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Chapter 17: One Step One World

 It’s like a fateful encounter.

They are each other's perfect mirror image.

Exactly the same face, exactly the same height, and even the inherent fragrance.

The remaining light of the setting sun cast their shadows over them.

The slight darkness in the sky is engulfing the world.

The two girls looked at each other quietly.

But vaguely, it seems like two souls are confronting each other.

The girl's clothes are simple and clean, and her pride and strength seem to radiate from her bones. Every move she makes is natural.

But behind this pride and strength, there is indescribable fatigue and haggard.

The girl opposite is weak, ignorant, naive, and ignorant of the world. Her soul seems to be completely shrouded in the shadow of the other person, and she looks pitiful.

"Remember your name from now on, you are the ancient fairy."

The proud girl's voice was calm, elegant, and unhurried, just like Tianyin: "I am Qin Weibai."

"But I am Qin Weibai."

The girl spoke timidly, tears gradually overflowing from her smart eyes. She was a little scared and subconsciously wanted to run away, but that perfect and delicate little face was extremely clear in her sight, perhaps because of her inner confusion.

, she hesitated in her steps: "I don't like the name Gu Xianyan."


The girl who looked exactly like her opposite nodded and said coldly: "I don't like it either."

Then there is no more.

The girl finally cried, a little aggrieved and confused. She still couldn't understand what domineering meant in her little mind, but this young lady who looked exactly like her wanted to take away her name, which made her very sad, and crystal tears rolled down her eyes.

Her eyes flowed out and fell on the patched clothes. She pursed her lips and made no sound.


The other party watched her silently crying silently, and repeated it again unhurriedly.

"Sister, who are you?"

The girl looked at her carefully, she couldn't stop her tears, she was pitiful.

"I am Qin Weibai."

The other person's face was calm.

"You're not, I'm Qin Weibai."

The girl cried loudly, becoming more and more aggrieved. Her appearance was so pitiful that it made people's hearts tremble: "Why did you take my name away?"

"Because that's my name."

Her voice was very serious.

"But who are you?"

She asked cautiously, trembling.

In his sight, the proud and strong face seemed to gradually melt and turn into a touch of warmth.

"I am you."

She whispered: "I am you in the future, and you are me in the past."

Behind her, Master Wuwei, who was following her all the way, sighed softly, distantly and peacefully.

Deathly darkness completely enveloped the world.

That's not nightfall.

But an unspeakable silence.

It's like the eternal darkness is shrouding bit by bit, the light is disappearing, and everything becomes silent.

She became that ball of fire again.

The subtle light no longer floats.

Darkness enveloped me, pulling all the light away.

Silence, eternity, long.

Countless thoughts seemed to be torn into countless pieces in an instant, and messy pictures kept flashing.

The fire is still burning.

But in the darkness, the fall seems to be endless.

A rapid warning sound sounded in the Lin tribe's biological laboratory.

That is the reaction that the machine has reached its limit.

Near the nutrition warehouse, a huge screen suddenly flashed, and majestic data rolled upward crazily. It was not the pale color that represented death, nor the silver gray that represented serious injuries, nor the green color that represented health.


All the data was completely bright red, and the value instantly exceeded the machine's peak value. The machine's warning sound suddenly stopped, the screen began to flash, and then completely blacked out.

Lin Fengting looked at this scene with some astonishment.

Nalan Shiying and Qin Weibai have already left.

Lin Fengyue, the head of the Lin Clan Biological Laboratory, walked out, looked at the recorded red data in front of her, and raised her eyebrows.

Lin Fengting didn't ask what was going on.

He knows what that instrument does.

It is a brain link device. Although it cannot accept the other party's thoughts, it can roughly observe the other party's thinking activity through data.

For several months, the injured person's thinking has been in a state of chaos and deathly silence, but occasionally there are fluctuations. This is why the Lin clan is sure that she can survive. At this time, all the data detected by the instrument have exceeded the limit of the instrument.

The detectable peak value was a surprise enough for Lin Fengting.

"When will she wake up?"

Lin Fengting asked.

"It's hard."

Lin Fengyue shook her head: "The brain linker can detect the mental state of the human brain. In this situation..."

Her tone was hesitant and unbelievable.

"Her spiritual attainments have always been terrifying."

Lin Fengting chuckled and said: "In terms of spirit, she can even be said to be the person closest to the transcendental state."

"That was the situation before. If she is only close to the transcendental state you call it, then her mental state will not reach the peak of this instrument at all. I am not sure about the situation at hand, but what I can be sure of is that,

At least at that moment, her mental state had far exceeded the limit of the so-called transcendent state."

Lin Fengyue looked at Lin Fengting with complicated eyes: "But even such a powerful spirit did not wake her up."

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Fengting frowned. What do you mean? He said this so many times in the past few days that he almost vomited when he heard it.

"Her health is too poor to support her spirit. The most optimistic outcome at present is that even if she wakes up, she will not be able to return to the invincible state she was at her peak. The best outcome is that she can return to

It is impossible for her martial arts to be preserved at the level of an ordinary person. From this point of view, her injury is much more serious than that of Xia Zhi. All her martial arts foundation is gone, but her spirit is still intact.

She has broken through a certain limit. If we divide it according to her mental strength, her current mental strength is not weaker than that of the legendary pope."

Lost his martial arts.

But it reaches its peak in the spiritual realm.

Lin Fengting was silent for a moment and said, "Is this compensation?"

"Don't you understand yet?"

Lin Fengyue said with some worry: "Her mental strength is too strong. She can even be said to be conscious now. But she can't wake up. Do you think this is a good thing?"

Lin Fengting's expression changed and suddenly became serious.

I have consciousness, but I can't wake up.

Unable to wake up, all she could face was darkness.

Her consciousness has remained awake in the darkness. This time may be a year, it may be ten years, or even longer.

The question is can she hold on?

Lin Fengting's body stiffened, and he turned his head little by little, looking at the figure huddled in the nutrient solution in the nutrition warehouse.

Large areas of nutrient solution have been undergoing the most intense reaction, absorbing, surging, and replenishing.

There was little sound in the nutrition warehouse.

But bubbles appeared one after another on the edge of the bubble-like nutrient solution.

Bubbles and bubbles completely surrounded her body, and Lin Fengting could only see her pale face.

He stood quietly for a long time.

Lin Fengyue didn't know when she had retreated.

Across the nutrition warehouse, Lin Fengting stared at her face quietly.

Even though he had known her for a long time, even though he had seen too many so-called characters, but quietly staring at this face, he still had to admit that this was the most perfect face he had ever seen in his life.

Exquisite, dreamy, flawless.

Like white clouds in a clear sky.

Like the bright moon among the stars.

It is a kind of soul-stirring charm, with a fairy-like appearance and beauty that captivates the country and the city, and is unparalleled in the world.

Yes, unparalleled.

He had met Qin Weibai, and the gap between the two was really very small. It could even be said that there was no difference at all.

But maybe because of his preconceived notions, he always subconsciously felt that Qin Weibai was a little inconsistent, but he couldn't say what was wrong, it could only be said to be a psychological effect.

But the woman in front of her is truly worthy of her perfection.

She fell asleep quietly in the nutrient solution, motionless.

His eyebrows are picturesque, soft and quiet.

Lin Fengting stood for a long time before sighing softly and turning around slowly.

A figure stood quietly next to Lin Fengting, squinting his eyes and nonchalantly holding a glass of red wine with a playful expression.

Lin Fengting was stunned and blinked subconsciously. At this moment, he even thought that he had seen it wrong.

This is a very young figure. His appearance is not handsome, but his face is very clean and looks slightly delicate. He is wearing a white suit and short hair. His expression is very meaningful, but he looks very soft. But in

Under this gentleness, Lin Fengting could clearly feel a touch of faint but extremely fierce aggression.

Show off your edge!

Even if he stood there motionless, he could give Lin Fengting an extremely powerful feeling.

It was the sword intent that was revealed unintentionally from all over his body, carrying an aura that was invincible and invincible.

He looked in Qin Weibai's direction with extremely fiery eyes, like a hunter eager to conquer his prey after seeing it.

Lin Fengting frowned.

He didn't like the other person's eyes very much, and at the same time, the shock in his heart was even stronger: "Tianlan, why are you here?!"

Li Tianlan.

Standing here is Li Tianlan.

There was no pain or connection in his expression, and the aggression in his whole body became more and more obvious.

He shook the wine glass in his hand slightly, squinted his eyes, stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Are you Gu Xianyan? Gu Xingyun's adopted daughter?"

Lin Fengting turned around in shock.

The scene in front of me is changing.

A hazy and soft light shines in the laboratory.

The cold silver walls of the laboratory began to fade, and the test benches disappeared one by one.

There are more and more lights, and they are getting softer.

A crowd appeared in Lin Fengting's sight.

Men and women, young, middle-aged, old.

Everyone was gathering with their familiar circle, and at the same time they naturally met some new friends. Everyone was talking and laughing, but everyone was looking at Lin Fengting intentionally or unintentionally.

To be precise, he was looking behind Lin Fengting.

She walked over slowly, dressed in fine clothes.

Cool, elegant, proud and calm.

The black dress exposed a section of snow-white shoulders. A string of exquisite diamond necklaces was the only decoration on her body. The skirt swayed gently as she walked, like a lotus swaying in the wind. Her expression was not charming and seductive.

But every move has a kind of perfection that one dare not blaspheme.

Li Tianlan's eyes became increasingly fiery and full of interest.

"Xianyan has met His Highness."

She walked up to Li Tianlan and bowed slightly. The light of the diamond necklace around her neck was reflected in his fiery eyes.

"Oh, the most beautiful woman in Central Continent."

Li Tianlan handed the wine glass in his hand to her: "You deserve this title."

His movements were casual and his voice was even more casual: "Drink it."

The faces of several young men and women following Gu Xianyan were slightly angry, but they were forced to endure it.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and then she laughed, and the natural fragrance floated slightly, making her even more intoxicating.

"Xian Yan offers a drink to His Highness."

Gu Xianyan naturally held the wine glass and smiled softly. Her voice was like clear ice and snow, neither humble nor arrogant: "Your Majesty, your Majesty."

"My divine power?"

Li Tianlan laughed playfully: "I have never been to your Phoenix Pavilion, what kind of power can you see?"


Next to Gu Xianyan, a young man in his thirties was furious and took a sudden step forward.

Li Tianlan glanced at him lightly.

Facing his eyes, the young man's face suddenly turned pale, and his whole body froze.

A hint of annoyance flashed through Gu Xianyan's bright eyes, but she remained as cold as a lotus: "His Highness was just joking. I had the honor to meet His Highness at the airport a few days ago. His Highness killed the newly promoted Invincible Realm with one blow.

He is a master of martial arts, his radiance is endless, and his divine power is astonishing. Even if my adoptive father saw it, he would be ashamed of himself."

Li Tianlan squinted his eyes and said lightly.

Gu Xianyan took the wine glass that Li Tianlan had used and waited politely for a few seconds. Seeing that Li Tianlan had no other reaction, she nodded and said: "Your Highness, my friend and I still have two projects to discuss. Unfortunately,

I’ll accompany you.”

She did not introduce the men and women around her to Li Tianlan. Their identities were not on the same level, so it would be useless to introduce them.


Li Tianlan smiled and raised his palms.

The waiter came quickly carrying the tray.

Li Tianlan picked up a glass of wine again, took a sip himself, and then handed it to Gu Xianyan: "Drink it."

Gu Xianyan paused in her steps and her eyes gradually focused.

"Li...Your Highness, we do have important things to do. Miss Xianyan is too drunk. I am willing to offer this drink to Your Highness on her behalf."

The young man who had been frozen in place for a long time could no longer bear to take a step forward, looked directly into Li Tianlan's eyes and said.

"Are you worthy?"

Li Tianlan leaned against the bar casually, glanced at him, and wrote lightly.

"You! I am..."

"I'm not interested in knowing who you are, nor am I interested in knowing who your father is."

Li Tianlan glanced at the men and women around Gu Xianyan, and said in a cold tone: "Get out of here, she is going to drink with me here today."

"Li Tianlan!"

The young man could no longer hold back his inner anger: "Don't go too far, I am Lingnan Han..."


In the dull voice, before the young man could finish his words, an enchanting figure suddenly walked over and kicked the young man directly on the chest.

A powerful and heavy kick directly kicked the young man nearly twenty meters away. Blood spurted out from his mouth, and his body fell softly to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

There was a cry of surprise, and then there was silence for a moment.

The charming and enchanting figure said nothing, standing in front of Li Tianlan and bowing slightly.

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes and remained calm.

Gu Xianyan's body tensed up for a moment, and she narrowed her eyes slightly.

Of course she knows this woman.

Beihai Wang family, enchantress.

Everyone thinks she is the most loyal lackey around Li Tianlan, but this scene just now...

Gu Xianyan thought quietly and lowered her head.

"Go down."

Li Tianlan glanced at Enchantress and said nothing more.

The enchantress nodded silently, faced Li Tianlan, and stepped back step by step.

Li Tianlan's eyes swept over the other men and women around Gu Xianyan, and said calmly: "I'll give you five seconds. If you don't get out, I'll ask your parents to crawl over to get you. Five, four..."

There is no three.

No matter how humiliated they were, the young men and women immediately turned around and walked away.

Li Tianlan smiled, casually stretched out his hand, grabbed Gu Xianyan's slender waist, and held her body in his arms.

"what are you doing?!"

Gu Xianyan's face suddenly turned red and she was a little flustered.

"drink wine."

Li Tianlan said lightly.

"Your Highness, please respect yourself. In this situation, you..."

"The occasion is not important."

Li Tianlan said lightly: "This is Beihai."

"Beihai is not yours!"

"But my woman's."

Gu Xianyan gritted her teeth: "Your Highness is not afraid of the little princess from Beihai. Will the future patriarch be angry and jealous? Your Highness may not be afraid, but I can't afford to offend her."

"It's okay, she's very obedient."

Li Tianlan squinted his eyes, and there seemed to be two abyss deep in his eyes: "In the future, you should let her teach you how to be obedient."

"Let me go!"

"Come on, dance with me."

"I don't!"


"Li Tianlan, what do you mean?!"

Amidst the loud roar, Gu Qianchuan stared at Gu Xianyan who was held in Li Tianlan's arms, his eyes like spitting out fire.

The party has ended.

But no one left.

Because Li Tianlan didn't allow Gu Xianyan to leave.

"Didn't I make it clear enough?"

Li Tianlan firmly hugged the woman who was struggling slightly in his arms, kneaded her waist with one hand through the thin dress, and said lightly: "She wants to stay with me tonight, why, have you ever used her?

?If that’s the case, I can return it to you.”

Gu Xingyun was so angry that he was trembling all over.

The role of the Phoenix Pavilion is indeed very hidden, and there is some ambiguity in it, but Gu Xianyan is the master of the Phoenix Pavilion, and Gu Xingyun usually regards her as the apple of his eye, loves her very much, and is closer to her than his biological daughter.

Exactly? Are these human words? Not to mention that in Phoenix Pavilion, even in Central China, Gu Xianyan's education and behavior style were purer than anyone else's. This sentence sounded completely insulting to him.

"Li Tianlan, what do you think of Kunlun City?"

"What do you think Kunlun City is? How long do you think Kunlun City can exist?"


"I'll give you another chance. Now, get out of here. If this woman satisfies me tonight, I can consider letting you live a little longer."

"Great Elder..."

In the silence, Gu Xianyan's helpless voice rang out. The extremely tough power directly suppressed her and her backers, and everyone was helpless.

Her voice was very soft, but gradually became firmer: "I am willing to stay."

"Li Tianlan!"

Gu Xingyun's face turned red and his whole body trembled.

Enchantress walked over quickly and handed Li Tianlan a room card.

"Take it."

Li Tianlan squinted and handed the card to Gu Xianyan.

Gu Xianyan's face turned red as she was held in his arms. She deliberately wanted not to pick it up, but in the end she reached out her hand and tremblingly took the key card.

Li Tianlan laughed and walked to the room upstairs with the most beautiful woman in Central Continent in his arms.

His figure walked directly towards Gu Qianchuan, getting closer and closer.

Ten meters, five meters, three meters.

Gu Qianchuan, who was clenching his fists, finally gritted his teeth and moved out of the way: "You will pay the price, I promise!"

"I don't want to hear nonsense, either get out or die."

Li Tianlan left directly without looking back.


Lin Fengting looked at this scene in confusion.

He didn't know where it was, but it looked like it was a very important banquet.

When did you come?

He silently thought about what he was doing before coming here.


Seeing Li Tianlan leave, Lin Fengting subconsciously took a step forward.



The huge palm hit the table directly, and a thunderous roar suddenly sounded: "You killed Gu Qianchuan?! Do you know what you are doing?"

The party disappeared.

In the large conference room, a familiar figure named Lin Fengting was roaring angrily.

"Because he deserves to die."

Li Tianlan lowered his head and touched the golden retriever lying obediently at his feet. As the first person to bring a dog into the parliamentary conference room since the founding of the People's Republic of China, his sharp edge has gradually subsided, but his arrogance has become more and more obvious:

"He almost killed my dog. I want his dog's life. Why are you angry?"

"His Majesty the Sword Emperor, Minister Dongcheng, should you give me an explanation? He is provoking the majesty of the entire Central Continent Council!"

"Tian Lan is right, Gu Qianchuan deserves to die."

This is Wang Tianzong's voice.


Dongcheng Wudi said calmly.



With a crisp sound, the tea cup smashed to pieces on the ground.

Lin Fengting watched this scene quietly. Looking at Wang Tianzong, he felt something was wrong. He just wanted to go up and say hello. After taking a step forward, the scene in front of him suddenly opened up.

The vast snow-capped mountains stretch as far as the eye can see.

Snow is flying over Kunlun City.

Li Tianlan's figure floated in the air, looking at the Kunlun City below him with an indifferent expression.

Gu Xianyan was held in his arms, wearing a pure white cloud silk windbreaker, which made her figure become more and more otherworldly.

White flags hang in Kunlun Chengli.

Furu Senchuan's funeral has just passed.

Many influential high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen in Central Continent came here to attend Gu Qianchuan's funeral.

Li Tianlan and Gu Xianyan appeared last.

No courtesy.

There was only a notice that was similar to an order: "Gu Xianyan is leaving Kunlun City today, that's it."

"She is from Kunlun City, why did she leave Kunlun City? Li Tianlan, don't go too far!"

Gu Xingyun's voice of grief and anger resounded through the sky: "She is the master of the Phoenix Pavilion trained by me in Kunlun City. Everyone present knows clearly, what qualifications do you have to let her leave Kunlun City? Xianyan, is that your original intention?"

Wearing a pure white cloud silk windbreaker, it seemed to blend into the wind and snow, and Gu Xianyan's face was a little pale.

This truly invulnerable cloud silk garment was the result of Li Tianlan's four-month campaign in Europe and the United States last year. She made three garments out of the cloud silk she obtained, one of which was given to the future female patriarch of Beihai, Gu Xianyan.

, was one of them, and he didn’t leave any behind.

She bit her lip tightly and looked at Kunlun City and the man beside her.

Unknowingly, I have been with him for more than four years.

"Xianyan, is that what you meant?"

Gu Xingyun's voice sounded every word, a little gloomy.

"Okay, let me say it again."

Li Tianlan said calmly: "Xianyan has nothing to do with Kunlun City. You don't have to have a relationship with her in the future."

"She is from my Kunlun City!"

Gu Xingyun roared.


Li Tianlan said slowly: "Who can testify?"

His eyes contained flying snow as he glanced at the important figures in Central Continent under the city, his sword energy invisibly overwhelming.

The whole place was silent.

No one wants to testify.

Li Tianlan laughed.

He pointed at a minister from the Central Continent Special Operations Headquarters below and said calmly: "Tell me, did Gu Xianyan once belong to Kunlun City?"

The minister swallowed hard.

Of course Gu Xianyan belonged to Kunlun City. When she was in Phoenix Pavilion, he even sent the elites from the ministry more than once to teach her some knowledge that she should master. He was Gu Xingyun's confidant and had always been like this.

But facing the overwhelming sword energy, he hesitated for a moment, and finally lowered his head and said hoarsely: "I have never seen her in Kunlun City. I think this lady has nothing to do with Kunlun City."

Li Tianlan twitched the corner of his mouth and nodded to the speaker again: "What do you think?"

"Is this lady's surname Gu? It's just the same surname. It's a coincidence."

The Speaker laughed: "This is the woman next to His Highness, and naturally has nothing to do with Kunlun City."

"What do you think?!"

The rolling sound waves shook Kunlun City.

Everyone unanimously stated that Gu Xianyan had nothing to do with Kunlun City.

Lin Fengting watched this scene quietly.

A word suddenly occurred to him.

Refers to a deer as a horse.

"Your goal has been achieved."

Kunlun City is already behind you.

Under the flying snow, Li Tianlan held Gu Xianyan's hand carefully, and said in a calm voice: "You have completely got me."


Li Tianlan turned his head and spoke with a smile.

"Isn't it? I no longer belong to Kunlun City. So many people are testifying for you."

Gu Xianyan's tone was mocking and sad.

"But not you."

Li Tianlan looked into those eyes that made him completely lost, and said softly: "You can speak just now. If you admit that you are related to Kunlun City, it will be meaningless no matter how many people testify."

He took a step forward and said seriously: "Why don't you admit it?"

Gu Xianyan took a step back, her face turned pale, she grabbed her clothes and shook her head subconsciously.

"Answer me, why don't you admit it?"

"I have no idea."

"you know."

"I have no idea."

"You obviously know."

"Stop talking, don't force me."

The ancient fairy burst into tears.

Li Tianlan held her tightly in his arms, gently embroidered the fragrance of her hair, and said lightly: "Because if you admit it, you will lose me, right?"

"No, that's not the case. Why are you doing this to me? I don't want to know you, you bastard. You bastard, why are you doing this to me? You forced me to do that in the first place. Why?"

Gu Xianyan's mood collapsed. In the years she had been with Li Tianlan, this was the first time she had a complete breakdown.

"Because I like you."

Li Tianlan hugged her body tightly and whispered: "You are mine, you can only be mine, do you know? Do you know?!"

Gu Xianyan hugged his neck tightly and kissed him actively.

The sky is full of wind and snow.

Lin Fengting turned around silently.

One step, one world.

"I am pregnant."

She leaned gently into Li Tianlan's arms with a soft voice.


Li Tianlan sat up suddenly, with a look of surprise on his face: "Ha, hahaha."

He suddenly picked up Qin Weibai and spun him around with an extremely unrestrained smile: "Am I going to be a father?"

"Be careful, don't hurt the child."

Gu Xianyan stretched out her little hand and pinched Li Tianlan's face, murmuring: "Let you bully me, let you bully me."

Her palms were gentle and her eyes were full of affection.

Li Tianlan put her on his lap and said seriously: "I will give you whatever you want."

"That's enough for you."

Gu Xianyan said softly.

Li Tianlan was a little embarrassed: "Now? In the first three months, it wasn't very good."

Gu Xianyan's face turned red and she pinched Li Tianlan's face: "Bad guy, what are you thinking about?"

Li Tianlan laughed, hugged Gu Xianyan and stopped talking.

"what's on your mind?"

Gu Xianyan said softly.

"I'm thinking that I should take Yuetong over. We can live a good life as a family. It's time to completely resolve some of our grievances. Then you all will give me children and I will teach them how to practice swordsmanship. Well, I should do it now

I've made a sword manual, ah, Xianyan, what do you think the child will be called when he's born?"

"What's the child's last name?"

Gu Xianyan's tone was a little hesitant: "My surname is Li, or my surname is Dongcheng..."

Li Tianlan was silent for a long time.

"Let's... let's call it Li."

Li Tianlan said softly: "I'm used to it. If it's my son, how about calling him Li Dongcheng?"

Gu Xianyan rolled her eyes at him: "It's so perfunctory to name a child, I hate it so much."



"Your Majesty, Bei... Beihai... Beihai Wang has sent an invitation letter. It is... a wedding invitation...

"What wedding?"

Li Tianlan asked casually.

"Beihai has officially confirmed Wang Shengxiao as the heir to the Beihai Wang family. The wedding...the wedding...three days later will be the wedding of Wang Yuetong, the little princess of the Wang family in Beihai, and Gu Hanshan, the young master of Kunlun City."


The sword energy suddenly flew into the air.

Under the main hall, a group of people all knelt down: "Your Majesty, please calm down."

"Tianlan, this is not true. It is impossible for Beihai to marry Yuetong to Guhanshan. They just want to let you go."

"Ha... go over. If you can, I will help them."

"You can't go!"

"I must go!"

"Please, don't go."

Li Tianlan went anyway.

Arguing, crying, no means to stop him.

Before he left, he just asked her to wait for him at home, waiting for him to take them to the Holy See again.

He said that flowers should be spread all over the world.

What Gu Xianyan saw was the wind and snow falling all over the world.

In the darkness, a figure slowly walked out, squinting his eyes and smiling gently: "Xianyan."

Gu Xianyan's body was shaken violently and she stood up suddenly.

Gu Xingyun stood not far behind him, with an easy-going smile and cold eyes.

"How did you get in?"

she asked slowly.

Gu Xingyun didn't answer, but looked at her bulging belly, his eyes getting colder: "How many months has it been?"


The wind and snow are flying.

The sky is covered with heavy snow.

In an invincible state, he lies dead.

The fierce soldiers were broken.

Blood dyed the white snow red, and it was densely packed with corpses everywhere.

The sky above the snow-capped mountains is cold and gloomy, like a nightmare.

"Who dares to fight with me?"

"I have a sword and am willing to go on the road with you."

The sword light cut through the snowy peak.

Dazzling like a rainbow, it captivates the country and the city.

The huge jet-black sword instantly became furious, and countless sword energy surged out, about to counterattack.

At that moment, his eyes were stunned, and then turned into relief.

He clenched the giant sword in his hand, and the sword energy burst out from the giant sword was instantly absorbed by himself. The sword energy entered his body, and his body shook. All the counterattacks from the giant sword were suppressed by him.

He looked at the charming figure calmly, his eyes calm.

The next second, the sword edge cutting through the wind and snow suddenly pierced his heart.

"It hurts."

"Why don't you fight back?"

"You're going to die."

He looked at her belly and smiled: "He will die too."

"How dare an ordinary man claim to be emperor?! Ridiculous! This is what happened to you today, and the same will be the fate of Wang Tianzong in the future!"

On the snowy peak in the distance, the Sword Emperor, who had lost his arm, was covered in scars and almost lifeless.


"It's understandable, your surname is Gu after all."


"There's no need for this. I've been very tired over the past few years. I'm too tired. It's time to rest."


"I want to go home."


"I really want to..."

He looked at her belly: "Look at him."


His body fell down and fell into her arms.






Lin Fengting finally realized what he saw.

One step, one world.

This is the world that impressed her most deeply.

Her mental state was unconsciously out of control, and her spirit beyond the transcendent realm broke out instantly. At this moment, Lin Fengting knew very well that she was hypnotized.

He walked in the deepest world of her heart, and what he saw was a picture that he didn't know belonged to the past or the future.

His steps took one step forward.

"Wang Tianzong has fallen."

"Very good, Beihai Wang family, haha, after so many years, it's time for them to come to an end."

"Where's Gu Xianyan?"

"I don't know, he disappeared after that battle."


Lin Fengting kept walking.

Countless pictures flashed in her mind, becoming more and more confusing.

Her spirits seemed to be calming down.

The world is constantly changing.

He saw Huating. Dongcheng, who was wearing a red dress, jumped off the tallest building.

He saw Gu Xianyan again.

Then he saw himself.

Gu Xianyan held the child in her arms and pulled a little girl beside her.

The picture is vague.

The sound is intermittent.


"I, the Saint of the Lin Clan..."

"How did you lose your two children?!"

"You bastard, go find them! Find them all for me!"


He saw the waves of the West Lake.

An extremely angry sword light cut through the entire West Lake, seriously injuring Gu Xianyan, but the huge sword edge fell on her hand.

That was the end of an era.

It is the madness of a woman.

At the end of that era, the fierce sword light illuminated the entire dark world.

One after another, the invincibles fell under the huge sword.

She walked towards Imperial Soldier Mountain.

The violent sword light destroyed everything.

The sword light of the six reincarnations rotated crazily.

The fierce sword energy left scars one after another on her body.

But the huge sword edge is always stable and moves forward.

The sword light of the Six Paths of Reincarnation completely shattered.

Song Ci's desperate cry seemed to be heard in the distance.

Lin Fengting took another step.

The world in front of him has turned dark.

She held the edge of the sword tightly, opened her dim eyes, and looked at the sunshine outside.

The sound of the tide in the North Sea below me kept ringing.


She murmured and closed her eyes completely.

Wang Shengxiao's body fell down and was no longer alive.

Lin Fengting's eyes completely fell into darkness.

Like the last world.

Her figure finally fell into the North Sea, and the eternal coldness and darkness swept everything.

The weight of the giant sword suddenly increased countless times, and her body continued to sink at the bottom of the sea.

Lin Fengting was trapped in this dark world with no way out.

I don't know how long it took, but a faint sword light lit up in front of his eyes.

The giant sword was constantly glowing, seeming to tear the ocean apart.

The sea water disappeared.

A piece of white snow appeared in front of Lin Fengting's eyes.

That's like the last scene.

It's like the first new life.

The little girl in tattered clothes was lying in the snow. Her body had become very small, and the dense wounds cut by the six reincarnations became more and more precise as her body shrank. Her whole body seemed like a sculpture.

He obtained the most profound sword manual of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

That is the power of time.

The wind and snow are flying.

The girl was lying in the snow, next to a huge black sword.

Not far away, three monks were walking over in the snow. When they saw the figure on the snow, their expressions changed and they immediately sped up.

Lin Fengting subconsciously took a step forward.


The snow disappears and everything disappears completely.

A cold metallic light appeared in front of his eyes.

Everything in the laboratory appeared in front of him again.




"Clan leader?"

A series of voices rang out.

Lin Fengting glanced blankly at the crowd around him.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? You've been standing here for nearly seven days!"

Lin Youxian walked over quickly, his tone trembling.


Lin Fengting smiled weakly: "I read a story, a story she once told me personally, and I..."

He opened his mouth and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

One step, one world. In that hypnotic state, even if he was a half-step genius, seven days almost broke his will.

His body fell into Lin Youxian's arms, but what he was thinking about was the sword on the snowy mountain and the small figure in the snow.

He smiled and said softly: "How silly."


(It’s just over 10,000 words, so this paragraph doesn’t count.)

(Let me tell you something that happened in the real world. In 1954, at Haneda Airport in Japan, a white man claimed that he was from Tarid, a country with a history of thousands of years, and his passport was authentic and even stamped

Japanese and European entry and exit stamps, but there is no country called Tarid in the world. After a stalemate, the customs arranged for this guy to stay in a nearby hotel and sent someone to guard him, but early the next morning, this Tarid

De’s buddy mysteriously disappeared.)

(It’s quite a famous story, and there are actually quite a few similar things. What I want to say is that the theory about parallel universes is not certain. The so-called undetermination means that it may exist or it may not exist. This kind of thing,

It can only appear in urban plots. If you don't believe it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Of course, if you believe it, it doesn't mean it exists. This is a matter of personal opinion. I believe it exists, so I wrote it. I don't

I think there is something excessive. If this is fantasy, there are already many so-called unsolved mysteries that prove that the world we live in is a fantasy world. In fact, I quite like watching unsolved mysteries. Really, it’s a rip off

I like it. I believe in aliens, parallel universes, and like to watch some astronomy videos. Why do things that exist in reality become fantasy when placed in them?)

(Many people say that my writing is broken, and I am so confused when I write. I feel that no one can represent me except myself. I am very clear now, I am not crazy, and I am not writing broken. I am very

OK. There may not be much need to write these chapters, but they are what I really want to write, so I wrote them. As of this chapter, this parallel universe is over, and next is Li Tianlan,

The debate on this can end here. In addition, I can say that I have filled in most of the pitfalls so far. You may not agree with me, but it doesn’t matter. In the end, I will make it clear who is who and what is the relationship between who and who.

Written out, this is considered filling in the pit. In fact, from the earliest days, I have been writing different clues in different directions. Brothers who are more careful should have noticed it long ago. If you don’t believe it, the only reason may be that I

I haven’t written about this aspect before, so that’s probably it.)

(This paragraph really doesn’t count for money. Good night, everyone.)

This chapter has been completed!
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