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One hundred and twenty-two wedding 2

After eating the dumplings, Zhao Cheng changed his words and called the two elders "Mom and Dad."

The two elders sitting on the chairs smiled happily, then took out two red envelopes from their pockets and gave him money to change his words.

With tears in her eyes, Mother Wang warned her daughter: "My child! Xiaocheng is a good boy, and your husband's family is also a sensible family. When you marry into the Zhao family, you should live a good life with Xiaocheng. Don't dare to pinch her.

If you act strong, you must be filial to your parents-in-law."

After all, he couldn't help but whispered: "You must be good in the future and take care of yourself."

The bride also cried and said: "Mom, dad, I understand. You should take good care of your health after I get married, dad! My eldest brother and younger brothers have grown up. If you are not in good health, don't work so hard. Mom,

The same to you."

"Okay, okay, we don't want to cry on this big day." Seeing her daughter's tears, Zhao Cheng's mother-in-law quickly took her into her arms and wiped her tears.

He turned around and told his son-in-law, "Xiaocheng, my daughter is the child we hold in our palms when she is a child. She has never suffered any grievances. You should be more considerate on weekdays. If she does something wrong in the future, you will do the same."

There’s no need to hide it, you tell me and I’ll tell her.”

"Mom, what are you talking about? Once Lili is handed over to me, I will protect her and won't let her be wronged." Zhao Cheng quickly made a promise. After listening to his words, the two old men nodded.

At this time, the second son of the Wang family who was standing next to him raised his fist at Zhao Cheng, "If you dare to do anything bad to my sister, just try it."

Mother Wang slapped her son on the back reproachfully, "What are you doing?" But she did not say what her son did wrong.

The two old men warned each other for a long time before holding back their tears and said, "It's getting late. You should go back quickly. Don't waste time."

"Okay, mom and dad, I will take Lili away and I will treat her well."

When Wang Lili sat in the back seat of the car and Wang's mother was watching her leave at the door, a relative handed her a basin of water. This was a custom for daughters to get married, and they said the water was thrown by the married daughter.

Mother Wang was holding the basin of water, but she didn't move for a long time. People around her were urging her to splash it, but she couldn't splash it out. She didn't want to let go of her daughter!

In the end, Father Wang patted his hand and said, "Splash it. You can only leave after splashing on your daughter. Don't waste time. As long as your daughter lives a good life in the future, it doesn't matter who she is in."

Mother Wang gritted her teeth and poured out the water. The moment she poured out the water, her tears fell. She was reluctant to let her daughter get married.

At this time, Wang Lili, who was sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, burst into tears. She knew that once she left, it would be different when she came back. When she came back, it would not be home but her parents' home. Home and her parents' home were different after all.

When he came back, he became a guest in a certain sense. Zhao Cheng rarely became attentive and took Wang Lili's hand to comfort him: "Lili, don't feel bad. We are so close. I miss your parents, so I will take care of you more."

Come and see, today is our happy day..."

After saying this, Zhao Chengcheng didn't know what to say next. Looking at Wang Lili's unstoppable tears, he hurriedly wiped her tears with his hands: "Lili, stop crying, I will cry if you continue to cry.


Wang Lili looked at the fussy look of the man next to her and listened to his clumsy comfort. She was amused. She wiped her tears and stared at Zhao Cheng. This was the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

The one she chose.

Girls mature earlier than boys. He had had a crush on Zhao Cheng since junior high school. Later, she was not admitted to high school because of her poor grades, and she thought their fate was over.

She didn't expect fate to be so wonderful. She refused many blind dates, but in the end she couldn't get her mother to agree to go on a blind date. But what she didn't expect was that she met him the first time they met, and he also expressed his affection for her.

Thinking about the future life of the two of them, she couldn't help but look forward to it. She believed that as long as the two of them worked hard, although they might not be rich in the future, they would live a very good life.

When I went back, I took another route because I couldn't go back. The groom was riding a bicycle in front with the bride. Zhang Yu and the others were still riding in a donkey cart. On the donkey cart were the bride's dowry, quilt, cloth shoes, and clock.

, hot water bottles, bathtubs, washbasins and other daily necessities. What makes other people in the village the most envious is that the dowry includes a brand-new bicycle.

After arriving at the village, someone informed the Zhao family that they would be back soon. Before they could even enter, the sound of firecrackers started going off.

Compared with the sadness and reluctance of the Wang family's parents, the Zhao family's side was very different, especially that of Zhao Youtian and his wife, the corners of their mouths almost cracked to the base of their ears, and they were smiling from ear to ear.

They were very satisfied with their little daughter-in-law. She had good academic qualifications and was a rare girl from eight villages nearby who had finished junior high school.

In terms of appearance, not to mention the beauty of the sky and the beauty of the country, it can still be regarded as one of the best in eight villages in ten miles.

The family's conditions are also good. Wang's family has three sons and one daughter. Her eldest brother is a worker in the town's supply and marketing cooperative, and the other two sons are also willing to work.

What satisfied them most was that although Wang Lili was a girl, Wang's father and Wang's mother were not partial and loved their daughters more than their sons.

Take the betrothal gift given by the Zhao family this time as an example. The Wang family did not keep any cents, but added part of it. They also exchanged a bicycle ticket with someone and bought a bicycle as a dowry.

It's not that they are greedy for these things, but they are happy with the attitude of the Wang family. Besides, the conditions of the Yue family are good, and the burden on the young couple will be small in the future, right?

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard someone reported that the bride had arrived at the entrance of the village. After hearing this, I immediately set off the firecrackers and other things. When I saw the figure, I immediately urged: "Set off the firecrackers quickly, set off the firecrackers quickly."

Firecrackers! The bride is here, the bride is here.”

When the bride entered the door, Zhao Cheng pushed Wang Lili and shouted to his mother: "Mom, I brought my daughter-in-law back to you."

"Okay, okay, Lili! You must be tired from the journey. Go in quickly, go in quickly."

While they were talking, other people in the village who were watching the fun also started talking.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Brother Xiaocheng is so lucky, the bride is so beautiful!" A young man next to him said enviously.

"Not only is the bride beautiful, but the dowry is also rich." Another young man did not pay much attention to the bride. Instead, he stared directly at the new bicycle on the donkey cart. He was so envious.


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