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Chapter 19 The Jia Family

Chapter 19 Jia Family

Author: Purple March

Chapter 19 Jia Family

On August 15th, there was indeed a quarrel in the Jia family.

Boss Feng has been looking for someone to follow Jia Dongxu, but only found that although he is married, he is not very honest.

It is not clear that he is involved with several widows, but he is careful in what he does. Even if someone discovers it, there is no evidence.

Boss Feng and Zheng Gouzi were troubled by this. Without any evidence, everything was in vain.

But isn't this a coincidence? Zheng Gouzi's brother who told him that he posted a complaint on the street that day accidentally discovered something interesting.

One afternoon, as soon as Zhang Chao went out, he saw that familiar blue dress.

Then I thought, isn't this the person who came and went to the subdistrict office several times that day? What was he doing sneakily this time?

Jia Dongxu didn't know that his cautious behavior to avoid other people's eyes aroused Zhang Chao's curiosity.

Zhang Chao was also a talented person and did not follow him directly. Instead, he chose the direction from which he came and searched all the way back.

On the way, I asked the children playing hide-and-seek in the alley, and finally determined that Jia Dongxu came from Widow Li's house.

When he heard the news, his eyes lit up, as if he smelled something big.

You must know that this Widow Li is not a simple person. Although she was born in the countryside, when she was seven or eight years old, her family sent her to her current husband's family as a child bride.

However, he was a cruel person. After he realized that the person he wanted to marry in the future was not good-looking, he just hooked up with his brother-in-law who was three years younger than him and was still in school. When he became pregnant with his first child, his in-laws had no choice but to move her husband away from the hospital with a stern face.

The son was replaced by a younger son, and he changed his story to the outside world and said that he was a child bride for the younger son.

But despite the rejection of his mother-in-law's family, he won over his husband, who was three years younger than him. With four eldest aunts above him, he lived a comfortable life.

Moreover, the two of them were arguing and there was no peace in the house. In the end, the father-in-law had no choice but to borrow money to buy a house and separated the two of them.

She became a widow after her husband accidentally drowned in the river last year.

In order to occupy the house where I currently live, I took advantage of my husband's family and forced my husband's family to sign an agreement.

But her husband's family was not someone to be trifled with. Although they agreed that she could live in the house, she could not remarry, and the house must be transferred to her two sons and she must raise several children.

But she spread the news that she was looking for another one to come to the door. If she didn't agree, she would block the door of her husband's house and make a fuss. Moreover, her brothers had grown up. If they didn't agree, they would catch her eldest brother and beat her up, leaving her husband's family alone.

For such a son, I can only agree for the sake of my son.

As soon as this incident came out, everyone nearby knew that Widow Li was looking for a helper to help her raise her child.

I'm afraid Jia Dongxu still doesn't know that his lust for pleasure has caused him a big trouble.

If Widow Li knew that Jia Dongxu was married and that her son was four years old, she would never let him go.

After Zheng Gouzi learned about this from his brothers, his mouth split with laughter, "Now, what do I think Jia Dongxu will do?"

Later, Zheng Gouzi took a handful of candies and went to the area near Widow Li's house to find a few children.

"You guys do something for me and I'll buy you some candy."

"That won't work. Who knows what bad things you want us to do?" The boy in the lead shook his head.

"I'll give you half of the candy now, and I'll give you the other half of the candy when it's ready." At this point, Zheng Gouzi took out half of the candy from his pocket.

Looking at this handful of candies, the children's eyes shone brightly. You must know that this is a white rabbit. They have only heard that it is delicious but have never eaten it.

Unable to help but feel a little shaken, the boy next to him turned to look at the child: "Boss!"

Seeing his subordinates looking at him eagerly, he became greedy, swallowed his saliva, and said unsteadily: "We will help you, but we can't do bad things."

"It's not anything bad, just go to the door of Li's house and say a few words."

Then he handed the candy to the child's head.

Looking at the candy in his hand, the child gritted his teeth and said, "What do you want to say?"

"Go to Li's house and tell them that Jia Dongxu, a first-level fitter at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Plant, lost a lot of money playing cards today and was caught by his wife. He is making trouble in a courtyard in a certain alley."

Several children chatted and gossiped in front of Li's house like a joke, and added a lot of their own descriptions, as if they had seen it with their own eyes.

The eldest son of the Li family is nine years old this year and already understands many things.

I knew that my mother wanted Jia Dongxu to be a helper for her family, support her, and support herself in school. Now when she heard that Jia Dongxu was actually married, she lost her temper and immediately ran home to learn from Widow Li.

Widow Li's face turned dark when she heard the rumors her eldest son had learned and knew that they were probably true. Someone had told them to her on purpose.

After hearing this news, with Li Hehua's intelligence, how could he not understand that Jia Dongxu just wanted to take advantage of him and had no intention of taking responsibility at all.

Li Hehua had a dark face and wanted to knock on the door immediately, but she also knew that there was no evidence and the Jia family would not admit it. Moreover, if she made a fuss, her already bad reputation in the neighborhood would be even worse.

It doesn't matter to her, but she still has two sons and a daughter. For the future of her children, she must swallow this breath.

"It seems that I underestimated him, but Jia Dongxu, is my advantage so easy to make?"

Sure enough, within a few days, Li Hehua took advantage of Jia Dongxu and forced him to sign an IOU worth 300 yuan.

The next day, they came to the Jia family and asked the Jia family to pay back the money.

Jia Zhang is still making trouble there and refuses to acknowledge the debt.

But Li Hehua brought several brothers from her mother's family and came to make trouble.

She also agreed to give them half of the loan they were going to get so they could get wives. How could they just let it go after so much blood was shed.

Several brothers from the natal family are old enough, but they have not married a wife because they are poor. Once this incident comes out, it will not only vent their anger on the eldest sister, but also get money so that they can find a wife. No fool would not do it.

Besides, by making a fuss, you can still take advantage and save a few meals.

It happened to be off-duty time, and nearby neighbors came to watch the fun, but no one came out to help.

Over the years, Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu have offended their neighbors completely. Many people wish them bad luck, so naturally they will not come forward.

Jia Dongxu hid in the house and refused to go out. Only Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu were entangled with Li Hehua outside.

"Jia Dongxu, come out and tell me why you borrowed this money. Do you have the guts to say it in front of everyone?" Li Hehua shouted loudly.

As soon as she heard this, Qin Huairu felt something was wrong. A woman's intuition told her that there must be something going on here.

Qin Huairu turned around and went back to the house to ask her husband why he owed so much money. Looking at her husband's silence, she thought about Li Hehua's appearance outside. What else didn't she understand?

My whole body collapsed, and I cried: "I married into your family in 1953, gave birth to your son the next year, served your mother-in-law, and did housework. If I don't do well enough, you want to do this to me."

Jia Dongxu squatted on the ground, buried his head, and continued to remain silent.

He knew that he had been embarrassed and humiliated today, and many people nearby should be able to guess the truth.

Thinking of this, his eyes darkened, and he hated the neighbors for not helping him, and also hated Li Hehua for seizing his advantage and being aggressive.

He turned around and complained to Jia and Zhang again. Li Hehua could just give her money when she asked for it, so why make a fuss?

Anyway, the money in her hand will belong to her sooner or later. Wouldn’t it solve all the problems if she gives it in advance now?

Now that it's fine, everyone knows about it, so how can I see anyone in the future?

Mrs. Jia Zhang, who was making a fuss outside, didn't know that her son blamed her, so she just kept making trouble.

In the end, it was Qin Huairu who wiped away her tears, cheered up, brought Jia Zhang back, and made the seriousness of the matter clear.

In fact, Mrs. Jia Zhang didn't know about her son's flirtatious thoughts. She just thought that her son, as a man, would never suffer. What happened to his flirtatious thoughts?

Knowing that he had caused a big trouble, he reluctantly took out the money and gave it to Li Hehua.

When she handed the money to Li Hehua, she felt distressed. Li Hehua slapped her hard several times before taking the money away from her hand.

With the money in hand, Li Hehua left with satisfaction, leaving only the neighbors talking about it.

Mrs. Jia Zhang slammed the door hard and closed it.

Angry neighbors who were watching the fun said, "I knew this Jia Dongxu was not a good guy. I think someone probably got hold of this money."

After saying that, he smiled ambiguously. Isn't it obvious that a man can be caught by a widow?

(End of chapter)

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