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Chapter 39: The Sixth Day Dijiang

 blazing fire.

Scarlet light.

The sky is filled with murderous intent.

Fang Tian's painted halberd was raised in the air, and some broken spear heads almost disappeared in the night. Two gorgeous and complicated red spear blades cut through the night sky, becoming the most dazzling color.

The raging flames rose out of thin air in the void streaked by the two scarlet streaks. It was obviously an invisible fire, but it turned into a tangible substance at the moment of burning. The fire flew and gathered in the high air, the fire light was restrained, and the sparks were dense.

Crowded together, ups and downs.

Fire turned into water.

It's like a big river rushing and roaring in the void, like lava, like a sea of ​​fire, like a torrent.

Like the flames of magma spreading straight through the air, wherever it passes, the mountains and forests instantly turn into powder, and the green grass instantly turns into desert.

The most violent flame turned into the weakest liquid. There is no doubt that this is the ultimate in the burning fire realm!

The figure in the moonlit sky broke through the large river above, which was entirely composed of magma.

The dazzling and strange red light shattered the world in a wave of fire, with irresistible power and killing intent, slashing and killing!

The rivers crisscrossing the void suddenly rioted.

Wisps of blue began to appear in the blazing fire waves, like fire and thunder.

Fang Tian's painted halberd was fully extended, and a sharp whistle came from above, as if it was about to split the space.

Yuekong's figure disappeared instantly.

There were only a few drops of lava in the air flowing down his white clothes.

The secret knowledge of Wuji Palace.

Dark raid!

The violent slashing attack landed directly in the air.

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows fiercely, and fierce murderous intent shot up into the sky in an instant. The murderous intent roared over the entire river, rising one after another in endless waves.

The sharp edge filled the entire surrounding space, stirring endlessly.

Like the shadow of a halberd, like the light of a sword, like the blade of a sword.

Li Tianlan's figure disappeared in the infinite sharpness, and he crossed a distance of tens of meters in one step.

The sound of the blade cutting through the air was heard.

The two-meter-long Fangtian painted halberd suddenly shook. Li Tianlan stood high in the sky, with his limbs fully extended. The silver halberd was like thunder, suddenly shining in a natural arc in the air.


The twin veins of wind and thunder were completely tightened in the body, and the ultimate strength and speed were perfectly integrated, colliding fiercely with the sword light that suddenly appeared in the void.

A loud sound of metal and iron suddenly sounded in the dark night. Huge forces intertwined with each other. The void suddenly spread into a wave of air visible to the naked eye. The space was crumbling. The flame in the sky exploded instantly, and countless thunder lights

And sparks flew from top to bottom.

Yuekong's angry roar suddenly became louder.

The moment the two bodies involuntarily retreated in the air wave, he grasped the long knife in his hand and raised his hands above his head.

Just a moment.

The long knife in Yuekong's hand struck down in the air.

A ten-foot-long streak of faint blue sword light struck directly at Li Tianlan.

The faint blue brilliance entwined with each other and made a crackling sound in the air. It was a blade of light, but it was more like a thunder!

With a slash of the knife, Yue Kong's figure suddenly sped up a few minutes faster than before. The one-meter-long knife was held tightly in both hands. On the sharp blade, in addition to thunder, there was also a layer of strange green light!

Tianhai Wuji, the master of Wuji Palace, is one of the strongest invincible masters on the East Island.

Tianhai Wuji was born in the Gale Wind Sword Style, the oldest martial arts force on the East Island.

The Hayate Sword Style majors in swordsmanship, and their swords are now recognized as one of the most powerful and violent swords in the dark world.

The martial arts of the Hayate Mitsurugi style emphasizes pursuing swords from the beginning to the end. Even if they reach the invincible realm, they seek swords rather than realms.

As an invincible realm, if you don’t have your own realm, you can only break the realm. Otherwise, how can you dare to call yourself an invincible realm?

The ultimate in the martial arts of Hayate Yujian style is to break the realm. I have a sword that can shock the world even in the invincible realm!

This is another path that is different from the invincible realm itself. Beihai Wang Family and Xuanyuan Terrace are the best on this path, and they have traveled further than Gale Wind Sword Current.

Although Tianhai Wuji created his own Wuji Palace, his martial arts philosophy has not changed.

He replaced his sword with a sword, but still had no domain.

He is also on the road to breaking through the realm.

So with Wuji Palace’s current unique skills, and Yue Kong’s current style of landslides and earth-shattering!


Wuji Palace's strongest secret skill, to a certain extent, this slanted sword move is equivalent to the perfect combination of strength, speed and will.

The unique way of exerting force emphasizes the most sustained burst, one blow after another, the fastest, the fiercest, the swiftest, and the most lethal!

The moment the pale green sword light lit up in the sky, Yue Kong's figure flashed suddenly.

The faint blue thunder sword light is still advancing.

But Yuekong's figure has already kept pace with Dao Guang.

People and sword light.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Li Tianlan.

In other words, he appeared in front of Fang Tian Huaji.

Whistling, spinning.

Li Tianlan's expression did not change at all, only a pair of calm and deep eyes became more dazzling against the light of the sword.

The heavy and sharp Fang Tian painted halberd suddenly spun in his hand.

Straight thrust.

He still didn't use any of his special skills.

In forgetting.


Simple straight thrust, ultimate straight thrust.

No one can accurately describe Li Tianlan's state at this time.

It is a kind of strength and confidence that cannot be expressed in any words.

Standing here, he is invincible.

The invincible is invincible.

It is indestructible, yet nothing is indestructible.

He has no flaws, is grand and perfect, like the light in the night, like the darkness in the morning, everywhere and unique.

Fang Tian's painted halberd passed through the faint blue sword light in a rapid shock, and the thunder instantly exploded under the wash of liquid flames.

Gorgeous lights and shadows washed past Li Tianlan and Yue Kong with sharp edges.

The light and shadow are confusing.

The Human Emperor collided with the long sword.

The pale green and faint blue intertwined, and Li Tianlan suddenly became completely violent!

There is no secret skill, only the most direct and domineering attack.

The Human Emperor was less than three meters tall, but in an instant he seemed to reach the end of the sky. The silver halberd roared crazily in the air, and the silver halberd suddenly shook in the air, creating countless afterimages.

The afterimages are unified and spread again.


Deafening sounds kept ringing in the air like thunder.

The hundreds of meters long river of flames in the sky has completely boiled, and the waves of fire are surging into the sky, rising up against the sky.

However, the figures of Li Tianlan and Yue Kong were falling.

Keep falling.

The two of them fought from the sky to the ground. The silver halberd was swung wildly, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Silver afterimages appeared in all directions. In the silver light, the miserable green light and shadow became brighter and brighter.

No retreat!

Whether it's Li Tianlan or Yue Kong, both of them have tried their best, regardless of everything!


The mountains and forests turned into deserts.

The moment the two landed in the desert, golden sand rose up all over the sky. The already boiling river of fire completely lost control in the fierce battle, and the entire river completely collapsed from beginning to end.

A heavy rain broke out in the desert at night.

Rain of Fire!

High-heat magma pours down from the sky unbridled, flowing down continuously and densely.

This kind of liquid flame condensed by human power is completely unprecedented. Not to mention ordinary elites, even the two Thunder Realm masters Feiyu and Qingshan who are ready to intervene at any time are in a hurry.

Fire rain lit up the sky, densely packed.

The few elites in the No. 6 war zone struggled and screamed in the fire and rain, which was sad and desperate.

Yuekong still didn't give up.

When the battle reached this point, his heart was shocked and frightened, but with more emotions, he still persisted.

Li Tianlan is very strong.

In this state, he was so strong that it was incomprehensible.

The young prodigy with the dual veins of wind and thunder and the top inheritance is indeed terrifying, but Li Tianlan's real state is only half-step to the burning fire state, although it seems that he took some medicine to forcibly raise his state to the half-step to the thunder state.

However, the combat effectiveness improved by drugs cannot be compared with his own promotion. It can even be said that there is a huge gap.

Yuekong himself is a half-step invincible master, but now facing Li Tianlan in this state, he actually feels suppressed. This is simply unbelievable, making him frightened and confused.

How terrible would it be if Li Tianlan's true realm reached the half-step thunder realm?

Invincible under invincible?

The light of the sword gradually slowed down, and the green light gradually faded.

The pain gradually spread to his hands, to his chest, and then to his limbs.

At the moment when she was unable to breathe, a sneer appeared on the corner of Yuekong's mouth.

Landslides and landslides.

This unique skill is extremely domineering, both in terms of lethality and the way it is exerted. Although Yue Kong is a master of the half-step invincibility realm, he can only continue to exert power for less than half a minute at most. Beyond this time, he

It is not impossible to maintain this state, but the lethality will be reduced and the body will gradually be damaged.

However, although he is gradually failing, how much better can Li Tianlan's condition be?

After two days and two nights of fighting, the No. 6 war zone was almost wiped out because of him. Li Tianlan looked strong, but in fact he was seriously injured. The next second, the next second, he might fall.

Yuekong has no reason not to persevere.

He has no way out.

After paying such a heavy price, his outcome is already obvious. If he cannot defeat Li Tianlan, he will die. He must die.

On the other hand, if Li Tianlan falls into his hands, considering the losses in the No. 6 War Zone, even if he does not have great merit, at least he will not have any major fault.

So...take him down at all costs!

Yue Kong's smile slowly faded, and her lips and teeth moved slightly.

A medicine bag hidden in his mouth was gently bitten into pieces.

A little liquid flowed into his mouth, and with burning power, it went directly down his throat and into his abdomen.

It's sweet.

He thought to himself, it was like sake brewed by the palace owner himself.

Yuekong suddenly felt a little grateful to Beihai Wang.

For the entire East Island, the Beihai Wang Clan is a nightmare force because the Beihai Wang Clan occupies the land that belongs to them on the East Island.

This is like a thorn. For hundreds of years, several generations of emperors have died because of this.

Not to mention that the large island that has been occupied by the royal family for hundreds of years and covers an area of ​​nearly 80,000 square kilometers belongs to the East Island. Even another part of the Beihai Province was also the territory of the East Island during a certain period of history.


For the ownership of that land, Dongdao negotiated countless times with the Beihai Wang family in the past hundred years, and at different times, they got different things.

Many times what they get is humiliation.

But in some special periods, they also received some compensation.

Although those compensations are rubbish to the Beihai Wang family, they are of great value to Dongdao.

For example, the formulas of some genetic drugs.

What Yuekong was taking at this time was one of the results of the transaction between Dongdao and the Beihai Wang family in recent years. The potion was codenamed 'Burst'. Although it is unknown which generation it is, the effect is unquestionable. It can stimulate the human body's potential to the maximum extent, temporarily.

Restore the combat effectiveness at its peak.

Although the sequelae may seem serious, where is the time to consider them at this time?

The juice is sweet and goes into the stomach like fire.

The silver Human Emperor seemed to be sealing the world, and every time he waved it, it carried suffocating power.

Sweep, vertical chop, thrust, spin, hook, roll, strangle.

Holding a halberd and dancing in the sky wind!

Every change of Fang Tian's painted halberd has been brought to the extreme by Li Tianlan. Now he has no unique skills, but every move and every move is a unique skill.



Attack wildly!

The silver light flashed almost violently and seemed completely disordered, but every time the silver light flashed, one could clearly feel the full and almost majestic fighting will.

That is truly invincible will.

A born god of war!

The moment the slowly slowing sword light shone extremely brightly again, a thought flashed through Yuekong's mind.

A miserable green light instantly filled the desert.

The yellow sand, flames, and silver light completely disappeared in an instant.

The pale green and faint blue completely permeate everything.

In the green light, the silver light with the scarlet halberd blade was still flying.


Li Tianlan moved forward.

regardless of costs!

The pale green sword light turned into afterimages all over the sky, and the swords fell on Fang Tian's painted halberd one after another. They were so violent and extremely fast that they were like overwhelming mountains and seas.

Li Tianlan's figure was trembling, but he still moved forward.

The Human Emperor thrust forward, his steps neither fast nor slow, but nothing and no one could block his direction.

Nothing is broken!

Determined, calm and fearless.

Yuekong sneered, and the sword light that filled the sky suddenly retracted, and the figure suddenly disappeared into the void.

Only the sound of the blade cutting through the void kept ringing.

The light of the sword disappeared, and the Human Emperor's forward thrust was almost motionless. The thick firelight shone on Li Tianlan's face.

He pursed his lips tightly and his face was as pale as a dead man.

But the Human Emperor remained determined.

The front thrust becomes a sweep.

All the air nearby suddenly became distorted.

Fang Tian's painted halberd swept through the void, and a vast sword intent suddenly spread violently in all directions.

The sword intent leaps a hundred meters.

Wild sand flew up, blood flowed, sword energy crossed from the desert to the mountains and forests, and a large number of giant trees rumbled and finally exploded.

The pale green sword light appeared as soon as the sword energy passed by, and it was in front of Li Tianlan in the blink of an eye.

That speed... like... a flash...

Li Tianlan's figure also flashed at the same time.

Shadow word formula.




Li Tianlan's figure was disillusioned three times. The Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand shone with silver light. Yue Kong felt that his eyes were blurred as Li Tianlan's figure had appeared beside him.

The distance is only one meter!

The huge Fangtian painted halberd had disappeared from his hands.

There is still silver light in Li Tianlan's hand.

A silver dagger?

Human Emperor Thorn!

The human emperor's dagger form.

The silver light flickered slightly, and Yuekong saw Li Tianlan's eyes.

Those eyes without any emotion.

His heart suddenly felt chilly and his scalp felt numb.

For an aggressive person like Li Tianlan who is not good at defense, once he uses a dagger to get close, what will follow is bound to be an almost earth-shattering blow with all his strength!

Yue Kong didn't even think about it, tensed up and retreated at full speed.

The silver dagger was raised silently.

Cut through the wind, cut through the air, silently.

The moon sky seems to be an illusion.

The light of the dagger was still behind, but the blade had already reached Yue Kong's chest.

Yuekong has already retreated half a step ahead of schedule.

The blade severely tore the skin on his chest, causing blood to fly.

The blade cuts back.

Yue Kong twisted her body with all her strength.

The sharp dagger stabbed hard into his shoulder. As Li Tianlan's arm slid lightly, Yue Kong's entire arm, together with the long knife in his hand that had numerous gaps, fell to the ground at the same time.

Yue Kong's face was instantly distorted to the extreme, but she couldn't even scream, or couldn't care less.


He turned around and ran away without hesitation.

It's just that the distance between the two of them is too close.

As he advanced and retreated, although the distance increased a little, he was still not as fast as the Human Emperor.

The delicate dagger stretched out instantly, and Fang Tian's painted halberd, which was more than two meters tall, stabbed directly into Yue Kong's chest.

Blood spurted out from his broken arm and chest at the same time.

Yuekong subconsciously opened her eyes, stretched out her hand and firmly grasped the body of Fang Tian's painted halberd.

The halberd blade had already pierced into the chest, only missing the heart by a hair.

Yuekong held the halberd tightly and opened her eyes wide, full of fear and pleading.

He doesn't want to die.

But must die.

Li Tianlan held the halberd tightly with one hand, stabbed forward, and walked forward.

His speed became faster and faster, and Yuekong's entire body was pushed backwards quickly.

Li Tianlan's eyes were as calm as before.

But the footprints left on the desert are getting deeper and deeper.

Yuekong can only retreat.

Advance became a sprint.

Li Tianlan held the Human Emperor tightly and moved straight forward.

Rush through the desert.

Enter the forest.

Li Tianlan rushed forward all the way.

The Human Emperor held up Yue Kong's body, and the big trees were completely smashed by Yue Kong's body.

The woods roared.

Li Tianlan was determined to kill, and Yue Kong never gave up.

Enter the No. 6 headquarters from the mountain forest.

Between advancing and retreating, the two men directly drew a straight line several kilometers long on the battlefield.

Yue Kong still held onto the Human Emperor tightly, preventing him from moving forward, but his eyes became increasingly pale.


The Human Emperor smashed the iron door of No. 6 Command Headquarters against Yue Kong's body, and then smashed a rockery used as a bunker.

Keep moving forward.

The two of them crashed into an old bluestone house, broke in through the wall, and rushed out from the other wall.

Rocks were flying and smoke was scattered everywhere.

With almost all the bones in his body being smashed, Yue Kong was finally unable to catch the Human Emperor. With a dull sound, the Human Emperor thrust Yue Kong's body directly into a huge bluestone behind the house.

Yue Kong's body was suspended in the air and was directly nailed to the bluestone.

Blood flows.

Li Tianlan held the Human Emperor tightly, but his arms were shaking uncontrollably.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and immediately afterwards, large amounts of blood mist erupted all over his body.

Li Tianlan's eyes were in a trance for a while, and his pupils began to expand.

Slight footsteps sounded from behind.

Stepping over the smashed ruins, his voice was soft, but he didn't mean to hide it at all.

Li Tianlan clenched the Human Emperor in his hand.

Rather than holding it, it's better to say holding it.

He turned around and stood up straight.

Everything in front of me is blurring and spinning.

More than ten meters away, a human-shaped silhouette stood there. It was unclear whether it was a man or a woman, whether it was tall or short, everything was blurred.

He was looking at him, but couldn't see anything clearly.

He was also looking at him, and seemed to have a lot of uncertainty.

"Oh, Yuekong is dead."

After a moment of silence, he looked at the moonlit sky where he was nailed to the bluestone, and said softly, his tone was calm, even a little elegant.

Li Tianlan didn't know what he was going to do, but at least he knew that the other person was a man, and he sounded like a relatively young man. He nodded and responded lightly: "Yes, dead."

"This person was useful to me, but it's a pity that he died."

The vague words of the young man opposite were a bit boring.

Li Tianlan tried his best to calm down the overwhelming blood in his body and said nothing.

"Yuekong is dead, it's better for you to be alive."

The young man seemed to smile, and his tone was very serious: "I can't catch the moon sky, so how about you go back with me?"

"go back?"

Li Tianlan asked.


The young man said: "You are also of great use to me. Originally, according to the plan, I should not show up now, but I am too lazy to wait. It is better for you to die one day early than to die one day late."

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows. His aura was already extremely weak, but with the raising of his eyebrows, his whole person became more indescribable and arrogant: "Who are you?"

"I am Jiang Hongwei."

The young man in front of him smiled and said: "Code name Dijiang."


(I woke up late...it was past twelve o'clock when I woke up...I have enough time to write a big chapter, no need to divide it into chapters)

This chapter has been completed!
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