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Chapter 240: Breakthrough

 Ulan is not considered a first-rate power in Europe.

Even in Eastern Europe, Ulan is not considered the top country in terms of national power.

But this country, which is famous for its many beauties, rich resources and sensitive geographical location, has the strictest and even cruel military law in the world.

This country has the darkest military courts in the world. Anyone who violates battlefield discipline would rather die than go to a military court.

Death is not scary.

The most terrifying thing is that life is worse than death.

Every soldier in Ulan Kingdom knows this sentence.

Military orders fell like mountains.

In the face of military orders, Ulan's army could be defeated, but no one dared to disobey orders, even if the military order ordered them to die.

General Jack's furious roar immediately spread throughout the neighborhood.

Manic, vicious, hysterical.

Kill them all.

Such military orders are extremely simple, but also extremely resolute.

There will be no more negotiations and no more confrontations.

Jin Tong no longer has the capital to delay.

The lingering sound of General Jack's roar set off a war that swept through the entire Leki City and was more terrifying than the Falling Sun!

Ulan soldiers surged like a tide.

After a brief silence, large bursts of gunfire erupted completely.

The army began to move forward.

The densely packed soldiers occupied all the space in sight, completely crowding them from all directions, and rushed over without leaving any gaps.

Smoke rising from the ruins of the Caesars Hotel has been washed away by rain.

Looking down from a high altitude, the Ulan Army, which occupied almost the entire block, was charging towards the Caesar Hotel with all their might.

Jin Tong led the Shadow Throne to stand in the center of the ruins.

They are surrounded by armies on all sides.

The crowds of people are rushing forward.

The open space around Jin Tong has become smaller and smaller, and is about to be completely submerged by troops rushing from all directions.

Jin Tong's eyes were cold, but deep in his eyes there was confusion.

She finally realized her mistake.

Her biggest mistake was not to delay when she was surrounded.

In other words, she shouldn't trust Wang Tianzong too much.

Wang Tianzong has no reason to give up the Shadow Throne.

Under such a situation, if he could have appeared, he would not have waited until now.

But he didn't show up, which is enough to show that he encountered a problem that he couldn't get out of for the time being.

At that time, she should take action and directly choose to use the toughest method to break out of the siege.

But she waited for a while.

This short period of time did not last long, but it gave Prince the best opportunity.

Before its collapse, the Polar Alliance was once the largest organization in the dark world, but it was not the most powerful organization.

Huge and powerful are two different words, but they are vastly different.

The reason why the Polar Alliance is huge is because it is bloated after accommodating the will of the four major families and more than 20 countries in Eastern Europe. It seems to be full of talents, but in fact it is extremely chaotic. Countries are at odds with each other, and the rich and powerful are fighting each other.

Overt and covert strife have restricted the development of the Polar Alliance.

The Shadow Throne has also experienced such a period, but today, the Shadow Throne is far more mature than the Polar Alliance.

But no matter how mature it is, Throne of Shadows cannot change the fact.

This fact is so nakedly placed in front of everyone that it is impossible to ignore it.

That is, like the Polar Alliance, the Shadow Throne is also a behemoth composed of multiple forces and countries. They are more mature and streamlined than the Polar Alliance, but in essence, they are not much different from the Polar Alliance.

The Polar Alliance collapsed and Eastern Europe was in chaos. The chaos in Eastern Europe was the internal struggle of the four major families from the very beginning. It eventually involved all countries, various fields, and even beliefs in Eastern Europe, and finally turned into the muddy water it is today.

The biggest reason for all of this, apart from the fact that other super powers in the dark world are too strong, is that the Polar Alliance is very complex.

The interior of the Throne of Shadows is also complex.

The dozens of wealthy families within the Shadow Throne carry the will of the vast majority of countries in the European Union. Different interests, cooperation, disputes, and conflicts are staged almost every day.

The most important thing that Queen Jin Tong does is to balance the interests within the Shadow Throne. She has done a good job in these years, so she is very prestigious throughout Europe.

But no matter how well she does, those disputes still exist.

When they were in the Throne of Shadows, they had the same stance, but when it came to their respective families, everyone had a different stance, and everyone had done many shady things in their open and covert struggles.


Everyone has ghosts in their hearts.

Jin Tong has a ghost inside.

Because she did let the poppy poison the young master of Talis family.

Others also have ghosts in their hearts.

So Prince used the simplest but most brilliant method while she was stalling for time.

Divorce plan.

The only difference is that not everything Prance said is fiction.

Almost everything he said was true.

These facts quietly provoked different positions in the Throne of Shadows, like a blunt knife contaminated with poison. It is not sharp, but it is bloody and sealed in the throat. In just a few words, the anger and murderousness that had been condensed in the Throne of Shadows were reduced.

The intention turned into doubt and fear.

Jin Tong has never encountered such a situation.

Facing the Ulan Kingdom's advancing army and the overwhelming hail of bullets, she tried her best to expand her territory.

Submachine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, and even machine guns.

The completely violent bullets completely replaced the rain, impacting like crazy within the realm of Jin Tong.

It is difficult for ordinary firearms to pose a threat to invincible masters.

That's because there aren't enough.

When thousands of bullets were hitting the invincible realm non-stop every minute, the huge impact suddenly caused Jin Tong's realm to start to tremble, and Jin Tong's face seemed to become pale.

It looks a little delicate.

The realm of invincibility envelopes all the elites of the Shadow Throne.

But the strange emotions are still spreading among the people in Throne of Shadows, becoming more and more subtle.

Jin Tong's heart had sunk to the bottom. She suddenly took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Everyone!"

Her voice was low and dignified.

Everyone in the Throne of Shadows trembled in their hearts.

"Everything today is my responsibility, and I am willing to bear all the consequences. If we can survive tonight, I will submit a review report to the European Union. Everything is happening now before our eyes. Maybe there are many things inside the Throne of Shadows.

question, but now, I don’t think it’s time to consider these issues. Now, we are facing life and death, not grudges. As the queen, I ask you to cooperate with me. When we get out, I will give you everything about the Shadow Throne.

You all will explain!"

The intensive gunfire became more violent.

In the sight of the Shadow Throne, one can already see the twisted and desperate faces of the Ulan army rushing from all directions.

Countless gun muzzles were spitting out tongues of fire, and thousands of bullets flew over, almost turning into a wall that filled the entire world. The wall formed by the bullets slammed into Jin Tong's domain.

The realm of invincibility itself is void.

But at this moment, the domain in the void gradually took shape under the huge impact. With the golden pupil as the center, the domain of the invincible realm seemed like a transparent and luminous mask. The mask was trembling violently, as if

It will break at any time.

"Everyone, break out!"

Jin Tong's voice suddenly became cold and cold.

The overwhelming bullets covered up the heavy rain, covered up the night, and covered up the entire city.

Everywhere you look is filled with the cold metallic color of bullets, which is the smell and color of death.

Jin Tong opened his arms and suddenly said: "Defense!"

In an instant, the invincible realm around her disappeared for a moment.

The endless light suddenly swallowed up the approaching Ulan army.

Everyone in Throne of Shadows takes action with all their strength.

Thunder, fire, and ice suddenly bloomed along with the blood. Tens of thousands of bullets were evaporated, and most of them exploded and dissipated in the air. However, a small number of bullets passed through the thunder and fire, and rushed to the Ulan Army on the opposite side like a heavy rain.

in the crowd.

The moment the two sides come into contact, a large swath of them dies.

The bloody and tragic scene directly heated up the war in the entire neighborhood.

The realm of the golden pupil sometimes opens and sometimes shrinks.

Every time the realm blooms and shrinks, it will be accompanied by endless thunder and fire devouring the lives of a large area of ​​​​Ulan Kingdom. The low-morale Shadow Throne barely forms a whole, almost madly rushing to kill among the endless crowd.


Fight your way out.

Jin Tong, who has the strongest attack power, has completely given up attacking. She is doing her best to maintain her own domain, covering everyone in the Shadow Throne, and all attacks and killings are left to the elite and elite members of the Shadow Throne.

High level.

Dozens of people in the Thunder Realm, hundreds of people in the Fire Realm, and hundreds of people in the Ice Condensation Realm erupted at the same time.

They are surrounded by crowds.

But the entire Throne of Shadows is like an extremely huge meat grinder, advancing rapidly in the rain of blood.

In the truck that served as the temporary command post at the end, General Jack's face twitched involuntarily when he saw this scene with his own eyes, and his face was trembling.

He knows that the Throne of Shadows is terrifying.

But only by seeing it with your own eyes can you know how terrifying the Throne of Shadows really is.

With enemies on all sides and almost a crowd of people, there were only less than a thousand elites of the Shadow Throne left. They hardly paused in the crowd, moving forward, killing, blood and flesh flying everywhere, and kept attacking.


The corners of Jin Tong's mouth were also twitching.

The speed of their killing was already extremely fast.

But the sea of ​​people in front of me seemed to be endless, with no end in sight.

The surrounding Ulan soldiers were already full of fear, but they were forcefully pushed up by the crowd at the rear. The desperate soldiers burst out with ferocity, rushed over with red eyes, and were crushed, one after another.

, in front of Jin Tong was still the soldier who was full of fear but finally rushed towards him with red eyes.

There are no words to describe the cruelty of this moment.

Ulan Army.

Throne of Shadows.

Tonight, it can be said that it is truly a matter of life and death.

Prince still stayed in the truck, watching the battlefield on the screen with the camera.

Golden Eyes, Erwin, Johnson, Poppy.

Several sensitive people passed before his eyes one by one. Prince narrowed his eyes and seemed a little nervous.

A white light suddenly lit up in the golden pupil's field.

This ray of light almost passed by the limit of Prince's sight, and quickly disappeared in a flash.

It was like a palm with light.

Prince's eyes twitched slightly.

For a very short period of time, no one could see clearly what happened.

But Jin Tong's body suddenly stiffened.

She didn't notice the hand in the crowd behind her, but was vaguely aware of the white light.

After the white light, she saw Johnson who was always very close to her.

Johnson's face.

Johnson’s real face!

A small part of Johnson's face was torn off by that hand.

What appeared in Jin Tong's sight was a face that was extremely feminine and handsome, but also extremely cold.

The Great Priest of Hall?!

Jin Tong's heart suddenly felt extremely cold.

High Priest Hall seemed to realize something, looking at Jin Tong with a faint look in his eyes.

Jin Tong's eyes instantly became extremely fierce.

Before the mask of High Priest Hall was taken off, she could pretend that nothing happened.

But now, half of the other party's face was exposed, which completely blocked her reason for not taking action.

Jin Tong didn't even have time to think about who had taken advantage of the chaos and removed half of the mask of the High Priest Hall.

The moment he saw this face, in order to stabilize the internal stability of the Shadow Throne, she had already taken action and punched the High Priest Hall without hesitation.

Go all out!

Almost at the same time, a harsh sound sounded from inside the Throne of Shadows.

"The Queen with Golden Eyes killed someone!"

"Golden Eyes killed someone!"

This chapter has been completed!
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