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Chapter 59 Hybrid Giant and Werewolf

The train continued to move, but the dementors boarding the train left a deep impression on the students...

There may have been students who were curious about Dementors in the past, but after personally experiencing their happiness being sucked away, leaving only painful emotions, their fear of Dementors suddenly increased.

This is also one of Fudge's purposes, to use the fear of dementors to establish the majesty of the Ministry of Magic in front of the students, making it easier for them to obey the arrangements of the Ministry of Magic after graduation.

William was very disdainful of this kind of politician who only knew how to run afoul of others.

After taking back their patron saints and hiding the sealed dementors, William and Hermione continued to read the book.

On the other side, Harry fell into a coma, which made Ron nervous.

Lu Ping comforted him and said:

"It's okay. He just passed out. He will be fine after taking a rest."

Then he handed Ron a piece of chocolate and continued:

"Here, eat a piece of chocolate, it can slightly relieve the discomfort caused by the dementors!"

Ron accepted the chocolate with suspicion, but thought that Lupine would be his future opponent in Defense Against the Dark Arts and would not harm him, so he ate it.

(Ron: Well, that’s right. I am Professor Trust, definitely not a glutton for chocolate! Absolutely not!!!)

Sure enough, Ron felt a little better, and he immediately admired the new professor.

After a while, Harry finally woke up from his coma.

Lupine was relieved when he saw this, handed Harry a piece of chocolate, and told about the dementors' abilities.

Finally, the Hogwarts Express has finally arrived, and they will start a new semester.

But good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

The news that Harry was comatose due to dementors somehow spread, and Malfoy and his gang began to use this to attack and taunt Harry.

The three William men who had just stepped out of the train happened to see this scene, but they did not come forward and say anything.

The three of them all knew that Harry, who had become a "fighting scholar", had long been outmatched in combat ability. Even if Malfoy and his three followers came together, they might not be able to beat Harry.

What's more, Harry also has Ron by his side. He has also been promoted from "Sailor" to an angry man, and his fighting ability is not weak either.

The people who should be worried now are the Malfoy three. If Ron's temper breaks out, he may accidentally beat the three of them and seriously injure them.

However, Harry, who had just woken up from a coma, was interested in getting entangled with Malfoy and his gang. He grabbed the furious Ron and walked towards the car pulled by the Thestral.

Seeing that there was no conflict between them, the students who were watching the excitement dispersed and found a carriage to head towards the castle.

After a while, several people came to the auditorium of Hogwarts and sat next to the long tables of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.

However, at this time, in addition to saying hello to each other, everyone was also paying attention to the first-year students who were preparing to enter Hogwarts this year.

William is also very concerned about these new students, because the Tarot Society and the Money of the Universe have the characteristics of absorbing faith, and the more members they have, the greater their gains will be.

After all, the belief of an extraordinary person or wizard is far greater than that of an ordinary person.

The more Extraordinaries or wizards there are in this world, the more faith you can gain in the future, and your promotion will not be restricted due to the low level in the Harry Potter world.

The reason why William spread the potion system was also for this matter.

Otherwise, if Hua only relies on his own merit accumulation, it may be difficult to become a Sequence 7 astrologer now.

So others may make a profit, but William will never lose.

As time passed, the first-year students finally entered the auditorium under the guidance of Professor McGonagall.

At the same time, the Sorting Hat also started the sorting ceremony, assigning these freshmen to four different houses one by one according to their characteristics.

However, among these new students, William never heard a familiar name again, and it didn't seem to be mentioned in the original work.

There was one person who attracted more attention, and he was a new student in Gryffindor.

When he appeared, everyone exclaimed, because this first-year Gryffindor freshman was a hybrid giant like Hagrid, and his name was Alan Yeager.

After William saw him, he immediately wanted to absorb him into the Tarot Society.

This is the best successor to the Twilight Giant path.

In fact, Hagrid can do it, but William knows that poaching Dumbledore is very troublesome, and Hagrid's loyalty is difficult to shake.

After the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore stood up and introduced this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Remus Lupin.

At this time, Lu Ping looked very thin and tired, and seemed to be a little malnourished.

William knew that Lupine had been wandering around for many years because of his identity as a werewolf, without a stable life or stable income.

So my life and mental state are not good.

Moreover, William also clearly noticed the disgusted look Snape looked at Lupine.

Apparently, Snape was still resentful about being bullied by predators at school.

Of course, what made Snape even more angry was that Harry's father, James Potter, not only bullied him with Moon-faced Lupine, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew.

More importantly, James Potter also stole his true love, Lily Evans.

Regarding the love-hate entanglement between them, William said that it is difficult for an upright official to deal with household matters, so it is better to let Harry deal with the headache himself.

However, regarding the open culture of Westerners, William felt that there might not be no connection between Snape and Lily.

In addition, the new Professor of Magical Zoology, Rubeus Hagrid, was also introduced to everyone.

Hagrid stood up excitedly and bowed happily to everyone.

I am even more grateful to Principal Dumbledore, because it has always been Hagrid's dream to become a professor at Hogwarts.

Now, Hagrid's dream has finally come true with the help of Dumbledore.

Hagrid was naturally extremely grateful. William knew that if it hadn't been for the wrong occasion, Hagrid would have burst into tears and kept saying words of gratitude to Dumbledore.

Harry is the happiest person about Hagrid becoming a professor.

Hagrid was Harry's guide into the wizarding world, and the two were very good friends.

Moreover, Hagrid looks rough, but his thoughts are very delicate.

He was always able to give Harry the most appropriate care at the right time. Just like a Christmas gift for the first grade, Hagrid asked many friends to make a photo album of Harry's parents.

Therefore, Hagrid was able to realize his dream, and Harry was very happy and blessed.

However, there were stinky faces on the Slytherin table. They obviously looked down upon Hagrid, a half-blood giant, and thought it was an insult to have a half-blood giant become their professor.

With a half-giant student and a half-giant professor, these pure-blood nobles were naturally very dissatisfied with Dumbledore's arrangements.

If William knew what they were thinking, he would definitely complain. There is a senior werewolf on the professor's chair, and he would ask these Slytherins who are obsessed with pure-blood nobles if they are surprised, surprised, and irritated...

This chapter has been completed!
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