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One hundred and thirteen harmony

They sang one song after another all morning, and then during lunch, Zhang Yu and the others also told stories, which attracted many people to bring their rice bowls to listen.

Even after work in the evening, the team leader came to them and said, "Little comrade, the stories you told today are really good. Can you tell two more stories so that all of us can listen?"

"Okay, but my voice is not that loud." Lu Zhen agreed immediately.

"It's okay, it's okay, just speak on the loudspeaker." He said and took them to the brigade headquarters. A team member met them on the way and asked curiously: "Captain, what are you going to do?"

"The stories told by the little comrades during the day were quite good. I asked them to tell two more on the loudspeaker to help the team members relax."

"That's a good relationship. When will the lecture start? I'll finish my meal quickly and wait at the door." The team members smiled when they heard this. There were very few rural entertainment activities in the 1950s and 1960s, so it was rare to have a story telling.

Yes, you won’t miss it.

"Let's talk about it, let's talk about it,"

Lu Zhen has a crazy personality. The more people there are, the more excited he gets. Zhang Yu also has a personality that is not afraid of people. He just talks about it. Although others are a little embarrassed, they will also talk about it.

The team members had enjoyed listening to it that day. When they went to work the next day, some people came to the team leader and asked them if they were going to tell stories tonight and if they could tell two more stories?

After discussing with them, the team leader agreed that if the work in the field was done well, they would tell stories. Unexpectedly, the effect was unexpectedly good. The work that had to be delayed until the end of the day was barely completed in half an afternoon.

It was already done by then.

The captain also fulfilled his promise and asked a group of students to tell stories again. "It's okay to tell stories, but we haven't finished our work today. Can you wait a moment?"

"What's the matter? It's just this little bit of work. Just wait a moment and we can finish it in two strokes." After hearing their words, the team members nearby took out their tools and finished the work for them in three strokes.

Zhang Yu and the others did not expect that just telling two stories every day would gain the favor of the team members. From that day on, several people would come over to help them with their work every afternoon, and then every time they had a meal, they would also

Someone brought them some pickles, or vegetables they ate that day.

Although it was not a good thing, it was what the team members wanted. Zhang Yu and the others accepted it after looking at it. Then they worked harder to recall the stories they had heard before, and even worked overtime to write these stories on paper.

Please read it twice more so that you can speak more fluently the next day.

The days passed as they were busy. They got up early every day to eat, and then went to work. After work in the evening, they went to the entrance of the village to tell stories. Then when they came back, they rubbed medicinal oil on each other.

When the work was completed on the sixth day, the team leader came over to inform them that their agricultural assistance activities were over and would send them back early tomorrow morning.

Hearing this, Zhang Yu and the others were a little reluctant to let go. So quickly, six days passed. During these six days, the team members took good care of them and treated them well. Suddenly, they felt a little reluctant to let go.

But they were a little happy to be able to go home. They all missed home. When they left, some team members stuffed various vegetables into their arms. "Little comrade, will you come next time?"

"Come," Zhang Yu couldn't help but reply. In the next few years, this kind of agricultural assistance activities will only increase in number. "I just don't know if I will be allocated here next time."

"It's okay. I'll go to the commune to ask for you when the time comes." After hearing what they said, the captain assured him that he still had some respect in the commune and could still handle such a small matter.

"Okay, we'll tell you stories next time."

"Then let's wait, little comrade. Please be careful on the road."

Zhang Yu and the others went back in the carriage driven by Uncle Chen, just like when they came here, but everyone was carrying some vegetables.

The two people looked at the vegetables in Zhang Yu's arms and said jealously: "What kind of crappy thing do I still want?"

"That's right, it's just some vegetables, treated as a fun thing for you to see proudly."

Lu Zhen also had a short temper. When he heard what they said, he wanted to step forward and give them an explanation.

He was stopped by Zhang Yu, and he said pointedly: "Some people just can't eat grapes and say the grapes are sour. Don't pay attention to them. The more you pay attention to them, the more they will get in trouble."

Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Lu Zhen's anger subsided again, and he said with a smile: "It shouldn't be ignored, it's my fault."

During the next journey, Zhang Yu and the others ignored the two people's harsh words. The two exchanged a few words, but when no one came to answer them, they could only stay silent.

Uncle Chen was listening and decided in his heart that when he went back, he must tell the captain that when he goes to recruit people next year, except for a few of these young comrades, the others would rather ask for less than recruit these two people.

After the carriage took them to the place, they said goodbye to each other. The driver who picked them up looked at the vegetables in their hands and said with a smile: "It seems that you are getting along well with the team members these days."

"Of course, we get along very well these days."

"Yes, the team members here are very good. It would be great if we could be assigned here next time for the agricultural assistance activity."

After listening to what Zhang Yu and the others said, and thinking of the news he heard from the teacher, the bus driver smiled: "Maybe, you might be assigned there next time."

"Master, do you have any other news?" Lu Zhen's eyes lit up after hearing his words, and he stepped forward before the car set off.

"Yes, Master, can you reveal a little bit about it?" The two girls took the initiative to ask.

Seeing the expectant looks of a group of students, especially the two female students looking at him without blinking, the bus driver did not show off any more, cleared his throat and said, "I told you, if anything happens, it's not allowed."

Or if something unexpected happens, don’t blame me.”

"Then how can I blame you?"

"Yes, yes, master, please tell me quickly."

"Well, I heard that you want the school to form a fixed group to help farmers. If you go to the countryside to help farmers this time, if the members and you are mutually satisfied, then you will join this group next time or even the next time.


"Really?" Lu Zhen asked in surprise. The brigade they were assigned to for this agricultural assistance activity was very good. It would be great if they could come to this brigade next time.

"Of course it's true. I heard it from your teacher's own mouth."

Hearing the driver's affirmative answer, several other people also cheered. They all also liked the brigade that went to the countryside this time, and they got along very well with the members of this brigade.

This chapter has been completed!
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