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Chapter 14 Lard Bibimbap

Chapter 14 Lard Bibimbap

Author: Purple March

Chapter 14 Lard Bibimbap

Secretly put the remaining two cages of steaming buns into the secret space. It would be good to use them for breakfast or something later.

Early the next morning, Zhang Yu steamed rice. Yesterday when he was refining lard, he wanted to eat lard bibimbap, so he steamed a large pot of rice early this morning.

Put the hot rice just out of the pot into a large bowl, then dig a hole in the middle of the rice and put a spoonful of the lard cooked yesterday. Overnight, the lard has turned into a milky white solid.

Pour on a small spoonful of soy sauce, add some chopped oil residue, and sprinkle with some chopped green onion.

Soon, the lard gradually melted in the heat of the rice, and the soy sauce blended into the rice. Stir evenly. Every grain of white rice wrapped in lard and soy sauce was mixed with chopped oil residue, giving it an attractive color.

I couldn't wait to take a big bite and chewed slowly. Although it was just simple lard and soy sauce, it felt extremely sweet.

As he continued to eat, his eldest cousin came over smelling the aroma and said, "Xiaoyu, what are you eating?"

"Lard is mixed with rice. The rice is in the pot. If you want to eat it, hurry up and put it in it." Ever since Zhang Yu started cooking, several cousins ​​would come to eat from time to time.

My sister-in-law is in charge of the financial affairs of the family, so she lives a relatively frugal life. Her cousins ​​all have their salaries, and apart from paying part of their living expenses, they all keep it for themselves. So they often buy some things, cook them at his place, and leave some for him.


Make the food and then bring it home, chop it first and then serve it, so you don't have to worry. My sister-in-law will store the bought things and save them for the holidays.

When Zhao Feng heard this, he didn't care. He took out the bowls and chopsticks from the kitchen cabinet and filled a bowl of rice.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, your cooking is much better than my mother's." Zhao Feng took a big mouthful and turned to say.

"I think it's not my cooking that tastes good, but the rice and lard that tastes good, right?" Zhang Yubai glared at him.

Zhao Feng just smiled, said nothing, and kept grabbing the rice.

After eating, I checked the time. It was already 7:30, half an hour before going to work at 8 o'clock.

He didn't even have time to put away the bowl, so he put it on the table, put away his clothes, turned to his eldest cousin and said, "Brother, I'm too late to go to work. You can help me put away my things later, and just lock the door."

Zhao Feng continued to work hard and waved his hand: "Leave it to me."

He rushed to the logistics department in a hurry and took over the tasks for this week. After all, he had not been working for long, so he could only take over the work for a week at a time.

Initially, it was said that he would be allowed to sit in the office first, but it would not be good for him to maintain the relationship with Uncle Wang, and it would be bad for people to talk about Uncle Wang's selfishness.

Therefore, after learning almost enough, Zhang Yu took the initiative to apply for purchasing.

The job content is to purchase food, and a minimum goal is given. Of course, the more purchased, the better.

Even though I thought it would be very difficult for him to reach his goal and it was unlikely that he would exceed it, we still issued him an extra purchase order.

According to the place written on the list, I went to the slaughterhouse. After entering, I handed the list to the director of the slaughterhouse.

After getting the pork smoothly, we went to the sugar factory and the soy sauce factory, and walked around in turn.

During this process, Zhang Yu tried to collect as much product information as possible.

Although he is not familiar with these commodity price information, he will seriously learn from others what he does not know.

After looking at the purchasing tasks, only vegetables were left. I thought this was the best item to purchase, but I didn’t expect that something went wrong in this item.

Maybe he missed the time and there were not so many vegetables in the vegetable market.

Logically speaking, every day's vegetables will be sent to the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill in the morning, and this batch of vegetables is a subsidy at the factory's own expense.

Including pork, these are all purchased by the factory as subsidies for workers who work overtime this week.

Seeing the not-so-fresh vegetables left here, he simply went to the last purchasing brigade. It had been many days since the last time, and the new batch of vegetables and eggs should be about the same.

When I went to Zhang Yu to buy vegetables, I happened to see a pig being slaughtered in the village. One of the pigs broke its leg while jumping over the wall to escape. The leg injury never healed well, and I didn't eat much. It was about to fall off the scale.

So the village decided to sell it. Now that it happened, it would not be missed.

The production team I went to this time was located near Beijing and had a relatively large number of people, so the team actually had a telephone.

Immediately borrowed a phone and dialed the number of the Logistics Purchasing Department: "Hello, hello, this is Zhang Yu from the Logistics Department. Please call Director Wang of the Logistics Department."

After waiting for a while, the call came back.

"Hey, what's the matter with Xiaoyu?" Uncle Wang over there asked very eagerly, for fear that something might happen to his comrade's child under his nose.

"Uncle Wang, I was purchasing downstairs today, and there happened to be an injured pig downstairs that I wanted to kill today. It hadn't been sent to the market yet, but I happened to bump into it. I just wanted to ask, does our factory need to purchase it?"

"If you want it, Xiao Yuqian told the team leader to keep it for our factory, and I will take someone there right away." As soon as he heard that there was pork, Director Wang, who had recently turned gray due to difficulties in purchasing, immediately asked him to stay.

The captain was overjoyed when he heard that they all wanted it. After all, not many people in this dishonest village were willing to eat meat.

It cost money to buy pigs in the first place. Every spring, I catch piglets not just to eat them myself, but to sell them for money during the New Year.

But the grain that the farmer received in a year was not enough to eat, and the people were not full, so the pigs had nothing to eat. They mainly drank shabu-shabu water, sweet potato bran mixed with dried sweet potato leaves, peanut seedlings and the like.

In spring and summer, when pigweed is available, pigweed is mainly fed, so pigs grow very slowly.

I worked hard to feed him until the end of the year, and he only gained more than 120 kilograms. I was not willing to kill him during the New Year, and he only weighed 1,670 kilograms until now.

It was originally intended to be sold for money, but unexpectedly, the pig jumped through the hoop and escaped, even breaking its leg.

I went to the vet to see him, and he said that the weather was too hot and the wounds were not healing well. He also hadn't eaten much recently, and he was starting to lose flesh.

The weather is hot this season, and we can’t keep them for long. I was worried when I met a buyer from a big factory and wanted them all at once.

Both sides got what they needed, and the transaction was very happy. The Red Star Steel Rolling Mill got the pork. Recently, the superiors notified them to work overtime. It just happened to be more oil and water subsidies so that the workers could have more energy.

As for the brigade, they got money by disposing of the pork, and also got a certificate from the steel factory. They can go to the factory to purchase some new farm tools, which will make it easier to do farm work in the future.

Along the way, Director Wang praised Zhang Yu again and again. He was worried that the daily supply of pork in the slaughterhouse had quotas.

The factory is always willing to subsidize workers and increase profits. In this year and age, no matter where in the factory he goes to find pork.

This pig can last at least a few days, giving him time to turn around.

"Xiaoyu, next time you have this opportunity, purchase it first and then call. The factory will definitely order it."

"Uncle Wang, you are lucky to have encountered this once!" Zhang Yu smiled bitterly, but this is also an opportunity. If he has extra pork in the future, he can buy some in the name of purchasing every two or three months.

Go and sell.

However, it shouldn’t be too much, just two or three times a year, and the amount must be controlled.

Selling in small quantities, in the name of purchasing, and selling to a collective, and with Uncle Wang as a guarantee, no one should investigate carefully.

However, when purchasing, you must find a good reason. It is best to let colleagues encounter the situation of purchasing by themselves twice.

When someone questions it, colleagues who have seen it will naturally explain it to them.

However, the amount should not be too large. It is best to just leave it alone. It is better to take it out.

Furthermore, in the 1980s, supplies became abundant, so what couldn’t we buy?

(End of chapter)

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