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Chapter 236: Kyushu Cold

 In the mysterious and chaotic Northern Europe, for hundreds of years, even the newly sensible children have known about the dark legends spread in Northern Europe.

Darkness is everywhere.

The rich black slowly penetrates into every corner of Northern Europe in the deepest and thickest way.

Nordic Council, governments, special operations organizations, major enterprises, military industry, finance, intelligence, transportation, transportation.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation, even firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Everything in Northern Europe has a vague shadow of darkness.

The source of all this is in the dark world, which also lies in faith.

Northern Europe also has many extremely devout Catholics.

In the eyes of believers, this is a place where it is extremely difficult for the light of God to spread. In this area, members of the Holy See above the bishop level are killed every year, nuns disappear for no reason, and churches are attacked. Everything is...

It's because there is darkness here.

Very few people know what darkness is.

Be it a person, a company, or a religion.

Ordinary people cannot describe it in detail, so darkness becomes a legend.

Only those in the dark world know that the darkness of Northern Europe is, to be precise, a force.

A force that has a long history and is ancient.

Elite, tough, mysterious, cold-blooded, strong, and sinister.

They may be evil, but no one denies their power and influence on Northern Europe.

This is a group of knights walking alone in the dark.

People call them the Dark Knights, and the leader of the Dark Knights, in Nordic legends, is the legendary Light Smasher.

Rafael Wilson, leader of the Dark Knights.

In Northern Europe, this name is like a nightmare, and his code name is nightmare.

A man who has attacked the Holy See many times over the past decades, implicating nearly half of the elite Holy See Legion in Northern Europe, and who was once able to escape from the hands of Aresis.

In other words, Rafael Wilson, the leader of the Dark Knights, is the biggest heretic in the eyes of the Holy See in recent decades!

In the hundreds of years of history of the Dark Knights, Rafael may not be the strongest leader, but he is indeed the one who single-handedly raised the status of the Dark Knights to its peak. When the Dark Judge, one of the twelve evil soldiers, can fire

At that time, Raphael held the Dark Holy Seal and was not afraid of almost anything in the dark world.

The Dark Inquisitor opened fire three years ago.

It is still in the charging period.

The main reason why the Dark Saint opened fire was for the Palace of Reincarnation, or rather for the Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation.

Now that Li Tianlan could face Qin Weibai's identity, he naturally understood some of the past and secrets of the Palace of Reincarnation and the Dark Knights.

For him, as long as he still trusts Qin Weibai, he will not doubt Rafael.

The night of August 17th.

When the whole city of Leiji City was in turmoil, Li Tianlan also met the leader of the Dark Knights, who he had known for a long time, for the first time.

Rafael is less than fifty years old this year, and he is considered young among the ranks of invincible masters, and he looks even younger. This famous nightmare in Northern Europe is a Eurasian mixed race, with a slender and tall figure.

He has a handsome appearance and chiseled features. He looks like a young man in his thirties. Every move he makes is full of strength.

This is a man who is very attractive in both appearance and temperament. He is neither strong nor cold. His smile is very kind but not hypocritical. It is a kind of natural sincerity and calmness.

"Your Highness Rafael, I am Li Tianlan."

Li Tianlan bowed slightly and spoke calmly.

Rafael didn't have the slightest arrogance of a master on the God List. He also bowed slightly and said with a gentle smile: "This is our first meeting. Li Shuai is indeed very charming."

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows.

Dongcheng Rusuo, who was watching the conversation behind him, was a little surprised.

Because Rafael speaks Chinese.

And it is the most standard Mandarin, with clear and casual pronunciation and no accent.

Middle-earth is the most powerful country in the world.

All countries are learning Chinese.

There are many foreigners who can speak Chinese, but those who speak Mandarin to such a standard are extremely rare.

And although Rafael is of mixed Eurasian descent, the information shows that he is the descendant of a French and Japanese woman, and has nothing to do with Zhongzhou, but now...

Dongcheng even suspected that Rafael's Japanese might not be as proficient as Chinese.

"Your Chinese is very good."

Li Tianlan smiled and praised.

"I like Central Continent. It is the most mysterious and powerful place in the world, but unfortunately, I didn't have many friends in Central Continent before, and no one welcomed me to visit."

Rafael chuckled softly. He was sitting in a somewhat dark hall. The light was very dim, but his voice was very warm.

"Friends? Now you have one."

Li Tianlan nodded: "After the incident in Eastern Europe is over, I very much hope that His Highness can come to Central Continent to visit. I will personally act as a tour guide then."


Rafael laughed happily, and the constant roar became clearer in the laughter.

The roar came from Li Tianlan's side and also from the other side of the screen.

This shows that Rafal is also very close to the Caesar Hotel.

Rafael glanced out the window and suddenly said thoughtfully: "Li Shuai, Leki City is very lively tonight."

"Yes, Prime Minister Rick talked to me. It is said that there is a group of terrorists hiding in the Caesar Hotel who intend to subvert the rule of the entire Ulan Kingdom. Now that Prime Minister Rick has got the news, he will definitely crack down strictly."

Li Tianlan talked nonsense seriously.

He was indeed talking nonsense, and Rafael knew it, but that was unimportant.

What matters is that there is a reason.

This kind of reason doesn't even need to be true or false, it just needs to be reasonable.

In Leki City, the Prime Minister of Ulan Country is just right. He thinks that the Shadow Throne is a terrorist and directly sends troops. This is also right.

Rafael was silent for a while, nodded and smiled: "Prime Minister Rick is very courageous, and Li Shuai is also generous."

Li Tianlan lowered his head and lit a cigarette. Amidst the smoke, he was silent for a while and suddenly said: "It's just that it seems that our preparations are not enough, things are too hasty, and Prime Minister Rick is currently encountering some difficulties."

Rafael looked at Li Tianlan quietly. He never avoided any topic and asked directly: "What do you need me to do?"

His voice was calm and direct, as if he was ready for anything.

Even though Li Tianlan knew that the other party was truly one of his own, he did not expect that Rafael would be so happy. He was slightly startled and said softly: "If your highness can rush to the Caesar Hotel now, I can guarantee that the Dark Knight

The regiment will receive the greatest goodwill from the Ulan Kingdom."

Rafael was startled, then hesitantly said: "Now?"

He was not hesitant, but a little worried. He looked at Li Tianlan with sincere eyes: "Are you too hasty?"

"Time is running out and I have no choice."

Li Tianlan said softly.


Rafael took a deep look at Li Tianlan and said, "I will take people there myself."

Li Tianlan nodded silently and said calmly: "That's right, the Xuewu Legion is currently because of..."

Rafael smiled and waved his hand, stood up and said: "Since time is urgent, there is no need to give a reason. I will go over now. Li Shuai, I believe you."

Li Tianlan quietly put out the cigarette butt.

On the screen, Rafael, the leader of the Dark Knights, had turned around and was about to leave.

Li Tianlan bowed deeply to the screen and said calmly: "Thank you, brother-in-law."

He now has two brothers-in-law.

The first brother-in-law is still in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and it is Zou Yuanshan who has already taken the crucial step in the next twenty years.

He is Dongcheng Rushi's brother-in-law.

The second one is Rafael, the leader of the Dark Knights.

This is Qin Weibai's brother-in-law.

Who is Qin Weibai's sister?

The whole dark world knows it.

But no one knew that the relationship between the Dark Knights and the Palace of Samsara, which they would always stand with at critical moments but kept aloof from each other on weekdays and even had occasional frictions, would be so close.

Rafael paused and finally burst into laughter.

This middle-aged man who looked elegant and gentle smiled so heartily for the first time.

Maybe Li Tianlan himself didn't know how important his words of brother-in-law were to Rafael.


Rafael strode out of the dark hall.

He is now less than six or seven kilometers away from the Caesar Hotel, temporarily living in an ordinary hotel apartment, and there are no elites of the Dark Knights around him, only a few senior Knights who came with him from Northern Europe.

Beyond the hall is a larger hall.

In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, several senior leaders of the Dark Knights were gathering together, discussing with great interest the artillery fire that occasionally lit up in the night sky.

Rafael stood in front of the railing, took a look, and suddenly said: "Sin."

There was silence in the hall for a moment.

Among the several senior executives, an old man who looked to be in his fifties, was wearing a tuxedo and was extremely thin, turned around, bent down, and said respectfully: "Your Highness."

"It's time to act."

Rafael whispered: "Deploy people from the base and enter Leki City as quickly as possible. Tonight, destroy the Shadow Throne!"

Only at this moment did he really seem to be the leader of the Dark Knights, the biggest heretic in the Vatican, instead of the brother-in-law who responded to Li Tianlan's requests just now.

Everyone was shocked.

"How many people will be transferred?"

Sin asked subconsciously. He is the most senior Dark Knight in the Dark Knights. He has been in the Dark Knights even longer than Rafael. As the top half-step invincible master, his status can be said to be

He is second only to the leader.


Rafael said lightly.

Sin seemed too shocked and didn't speak for a while.

"Your Highness..."

An extremely rough figure took a step forward, and his voice became a little cautious: "It's too urgent."

He is also one of the top leaders of the Dark Knights, codenamed Fury. Before and after the decisive battle in Tiandu broke out more than three years ago, it was Furious who led the team and went to the Sky Academy with the Dark Holy Seal in hand, and witnessed with his own eyes the relationship between the Palace Master of Samsara and Gu Xingyun.

One battle.

Rafael glanced at him, nodded, and said yes.

"If we had done it later, maybe we could have gotten more."

Another senior executive said softly, his voice a little hoarse, his code name was Greedy, and what he said was very consistent with his code name.

"Maybe we should take a break now and wait until we have some energy before we go there."

Lazy voice, this is the laziness of the Dark Knights.

Fury, greed, arrogance, sloth, envy, gluttony, lust.


Nightmare Rafael.

This is the list of the top brass of the Dark Knights.

Rafael listened to their opinions quietly, and after everyone finished speaking, he calmly said: "Are you done?"

All the senior executives looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Then take action."

Rafael waved his hand.

Everyone yelled and stood up at the same time.

Even the laziest one stood up with a sigh.

Rafael looked at them quietly without saying a word.

Everyone's opposition just now was not really opposition. The atmosphere of the Dark Knights was like this. They just said what they wanted to say, and as the leader, Rafael did not change his mind, so everyone could only act.

"Your Highness, we will take great risks if we do this."

Sin gave one last reminder.

Rafael hummed, expressionless.

Sin sighed softly, took out his cell phone, and started calling the Dark Knights' base in Ulan.

"The Dark Knights was not called the Dark Knights at first, but I have long forgotten the original name of this organization. At first, like other forces, we pursued money and power. This is still the case even now, but at the beginning

At that time, we touched the interests of the Holy See, so we became heretics. In desperation, we began to rebel against the Holy See."

Rafael's voice was calm: "But the Holy See has faith, what about us? Our greatest belief is to oppose the Holy See, but what kind of faith is this? We also believe in Almighty God. What we oppose is only the Holy See, so from this point on

From one point of view, we are still the same as other forces, pursuing money and wealth, and resisting the Holy See is instinctive and for survival."

"I don't like this kind of life. Darkness without passion is the most disgusting. Everyone, the Dark Knights will not have any risks, because it will always exist. Tonight's battle, I can be sure that what I am doing is...

Something more important than my life, I did it for my love. Apart from that, I have no purpose. Now, I ask you to help me. After tonight, maybe I will fall, and so will you, but the darkness will always be


The hall became increasingly silent.

Rafael ignored anyone's response. He lowered his head, took out his cell phone, and made a call.

The call was answered quickly.

The sound of slight breathing came from the phone, so gentle.

Rafael laughed, his eyes and smile became so soft.

"I'll go to the Caesar Hotel right away."

Rafael said softly.


The voice on the phone was silent for a while, then asked softly.


Rafael chuckled and said: "Tianlan came to see me. How can a brother-in-law refuse my brother-in-law's request?"

There was silence on the phone.

"I'm here too."

The female voice on the phone said softly.

"Then I'll go even more."

Rafael smiled and said: "No matter what, I have to protect my woman."

During the long silence, the Lord of Samsara Palace hummed softly on the phone.

Rafael's smile is rich and intoxicating, as warm and pure as wine.

"After this incident passes, I will agree to your previous request."

On the phone, the voice of the Lord of Samsara Palace became gentle and soft.


Rafael smiled and nodded.


The Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation murmured to himself: "You have to live."


Wang Tianzong was also on the phone.

The Snow Dance Legion can be said to be the most elite army in the world, but Wang Tianzong is also the most powerful Sword King in the dark world today.

If he concentrates on breaking out, it will not be difficult to leave here.

The most difficult thing is that Li Tianlan has taken over the general trend. At least from a general perspective, Wang Tianzong and the Xuewu Legion have the same position, and they both belong to the power of Central Continent.

It is impossible for Wang Tianzong to give up Zhongzhou's support, so he cannot forcefully fight his way out of the Snow Dance Legion.

Imprisonment is already a given.

Wang Tianzong, who had tasted the feeling of being imprisoned for the first time in his life, returned to the room by himself, but he did not look angry at all. Li Tianlan imprisoned his freedom, but did not cut off his right to communicate with the outside world. This was considered a retreat for both parties.

After all, neither Wang Tianzong nor Li Tianlan wanted to drive the other party completely crazy.

Wang Tianzong has already called Jin Tong.

He even called the senior officials he could find in the Throne of Shadows.

But there was no response on the phone.

There is no doubt that the signal near the Caesars Hotel has been completely blocked.

Wang Tianzong, who was currently helpless, calmed down completely and called Xia Zhi.

It is already the morning of August 18th in Zhongzhou.

Xia Zhi’s call was quickly answered.

There was complete silence on the other side of the phone.

There was no sound of waves lapping on the cliff, nor soft music playing with flowers and plants.

Only Xia Zhi's slight footsteps and her voice sounded, extremely clear.

"I heard about it."

Xia Zhi took the initiative and said: "He did it very smartly this time and took care of everything. Tianzong, even if you are unwilling to do so, you can't do anything until you have the right opportunity."

Wang Tianzong smiled and nodded, and said calmly: "I didn't plan to do anything originally, I just waited for the opportunity."

Xia Zhi hummed softly, and after a moment of silence, she said softly: "If you can break through, it will be the best opportunity."


Wang Tianzong said softly: "Before, I was still considering whether to be still or to move. Now I want to move or not. Fate has given me a choice. I have no reason to refuse."

Xia Zhi was silent, and the soft footsteps sounded for a long time before she whispered softly: "Tianzong, is it difficult?"

The majestic swordsman was imprisoned for life by a young man who in his eyes was as good as an ant in both strength and background. How had Wang Tianzong ever suffered such humiliation?

Xia Zhi thought of the entanglement between her daughter and Li Tianlan, and her heart became increasingly complicated.


Wang Tianzong smiled: "I tell you the truth."

"I am very close to a breakthrough. The environment of the Presidential Palace is good. No one will disturb me on weekdays. It just so happens that I can take advantage of this period of time to be quiet. There are many disturbances from the outside world and the situation is chaotic. I am in

In the game, it is impossible to be still or move, and to be honest, it is not as good as it is now."

"It's great if you can figure it out."

Xia Zhi laughed softly.

Wang Tianzong was silent for a while and then said softly: "Come, do something. You can't come to Eastern Europe, but you can contact the country and Rothschild. After tonight, no matter what happens to the Shadow Throne, Golden Eyes must live. This is the bottom line.

, my bottom line.”

Xia Zhi was silent for a while and said softly: "Okay, leave it to me."

Wang Tianzong seemed completely relieved, squinting his eyes and saying nothing for a long time.

Jin Tong wants to live.

This is his bottom line.

This sentence is addressed to the senior officials of Zhongzhou.

He was wondering whether he should also tell Li Tianlan.

He is imprisoned here now because he wants to take care of the overall situation.

But if Li Tianlan insists on trampling on his bottom line regardless of the overall situation, Wang Tianzong will naturally take action.

This is not a threat.

It's just a means of gaming.

"I will leave for Youzhou in the afternoon."

Xia Zhi said slowly: "You'd better communicate with Li Tianlan. He is just a little lunatic. If you don't control him, his golden eyes will be terrible..."

"I know."

Wang Tianzong nodded and suddenly said: "Where are you now?"

"On the way to Laboratory 6."

Xia Zhi said calmly.

Wang Tianzong fell silent.

Laboratory Six.

That is the sword-making room of the Beihai Wang family.

It is also the place where the fierce soldiers and emperors are debugged.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said calmly: "What happened to the sword?"

"Same as you, a little bit worse."

Summer Solstice is a bit helpless.

Wang Tianzong also smiled bitterly.

Beihai Wang's famous sword Tinghai is so powerful that it shocks the dark world.

But after Wang Tianzong approached the peak level of invincibility, Tinghai gradually became uncomfortable because Wang Tianzong's sword intent was too strong. Now that Wang Tianzong has surpassed the peak level of invincibility, he feels increasingly that Tinghai's sword is not up to his standards.

So the Beihai Wang family started the sword-making project.

The sword-making plan had started earlier, and this plan was just a continuation of the plan from more than 20 years ago.

Few people know that as early as more than 20 years ago, the Beihai Wang family wanted to personally build a truly peerless magic weapon.

Or in other words, it is a real Tianjiao sword that can perfectly carry the Tianjiao sword intention.

This time, the sword-making plan used the same sword body that consumed countless precious materials.

It's just that at the beginning, the owner of that sword was not Wang Tianzong.

Rather, he is a person who has real hope and great hope of becoming a genius of our time.

summer solstice.

This was originally a sword forged for the Summer Solstice.

Now Wang Tianzong has restarted the sword embryo, thinking that when he breaks through the last step, he can get a sword that perfectly carries his sword intention.

"What suggestions does Lab Six have?"

Wang Tianzong asked slowly.

"Our requirements are too high. A peerless magic weapon naturally requires spirituality. In other words, the sword of Tianjiao should be a living sword, but the endless sky was shattered too severely back then, and its activity was almost completely lost.

My spirituality is somewhat lacking, so the only way..."

Xia Zhi was silent for a while.

Wang Tianzong also fell silent.

There are few living weapons, but not none.

In the dark world, there are now twelve living weapons.

Wang Tianzong narrowed his eyes and said softly: "You mean, if this sword is completed, it will need to crush the Human Emperor?"

"Currently, what this sword needs is the human emperor's spirituality."

On the other end of the phone, Xia Zhi opened the door of Laboratory No. 6.

Laboratory 6 is extremely desolate.

In a huge ancient bronze cauldron, a thick sword is inserted inside, undergoing testing with various instruments.

This is an extremely huge and thick long sword. The long sword is completely black and is two meters long. The blade is very wide and looks extremely majestic and solemn.

The dark sword blade is engraved with countless patterns on both sides.

The sun, moon and stars are engraved on one side of the sword blade.

One side of the sword's blade is carved with mountains, rivers, lakes and seas.

The huge sword blade was inserted quietly, but it seemed to carry the entire world.

This is truly a peerless weapon.

The sword of genius!

"Tianzong, I look forward to the day when you will make a breakthrough and wield this sword to sweep through the troubled world."

Xia Zhi walked up to the black sword and gently stroked the blade with a gentle tone.

This is a famous sword that is almost completed.

After joining the Fierce Soldier Human Emperor, Xia Zhi fully believed that this would be a new and perfect sword that could protect the Beihai Wang family's prosperity for hundreds of years.

Xia Zhi had thought of the name for this sword a long time ago.

This sword.

It's called Jiuzhou Han.


(Regarding the Palace Lord of Reincarnation, the transformation from her first appearance to this chapter seems to be a contradiction, but in fact there is no contradiction ~ All the pitfalls of the Palace of Reincarnation will be filled in this volume. Regarding the Palace Lord of Reincarnation,

Follow Qin Weibai, all~)

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