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Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Eight: Destroying Thousands of Enemies

 The mighty convoy stopped less than fifteen kilometers away from the Ulan border.

Oga country is very mountainous.

The border between Oga and Ulan is mostly covered by rolling mountains with steep slopes. No matter how powerful a truck is, it can't do anything. Only the most advanced main battle tanks can barely pass through.

The three thousand elites at the front of the Snow Dance Legion gave up the cumbersome heavy firepower legion, which also meant that everyone had to climb over the mountains on foot to get here.

Li Zonghu ordered the car to be abandoned.

All senior officials walked out of the temporary headquarters.

All the soldiers silently arranged their formations and formed one queue after another.

Among the barren mountains and ridges, the atmosphere was so silent and oppressive that it was almost suffocating.

Intersperse, line up, organize weapons...

Everything happens in silence.

Li Zonghu, Sun Mengran and other senior officers of the Border Guard Corps have long been accustomed to it. These are direct troops who have been with them for several years, and they are all very familiar with each other.

But in addition, the faces of a group of Central-Continent Special Warfare System officers who were originally planned but were arranged by chance for various reasons became more and more solemn.

This group of people is very small in the entry list, with a total of less than twenty people, but the lineup is unparalleled in luxury.

Zhongzhou Terracotta Army.

Yi, one of the Four Spirits of Central Continent, holds a long bow and is codenamed Zhuque.

One of the Four Spirits of Central Continent, Lieutenant General Li Guansheng of Kyushu, holds a silver spear and is codenamed Xuanwu.

Two groups of terracotta warriors and horses, a total of fourteen people.

Dongcheng Ru, the daughter of the Dongcheng family and a genius disciple of Yaochi, holds an ancient sword and wears a red dress.

Xu Chu, the eldest disciple of Yaochi, is dressed in military uniform and looks majestic.

Finally, there is the young man who wants to strike a sword with Jiutian General Yi.

A special person who is not a Central-Continent but stands in Li Tianlan's camp, Lin Youxian, the original heir of the Lin clan.

This is a powerful force that is currently in the Snow Dance Legion but has no connection with the Snow Dance Legion on the surface.

Everyone watched in silence as the Snow Dance Legion gathered together in silence.

Dongcheng Rusuo seemed to have seen such a scene before, his beautiful face was calm and calm.

But except for her, everyone's expression gradually changed.

"This is not the Border Guards Corps."

Yi suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.

The Snow Dance Corps is a special operations regiment composed of 15,000 elite members of the Border Guard Corps.

But these three thousand people in front of me...

Definitely not the Border Guards Corps.

This is an indescribable feeling.

Every elite unit has a soul and an unshakable spirit.

Only troops with souls can be called elites.

It’s not like Yi had never seen the elite troops of Central Continent.

The Frontier Corps is known as the most elite super-large comprehensive army in Central Continent, and their quality is naturally the best in Central Continent.

But even the strongest legion in Central Continent would never be able to reach this level.

five minutes.

Three thousand people stood in formation in silence.

All the energy and energy of the three thousand elites who had been calm in the truck seemed to burst out in an instant.

Cold, iron-blooded, persevering, silent, but with an indescribable majesty and extreme desire to attack.

The spirit of the entire army is improving.

But the aura that was enough to bring the fighting power of heaven and earth was constantly restrained and became calm.

Looking over, the three thousand elites standing in a neat formation looked like a pack of well-disciplined wolves.

It is like a wildfire that is burning violently at any time and is capable of engulfing everything.

There is absolutely no way this is the elite of the Border Guards Corps.

Yi was almost certain that if the Frontier Corps had nearly 600,000 such elites...

No, such elites only need one hundred thousand, and Zhongzhou can completely sweep through the troubled Southeast Asia in the shortest time, and even be enough to sweep away all the troops from all countries in the world.

To describe the three thousand people in front of them as elite is simply an insult to them.

Every elite unit has a military spirit.

And now these three thousand people standing here are the souls of the army!

There were not many troops of this level even during the peak periods of the Li family, the Beihai Wang family, or Central Continent.

Yi subconsciously held the long bow in his hand.

The aura of the three thousand people standing together has been vaguely connected, carrying a power that even he is extremely afraid of.

Among the Four Spirits of Central Continent, except for the junior Li Guansheng who is still at the peak of the Thunder Realm, the other three are all the top masters of the Half-Step Invincible Realm.

As a general of the Nine Heavens, Yi had always been extremely confident in his own strength.

But at this time, facing such a military spirit, which did not require three thousand men, or even only one thousand men, Yi felt that he could not stop him.

"This is definitely not the Border Guards Corps."

His voice was hoarse and he repeated it slowly.

"This is the Border Guards Corps."

Li Zonghu smiled.

His smile was restrained but wild, but there was a kind of excitement in his eyes that could not be concealed.

"Is it the strongest army in Central Continent?"

Li Guangsheng murmured to himself thoughtfully.

Lin Youxian didn't say anything, just watched everything in silence.

The strength of these three thousand elites was not very strong, but that kind of aura vaguely allowed him to see the shadow of Xuanyuan Sword, the most powerful force of the Lin clan. Of course, in terms of strength, they may not be able to compare with Xuanyuan Sword.

, but there are only three hundred Xuanyuan Sword troops, and there are already three thousand who appear here.

what does that mean?

The distant sky suddenly flashed with light.

The light rose all the way up, over the top of the mountain, and radiated brilliance high in the sky.

Orange-red glow.

Li Zonghu frowned slightly and narrowed his eyes.

This is a signal released by frontline investigators.

When the situation reaches the point where a signal needs to be released, it means that the investigators have encountered danger or even been surrounded.

The orange signal means difficulty, which means that the number of enemies exceeds at least 30,000.

The signal flashed high in the sky.

Three thousand elites raised their heads at the same time and looked at the signal in the sky.

This is a force without any heavy firepower configuration. What they give up is the fastest speed.

The signal flashed before the eyes of this force without heavy firepower.

In the phalanx of three thousand people, the iron-blooded and cold aura grew stronger.

Li Zonghu walked to the front of the team, stretched out his hand and pointed to the mountains ahead.

His voice was very soft, but it echoed throughout the audience, with incomparable tranquility and dominance: "Step over."

Stepping over the mountain in front of them is their battlefield.

Soldier's battlefield.

Three thousand people moved forward at the same time.

Amidst the orderly footsteps that made people change their colors, three thousand people rushed straight to the hillside in front of them with light steps.

The entire formation suddenly seemed to disintegrate, but the connection between them became more and more subtle.

Like countless individuals, like a whole that cooperates with each other, and like a complete army.

Charge at full speed!

Lin Youxian opened his mouth wide and looked helplessly as Li Zonghu led the people forward, not knowing what to say.

Did he promise to clear the way with his sword?

What kind of operation is this?

Yi seemed a little helpless and was in a daze.

"Whenever there is a war in the Border Guard Corps, the officers go in front and the soldiers follow behind. Even if they retreat, the soldiers retreat first and the officers follow behind."

Dongcheng said softly: "They may need your swords and arrows, but those at the forefront will always be the officers of the Border Guard Corps. This is the military rule of the Border Guard Corps, and anyone who violates it will be killed."

"The Border Guard Corps has suffered countless victims over the past 20 years, but no officer has ever violated this military rule."

Dongcheng's voice was erratic and agitated: "Not one."

Lin Youxian took a deep breath and turned around suddenly.

In the sound of footsteps that covered the mountains and fields and echoed throughout the world, the blood seemed to be burning silently and began to boil.

Dongcheng rushed forward like this.

Lin Youxian and Xu Chu followed closely behind.

General Jiutian, Lieutenant General Jiuzhou, and two groups of terracotta warriors and horses moved forward at the same time.

Walking through the mountains.

Set foot on the mountain top.

The national boundary monument of Oga Country has become extremely small.

A dense army appeared in sight.

The Russian army.

The army of Oga country.

The Ulan Army.

Countless heavy weapons were urgently installed on the Ulan country's border.

A large number of armies faced each other across the huge ravines between the mountains.

If you want to break through the blockade of the enemy's coalition forces from here, you must first go down the mountain, and then charge towards the top of the mountain belonging to the Ulan Kingdom.

From bottom to top.

In terms of terrain, the Snow Dance Legion was at an absolute disadvantage.

Three thousand people began to slowly descend the mountain.

From the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

The coalition troops stood on the mountain.

The Snow Dance Corps watched from the bottom of the mountain.

From the perspective of looking up, the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces are densely packed, like a dark cloud covering the sky, which is intimidating.

"Go back, Zhongzhou people, the Ojia and Ulan countries are not the places you should come to."

A loud voice rumbled down from the mountain, with great momentum.

"Go back! Go back!"

"Get back!"

"go back!"


At least 30,000 coalition troops on the mountain roared at the same time, with a momentum that shook the world.

Li Zonghu stood at the front.

Next to him was Major General Sun Mengran, deputy division commander.

Li Zonghu pursed his lips slightly and looked up.

On the top of the mountain in sight, a general from Ulan Kingdom looked down at Li Zonghu.

The evening sun gradually sets.

The light envelopes the mountains.

In the weak sunlight, Li Zonghu laughed softly.

The strong wind in the mountains howled from top to bottom, and the eyes of everyone in the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces fell on Li Zonghu.

At that moment, the mountain peaks, grassland, sunset, and unknown soldiers all gathered on Li Zonghu.

The mighty orange setting sun was emitting light, rushing towards him from behind with the force of swallowing up the heaven and earth, and then merged with him.

Li Zonghu stretched out his hand and shook it.

A piece of extremely thick metal pipe fell from his cuff.

The metal pipe stretched in his hands, growing longer and longer, and eventually turned into a long pole nearly ten meters high.

Li Zonghu held the long pole and swung it violently.

In an instant, a scarlet flag stretched out from the top of the long pole.

The wind howled.

The big flag suddenly fluttered in the wind.

There are only two scarlet flags.

On one side is the golden star flag of Middle-earth.

On the other side, there is only one star on the scarlet flag.

That is the personal medal of Dongcheng Wudi, the permanent minister of the Central Continent Military Department, the Killing God of Central Continent, and the former commander of the Frontier Corps.

Li Zonghu held the flagpole tightly and said in a calm voice: "The commander-in-chief is watching us."

In the valleys and ravines, the three thousand elites suddenly became quiet, as if even their breathing gradually disappeared. Only Li Zonghu's voice filled the sky: "His Royal Highness is also watching us."

Endless murderous intent that could tear the sky apart spread among the legion of three thousand people, overwhelming the sky.

The sunset gradually sets.

"From now on."

Li Zonghu said slowly: "We are the first division of Xuewu Legion... code name..."

His voice resounded in everyone's ears, like an extremely solemn oath: "Thunder!"

Yi behind him was stunned for a moment.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

The most elite legion in Middle-earth is the Frontier Legion.

The most elite army among the border guards is the Thunder Army, which is directly affiliated with Dongcheng Invincible.

But everyone knows that the Thunder Army has been traded to the Beihai Wang family by the Dongcheng family.

Now the first division of Xuewu Legion is codenamed Thunder.

what does that mean?

It just means a fact.

That transaction with the Beihai Wang family was not complete.

At least part of the Thunder Army is still in the hands of the Dongcheng family, and now, it is in the hands of Li Tianlan.

The bodies of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces on the top of the mountain began to tense up.

In the increasingly silent world, Li Zonghu's voice sounded continuously: "Zhongzhou is also watching us."

He raised the flagpole in his hand, pointed straight forward, and said calmly: "Come over with me."

The voice is so calm.

But the response that followed was completely earth-shattering.

Amidst the roar that reached into the sky, the soldiers gathered together like a rushing stream.

Rush over!

dash forward!

Go, go, go, go!

In the biting mountain wind, the scarlet flag engraved with stars suddenly fluttered and danced at the forefront.

There was no hesitation or hesitation.

Three thousand people charged at full speed regardless of anything else.

Rush upward!


The sound of artillery fire sounded on the mountain, and the strong firelight rushed down directly with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

Walls of ice, wind, frost, fire and thunder shone under the mountain, and were shattered by artillery fire. Countless cannonballs exploded in the crowd.

Three thousand people were completely ignored.

A large number of his companions fell in front of him and at his feet.

The elite of the 3,000 Thunder Legion ignored the cannon fire and stepped on the corpses of their companions.

dash forward!

Rush over!

Everyone was carrying out Li Zonghu's simplest and calmest orders.

No matter what you encounter, you are always rushing upward.

No hesitation, no matter what!


The corpses of his comrades were trampled into flesh and blood.

In the valley where blood and fire were flying at the same time, murderous intent soared into the sky, and everyone's eyes were completely red.

The commander is watching them.

His Highness is watching them.

Zhongzhou is watching them.

The whole world is watching them.

Rush forward, rush forward!

No hesitation, no timidity, no retreat, no turning back.

Don't step back, even if it's very warm. Don't look back, even if you are nostalgic.

On the indomitable road, in addition to the corpses of losers, there are also the songs of winners.


A worthy death!

This is the motto of the entire Dongcheng family.

It is also the motto of the entire Frontier Corps.


Rush upward.

Bodies kept falling down and being trampled to pieces.

The journey from the foot of the mountain to the top is extremely long, yet extremely short.

Three thousand thunderbolts rushed to the top of the mountain on a path built with blood and corpses, carrying unparalleled madness and unruliness.

The moment three thousand people came into contact with thirty thousand people, the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces immediately began to collapse, and their formation suddenly became loose.

Rush up.

Rush over!

This is the Thunder Army.

The strongest Thunder Army!

In the hundreds of years since the founding of Central Continent, there has never been such an arrogant army.

This is the most fierce military front in Central Continent.

The one who is in power is invincible.


This chapter has been completed!
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