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Chapter 82 Acupuncture and moxibustion skill upgrade

Chapter 82 Acupuncture Skill Upgrade

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 82 Acupuncture Skill Upgrade

Feeling that Ding Changsheng's hands were getting more and more excessive, Zhou Linlin pushed Ding Changsheng away, stood up from his lap, and went upstairs to cook.

Watching Zhou Linlin go upstairs, Ding Changsheng put his hand to his nose and smelled it.


The perfume Zhou Linlin uses is good.

Those who say women have body fragrance are all lies.

Ninety-nine percent of women have no so-called body fragrance.

If not done properly, they will also have the odor of sweat and body odor.

The fragrance you smell on a woman is the smell of perfume.

Speaking of body fragrance, some girls actually have body fragrance on them, a light orchid scent.

The focus is on girls.

However, girls who love cleanliness too much, such as girls who take showers every day, do not have this kind of body fragrance.

Some are just the scent of soap.

This is because a girl’s body fragrance comes from a certain mysterious part of her body.

Girls who love cleanliness too much will wash away all their secretions, so naturally there will be no body fragrance.

Putting away his cluttered thoughts, Ding Changsheng took out his mobile phone and found a short video published in the name of Changshengtang.

The video traffic is very good. The earliest video has been viewed more than 10,000 times and has more than 2,000 likes.

There were many messages. Ding Changsheng opened it, took a look, and shook his head helplessly.

They are all a bunch of lsps.

Not many people really pay attention to the video content. Most people focus on Zhou Linlin and Zhang Xin.

"Young lady is so beautiful, I can drink two bowls of this Chinese medicine in one sitting!"

"This network is really amazing. There are Buddhist Yuan, Taoist Yuan, Yuan Yuan for children, calligraphy Yuan, sports Yuan, family Yuan, and now there is a Traditional Chinese Medicine Yuan!"

There are those who are purely LSP and not serious, and there are also those who are blackheaded and careless, but there are only a few who leave serious messages to consult about decoction.

Ding Changsheng had some doubts about whether his method was reliable or not.

Use beautiful women to attract LSPs to watch the video, and then promote the culture of traditional Chinese medicine.

Looking through the subsequent short videos, Ding Changsheng found that although there were still many LSPs and the majority of unseemly comments were, the number of serious comments had increased again.

"Why can't ginseng be fried with other medicines?"

"I didn't expect that boiling Chinese medicine would be so troublesome!"

"This is Chinese medicine. Only by decoction can the disease be cured."

Ding Changsheng had a smile on his face, this was normal.

There are many short videos promoting Chinese medicine culture on the Internet, but most of them only have a few comments and the number of views is pitiful.

Chinese medicine is dry and the explanations are too in-depth and hard to understand. She is not a beautiful woman, so who would be willing to pay attention to her.

Basically, after seeing it, listening to a few sentences, and then sliding away.

It's too shallow to talk about, but there are some that go straight to the point. Do you want to be strong and strong for a long time? Drink two kinds of traditional Chinese medicine soaked in water to ensure that you are strong and strong for a long time.

Ding Changsheng felt embarrassed after hearing such a video. When did traditional Chinese medicine become a seller of wild medicine?

That's why Ding Changsheng chose beautiful women to shoot videos to attract traffic first.

People who watch videos always have more tolerance and tolerance for beautiful women.

Even if what they talk about is still boring, watching the beautiful women's elegant movements and beautiful voices will definitely not make them feel boring.

In order to promote the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, Ding Changsheng took great pains.

In the afternoon, he saw several more patients. Ding Changsheng always checked their pulses quickly and quickly. Those who needed medicine took medicine, and those who needed acupuncture received acupuncture.

After sending away the last patient, Ding Changsheng stared at his system properties panel and studied it.

Just after the last patient, Ding Changsheng finally accumulated a hundred patients, which is a thousand experience points.

You can upgrade a skill.

Name: Ding Changsheng


Spirit: 15 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Strength: 14 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Endurance: 15 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Speed: 14 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Constitution: 15 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Luck: 20

Experience: 1000 (can be used to improve skills)


Four diagnostics - experts

Acupuncture - Mastery (can be improved)

Massage - Mastery (can be improved)

Prescription - Mastery (can be improved)

Pharmacy - Proficient (can be improved)

Medicinal Diet - Mastery (can be improved)

Mastery of longevity breathing method (can be improved)

Mastery of Changshengquan (can be improved)

System space: slightly

Looking at the system, Ding Changsheng was surprised to find that after a period of training, he finally broke through the limits of ordinary people, with all attributes exceeding 10 points, and not more than 1 or 2 points.

The minimum strength and speed both reached 14 points.

It turned out that Ding Changsheng belonged to the Kongyou realm and had no strength. Now his strength has gradually caught up, and he already has the strength of Ming Jin.

When the attribute breaks through 20 points, it is the moment when he officially breaks through to dark strength.

Mastery-level Changsheng Fist originally corresponds to the realm of An Jin, but Ding Changsheng's physical fitness could not keep up before, so he only had realm but no strength.

In addition, the upper limit of my life span has been increased, from the original 98 to the current 102.

After studying for a while, Ding Changsheng decided to improve his acupuncture skills.

Nowadays, he runs a medical clinic, and his traditional Chinese medicine skills are used the most. Naturally, he should give priority to improving his traditional Chinese medicine skills.

In fact, acupuncture, massage, and medicine can all be improved, but who puts acupuncture at the top of the attribute board?

Ding Changsheng had an idea and added all his experience to acupuncture.

In an instant, a huge memory was inserted into Ding Changsheng's mind.

A little rough and a little wild.

Ding Changsheng groaned, closed his eyes, and leaned on the chair to digest the knowledge that suddenly appeared in his mind.

His whole body was shaking unconsciously.

This is imprinting muscle memory.

The system is so powerful. The memory knowledge instilled includes not only brain memory, but also muscle memory.

This joke will never happen if your brain is good but your hands are not.

"Changsheng, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling cold?" Zhou Linlin noticed Ding Changsheng's strange behavior and asked with concern while reaching out to touch Ding Changsheng's forehead.

"It's okay, I just figured out a key point, and my kung fu has made a breakthrough, and I have officially reached the Ming Jin stage.

This is the sequelae of my Kung Fu breakthrough." Ding Changsheng grabbed Zhou Linlin's hand and explained with a smile.

"Is there really bright and dark strength?"

"Co-author, you have been practicing Tai Chi with me for several days, and you still don't believe that what you practice is real?

You should be able to feel it!

When you practice Tai Chi, the qi and blood in your body will slowly flow through your body along with your breathing." Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"I feel it, but it feels a bit magical! It's unreal!" Zhou Linlin said softly.

"Tonight, I'll let you feel the power of Ming Jin!" Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

In fact, he had already broken through to Ming Jin, otherwise he would not have been able to convince Zhou Linlin and Zhang Xin.

He had never said anything before, but this time he came out to talk about it just to cover up what he had just done.

Ding Changsheng did not expect that upgrading would cause such a big movement.

I remember last time, there was no such big movement!

Just three chapters today! I have been working out for the past two days and my muscles are sore and uncomfortable, which directly affects the speed of coding.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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