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One hundred and thirty-eight daily

Especially because of the recent reduction in supplies, life in prison has become increasingly difficult.

Not only did he not have enough to eat, he had to work every day and was bullied every day. This kind of life made him unable to see any hope, only despair.

When he was working that day, he was bullied again. The person assigned to him next to him pushed the work to him.

He didn't dare to resist, but the more he worked, the angrier he became, thinking that those people could enjoy the good life and drink hot food outside, but he didn't have enough to eat, didn't wear warm clothes, and had to work every day.

Just thinking about it, I finally couldn't help it anymore and said loudly to the guard: "I confess, I confess, I also know some other kidnappers."

After hearing what he said, the guard immediately took him away. After hearing what he said, the guard's face turned dark. There were two people the kidnapper confessed to who were very familiar to them.

This matter was not a trivial matter. They reported it quickly, and a large number of people were arrested later.

Many people related to the incident were arrested, as were those who provided them with protection.

This matter is truly over now.

Regarding the matter of the two kidnappers, Zhang Yu and the others paid no attention to them after they found out that they had been sentenced to life imprisonment.

If we want to talk about the impact of this kidnapping on Zhang Yu, it is that every weekend Zhang Yu will have one more child.

Since Xu Yanbin was rescued by him, he would urge his parents to bring him over to Zhang Yu every weekend. If his parents didn't have time, they would go to Mr. Xu to bring him over.

In short, there will not be a weekend absence, and the two of them get along surprisingly well. Xu Yanbin is a sensible and obedient child, and he is not a bitch at all. When Zhang Yu is doing things, he follows beside him and does not make any noise or make a fuss.

Every time Zhang Yu sees Xu Yanbin following him, he feels for a moment that this is his child.

After reacting, he shook his head in amusement, but in the end he was a little envious. He couldn't help but think about how great it would be if his future children could be like Xu Yanbin.

But then he thought that after Xu Yanbin, the director of the child, had been kidnapped, he hoped that his future children would not be so obedient, as long as they were safe.

Time flies, and the passing years are like tiny splashes of flowers, quietly washing away the old and yellowed thoughts, like a silent image, and then disappearing.

Summer passed in the blink of an eye, and autumn was coming to an end. Zhang Yu did not go to Northeast China during the summer vacation due to some matters, so he called to explain.

Grandma and grandpa also expressed their understanding of this, but told him that he must go during the winter vacation.

After the summer vacation and school started, he was promoted to the second year of high school. After that, he went to school step by step every day, went home, ate, went to bed, and signed in before going to bed.

Yes, another thing is to learn Russian.

For him who came back in later generations, English was not a problem for him. After all, English played a big role in his major, but Russian was difficult for him.

Later generations generally learned English, and only a small number of people learned Russian, of course not including him.

Russian grammar is at least 20 times more complex than English, and each word has dozens of variations in different contexts.

Although his memory is very good now, just memorizing long and complicated Russian words has given him a headache, let alone the pronunciation of Russian.

The level of the Russian-speaking teacher in their class was not as good as what later generations would call "dumb English".

After studying on his own for so long, he gave up. This was something he could not learn by studying on his own.

After he returned home that day, while his family was eating at the dining table, he asked: "Sister-in-law, uncle, do you know anyone who can speak Russian?"

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just that I can't learn Russian well. I was wondering if I could hire a teacher to learn it systematically." Zhang Yu said a little embarrassed, but he couldn't help it. He was really proficient in Russian.

Nine orifices, nothing clear.

He had failed the last few Russian language exams. Every time he saw the scores on the Russian language test paper, he would blush a little.

"Let me think about it, I remember that there should be someone." Zhao Wenzhuo put down Kuaizi and thought carefully. There seemed to be such a person in his memory, but because time had passed, he couldn't remember it for a while.

After thinking for a long time, he tentatively said: "Do you still remember Teacher Xu? I remember that he used to know Russian?" Zhao Wenzhuo turned to Zhang Guifang and asked him if he remembered correctly?

"Teacher Xu? Remember, why don't you remember? The machine in the factory next door was broken and I couldn't read the instructions. Didn't I ask Teacher Xu to translate it? Have you forgotten?" Zhao Wenzhuo got up with Teacher Xu, and Zhang Guifang remembered it.

, while recalling, she said that as long as she mentioned the name of a person who lived nearby, she could recall the general situation of that person.

"Then does he still live in the same place now?" He didn't know much about Teacher Xu's specific situation. He had to ask his wife, who was a street clerk.

"Yes, why not? The place where Teacher Xu lives now is his ancestral home."

"That's good. I remember that Teacher Xu's Russian is very good. You can prepare some gifts for me later. I will take Xiaoyu to visit Teacher Xu and see if he still teaches students?"

"Okay, I remember we still have two packs of pastries you brought back at home. You can just bring them with you later."


In this way, Zhang Yu just started the matter of learning Russian, and the rest of the matter was taken over by his uncle and sister-in-law. He only had to follow their arrangements and move forward.

He enjoys this kind of life where he doesn't have to worry about things and has the support and protection of his family behind him. If there is a problem, his family can give him ideas and come up with solutions.

"I still have one thing on hand that I haven't finished yet. Wait for me for an hour. Once I finish it, I will take Xiaoyu over." Zhao Wenzhuo finished the rice in the bowl in three quick strokes. After finishing, he wiped his mouth and said,

He said to Zhang Yu.

"Uncle, you have to work first, there's no need to be in such a hurry."

Zhang Yu returned to the house, rummaging here and there, using his consciousness to control the space to pick all the recently ripe things, put away what should be put away, feed the livestock what should be fed, and also picked up the eggs.


Then you have time to check the situation in the space.

His current space has changed again, and is a little different from the last time he upgraded.

Although he hasn't signed anything very good during this period, he has signed in space secret realm fragments once. Although they were relatively small, they also brought changes to the space after fusion.

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