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Two hundred and eighty-four Old Man Liu

The old educated youth had been staying with them for more than a year, and just from the bottom of his heart, Old Man Liu was more partial to them.

A few old educated youths can be considered half of the brigade. How can they not be angry when they suddenly see their children being bullied by new educated youths?

"What's the reason for beating someone?" Xie Zhiying's frown deepened when he heard that the new educated youth was attacking the old educated youth.

In his impression, these old educated youths didn't look like they were easy to mess with.

When he mentioned this, Old Man Liu's face, which was already full of wrinkles, became even more wrinkled.

He curled his lips and complained: "I can see clearly that these new celebrities are not fuel-efficient lamps.

Didn't the brigade's originally planned educated youth office have a total of four houses? It's cold here in winter, and the house has a big kang. In order to save firewood, a few old educated youths occupied one room for male educated youths and one for female educated youths, occupying two rooms in total.


In this way, there are still two rooms left. Seeing that four new educated youths were assigned this time, the captain also assigned them to the educated youth department.

Logically speaking, two men and two women could just fill the remaining two rooms, which would be more spacious than the one occupied by the old educated youth.

But these educated youths don’t, do you know what they are interested in?”

When talking about this old man Liu, he gritted his teeth and felt his teeth hurt.

"They were interested in the two houses where the old educated youths now live.

Brother Xie, you should also know that when this house was first allocated to old educated youths, the four houses were all the same.

Nowadays, the two houses where the old educated youth live look neater and neater, and they were cleaned bit by bit by the old educated youth.

I still remember that when the children first came here, they didn’t know anything, so we old men were asked to paint the walls.

I just watched a few educated youth kids build those two rooms bit by bit.

I have never seen anyone more shameless than this group of new educated youths. When they arrived, they clamored for the old educated youths to make room for them without saying a word.

Brother Xie, how can this kind of truth exist in this world?

Not to mention first-come, first-served, the money used to clean up the house was paid for by the old educated youths themselves, so there was no way they could just rob it.

The brigade captain also told them that if they wanted to get it, there was a bag of white ash in the brigade warehouse for them to use for free, but this would not work, and they would still make trouble for the educated youth to use the place.

But it's good for them. If they don't let them, they'll just beat them."

"Is the old educated youth okay?" Xie Zhiying asked with concern.

Xie Zhiying probably knew something about the situation of these old educated youths.

Several of them were good kids, but two of them were probably sent out for asylum because their family background was not very good, so they seemed a bit taciturn.

But generally speaking, none of them are the kind of people who would look for trouble. They have been working conscientiously for more than a year and have never done anything wrong.

"Everyone else is fine. It's just that the old educated youth captain got his head smashed because of a fight. I didn't know I was coming to town today. The captain even specifically asked me to go to the health center in town to see how the baby is doing.

?When I went there, I saw that he was in good spirits, but because he injured his head, the doctor said that he would be under observation for two more days, and if he is fine, he can go back to nursing."

"Then the new educated youth dared to do this, and the captain didn't say anything?"

Speaking of this, Old Man Liu finally showed a smile on his face, and his expression became much happier: "The captain told them to love them, and if they don't, they will get out. Our brigade cannot afford to support men like them.

As long as they have the ability to leave, I will sign for them without saying a word and take them to the Educated Youth Office tonight.

Didn't you see that as soon as the captain said these words, the new educated youths were so frightened that they shrank into a ball and did not dare to say a word.

If you want me to say, these people are the bitches, they are shameless, and the black face is the most effective."

After saying that, before Xie Zhiying could react, Old Man Liu continued to add: "The captain said that originally, because they had just arrived, he wanted them to rest for two days before working. Since they are not tired, they are willing to

If you are making a fuss, let’s go to the ground together.

The captain of the brigade specially ordered people to separate their working places from the old educated youths, and the few good boys in the province were implicated by them."

But when he thought about the work that several people had done today, Old Man Liu's face was full of disgust.

After talking about the educated youth, Old Man Liu turned his attention to Zhang Yu, who was sitting obediently on the donkey cart.

He asked with full interest: "I heard from your brother that your eldest nephew was admitted to college this year?"

Speaking of this, Xie Zhiying swept away his previous unhappiness, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised, making him beam with joy.

"That is, Xiaoyu was admitted to Q University."

"Q University! My dear, it's amazing that I was admitted to Q University!"

Old Man Liu only heard that the eldest nephew of the Xie family had been admitted to university. In his opinion, it was great to be admitted to university, but he did not expect that he was admitted to Q University.

Even if he doesn't know how to count, he has heard about the reputation of Q University.

"Tsk, tsk! That's awesome! Wasn't this the number one scholar in the past?"

"No, no, it's not that exaggerated." Xie Zhiying said modestly, but the raised corners of his mouth still revealed his good mood.

Old man Liu didn't care about Xie Zhiying's modesty. He couldn't help but look back at Zhang Yu again and again, and then he couldn't help but sigh: "Hey, darling, how did you raise a child to be so powerful?

Hey! Let alone college, my child will be admitted to a junior high school. I will be thankful to God."

Old man Liu couldn't read a single Chinese character, so he respected those educated people who were literate. Of course, these did not include the new group of educated youth who were looking for trouble.

When he was young, he worked as a servant in a landlord's house. He saw the young master of that family reading and writing, and he could speak well in front of officials.

In his opinion, the young master of that family is a scholar.

He was extremely envious and had an obsession in his heart.

So after getting married, even if life was hard, he tried his best to send all three children to study.

But the three children may have followed his mind and felt uncomfortable when it came to studying. They studied for several years and barely learned a few words, but then they couldn't continue learning.

Disappointed, Old Man Liu could only place his hope on his grandchildren.

But I have to say that the Liu family’s attitude towards learning is also passed down from generation to generation. Several of the grandsons stopped going to school within two years. The youngest grandson went to fifth grade and failed to pass the junior high school exam for two or three consecutive years. Finally,

I had no choice but to drop out of school and come back.

However, in Old Man Liu's view, even though he only graduated from a high school, he is still more or less a learned person.

Isn't this just because of his high school education, the grandson defeated many competitors and got the job of scorer of the team.

Old man Liu is very proud of his little grandson.

However, what makes Old Man Liu most proud is not his grandson, but his granddaughter.

This chapter has been completed!
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