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One Hundred and Thirty Three Kill the Villain

Jia Zhang's originally rather arrogant arrogance disappeared in an instant when he saw the goddess with his own eyes.

The goddess's eyes were like a deep ancient well, revealing an otherworldly threat, which made Jia Zhang involuntarily feel awe.

The goddess just glanced at her casually, which made Jia Zhang feel as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her. Her mind instantly cleared up, and the frivolity and casualness in her words disappeared without a trace.

For a moment, I didn't dare to say another word, for fear of being disrespectful to the goddess.

The Goddess was secretly proud of the effect she had created. She quietly hooked her fingers out of Jia Zhang's sight, and then slowly said with a mysterious and unpredictable attitude: "It's really great that you can step into this place today."

What God does is God's will, so let me make an exception today to give you some guidance."

After saying that, she slowly turned her head and ordered the little girl beside her: "Close the door!"

The little girl looked worried and said anxiously: "Master, you have already spent too much mana today. You may be seriously injured in divining this guest, and it will be very difficult to recover."

After saying that, he couldn't help but glare at Jia Zhang, the culprit, with eyes full of dissatisfaction: "It's all your fault!"

The old goddess did not blame her apprentice for being rude, she just patted the back of her hand gently, a strange color flashed in her eyes, but with a loving smile on her face: "It's okay! Everything is due to fate."

After saying that, she turned to look at Mrs. Jia Zhang, with a hint of apology on her face: "My apprentice is still young, so if there is any offense in my words, please forgive me. I am here to say goodbye to her first.


When the little girl saw the old goddess apologizing for herself, although she was unwilling to do so, she couldn't bear to go against the old goddess' kindness.

Her little face turned red, and she finally turned her head and ignored Jia Zhang.

Although Mrs. Jia Zhang felt a little dissatisfied with the little girl's attitude, because of the old goddess's face, she still forced out a smile and said very considerately: "It's okay, the little girl is still young. Besides, it's my fault this time."

Although she said this, Mrs. Jia Zhang couldn't help but murmur in her heart: For a little girl with such a bad temper, I bet she won't be able to get married in the future!

When other people outside the house saw Jia Zhang shamelessly squeezing in, they were also eager to imitate her move.

However, the little girl had already learned lessons from Jia Zhang and became resourceful.

He had no intention of getting into any more entanglements with the crowd. He looked at them with a cold face and issued an expulsion order without hesitation: "Let's leave quickly!"

Before she could finish her words, she decisively closed the door, shutting out everyone, leaving a silence.

Everyone else looked disappointed, and a few women who were extremely disappointed knelt down and begged for mercy, saying that they had walked a long way to get here, and asked the old goddess to be accommodating.

In response to this, the old goddess just shook her head, then asked her apprentice to open the door, looked at the people in front of her and said loudly: "No chance today, wait until next time!"

After saying that, he stopped talking.

The people who had been rejected were a little dissatisfied and did not dare to resent the old goddess. They could only glare at Jia Zhang who was following behind the old goddess with a proud look on her face. Her eyes were full of malice.

But Jia Zhang didn't care at all, and instead enjoyed the attention of everyone.

Unaware of it, several people in the crowd looked at her as if she were a fool, and said softly: "I took the bait!"

However, after this incident, Jia Zhang's fear of the old goddess became less and her rationality returned.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Mrs. Jia Zhang did not tell the old lady that she already had a grandson, but said that her daughter-in-law was about to give birth, but her belly was round, so she suspected that her daughter-in-law was pregnant.

The fetus is a girl.

She wanted to have a grandson and asked the old goddess to help her find a way.

After listening to her words, the old goddess' hand on her thigh trembled slightly, and a cruel look flashed in her eyes: It seems that Jia Zhang doesn't fully believe in herself yet!

Thinking of this, the old goddess glanced down at her, and then angrily said: "Don't you already have a grandson? Since you are unwilling to tell the truth, there is no need to waste more time and go back!"

As soon as these words came out, Jia Zhang was instantly shocked.

She never said she had a grandson from the beginning to the end, but the old goddess could actually calculate it. It was really amazing!

Jia Zhang quickly begged for mercy and explained that she had forgotten.

The old goddess ignored her, but continued to tell her several pieces of news about the Jia family.

Mrs. Jia Zhang was convinced of all this and told her about the situation at home. Then she looked at the old goddess with a miserable face and asked her to save her family.

Looking at Jia Zhang who was kneeling on the ground in front of her, the old goddess had a hint of pride in her eyes.

Then he pretended to say: "I didn't want to help you, but your love for your son is really touching.

That’s all, it’s fate that you found this place, I’ll take you there again.”

After saying that, he took out three copper coins from under the nearby shrine with a serious face and asked Jia Zhang to throw them.

Mrs. Jia Zhang was also affected by the atmosphere present. She threw the three copper coins upwards with a serious look on her face, looked at the coins on the ground, and then looked at the old goddess expectantly, hoping that she would answer her questions.

Looking at the three copper coins on the ground, the old goddess frowned for a moment and said very seriously: "You have recruited villains to scheme against you, and that's why everything goes wrong."

As soon as she heard that the villain had befallen her family, Mrs. Jia Zhang immediately thought of the chaos in her family over the past two years, and suddenly felt that the old goddess was right. The reason why her family was like this now was because of the jealousy of the villain.

Mrs. Jia Zhang looked at the old goddess with a pleading face, begging her to help her find a solution.

"Okay, I am a good person who will do it to the end, perform a ritual for you, and help your family to behead this villain once and for all."

After saying that, the old goddess lowered her head, as if it was a prelude to some mysterious ceremony.

Suddenly, the old goddess suddenly raised her head and looked straight at Jia Zhang.

Because the doors and windows were closed, the room seemed a little dark.

In the dim room, the goddess's face looked a little strange.

She held a bunch of bells in her hand, which made a crisp sound when she shook them. She muttered words, and the muscles on her face would jump with each word she said.

The surrounding air is filled with the smell of burning incense, which makes people feel a little suffocated.

Suddenly, the body of the old goddess began to shake, as if she was fighting against some force, and the expression on her face became more and more ferocious.

Her eyes became hollow, as if she had seen something terrible.

Jia Zhang held her breath and watched this scene nervously.

The shaking of the old goddess became larger and larger, the speed became faster and faster, and the sound of the bell became faster and faster. Finally, the old goddess screamed and collapsed to the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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