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Two hundred and ninety-six None

When the barefoot doctor saw this scene, he sneered.

Then he slowly took back the big needle, grinned at everyone, and said with a smile: "How is it? The needle will cure the disease."

Seeing the big needle in his hand, everyone present took a step back.

The commune secretary and the director of the County Educated Youth Office both looked at the brigade leader with distorted expressions, and their eyes were full of sighs: Your brigade is full of talents.

The team leader shook his head vigorously, indicating that his team would not take the blame.

The people in their team are all pretty normal, maybe... maybe there are one or two who are a bit special, but those are just exceptions.

Leader, you must believe me!

The more the captain thought about it, the more guilty he became!

"Ha!" The director of the County Educated Youth Office and the commune secretary said coldly, it was strange that they believed it.

The barefoot doctor carefully put away the needle. He had to vaccinate the pigs tomorrow, so he couldn't throw it away.

Looking at the female educated youth who was still crying, the barefoot doctor clapped his hands and said to the captain: "No, I have woken up. I won't have anything to do next. You can continue."

Then, before the female educated youth could come up with other ideas, he said directly: "My acupuncture skills are absolutely superb. No matter what the disease is, it will definitely be cured with just two acupunctures."

As soon as these words came out, the female educated youth burst into tears and stopped crying. Thinking of the pain just now, she did not dare to continue pretending to be sick.

However, the barefoot doctor liked to mention the name of the person whom female educated youths hated the most.

Of course, the barefoot doctor doesn't care about this.

He grinned at the crowd, and the little children in the crowd were frightened by him and cried wildly.

After the scene just now, the barefoot doctor successfully became the devil in the eyes of the little kids in the brigade.

The captain glared at the barefoot doctor angrily: "How old are you, and you still scare a baby?"

The barefoot doctor suppressed the smile on his face and grinned awkwardly. Didn't he think it was funny?

When you hear how energetic these babies cry, it makes people happy.

Everyone curled their lips and covered their ears that were devastated by the cry of the little cub. I'm afraid he was the only one who felt this way.

The captain glared at him Gengbai, and turned his head away, no longer paying attention to this old friend who was a lot older and still playing with cats and dogs all day long. He focused on the female educated youth, even though she watched a big show for free.

, but she did not forget the focus of today's matter.

As the captain turned his attention to the few educated youths present, other people present also looked at them.

The female educated youth who looked so powerful and howling in high spirits could not understand that the fainting just now was just an act.

Everyone looked at the female educated youth with disdain.

Song Lan didn't even wait for the barefoot doctor to speak, and directly handed him the ten dollars, indicating that this was the pillow cover she promised.

Then she took the initiative to apologize to the captain, saying that she had done something wrong in the previous matter.

He also solemnly explained that he just said it casually and never really meant to do it.

She was just stunned with anger at the time.

Then she said that she didn't want the money and tickets anymore, and just pretended that they had never happened.

The captain of the brigade didn't know whether he believed what she said. He just looked at the few educated youths with a cold face, and then said categorically: "There must be an explanation for this matter today. Our brigade is all good girls. We can't carry this."

A scapegoat.

Since you asked for a body search, then it will be as you wish, but you will also have to search the body together. Who knows whether this incident was directed and acted by you?"

Song Lan arrived simply and didn't get angry after hearing the captain's words. She nodded in agreement: "I agree to the body search."

Although Wang Qing and the other male educated youth looked unhappy, Wang Qing especially felt that his personality and self-esteem had been slandered.

He disdains being a thief. Besides, Song Lan is his fiancée. Doesn't Song Lan's money belong to him? It will be spent on him one day. Does he need to steal his own money?

Fortunately, Song Lan didn't know what Wang Qing was thinking at this time, otherwise he might have gone crazy and punched himself twice on the head to wake up his old self.

In the end, only the female educated youth was left, still trying to fight to the death, and said: "I don't want to search my body. What if you want to favor the girls in your brigade?"

The team leader directly pointed at a female officer who came with the county educated youth director, and then said: "We will not intervene in the body search, let the people from the county educated youth office do the search."

The female educated youth still wanted to make a last ditch effort, but Song Lan had already neatly followed the female officer into the brigade headquarters, and the other male educated youth also followed another person into other rooms.

Five minutes later, the two doors were pushed open, and the two clerks said in unison: "No!"

With Old Man Liu's encouragement, Girl Qin walked in immediately, and although Wang Qing's face was quite dark, he didn't make any fuss and followed in calmly.

The same sentence five minutes later, no.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on the female educated youth. The female educated youth turned pale and looked at Wang Qing asking for help.

Seeing the look of his sweetheart, Wang Qing immediately softened his heart, and then said directly: "You guys have also searched me, let's just forget about it."

Then I wanted to take that female educated youth back.

The captain snorted coldly: "There's still one person who hasn't been searched!"

Wang Qing said matter-of-factly: "I can guarantee for Xiaorou that with Xiaorou's character, she will never do such a thing."

"Hey, how much is your guarantee worth?"

The captain ignored Wang Qing and turned to look at the female educated youth: "You are the only one left, go in!"

Seeing the captain ignoring him so much, Wang Qing's face turned dark again.

He said without hesitation: "The thing is definitely not on Xiaorou. In my opinion, it was stolen by people from your brigade. It must have been thrown away in advance, or it was smuggled to others and wronged us here.

Isn’t it okay if we don’t want those things? Do we need to be so aggressive?”

Let's talk, and whispered in a low voice: "You are all in the same brigade, you will definitely protect your own people, and Song Lan, please agree to the body search, and don't look for trouble."

The man in the brigade curled his lips. He had never seen a grown man be so petty.

The captain of the brigade even said directly: "The people in our brigade are innocent, but they can't do such a thing. It's your turn, that female educated youth, hurry up, don't waste everyone's time, there is still work tomorrow."


Under the gaze of everyone, the female educated youth reluctantly walked into the room.

Five minutes later, the female clerk came out and said: "No!"

The female educated youth breathed a sigh of relief quietly where no one could see her. Then she unconsciously touched her hair tied with a hairband and put on her hat again.

Wang Qing seemed to have gained the power and turned into a mad dog, roaring at the captain, and then he was about to take his sweetheart back.

This chapter has been completed!
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