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Three hundred and twenty-nine What a pleasure, what a pleasure!

His son is not young anymore. He has two daughters now. His daughter-in-law has not been pregnant again for so many years. When she went to see the doctor, she said it was a cold in the uterus. The chance of pregnancy was very small. It was a blessing to be able to conceive the first two children.

I have mercy on you.

Although Old Man Wu is not happy, he can't stop his son from liking her. His daughter-in-law is also a filial son, and he can't do the kind of heartless thing that ruins a marriage.

Old man Wu also knew in his heart that if he really drove his daughter-in-law back, considering the situation of her natal family, he would be forcing her to die.

In addition, they already have two children. Although it is a pity that they are not grandsons, they are still of their own blood. Although Mr. Wu and his wife are sorry, they have never criticized their granddaughter.

With all the stumbling and stumbling, I have been able to make do with it for so many years.

I have to say that I had a glimmer of hope before, thinking that since I had been pregnant twice, my daughter-in-law's illness might not be as serious as the doctor said, and she might get pregnant again sometime.

But as each year passed, there was no news about his daughter-in-law's belly, and Old Man Wu gradually gave up.

Now that his son and daughter-in-law have reached this age, Old Man Wu does not dare to urge them to continue having children.

If something happens, his conscience will be uneasy!

But not having a grandson has always been a hurdle in his heart.

Even though he appears to be quite open-minded on the surface, it doesn't matter if he doesn't have any grandchildren. If he doesn't have a granddaughter, the worst he can do is to hire a son-in-law, which can be regarded as continuing his legacy.

He has many brothers, nephews and grandsons who are all good children. Even if he dies one day, with them taking care of him, his two granddaughters will not be bullied.

It should be said that in my heart, I am very envious of the flourishing branches of my brothers!

What the eldest daughter said right now would be like a pie falling from the sky, hitting Old Man Wu on the head.

"Daughter, are you telling the truth?" Old Man Wu looked at his daughter hopefully.

Woman: "How can it be fake? Boss, second brother, you guys should also tell me what you think."

As soon as he finished speaking, Old Man Wu's eyes suddenly shifted to his grandchildren.

Seeing his grandfather's longing eyes, the eldest son didn't even look at his biological father, but directly shouted to Old Man Wu: "Grandpa!"

"Hey! Okay, okay!"

Although the eldest grandson did not directly mention the change of surname, the word "grandpa" already showed his attitude.

Compared with the taciturnity of the older son, the second son was much excited. He bowed directly to Old Man Wu and said jokingly while doing so: "Grandpa, you see I have changed my words. Do you have to pay for the change?"

"Here, here! You should pay for the correction of your words!" Old man Wu was so excited that he reached into his pocket and suddenly took out everything.

Old Man Wu touched his empty pocket, which contained even half a cent, and paused for a moment before taking it out. Then he turned his head in embarrassment and cast a look at his old lady for help.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wu couldn't help laughing.

However, this did not delay her from taking out money from her pocket to help her old man out.

"Come on, come on, red envelopes are given out."

When they heard about the red envelopes, the third and fourth children couldn't wait to change their minds.



"Okay, okay, they are all good children! They all have it!"

Seeing this, the Wu family also grinned.

"Uncle Six, congratulations!" Many younger members of the Wu family knew that Uncle Six's long-cherished wish was finally fulfilled.

I thought this would be it for the rest of my life, but suddenly there were four more grandchildren. Old man Wu was so happy that he almost went crazy.

He suddenly felt that Wang Goudan was not so hateful anymore, and the things he had given him before were not something he had to take back, but just regarded them as the cost of borrowing seeds. After all, his daughter could not have a child without him.

Old man Wu waved his hand and called Mr. Wu home.

Old man Wu's mood is so happy, so happy!

He couldn't help but hum a little tune along the way. In the early spring, he met the members of the Xie family brigade who were eagerly waiting at the entrance of the village. He first returned the borrowed tools with a grateful look on his face, and then loudly invited everyone to spend two days.

Go to your house for a banquet...

"How do you know I have four more grandchildren!"

Hearing what Old Man Wu said, many people were stunned. The villager who had just gone to deliver the tools and knew the inside story had already smiled and congratulated him.

After the others reacted, they also smiled and congratulated him: "Yes, yes, you have four more grandchildren all of a sudden. It's time for you to have a grand event!"

Old man Wu smiled and nodded, accepting all the congratulations.

"Good luck! Good luck!"

Isn’t that just good luck!

Everyone in the world values ​​incense, even if they don't like their mother-in-law, they always care a little about their own sons.

But Wang Goudan happened to be the exception.

Not to mention the little bastard the little widow gave birth to, he also wantonly suppressed several sons and forcibly separated his four sons from him.

That Wang Goudan is nothing, but my daughter and these children are all good. Now that these children are heartbroken, it is a good opportunity for them to take advantage of it.

Old man Wu didn't think that the little widow's son would be very great in the future. The child did look quite clever, but he was too clever.

To put it bluntly, those kind of children will be fine if they are taught well, but if they are not taught well, even the best children will be ruined.

And my old man doesn’t think people like Wang Goudan and the little widow can educate children well.

Just wait, you will see the results as time goes by.

On the contrary, these children in my family, although they look too honest on the surface, are all good children with a good heart.

The key is to be diligent and willing to work. You won’t have any great achievements in the future, but it will not be a problem to support your family and support your wife and children.

Compared to Old Man Wu, Wang Goudan's face was so green that it made people worry that he would faint in the next second.

He stared coldly at the group of Wu family members and the four white-eyed wolves who were trampling his face into the ground.

White-eyed wolf! Yes, it’s a white-eyed wolf.

In Wang Goudan's heart, he can do without a few sons, but his sons cannot resist him at all.

'Just wait, one day he will make those who look down on him kneel on the ground and beg him!'

Wang Goudan felt very happy when he thought of those people from the Wu family who had eyes in the sky kneeling in front of him and begging him, while that damn woman allowed him to be humiliated.

Unfortunately, this wish may not come true.

The policemen were neither deaf nor blind. His mother-in-law, no, now her ex-wife, the information that came out during the quarrel between the two was enough for him to drink.

As for the outcome, I'm afraid it depends on how much he participated in those things?

But it is foreseeable that he may have to stay at the police station until the matter is thoroughly investigated.

Seeing Wang Goudan's hands being tied with silver bracelets, the rest of the Wang family in the village suddenly panicked.

This chapter has been completed!
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