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One Hundred and Fifty Four Cooking Killer

Seeing that Zhang Yu still had an expression of disbelief, Zheng Gouzi brought the porridge to him and put a clean spoon on it: "If you don't believe me, try it."

"I won't try." Facing Zheng Gouzi's enthusiastic invitation and looking at the bowl of strangely colored porridge, Zhang Yu really couldn't muster up the courage to try.

"Try it, try it, it tastes really good. I just had it. This is the best porridge I've ever made."

Faced with Zhang Yu's rejection, Zheng Gouzi continued to recommend his porridge to Zhang Yu without changing his expression, insisting that Zhang Yu try it.

In the end, Zhang Yu couldn't resist his enthusiasm and took the spoon from his hand. Then, with a look of death, the spoon in his hand tremblingly reached towards the bowl of porridge.

It's not that he's being pretentious or that he's picky about food, it's just that the color of the bowl of porridge is too weird.

It's not black, it's not yellow, and it smells like a lake. No, he seems to smell a sour smell.

Looking at the spoonful of porridge he scooped out, he closed his eyes tightly and quickly stuffed the porridge into his mouth.

Tears burst out immediately.

What does this smell like?

It’s just one less sweet than the various flavors of life, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, it’s sour, bitter, spicy and salty, mixed with a strong flavor of the lake.

Especially the sour and bitter taste, it almost made his soul go to heaven.

He reluctantly swallowed it to prevent himself from spitting it out, and then went around looking for water. Zheng Gouzi didn't have boiled water at home, so he took a few sips of unboiled water before washing it away.


Then he pointed to the bowl of porridge with trembling hands, "You, you, this is what you usually drink?"

"Of course not?" Zheng Gouzi answered without thinking.

Zheng Gouzi's answer made Zhang Yu breathe a sigh of relief. He just said, how can a normal person drink this every day? Maybe he made a mistake today, so he made it so unpalatable.

But Zheng Gouzi's next words broke his fantasy, "Didn't I already say it? This is the best pot of porridge I have made recently."

“The best one pot of porridge, are you sure?”

"Of course! This is the best porridge I have made recently." As if he didn't notice Zhang Yu's surprise, Zheng Gouzi repeated it calmly.

It took Zhang Yu a long time to come to his senses, and then asked curiously: "Brother Zheng, how do you make this porridge?"

Well, he admitted without conscience that the strange bowl of food was porridge.

"That's how it is done. First heat the oil, fry the rice, and finally add water and various seasonings."

After listening to his words, Zhang Yu's mouth opened wide again. He had never heard of anyone making porridge like this?

"Brother Zheng, who taught you this method?"

"I figured it out myself." Faced with Zhang Yu's inquiry, Zheng Gouzi showed a proud expression on his face.

"Brother Zheng, can't you just add some water and some rice to make porridge? Hasn't anyone taught you?"

"Yes! My aunt and sister-in-law in the courtyard have all taught me, and my brothers have also taught me, but what I did like that is not as good as what I do now."

"I don't believe that just making porridge can cause so many problems."

Zhang Yu still doesn't believe it. Doesn't everyone know how to cook white porridge?

What’s so difficult about making porridge?

Can you still cook up so many flavors and make so many messy and weird things?

These question marks flashed across Zhang Yu's mind. He couldn't believe that someone couldn't even make simple plain porridge.

He had to teach Zheng Gouzi how to make porridge, otherwise he was worried that if he kept eating like this, he would end up in the hospital one day.

"Is there still a fire on your stove?"

"Yes, haven't I just finished making porridge? I haven't even had time to seal it yet. Why do you ask?"

"I'll make a pot of porridge for you to see."

Zhang Yu took action as he spoke and quickly cooked a normal porridge.

He took out the porridge and asked Zheng Gouzi to boil it for him to see.

"Let's not cook it today. I've already cooked two pots, and there are also steamed buns you sent. It's enough for these two days."

"No, I have to see how you make porridge today."

Hearing Zhang Yu's firm attitude, Zheng Gouzi could only wash out the pot and start making porridge again.

After a long while, Zhang Yu looked at the pot of strange things in front of him in silence, and tasted it without giving up.

Then he vomited, these are not as good as the bowl of food he tasted at the beginning?

After Zhang Yu was silent for a while, he looked around Zheng Gouzi up and down, left and right.

He was puzzled. The steps were correct. He had prepared the water and rice himself before letting him put them in. But why did such a strange thing appear?

Zhang Yu held on to his last fantasy and considered whether he should let him try again. This time he would teach him step by step. In that case, it would be possible to succeed, at least not like it is now.

Zheng Gouzi, who was a little annoyed by Zhang Yu, said aggrievedly: "I said there is no need to boil another pot. The same result will be the same as the next pot. It has been so many years since I started cooking.

Except for the one time when I ran into some shit and made a normal porridge, I have never made normal porridge again."

"What about the other meals?" Zhang Yu asked unwillingly. With so many types of meals, there must be one that doesn't make any mistakes, right?

"No, the others are not as good as this." Zheng Gouzi shook his head firmly. Over the years, he had tried to make other things, but none of the things he made could be eaten.

As time passed, he gave up this idea.

Zhang Yu finally gave up and sighed, "Eat quickly, it will get cold in a while."

After hearing what he said, Zheng Gouzi immediately brought over the porridge cooked by Zhang Yu and ate it with the pickles and steamed buns brought by Zhang Yu.

"Didn't you say that the portion you made was good? Why don't you eat that portion now?"

"Hehe." Zheng Gouzi just smiled but said nothing. He was not stupid. Why would he eat his own food when he had normal food?

Oh my god! It’s so delicious. He can finally eat a normal meal. It’s not easy!

While Zheng Gouzi was eating, Zhang Yu kept looking at him. After thinking for a long time, he said: "Brother Zheng, you'd better marry a wife as soon as possible!"

Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zheng Gouzi almost spit out the food he hadn't swallowed. He swallowed what was in his mouth before he looked like Zhang Yu.

"Xiaoyu, where did you think you were going again?"

"I think your craftsmanship will only be like this in this life. You might as well marry a wife. I believe that if you are a human being, your cooking will be better than yours."

Zhang Yu believes with absolute certainty that Zheng Gouzi’s cooking skills are simply one in a hundred. No, no, no, it should be one in a million. There may not be even one person out of ten thousand who can cook as deliciously as him.


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