcheng Wudi smiled, "Black, let's just pretend it doesn't exist. What we are doing now is to prevent things from really getting to that point."

Zhou Yunhai looked at Dongcheng Wudi, and then at Lin Fengting who was beside Dongcheng Wudi.

The former's expression was very calm.

The latter is obviously still a little out of shape.

Zhou Yunhai sighed, he was undoubtedly under great pressure now.

In the current situation, it seems that Dongcheng Wudi is leading the situation, but in fact, Dongcheng Wudi's actual identity has now changed from a leader to a supporting role.

The current situation is extremely critical. Two eras are alternating. Even if the new era wants to take over the resources of the old era, it cannot do so in a big way or grab them regardless.

The meeting just now only determined some main positions, but that is far from all. Now, protecting Central Continent is the most important thing, and other things must be done slowly. No matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious.

That's why Dongcheng Wudi plays the most critical supporting role.

And Zhou Yunhai

He is a prince of the dynasty, and security is his main, or even sole, responsibility. Stability is a must. At this time, if he can't do it well, he basically doesn't have to think about the future.

So he is now under greater pressure than Lin Fengting.

Lin Fengting is the striker of the dynasty, but anyone who knows the inside story knows what the Lin clan is like, and roughly knows what kind of character Lin Fengting is. It is normal that he cannot adapt to the role in a short period of time. The dynasty's attitude towards Lin Fengting

Hope is also in the future.

It may seem unbelievable for a person who is almost sixty years old to look forward to the future, but on the road to authority, as long as he crosses the threshold of the fourth level of authority, at the age of sixty, he is really just a child.

The Xi Dynasty has been facing crises, disasters, and doomsdays since its establishment. It abandoned the surface and entered the underground. In the future, it will fight back from the underground to the surface, and then expand beyond Central Continent and even beyond the planet. This means that the dynasty will always have problems.

Things have to be done. As the striker of the dynasty, Lin Fengting will also have endless things to do.

It doesn't matter if he can't adapt to the role for a while. If you give him a hundred years, in the increasingly large dynasty system, any kind of salted fish can become a model worker.

Precisely because the expectations for Lin Fengting are in the future, he has a high error tolerance rate in his work. He is the kind of person who is a surprise if he is right and it doesn't matter if he is wrong.

But Zhou Yunhai is different. He is not a salty fish, but a giant with extremely outstanding abilities.

So how to maintain the stability of Central Continent during the period when Central Continent completely abandons the surface and enters the underground? Most of the pressure on this matter is on Zhou Yunhai. If something goes wrong, Lin Fengting has little responsibility. Zhou Yunhai is still in charge of this matter. If

If you don't do it well, the position of Taiwei is basically destined to be...

Taking the blame.

Zhou Yunhai can't say what the consequences of taking the blame will be.

He is not young anymore, even more than ten years older than the invincible Lin Fengting of Dongcheng. He is almost seventy years old and his physical condition is declining. Even if he once had some talents, in this super gene test, he

The reviews it received were not very high either.

Not only him, but also Shangshu Ling Guo Wentian, Chief Inspector Yu Shiji Wenwen, Taifu Hua Zhengyang, the concentration of superpower genes in their bodies is not very high, but they still occupy an extremely important position.

This is not only to appease people's hearts, but also because the dynasty cannot do without them for the time being. In other words, the dynasty hopes that they can act as a lubricant between Zhongzhou and the dynasty. Getting through this difficult period is just the beginning, and what will happen next

Down the road, they will also help the dynasty to completely integrate Zhongzhou into the dynasty's system.

During this critical period, they can all be said to be indispensable transitional figures.

But no matter how excessive they were, they were among the first leaders of the dynasty. This was to be clearly recorded in the history books of the dynasty by the recorder. Based on this alone, Zhou Yunhai and the others were very motivated.

In addition, there is the dynasty's 'noble system', which is a system that allows people to get rid of positions such as Taiwei, but can still enjoy special resources. This is also a goal that Zhou Yunhai is willing to strive for.

It is different from the male aristocratic system of princes, princes and uncles that was popular in the East and West in ancient times in the City of Miracles.

In this regard, the dynasty copied the aristocratic system of the Time and Space Corridor.

Kings, princes, princes and princes.

Under the emperor, it was the sages who took charge of the overall situation of the dynasty.

Sages take charge of the overall situation.

But regardless of the resources at hand, in terms of status, the person below the emperor should be the Great King, who can also be called the Tianjun. After the Tianjun, those who are slightly lower than the Tianjun are the princes.

When the Xi Dynasty travels across the starry sky in the future, each of the kings and princes in the dynasty system will be the kind of strong man who can sit alone in a star field.

Below the king is the duke, and below the duke is the marquis. If the two are compared with each other, it is probably the difference between a top prince like Xuanyuan Wushang and other people with the peak eighth-level authority.

Below the dukes, there are the ministers. At this level, the ministers are divided into Shangqing and Shaoqing.

In the dynasty's aristocratic system, the young minister is at the bottom.

But even this so-called lowest level is still an absolute upper class in the dynasty. The difference between nobles and ordinary people is unimaginable. Now the dynasty has just been established. After it is completely stabilized in the future, most people will be in the dynasty even if they are in the upper class.

If you stay in the five major systems for a lifetime, you may seem to be reaching a very high level, but you may not be able to get the title of Shaoqing.

What Zhou Yunhai is currently pursuing with all his strength is to obtain the title of Shaoqing from the position of Taiwei. Guo Wentian and others also think so.

As for the kings and princes above the ministers,

There is no need to think about that now, and it is impossible to have it.

Xi Dynasty, Xi Dynasty, don’t you see that they are all called dynasty now? Where do the kings and princes come from?

Another title for the emperor can be Emperor or Human Emperor. The final name of Xi Dynasty should be Xi Dynasty, but now Li Tianlan obviously does not have the shame to call it Dynasty. In fact, the title of Dynasty is a bit beyond the standard. The current

In this situation, it is impossible for the Shangqing to appear, and at least it will be a title that cannot appear until the Xi Dynasty completely leaves the surface of the earth, everyone has authority, and leaves this stellar area.

The dynasty currently has strict regulations on the granting of noble titles, and they will only become more stringent in the future.

Zhou Yunhai's only chance to get the title of Shaoqing is to hand in a perfect answer sheet during his transition period in the current critical situation. This is considered a special achievement in a special period. When this period of time passes,

, the dynasty was completely stable, he retired after his achievements, and a new Taiwei appeared. If he wanted the title of Shaoqing, the difficulty would be at least several times higher.

Again, no matter how low-level a title is, it is still a title. When the Houxi Dynasty comes out of this star region and takes over the entire galaxy, a seemingly inconspicuous Shaoqing family may dominate several star regions.

of top people.

This is the future that Zhou Yunhai is currently pursuing.

And to do this, he must control the situation in Zhongzhou in the most perfect state with the cooperation of Dongcheng Wudi.

Zhou Yunhai looked at the map of Central Continent on the huge screen.

The map has changed from light blue to dark blue.

With the entry of a large number of elites, probably before tonight, the color of Youzhou and Yanzhao areas will return from deep red to red, and then continue to retreat to dark blue.

"Is there a second command hall here?"

Zhou Yunhai suddenly asked.

Dongcheng Wudi was startled, then nodded and said, "Yes, it's on the same floor as here, not far away, but it's not commonly used."

Zhou Yunhai nodded calmly and looked at Lin Fengting, "Your Highness, I plan to transfer some people to activate the No. 2 command hall and merge the information with this place. The two command halls will observe Zhongzhou at the same time."

He is a Taiwei, and there is no need to report to Dongcheng Wudi. His immediate boss is only Lin Fengting, the dynasty's top leader.

"You can do whatever is convenient for you."

Lin Fengting smiled bitterly and waved his hand.

Zhou Yunhai nodded and looked towards Dongcheng Wudi.

Dongcheng Wudi smiled and picked up the phone and gave the order, "What else do you want?"

"Since we are observing Central Continent, each region in Central Continent should have a corresponding person in charge. Make an appointment for a short meeting, and I will also inform the people below me. Time is a bit tight.


He seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say it. He just said, "Invincible, people on both sides of us, let's unite first."

Zhou Yunhai also has his own manpower. His position in Zhongzhou is equivalent to that of a Taiwei in the dynasty. All positions with the word "scape" in Zhongzhou belong to Zhou Yunhai's system. This is also an elite group that cannot be ignored.

However, his system in Central Continent was part of the Chen Fang Qinghua Zhengyang system, while in the Xi Dynasty it was part of the Shenfeng system.

There is no point in worrying about this now. The people in Dongcheng Wudi's hands may be very capable, but Zhou Yunhai is not familiar with them after all. If he wants to control the situation, he must ensure that he has direct descendants who know everything about them.


Dongcheng Wudi said without hesitation, "The mission is mainly yours. If you think it's convenient, just tell me and I'll make arrangements."

The Shenfeng system can be said to be the freest at present, because neither Lin Fengting nor Li Tianlan will interfere with the process, they only need to see the results.


Zhou Yunhai took a deep breath. He wanted to spread his direct line power to as many areas as possible, and then gather the talents in his system into Hall 2 to see the reaction first. If the reaction is good, then he will

, he will transfer some people from Hall 1 to Hall 2, and transfer some people from Hall 2 to Hall 1, break up the people, and allow both parties to have a brief understanding of each other when they integrate.

He really doesn't have much time to be alone and concentrate on doing something. He has business to do at any time, so he can only take care of other things while he is busy with business.

Thousands of tasks and directions

Zhou Yunhai pinched his eyebrows with a headache, but what he thought of was the title of Shaoqing of the Xi Dynasty.

His heart gradually became hotter, and his eyes became more determined.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Dongcheng Wudi patted Zhou Yunhai on the shoulder.

The Taiwei Zhou Yunhai, the sword holder Ye Dongsheng, and the Great Zhi Ge Wang Tianzong.

Now that the situation is unclear, it is impossible for Ye Dongsheng to point out the future strategic direction of the entire Shenfeng system in a short period of time. Wang Tianzong has not yet awakened, the Zhige system is still being built, and Lin Fengting is still in a state of confusion. The entire

In the Shenfeng system, the busiest and most conspicuous one right now is Zhou Yunhai.

"It should."

Zhou Yunhai shook his head, looked at Dongcheng Wudi, and suddenly said, "You probably won't be able to leave today, but when things are sorted out, you can take a proper rest and pay attention to your health."

Because of Li Tianlan's existence, Dongcheng Wudi has determined that he will not occupy a too important position in the future plans of the Xi Dynasty, not only him, but Bai Qingqian as well.

Avoiding suspicion has no meaning within the dynasty. Li Tianlan can completely suppress all voices. Others will not have any opinions. Even if they have opinions, it is useless. The emperor's absolute control is not just talk.

Under such circumstances, Dongcheng Wudi and Bai Qingqian, who are Li Tianlan's biological parents, do not occupy important positions in the dynasty. This matter, at least in Zhou Yunhai's view, is definitely more than just making way for his son.

Dongcheng Wudi and Bai Qingqian are obviously not mediocre people. The former is not only in Central Continent, but also in the entire Miracle City, they are the top generals and marshals. Although the latter is a woman, her overall view is extremely outstanding. Their abilities

Here, under the circumstances that my son can completely control the situation, he now decides to have a laid-back couple.

The only explanation for this is probably that Li Tianlan wants them to focus on their authority now. If they have enough lifespan, they will play a more important role in the future.

Apart from this explanation, Zhou Yunhai really couldn't think of any other reason.

"I'm okay."

Dongcheng Wudi smiled. As Li Tianlan gained power, his personal strength was currently in a stage of rapid rise. He had broken through due to changes in martial arts and was now even infinitely close to the peak invincibility. With such hard work,

If Zhou Yunhai can bear it, he will naturally have no problem.

"This is the last shift"

Dongcheng Wudi joked, "No matter what, you have to stand firm."

For the sake of his son, for the dynasty, for Zhongzhou, no matter what the reason is, Dongcheng Wudi does not want any accidents to happen during this period.

He is most at ease only if he stays here.

Zhou Yunhai raised his head and glanced at Dongcheng Wudi.

Just as he was about to say something else, a huge and dull roar suddenly sounded.

The ground in Youzhou, which had been trembling slightly all the time, experienced the most violent vibration when everyone was caught off guard.

The vibration lasted for less than three seconds and then completely disappeared.

Even the tremors on the ground that had lasted for a long time have completely disappeared.

Youzhou returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened.

Dongcheng Wudi looked at Lin Fengting next to him, then at Zhou Yunhai, let out a long breath, and suddenly laughed.

"So Your Majesty, this is a success?"


Dongcheng Wudi smiled and nodded.

He naturally knows the reason why Youzhou has been trembling.

That's because Li Tianlan had already gone to a space nearly 100 meters underground when they were still having a meeting on the ground.

Now that all the vibrations have disappeared, this can only mean one thing.

The construction of the super main city underground in Youzhou has been completed.

This chapter has been completed!
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