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Chapter 145: The Spear of Coronation God's Punishment

Although the sanctuary is small, it is a world-famous city that never sleeps.

Regardless of wind, frost, rain or snow, this is a pure land without darkness.

When the sun fades, soft lights will replace the night for the first time, and white light will shine in every corner of the sanctuary. The churches and palaces in the sanctuary will become even more brilliant in the light.

The Pope was still sitting in the study room of the Holy Palace, quietly flipping through the list of heretics in his hand.

The roster has become much thinner, but the content is still rich and colorful. Not all the names and information recorded in the roster are martial arts masters in the dark world. There are also some wealthy patriarchs and core members, politicians, and terrorists who have made great achievements in their respective fields.

Important figures from other religions, and even ordinary people.

In the eyes of the Holy See, the size of heresy is never determined by force. From the standpoint of faith, anything as small as a public statement or as large as a certain practice extended to a certain range may become a heresy.

Heretics must be listed on the heresy register.

The heretics on the roster must be purged!

The Pope quietly flipped through the roster, and the light in the room fell on him. His figure was mysterious and majestic.

The register of heretics has turned to the last page.

On the cover of the last page is a row of ancient quotes written in Latin.

It seems to be explaining the cruelest fact.

"Those who turn their backs on the glory of the Lord are heretics."

The Pope stared deeply at these words, his eyes pure and pious.

Someone crossed the road of the Holy Palace and approached the study at the deepest part of the Holy Palace, walking silently.

The study door is open.

The lights inside and outside the study intersect in front of the door.

A figure stood silently at the door, looking at the Pope in the study.

The light in the study seemed to be eternal. The ancient statue of the god with the cross stood silently. The old man sat in front of the stone statue, staring down at the book in his hand, motionless.

The picture in sight is extremely real, with an almost frozen solemnity and silence.

The figure at the door was hesitant, as if he didn't know whether to go in or not.

This is a mysterious woman who can bring endless reveries to anyone, mysterious and sacred.

She is undoubtedly extremely beautiful, but this beauty is not stunning, but an obsession that makes people want to get closer. She is tall and slender, with a loose white robe covering her figure, and her face is enough to charm a city.

Covered by the hazy gauze, in the interlaced light and shadow, only a pair of dark blue eyes and long golden hair were exposed from her whole body, but she carried a mesmerizing charm.

This kind of charm is so mysterious and holy, this is pure beauty, no one needs to see the face, just a pair of eyes, with enough magic to make people fall in love and unable to extricate themselves.

She stood in front of the door, like the bright moon in the sky covered by lights, bright and soft.

The Pope still sat there, staring down at the roster in his hand.

He didn't move at all, but the sound of turning pages suddenly sounded in the study.

There was only the Pope in the empty study.

But at this time, it seemed that there were countless people inside, turning the pages of the book, fast or slow, light or heavy, and the sound of the paper turning was slight and messy, making people dizzy.

"You found me."

The woman, whose whole body was covered by a white robe and gauze, spoke softly.

Her voice is elegant and sweet, with a very kind and friendly voice.

"You didn't notice me."

The light in the study room seemed to sway quietly.

A study or a study.

The Pope is still sitting there.

But another pope suddenly appeared in front of the bookshelf in the study room. He lowered his head and flipped through a heavy Bible in his hand gently.

"Angel, you are upset, can you tell me why?"

The Pope lowered his head to read the Bible and spoke softly.


In the Holy Land of Europe, there is only one Angel. She has no surname. In the hearts of more than one billion believers in the Holy See, she is bathed in the glory of God and is a child of God.

A contemporary saint of the Holy See.

Saint Angel.

In the Holy See, her status can be said to be second only to the Pope, and even above the major red archbishops.


Saint Angel shook her head, her tone a little sad: "I just thought of the chaos in Eastern Europe, so many innocent people..."

"I'm praying for the people in Eastern Europe."

The light is slightly distorted.

The Pope in the chair was still staring down.

The Pope in front of the bookshelf is still flipping through books.

In front of the statue, another pope suddenly appeared.

He knelt in front of the statue and made the sign of the cross. His tone was long and deep: "Where heretics and heretics gather, there will always be darkness and blood. God said, I allow darkness to exist. But darkness must never override light."

The Pope stood up, looked at Saint Angel, and said meaningfully: "Who will cherish the light if they have not experienced darkness?"

The saint was silent.

After a long time, she walked into the study and whispered: "I will remember your teachings."

In the study, the three popes in different postures still maintained their movements, staring, reading, and meditating, so lifelike that it was difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"What is heresy?"

The Pope pondered for a long time and then suddenly asked softly.

Angel was stunned for a moment and replied almost instinctively: "Anyone who betrays the glory of the Lord is a heretic."

"Some people shout the name of the Lord, but choose a different direction from the Lord. They will go to hell, and their end will be according to their actions."

The pope's voice was still gentle and kind, but his figure was extremely indifferent in front of the statue.

"All shall be judged."

Angel bowed slightly and said calmly: "Everyone should be judged."

"Go to Eastern Europe."

The Pope said: "Angel, bring your Divine Punishment Priest. Cooperate with Aresis's holy warriors to purify the darkness there and spread the light of the Lord to all corners of Eastern Europe. Heretics need to be judged, and those who have distorted the Lord's

The glorious hypocrites must also be judged.”

"it is my responsibility."

Angel said softly.

The internal structure of the Holy See is simple and clear.

The episcopal conference that often appears in front of the world is headed by the cardinal archbishop. The chief bishop, diocesan bishop, archbishop, bishop, and priest are all members of the episcopal conference. They are responsible for the daily operation of the Holy See, stabilizing the faith of believers, listening to believers' prayers, and

Solve doubts.

Next is the Holy See's armed force, the Holy Inquisition Legion, headed by the Holy War Angel Aresis, who ranks third on the world's God List. Its main responsibility is to maintain the majesty and glory of the Holy See and judge heretics. Its main responsibility is to fight. This is from

The elite forces selected from more than one billion believers in the world are also fanatics in the Holy See. Most of them will not be stationed in the Holy Land, but are scattered around the world. Wherever there is a cross, there is the Legion of Holy Inquisition.

Then there is the most mysterious Divine Punishment Priesthood and Arbitration Association.

The Divine Punishment Priesthood is directly under the leadership of the Saint and is responsible for spreading the glory of the Holy See, guiding faith, punishment and salvation.

The Arbitration Council is an intelligence and assassination organization. In the decisive battle of Tiandu more than three years ago, after the Holy See's killing angel Aldak died in the hands of Li Tianlan, the Arbitration Council has always been run by a saint.

The Pope controls everything in the Holy See.

To put it simply, the Holy Legion is responsible for fighting, and the Divine Punishment Priest is responsible for brainwashing.

It is the duty of Saint Angel to spread the light of the Lord to every corner of Eastern Europe, and it is the most important duty.

"Don't let me down, Angel."

The pope said softly: "The Eastern European dioceses are very important, and I am tired of the arguments that have been going on for many years. Those heretics do not understand the brilliance of the Lord at all, they have desecrated the cross, and they should go to hell with the heretics in Eastern Europe."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Angel's voice was soft and sweet, but he thought of Eastern Europe in his mind.

Religion in Eastern Europe is not complicated.

Even in the eyes of many people outside of religion, Eastern European religions are just branches of the Holy See.

Many people without faith call the Holy See located in the Holy Land the Catholic Church, and call the religions in Eastern Europe Eastern Christianity. The leader of the Catholic Church is the Pope, who is the only spokesman for God in the world, and is now the largest religion in the world.

The leader of Eastern Christianity is the Patriarch.

Looking at Europe from the perspective of religious beliefs, the most important or even the only difference between Eastern Europe and Western Europe is that Eastern Europeans believe in Eastern Christianity, while Western Europeans believe in Catholicism. This statement may not be absolute, but most of it is extremely correct.


Eastern Europe is currently in turmoil. More than a dozen countries are in chaos, each with its own agenda. The major forces in the dark world are ready to move. Under the turmoil, the Eastern Church is bound to be involved. In this chaos, if the Eastern Church is destroyed, the Catholic Church will be the last to fall.

It swept through Eastern Europe in a very short period of time.

Once the Eastern European Diocese is established, the Holy See's power will expand again, and they can even try to re-establish the Eastern European Diocese they planned to establish in the East Island more than three years ago.

The establishment of every diocese represents the expansion of the Lord's glory, and also represents endless benefits and power.

Eastern Europe is a mess.

But the Holy See likes Eastern Europe very much.

So they will be more chaotic next.

There are countless unstable factors concentrated there, competition for interests, entanglements of grudges, conflicts of faith, political differences...

There will be wars there, the most complex wars.

Angel didn't know how long the Pope had been eyeing Eastern Europe, but he was certain that there must be more than one super power that chose to cooperate with the Holy See this time.

Therefore, the chaos in Eastern Europe may have an unexpected outcome in the end.

Angel was a little confused inside, but his whole person was smiling like a flower.

She walked up to the Pope, who was sitting in his chair and staring down, and took out the register of heretics from his hand.

She stared down at the roster that had been turned to the end and looked at the summary.

Anyone who abandons the glory of God is a heretic.

But the page next to the last page in the roster is not blank.

There is also a name there, in both Chinese and English formats.

In the pope's mind, he was also a heretic, but there is very little information about him.

Angel saw a strange name that was a bit difficult to pronounce.

This is the case in Dongcheng.

Angel blinked and glanced at the lifelike Pope sitting on the chair.

The three popes are doing different things.

She doesn't know which one is true and which one is false.

She also didn't know whether what the Pope was staring at just now was the summary sentence at the end of the page, or what Dongcheng was looking at.

Angel thought quietly.

She is good at thinking, so she seems very focused.

The light in the study room flickered.

Angel's shadow is printed on the wall, very slender.

"I hate shadows."

The pope suddenly said: "Because that is darkness. Darkness is sin."

His voice was calm and determined.

Angel's eyes changed quietly.

She raised her head and stared at the Pope: "But the shadow will always be there, won't it?"

"of course not."

The Pope smiled.

He moves his body.

The light fell on him, and there was no shadow under his feet.

Angel's shadow reflected on the wall also began to disappear.

There was only light left in the entire study.

"That's much better, isn't it?"

The Pope smiled.

"This is deception."

Angel looked at the Pope.

Everyone knows that the Pope does not understand martial arts, but few people know that in the spiritual field, the Pope is the absolute master. As the god in the hearts of more than one billion believers, the Pope has no opponent at all in the spiritual field, which means that he

His will is absolutely powerful, which also means that he is the most terrifying hypnotist in the world, with no opponent at all.

The Holy Palace, the Holy Church, and even the entire sanctuary can be regarded as the Pope's home court.

The Pope didn't want Angel to see her own shadow, and Saint Angel couldn't see it.

Just like the three popes in front of me.

The saint who is also a master in the spiritual field cannot tell the truth from the false.


The Pope whispered: "This is faith. Only light is the most sacred substance, not darkness, nor shadow."

"But the shadow actually exists."

Angel was unusually persistent.

"Does exist."

The Pope looked at Angel thoughtfully: "I allow shadows to exist under the light of the Lord, although I don't want to see them. But shadows that cannot be illuminated by the light of the Lord are corrupt and should be purified."

Angel's face suddenly turned pale.

"The arbitration committee is still short of the most suitable candidate."

The Pope said suddenly.

Angel's delicate body trembled slightly, lowered his head, and said with unprecedented respect, "I know what to do."

The ancient bells suddenly rang in the Holy Palace.

The sound of the bell was mellow and deep, spreading throughout the entire sanctuary.

The light in the sanctuary became more and more dazzling.

A tall figure wearing guard armor walked into the study.

"It's time for the coronation."

The Pope said: "Angel, it's time for you to go back and prepare."

"Your Majesty, I accept your coronation, but I still oppose cooperation with heretics."

The guard walked in and took off his helmet, revealing a face that was famous in the dark world.

The third one on the world’s list of gods, the holy war angel of the Holy See, Saint Aresis.

"I allow the darkness to approach. Because we are the servants of the Lord. When the heretics are redeemed, the darkness will completely dissipate. Aresis, you have to understand that all sins are glory that has been contaminated and distorted."

In the study, three lifelike figures of the Pope began to disappear.

The Pope walked down from the study on the second floor with his scepter in hand.

He was dressed in white robes, but the scepter in his hand was as scarlet as blood.

Aresis's eyes looked at the scarlet scepter in the Pope's hand, a trace of obsession flashing in his eyes.

That's the obsession with absolute power.

"Be humble before the image of God."

said the Pope.

Aresis knelt down, respectfully.

He saw the scarlet scepter in the Pope's hand and understood the content of this coronation.

Coronation·Spear of Divine Punishment.

There is a rumor in the dark world.

The Pope always has the most courageous and fearless warriors around him, even if there are only ordinary people around him.

There is nothing wrong with such rumors.

And the secret of this is coronation.

In the field of will rain spirit, the Pope is the absolute master.

The so-called coronation is the craziest fighting will that the Pope imposes on the warriors.

It is a very awake but hypnotic state that can maximize a person's potential.

Aresis used to be second on the God List, but now he is third on the God List.

The Spear of God's Punishment is the most powerful fighting will among all the coronations.

Aresis, who was crowned with the Spear of God's Punishment, is the real Aresis and is worthy of being ranked second on the God List.

Angel watched all this quietly.

The view of the study gradually became blurry.

Angel raised his head in confusion.

Only then did he realize that he was already standing at the door of the study without realizing it.

The sound of pages turning is still in my ears.

In the study room in sight, the Pope was sitting on a chair, staring at the roster in his hand.

A gentle and calm voice sounded.

Like a repeat from before.

"Angel, you are upset, can you tell me why?"

The lights are still on.

The Pope did not look up.

There is no Aresis in front of the statue.

Everything was so peaceful and peaceful.

An indescribable coldness and fear emerged from Angel's heart, instantly occupying all her consciousness.

She didn't know if she had walked into the study just now.

I don't know if what I just saw is true.

She also didn't know if what she was seeing now was real.

I don’t even know if Aresis is in the study now.

But she can't see it.

The Pope will always let others see what he wants others to see.

Angel felt extremely fearful in his heart.

She shook her head in panic, bowed and quickly left the study.

The figure of the Pope was still sitting on the chair, staring at the roster in his hand. Under the light, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There was no shadow in front of him.


Angel quickly walked out of the Holy Palace.

Her heart was beating crazily.

After leaving the study deep inside the Holy Palace, instead of feeling relaxed, her heart became more and more frightened.

Because the memory is fading.

Everything in the study room that she didn't know was true or false just now began to disappear bit by bit in her mind.

She didn't want to forget, but she couldn't control her thoughts.

In the end, only a few words from the Pope remained in her mind.

She remembered that the Pope asked her to lead the Divine Punishment Priests to Eastern Europe to assist Aresis.

As for the rest...

She doesn't remember.

She was not even sure if she had said something in the study that she wanted to say but had never dared to say. She was also not sure if the Pope knew her inner secret.

The gate of the Holy Palace is already behind you.

When the guards on the street saw the saint, they bowed respectfully.

Angel maintained the most elegant manner as he crossed the street and entered the Holy Church opposite the Holy Palace.

A thin figure wearing guard armor stood in the darkness of the church, facing the statue of God, without kneeling down or praying, as if he was waiting.

Footsteps were heard.

The guard turned his head and chuckled: "Beautiful Saint, you are finally here. I knew you would definitely appear here after meeting that old guy. This is your habit."

The guard took off his helmet and revealed his face.

His smile was eager, but extremely hypocritical.

Angel was restless.

What the guard said was not wrong. Every time she saw the Pope, she would feel a kind of inner fear, so she would appear here as soon as possible to pray to eliminate all the negative emotions in her heart.

But at this time, she did not expect that there would be someone waiting for him in the Holy Church.

She never thought that the person waiting for her would be this person who shouldn't be here at this time.


Angel's blue pupils gradually showed a hint of coldness.

Her tone was a little low: "You should be praying now and prepare to be crowned by His Majesty the Pope!"

Aresis is not the only one who has the honor of being crowned.

As the deputy head of the Holy Legion, Mered is also considered one.

He broke through and entered the invincible realm a year ago, but the news has not been made public yet. This time he accepts the Pope's coronation, and his combat power will soar to a new level again.

Mered looked at Angel.

His smile was still full of hypocrisy.

"Are you sure what you are seeing now is real?"

Mered smiled and said playfully: "Do you still remember how you left the Holy Palace and where you are now?"

Angel's whole body trembled violently.

But she calmed down immediately.

She remembered how she left the Holy Palace.

I also remember that I am now in the Holy Church.

There is no bias in memory, so everything in front of you is real.


Angel said coldly.

"You are too easily excited."

Mered said softly: "As the most noble saint, you should remain quiet and patient enough under any circumstances."

His eyes gradually became naked and fiery, as if he wanted to tear Angel's clothes and veil apart with his eyes.

"Before being crowned by His Majesty the Pope, you should pray sincerely. You have violated His Majesty the Pope's will, which is blasphemy."

Angel said coldly.

"So Her Royal Highness the Saint is going to declare me a heretic in the next sentence?"

Meraid chuckled.

Angel subconsciously took a step back and said in a solemn voice: "Who are you?"

"I'm Mered."

Mered chuckled and said, "Now... I'm just an ordinary guard who wants to make a deal with you."

"Are you worthy of trading with me?"

Angel sneered: "I am a saint of the Holy See!"

"If you want to go to Eastern Europe, then I am qualified to trade with you."

Mered said calmly: "For example, I can keep a shadow for you, ah, look at me, I have forgotten, Your Highness the Saint, you don't have a surname. It's really pitiful, I think the ancient East has a surname that is more

Suitable for you, what do you think of...Situ...this surname?"

Mered's smile was a little weird, but his eyes were extremely serious.

Angel's body suddenly became stiff.

She stared intently at the deputy commander of the Holy Inquisition Legion in front of her, her quiet blue eyes almost bursting with fire at this moment.

"what do you want?!"

Angel said coldly, there was a killing intent in her eyes, but her whole person was still holy and mysterious.

"I want a lot."

Mered smiled and said: "First of all, I need you to accompany me to meet a distinguished guest from afar."

"Why should I go?"

Angel forced himself to calm down.

"Because your status is noble enough."

Mered said seriously: "If you weren't here, I might die, but I don't want to die."


There will be another chapter soon~ Well, you should have updated it by the time you see this~...

This chapter has been completed!
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