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Chapter 93: War

 As the only force in Tiannan that can represent the power of Central Continent, the development speed of the Eastern Palace is enough to make most people stunned.

No matter how strong the Tiannan Free Corps is, no matter how deep their connection with Zhongzhou is, at least in name, they are rebels, lonely ghosts wandering in Tiannan, and have nothing to do with Zhongzhou.

The arrival of the Eastern Palace is equivalent to secretly building an extremely stable bridge between the Tiannan Free Corps and Zhongzhou. The armaments, food, and all supplies needed by the Tiannan Free Corps are taken over by the Eastern Palace and transported in large quantities from Zhongzhou to the Free Army.

Legion, and then the Eastern Palace came forward to buy back a large amount of arms from the Free Legion. This in and out seemed unnecessary, but it was the most important fig leaf. It could at least prove that the Free Legion had no connection with Central Continent, and that the Free Legion had nothing to do with it.

The East Palace is getting closer and closer. This can only be regarded as the development plan of the East Palace. Zhongzhou can completely let it go, and at the same time, everyone can't say anything.

After all, it has been three years since Tiannan broke away from the Annan Kingdom. At least on the surface, Zhongzhou did not interfere with the Annan Kingdom to regain Tiannan's power. It was just that the Tiannan rebels were in rebellion and Annan could not do it himself. Today's Annan,

Gradually, there is a concept of a no-owner's land. This place does not belong to Central Continent, but in fact, it does not belong to Annan. The East Palace develops here without Annan's consent at all.

What the Eastern Palace needs to do most is how to quickly gain a foothold here, in other words, how to quickly gain recognition from local forces.

The Free Corps can be said to be one of the largest forces in Tiannan. Since then, it is completely logical for the Eastern Palace to seek cooperation with the Free Corps. The establishment of an alliance between the two parties does not mean that Zhongzhou has established an alliance with the Free Corps. So now, strictly speaking, Zhongzhou only

We need to be responsible for the Eastern Palace and have nothing to do with the Freedom Corps.

In fact, Zhongzhou had already issued a statement when the East Palace marched into Tiannan, saying that Zhongzhou had no territorial ambitions for Tiannan and would not provide any form of funding to the Free Corps. The East Palace marched into Tiannan only because Tiannan met the requirements.

Regarding the development direction of the Eastern Imperial Palace, such a statement suppressed the backlash of public opinion in Annan State, and at the same time, a strategic alliance between the Eastern Imperial Palace and the Free Corps was quickly established.

This means that the East Palace has directly entered the fast lane at the beginning of its development. With the full support of the Free Corps, the only thing the East Palace needs to do is to expand its strength and influence.

The current total size of the East Palace is 1,530 people, most of whom are graduates of the Sky Academy and the Deep Sea Academy. They are also the most elite combatants in the East Palace today. When there are no special tasks, the East Palace headquarters is basically

With thousands of combat troops permanently stationed in the Eastern Palace, the Eastern Palace and the Free Corps would help each other. In a head-to-head confrontation, they would not be afraid of anyone in Tiannan.

Sufficient strength is driving the development of the East Palace, and is also constantly improving the headquarters of the East Palace. If nothing unexpected happens, with the development of the East Palace, this place is destined to become the most lively and prosperous place in Tiannan in the future.

So when the Eastern Palace first entered Tiannan, the senior officials of the Eastern Palace proposed an ambitious plan after negotiating with the Free Corps.

New town plan!

With the current temporary headquarters of the East Palace as the center, the East Palace has drawn a circle on the map of Tunan City that covers almost half of Tunan City. This area is even larger than the entire Imperial Army Mountain in terms of scale.

area, and this area is the future headquarters of the Eastern Palace.

A headquarters covering more than half of the city.

The new city plan can be said to be a huge plan that runs through the entire development process of Donghuang Palace. It is expected to take nearly thirty years. If there are no accidents, this time will also be the time when Donghuang Palace starts from its inception to its peak. The first step in the new city plan

The first stage is relocation. East Palace will build a new city covering most of the city on the basis of Tunan City. As the headquarters of East Palace, the future blueprint of the new city is enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people. And now the elite who join East Palace, their

Families will move here as the new city becomes stable, forming the core interest chain of the East Palace in the future. This is the basis for the generation of wealthy families. The East Palace will also use this interest chain to completely stabilize the order of the new city, and then radiate to the entire Tiannan.

Eventually, Tiannan, a land of nearly 40,000 square kilometers, became the second Beihai Province.

The new city plan is an extremely large and complicated plan, but it is not an unfounded fantasy. Every step of the plan is clear and clear. There are basic solutions to the countless problems that may be encountered in the plan. The overall look is majestic.

And it has extremely high feasibility. Every detail has more than one set of perfect plans, as well as response plans for various possible emergencies. When this extremely detailed and huge plan is sent to the Freedom Corps, it is sent to

During the Central Continent Council meeting, the senior officials of Central Continent who looked at this plan were not only amazed but also confused.

The East Palace, which currently only has a group of young people gathered, may have the idea of ​​a new city plan, but the new city plan is no longer an idea. This is a real comprehensive plan, well-founded, whether it is Li Baitian or Ning Qiancheng, or

It is possible that Lin Youxian, who joined the East Palace, or even Li Tianlan himself, would not be able to prepare this plan so perfectly.

This is not a question of ability, but a question of experience, or cognition.

The new city plan of the East Palace is entirely an attempt to replicate the success of the Wang family in Beihai.

Not the current Beihai Wang family.

What they want to copy is the Wang family of Beihai from hundreds of years ago.

For today's Zhongzhou, the Wang family of Beihai hundreds of years ago is already a very strange impression.

Only the core members of the Beihai Wang family know what their family went through in the early days of its establishment, what problems they encountered, and how they dealt with them.

And these cognitions have now turned into the new city plan of the East Palace.

Wang Yuetong.

The person who proposed the new city plan could only be Wang Yuetong.

She not only proposed a plan, she even started taking action even before Zhongzhou gave a clear answer. This extremely long plan has been taken step by step under her command.

Perhaps there will be many changes in the new city plan in the future, which will break the path of the rise of the Beihai Wang family, but at the very beginning, this plan that was destined to affect the East Palace had already been put on the right track by Wang Yuetong.

This is the most important gift she left for Li Tianlan.

It can only be left, not given.

Because Wang Yuetong will not come back.

In the thick darkness, Du Hanyin quietly turned over the entire new city plan and sighed softly.

When all the senior officials of the East Palace returned to Lin'an, she could only stay at the headquarters of the East Palace.

She has been with Li Tianlan more than three years ago, but strictly speaking, she cannot be regarded as a member of the East Palace, because she joined Sigh City more than three years ago. Now, although Sigh City and East Palace are indistinguishable from each other,

Although they are their own people, there are some slight differences in status. For example, after the death of Li Honghe, the person who went to Sigh City was Situ Cangyue, while Du Hanyin could stay at the temporary headquarters of the East Palace.

Today, Du Hanyin has officially broken through into the Thunder Realm. Her once-disabled wind has completely matured after the mutation. In terms of strength, she is one of the real main forces in both Sigh City and the East Palace. Li Baitianning

Qian Cheng and others went to Lin'an and handed over the East Palace to her. Everyone was relieved.

Du Hanyin studied the new city plan until midnight. After pouring himself a glass of water, he was about to rest when there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Sister Du, are you asleep?"

A somewhat urgent voice sounded outside the door.

Du Hanyin frowned slightly, walked over and opened the door, and was suddenly startled.

A full five or six people stood outside the door with anxious expressions.

"What's wrong?"

Du Hanyin asked directly.

She knew all the people in front of her. They were all graduates of Sky Academy. After being brought back to Tiannan by Wang Yuetong, the five people in front of her should be a group responsible for intelligence, but Du Hanyin couldn't remember this group at the moment.

What kind of information are you responsible for?

"Tonghu City is taking action."

In the five-person team, the team leader He Yu quickly said: "Sister Du, we have just received news that there are signs of large-scale mobilization of Tonghu's rebels, at least tens of thousands of people!"

Du Hanyin's expression changed, and the hairs all over his body seemed to stand on end: "How many people are there?"

"The specific number of people is still unclear, but conservative estimates suggest that at least 50,000 to 60,000 rebels in Tonghu City have received combat orders, and the number is still increasing."

Du Hanyin took a deep breath and murmured: "What on earth are they going to do?"

Tonghu City is at the southern end of Tiannan. It is also one of the two cities controlled by the real rebels. If Tiannan is a battlefield, the two cities of Tonghu and Tunan are equivalent to the front lines. The rebels stationed in Tonghu

It's only 80,000. Looking at this situation now, the other party is completely planning to mobilize the left and right armies. Are they crazy?

"Find out the direction of their operations."

Du Hanyin forced himself to stay calm.

The phone rang rapidly. He Yu picked up the phone and called, his expression suddenly changed.

"Sister Du, Tonghu's rebels have left the city and are targeting the northwest."

His voice was solemn and his face was a little pale.


Standing in the direction of Tonghu City and looking northwest, it is Tunan City.

If the rebels wanted to invade Tiandu Purgatory or the Free Forces, it would be impossible to set off from this direction, because that would mean that they would have to take a detour of at least hundreds of kilometers.

Bronze Tiger's rebels suddenly attacked Tunan City.

Du Hanyin immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed.

She must tell Li Baitian, the Freedom Corps, and even the Central Continent Council about this matter immediately.

The rebels in Tiannan mobilized in full force, tens of thousands of people rushed towards Tunan, which meant a real war.

Du Hanyin pressed a series of numbers.

But during the short wait, the phone sounded a cold electronic notification tone.

Unable to connect.

Du Hanyin was stunned for a moment and subconsciously looked down at the screen.

Communication automatically hangs up.

On the glowing mobile phone screen, the upper right corner representing the mobile phone signal is completely blank.

no signal.

no signal?!

Du Hanyin's heart suddenly sank, and a cold chill instantly spread throughout her body. Without any hesitation, she suddenly raised her head: "Send the order, prepare..."


The violent gunfire instantly drowned out her voice.

The violent explosion resounded through the temporary headquarters of the Eastern Palace with fire all over the sky.

In the distant night, someone seemed to be roaring with all his strength, with unparalleled irritability and madness: "Burning Legion! Charge!!!"

The night sky was completely lit up in an instant.

Cannonballs filled with burning flames filled the air, roared from all directions, and landed in the temporary headquarters of the Eastern Palace.


There are explosions everywhere.

The earth trembled and the mountains shook.

Countless elites from the East Palace rushed out of the house immediately.

Du Hanyin also rushed over.

The exploding firelight all over the sky illuminated her pale face, and in the distance in her sight, densely packed crowds roared wildly, covering her like a giant wave.

That was as fast as thunder.

That is enough power to conquer everything!

Du Hanyin directly sounded the alarm at the headquarters.

Dazzling red light continued to flash in the headquarters, and amid the endless artillery fire, Du Hanyin's scream suddenly resounded through the night sky: "Enemy attack! Prepare to fight!!!"

The figures quickly gathered in the gunfire.

The violent killing intent and fighting intent gathered together crazily.

The sky full of artillery fire and the swarming enemy troops did not make the people in Donghuang Palace feel any fear, but instead they were filled with fighting spirit.

The Eastern Palace was established for a short time.

They may not have much sense of belonging here, but they are all graduates of the top special warfare academy in Central Continent. In a way, they are all geniuses, or at least talents, and everyone is arrogant.

Facing the sudden enemy attack, everyone even felt a little ridiculous.

Artillery fire roared.

Under the darkness of night, the enemy charged quickly, covering the mountains and plains.

But no one thinks this is much of a threat.

There seemed to be many enemies in the night, but they were not so numerous that it made people despair.

Three thousand?

Five thousand?

Six thousand?

It only has a scale of five to six thousand people.

At this time, there are over a thousand people in the Donghuang Palace, and none of them are below the Ningbing Realm. They are elites, truly elites.

Thousands of people came to raid the Donghuang Palace?

Some people at the front of the crowd even laughed outright.

One phalanx after another gathered under artillery fire.

Everyone is looking at Du Hanyin.

Du Hanyin looked at the restless night in the distance.

Roaring footsteps approached quickly in the night.

One thousand meters.

Eight hundred meters.

Five hundred meters.

Three hundred meters.

Du Hanyin suddenly raised his palm.

The dazzling lightning suddenly lit up as she raised her hand, and her order was resolute: "Kill!"

Anyway, this is the headquarters of the Eastern Palace.

And the East Palace has no habit of fleeing without a fight.

There were only a few thousand people across the street.

Everyone thinks so.


Amidst roars that soared to the sky, all the phalanxes in the East Palace gathered together and charged directly towards the enemy.

Artillery fire, bullets, bombs.

A chaotic roar erupted the moment the two groups of people collided.

The war rages and burns.

Rivers of blood!

There is no stalemate.

The moment the two sides came into contact, the enemy troops in the front row were directly torn apart by the elite troops of the East Palace.

The enemy troops in the rear rushed forward without hesitation, trampling on the corpses of their companions.



Two minutes.

The elite formation of the Eastern Palace was completely torn apart.

Cold, powerful, crazy!

The enemy's overall strength of several thousand people was not stronger than that of the Eastern Palace, but their willpower honed in the flames of war was comparable to gold and iron. Their strong desire to fight allowed them to rush forward without any hesitation, stepping on blood and bones.

, stepping on the corpse of his companion, moving forward crazily!

This is a real tiger.

This is the real army!

The best army!

Without any suspense, the formation of the Eastern Palace was torn apart.

five minutes.

The formation of the East Palace was completely disorganized.

Flashing thunder, burning fire, and spreading ice.

The aura of death continued to spread out, but was suppressed by the charge of the Burning Legion.

ten minutes.

Du Hanyin was seriously injured.

Under the powerful and incredible offensive, the East Palace suffered heavy casualties and began to retreat.

fifteen minutes.

The extremely violent military front completely suppressed all the vigor of the Eastern Palace.

The killing continues.

From beginning to end, the Burning Legion has only one order.



No one stepped back.

Everyone is moving forward.

Even if they die, everyone dies on the way forward.

twenty minutes.

The temporary headquarters built by the Eastern Palace after months of hard work was completely razed to the ground.

The Eastern Palace, which suffered heavy casualties, was completely dispersed.

Twenty-five minutes.

The Burning Legion began to turn around after destroying the Eastern Palace.

All march forward and attack the Free Corps base in Tunan City!

Vigorous, as powerful as thunder!

All the rebels in Tonghu City began to take action.

But the real war was completely dominated by the armies of the Burning Legion and the Annan Kingdom.

When everyone's attention was attracted by the rebels in Tonghu City, the 50,000-strong Annan Army bypassed the mountains from the east of Tiannan and attacked Tunan.

Three years of fighting.

Tiannan, which was generally peaceful, was suddenly covered in flames of war.

No warning.

An endless stream of Burning Legion elites entered Tiannan from the west and rushed directly to Tunan City.

Eighty minutes into the war.

The first batch of Burning Legion troops approached the Tunan Free Legion battle zone after scattering the Eastern Palace.

After one hour.

Tunan Free Corps Base No. 1 was destroyed.

The flames of war spread crazily and burned fiercely.

The war begins in its third hour.

Freikorps II Corps was destroyed.

The Freikorps stationed at the 2nd Legion.

A total of five thousand people, the whole army was wiped out!

No one fled the battlefield.

The war strangles the lives of both sides in the most cruel way.

Free Corps Base Two.

This is the base with the smallest number of Freikorps.

There are only five thousand people.

But these five thousand people are all Thunder Army!

This is the Thunder Army that Dongcheng Wudi traded to Beihai Wang Family.

It was also during the chaos in Eastern Europe that the Thunder Army fought all the way from Emea to Leki City and pierced through the armies of three countries!

Five thousand Thunder troops were completely wiped out!

The Burning Legion, which also paid a heavy price, gathered the forces that joined later, rushed directly to the Freedom Legion's base three, and successfully merged with Annan's large army.

The fire burns the night.

Before dawn, Freedom Corps Base No. 3 fell.

The Burning Legion officially takes over Tunan City.

It's not just the Free Corps.

Even Zhongzhou was stunned.

This was the Burning Legion's first battle after leaving Africa.

The world recognized the power of the Burning Legion.

Like a magic sword that had been hidden for many years, it was unsheathed in an instant, and the shocking sharpness directly tore apart the stalemate in Tiannan for more than three years.

Nothing is indestructible, nothing is indestructible!

Both the Free Legion and the Eastern Palace became victims of the Burning Legion's sword, suffering heavy casualties.

Tiannan this night.

The Burning Legion this night.

In an instant, it became the focus of the world's attention.

This chapter has been completed!
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