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One hundred and ninety strange feeling

Then he whispered: "Ride faster when passing by. Don't worry about what noise you hear later. Don't stop."

Zhang Yu was a little confused by these words. What's going on? Could there be someone blocking the way and robbing someone in front of him?

Seeing the confused look on his face, the aunt continued to whisper: "Don't worry so much, just ride quickly over there. There are some evil things there."

Although he didn't know what was wrong in front of him, since the other party warned him kindly, Zhang Yu nodded and said that he would listen.

Seeing him nodding, the aunt smiled, and then said with a mysterious face: "The place in front was originally a big house, but it was later bought by a wealthy businessman to house an outer room.

Speaking of which, the wife was pitiful. In order to treat her biological father's illness, the good girl believed the rich businessman's widower's advice, so she followed the rich businessman without any reason.

Later, the news was somehow found out by the wealthy businessman's wife, who led someone to lock the door and strip off the clothes in the outer room in public.

The wealthy businessman was there at that time, but he did not dare to come forward to protect the outer room.

When the foreign minister heard the truth for the first time, he was so shocked and humiliated that he fell into the well in shame. The rich wife and the head wife were also frightened back.

Since then, things have happened frequently in that house.

The family that lived in the back first had their youngest son crying for no reason, and then the whole family lost their lives overnight.

Because that family was specially hired by a wealthy businessman to be the accountant. In order to win people's support, the wealthy businessman donated the house to the accountant for temporary residence. Unexpectedly, something big happened during this stay.

The wealthy businessman didn't see the accountant for several days, so he sent a servant to look for him. No one answered the door. When the servant pushed the door in, he saw the accountant's eldest son lying at the door. His eyes widened. The boss came forward and touched him.

It's already cold.

The servant was frightened and screamed. The scream attracted nearby neighbors, who rushed towards the house with their things.

Because the accountant's son's death appearance was too strange, with no wounds on his body, as if he had been frightened to death.

Everyone encouraged each other to dare to go inside.

When I walked in, I found that not only the accountant's eldest son, but also the accountant's entire family had lost their income.

Like the eldest son of the accountant, the others had no wounds on their bodies. They all had their eyes wide open and looked frightened.

When the accountant's youngest son was found, he was huddled in a small cabinet. I don't know how he squeezed in. He was already frozen in the cabinet. There was no other way but to take the cabinet with him.

Buried together

After this happened, the wealthy businessman left the house idle out of fear.

Since then, every midnight, the faint cries of women and children can be heard from inside.

A brave man who was not afraid of death lived in the house, and he was frightened out within two days. When he crawled out, he was already crazy.

After this incident, no matter how good the house is, no one dares to think about it anymore.

Some people say that the wealthy businessman was still pregnant when she jumped out of the well. She refused to die with her eyes closed, so she took the child in her belly to seek revenge."

Zhang Yu's mouth twitched, he didn't believe this.

But hearing what the aunt said so vividly, Zhang Yu still had an impression in his heart.

"Mom, I see there isn't much of a house in front of me!"

Looking at what the lady in front of me said, the wealthy businessman's house should be quite big. Except for three or two small bungalows in front of it that were about to collapse, there were no other houses.

But just by looking at the distance between the surrounding houses and the legendary haunted house, Zhang Yu could feel the opportunities that people nearby had for that house.

After all, in this capital city where land is at a premium, in order to build an extra house, the yards of two neighboring households are eager to share a wall. The house closest to the legendary house is also nearly 1 meter away from it.

A lot of rice, and obviously not very popular.

"Well! It's been a long time since no one has lived in it, and the walls of the house have long since collapsed." When the aunt mentioned this, she seemed to have thought of something, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across her face.

Although she has never done those things, most of her neighbors have done so.

Zhang Yu was keenly aware of this embarrassment. He glanced at the surrounding houses inadvertently, and then suddenly realized that it was not so much that the house collapsed naturally, but that it was evacuated.

The exterior walls of the houses in front of us are obviously made of two types of bricks, one is smaller and the other is large blue bricks.

Zhang Yu's eyes flashed. He had paid attention to this information when he was renovating the house a few years ago. He could tell at a glance that the larger green bricks were of better quality and the price was definitely not low. They were not like ordinary bricks in any way.

People are willing to buy it.

Obviously, no one has dared to move into this house because the wealthy businessman didn't care, or because he was afraid of the legend of being haunted.

As time went by, someone came up with an idea.

The house is haunted, and those people dare not live in it. They are afraid that the people who live in it will end up like the bookkeeper and his family. They are also afraid that the deed to the house is still in the hands of the wealthy businessman, and they will be evicted by the descendants of the wealthy businessman after they move in. These people start fighting.

Got the idea for the bricks and wood used in building the house.

Although the bricks and wood used in that house are not of the highest quality, they are still very good.

I'm afraid these people, with the intention of not punishing the public, "worked together" to demolish the house.

He just said, a good blue brick house, even if it is not popular and deteriorates faster, it will not become what it is now.

The aunt didn't notice that Zhang Yu had already made up his mind, and continued: "The two rooms in front are the ones in front. The other rooms have collapsed, but those two have not collapsed. The well where the wealthy businessman jumped in his outer room is directly opposite those two rooms.

There are still crying sounds from time to time in every room."

Zhang Yu was surprised. No wonder those two houses were saved. It turned out to be like this!

Seeing Zhang Yu listening to her seriously, the aunt warned again: "Don't stop when you pass by."

"I understand, ma'am, then I'm leaving."

After saying goodbye to his aunt, Zhang Yu pedaled his bicycle forward.

Because of what the lady just said, when Zhang Yu passed by the two remaining houses, he subconsciously looked inside.

Just one glance and I thought it was a little strange.

The two houses in front of him were obviously very dilapidated, but Zhang Yu vaguely felt that there was an indescribable popularity inside.

It looks particularly disharmonious.

Logically speaking, no matter how dilapidated a house is that is occupied and taken care of by someone, it will not be so dilapidated.

But if no one lives there, there is still a vague sense of popularity.

It’s hard to say how popular it is, but people who work outside all year round should be able to appreciate it.

If you haven't lived in an old house for a while, it will feel cold and cold, even if you go in during the summer when the sun is at its peak.

The feeling was hard to explain, but it was extremely uncomfortable.

Although the house in front of him was dilapidated, it did not give Zhang Yu that feeling.

This chapter has been completed!
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