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Two hundred and twenty small stone mill

After walking for a while, the leader Qi Gang shouted loudly: "We're here, Uncle Xiao Yu, we're here."

After listening to his words, a group of children tacitly made way for Zhang Yu, and then looked at Zhang Yu expectantly.

Zhang Yu shook his head, and strode to the door with the expectant eyes of the children. Looking at the familiar old man in front of him, he grabbed a few candies for him, and then said with a smile: "Uncle, I want to go in and find some unused ones."

Can a notebook or newspaper or something like that come in handy?"

The gatekeeper looked at the candy in his hand and grinned.

He quickly put the candy into his pocket and prepared to go back and give it to his grandson.

Then he smiled at Zhang Yu and said, "You haven't been here for a while."

Obviously, the janitor remembered Zhang Yu and knew that he would come to look for some parts, old newspapers and the like every once in a while.

Indeed, Zhang Yu became interested in Taobao ever since he accidentally discovered the gold beads in the legs of the bench while lighting the fire.

During that time, whenever he had free time, he would go to the scrap collection station.

As time passed and the number of times was increased, I found nothing good, so I slowly reduced the number of times.

However, it has become a habit for him to come to the scrap station to buy and exchange things. Although he does not come as often as during that period, he still comes every twenty days to pick up something of interest.

"No, I haven't been here for almost two months. I went to the Northeast after taking the exam and I just came back these two days."

"I went to the Northeast, which is quite far away. How is the Northeast now?"

"It's still pretty much the same as before, but things aren't going well over there this year either." Zhang Yu sighed, thinking of the villagers who had lost a lot of weight compared to the last time he went there.

"Alas! There is no way, God will not give people a way to survive." Speaking of this, the gatekeeper was no longer in the mood to chat. He was also worried about food recently.

Fortunately, although he is not young, he still has a serious job, which allows him to have money to buy some food and support his children.

"Go in, a batch of good things just arrived yesterday, and I haven't had time to sort them yet. Go in and take a look to see if there is anything you like." Touching the hard candy in his pocket, the concierge reminded him to reciprocate.

"Thank you, uncle. Can these children go in with me?" Zhang Yu said tentatively, and then raised his hand to assure, "Uncle, I will watch them and prevent them from rummaging around."

After finishing speaking, he winked at the children behind him.

These children were smart. After getting Zhang Yu's signal, they gathered around the gatekeeper. The younger children acted coquettishly at the old man, while the older ones assured him that they would take good care of their younger brothers and sisters and would not let them

Randomly turned.

The gatekeeper was so harassed that he lost his temper. Seeing that these children were not like the previous group of children who rummaged through things or even stole things, he could only say helplessly: "Okay, okay, let's go in."


After the children cheered, he warned with some worry: "Don't mess around after you go in, or you won't be allowed in next time."

"I know, I know, we promise not to mess with it."

"Neither can I."

"I do not know either."

"I do not know either."

Seeing these children making promises one by one, the gatekeeper hurriedly stepped out of the way and waved to them, "Come in quickly, come in quickly!"

The children went in cheering and looked at the piles of waste with bright eyes as soon as they entered.

In their opinion, these are good treasures.

Zhang Yu watched these children carefully walking past the scrap pile, carefully looking for their beloved little books and toys, as if they were afraid of damaging something.

He was also aroused by the actions of this group of children, and told Qi Gang beside him: "I will go over there to find some things. You are the biggest among them. Watch the other children and don't let them touch dangerous things."


After listening to Zhang Yu's instructions, Qi Zheng seemed to have received some great task. He puffed up his chest proudly and said, "I know, Uncle Xiao Yu, I will keep an eye on my younger brothers and sisters."

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After arranging the children, Zhang Yu also went to the other side.

I picked out some interesting things and put them together separately.

There are some things that he thinks are of age and value.

The other part is some worn out electronic parts.

Zhang Yu's study during this period has paid off. At least he can distinguish the function of each electronic part.

I know which parts can be used together after modification.

He even found two very broken radios in the garbage pile, and it was obvious from the appearance that many parts were missing.

Zhang Yu was so interested that he took out two radios from the scrap pile and put them among the pile of things he wanted to take away.

At this moment, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye. What was this?

That thing was buried at the bottom, and it took Zhang Yu half a day to take it out.

It turned out to be a small stone mill.

Seeing the small stone mill, the gatekeeper walked over from one side to see if the children were rummaging around. He said, "This small stone mill is a good thing. It was used in the kitchens of wealthy families in the past. Look at the handle.

Everything, they use the best materials, it’s just a pity, it’s a pity..."

Although he didn't finish speaking, Zhang Yu knew what he wanted to say.

Unless there are any accidents, these things will generally not be left outside.

Even if a wealthy family is short of money, they will not sell these small things.

After all, these little things are not only worthless, but also not light in weight. Even if they move, they usually won't be taken away.

Now that it can be leaked out and is still in the scrap pile, it is probably because something serious happened to the owner's family and nothing is left at home.

I don't know if anything happened to anyone in this family.

Thinking of this, and thinking of the chaotic situation in the following years, Zhang Yu suddenly no longer felt like Taobao.

These ten years have had a great impact on China.

How many people have had their families destroyed because of trivial matters.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shook his head. Forget it, it's useless to think about this. It would be good if he could protect himself, his sister-in-law's family and the Xie family in the next few days. He didn't dare to have any more thoughts.


After all, history will not turn around because of his arrival, and he cannot affect the current situation.

At most, at most, we can only remind some people in a roundabout way so that they can prepare early.

That's it, I don't dare to remind you openly.

People who understand his reminder and are decisive will naturally make preparations and plan ahead.

For those who don't believe it, or are lucky enough to think that it won't happen, Zhang Yu has no way to save them. After all, it's hard to persuade the damn ghost.

If they don't save themselves, what can he do?

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