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Five hundred and six misidentification

Zhang Yu did not continue to sleep, but pricked up his ears to listen to the noises made by Mr. Wu.

After making sure he was asleep, he secretly sat up and climbed out of the coffin carefully.

In order not to wake up Mr. Wu, Zhang Yu almost took a step and paused, then listened carefully when Mr. Wu made no movement before daring to continue taking the next step, for fear of making a sound and waking up others.

It took Zhang Yu nearly ten minutes to get there from the place where the coffin was placed to the door.

After reaching the door, Zhang Yu put his ear to the door and listened to the sounds coming from outside. After making sure that no one was standing guard outside, only the patrolmen who passed by every quarter of an hour, he carefully opened the door.

No matter how careful he was, the door would inevitably make a "squeaking" sound the moment it was opened.

The next second after the sound came out, there was a sound of turning over on the bed. This sound made Zhang Yu's heart almost stop beating. He stopped in place, not daring to make any more movements. After waiting for a long time, he was sure that Mr. Wu was just turning over.

After he got up and was not woken up, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The gap in the door was not very big, but Zhang Yu did not dare to open it any further. He could only carefully turn sideways and prepare to squeeze out.

When I squeezed out, I held the door with my hands, fearing that it would move again and make a sound.

After Zhang Yu finally squeezed out, he had no time to observe anything else, because he could clearly see the two patrol officers from his place.

It was too late for him to run away at this time. Just when Zhang Yu was thinking about how to get through, two patrol officers had already seen him.

The moment they saw him, two patrol officers quickly ran over, pointed their guns at him, and asked sternly: "Who are you? Why did you get up here? Don't you know that this is not a place for people like you?


One of the patrol officers pointed a gun at Zhang Yu's head and said with some complaint: "You guys just don't know what's good and what's good. My brother is kind enough to take you to make a lot of money, and he only charges you a small amount of shipping fare. Why don't you still

Always thinking about getting better treatment and not looking at who you are?"

His words made Zhang Yu stunned for a moment, but then he realized that the two patrolmen mistook him for the people living below.

Having come to this conclusion, Zhang Yu quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind, quickly recognized this identity, pretended to be young and ignorant, and said tremblingly: "I...

…I didn’t want to do anything, I just… I just wanted to come up and have a look, see if I could find something to eat, I… I’ll leave right now.”

"Come up here and take a look. You don't even know who you are. Is this a place where you can come if you want?" This patrol officer was enjoying the hot food there because other brothers are now there, but he had to

I was not happy patrolling outside. When I met Zhang Yu at this time, I felt like I had found a punching bag. When I caught Zhang Yu, I slapped him. In the end, I felt that the fun was not enough. I picked up the stick hanging on my waist and wanted to attack him.

Another patrol officer saw Zhang Yu, who was not very old, huddled in the corner because he was scolded, and looked very pitiful. Thinking of the children at home who were about the same age as him, he felt a little compassion.

Holding down the raised hand of the colleague next to him: "Okay, Lao Wu, don't argue with the child if he is ignorant.

There's nothing going on on the ship at the moment. You go and rest for a while, and I'll just patrol by myself."

After saying that, he yelled at Zhang Yu: "What are you still doing here? This is a place where you can come, why don't you get down quickly."

Zhang Yu ran down quickly following his words.

Lao Wu, who was watching Zhang Yu leave, put down the stick in his hand with some displeasure: "Third brother, why did you stop me? I've seen a lot of brats like them who don't know the heights of the world. If you don't teach him a lesson,

, he still dares to come up."

"Okay, okay, it's just a kid. You don't have to worry about him so much. Go and have a rest. All the good food will be eaten in a while."

"What will you do, Third Brother?" After hearing his words, Lao Wu was a little moved, but it was the two of them who got the patrol mission tonight.

"It's okay. You go quickly. Come and take over after you have rested. Let me go and rest for a while." The third child, who felt that there was nothing important to do tonight, waved to his companion to rest.

"Okay, third brother, I will come and take over for you in a moment."

Thinking of the good wine and food delivered today, Lao Wu couldn't wait to rush to the duty room.

At this time, Zhang Yu had already run to the lower cabin.

The moment he saw the scene inside the cabin, Zhang Yu was simply stunned.

Even if the cabin is not large, every space is crowded with people, and the space available to each person is also very small.

Some people are better off, taller men. They occupy a favorable position and can lie down for a while.

But more people occupy positions that can only accommodate themselves.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Zhang Yu finally understood why the two patrol officers thought that he was one of them without any suspicion.

After all, there were too many people, and it was impossible for them to write down everyone.

Furthermore, Zhang Yu looked down at the clothes he was wearing.

When I was in Beijing, my clothes could blend into the environment, but when I changed them outside, I looked out of place.

Especially when I fell down while riding a bicycle, I made several holes in my clothes, and I haven't changed them for so many days. I'm not exactly like the people here.

In other words, it may be worse than them.

After all, since the people here can afford the sky-high shipping fares, their family conditions are certainly not too bad, and their clothes are not too shabby either.

Just when Zhang Yu was hesitant to go in, an old hand grabbed his arm and pulled him gently.

Zhang Yu looked in the direction of the hand and saw an old man in his fifties or sixties looking at him lovingly, then moved a little, pointed to the vacant seat and said: "Young man, come and sit down!"

"Thank you, old man!" Zhang Yu did not refuse and sat down quickly.

Seeing him sit down, several people next to the old man sighed. They also thought that by grabbing this seat, they could make themselves more comfortable.

Just looking at Zhang Yu, whose face was still a little immature, but already had the outline of an adult, and his height, which was much higher than that of an ordinary person, those who were making small plans withdrew their hands one after another.

After Zhang Yu sat down, he looked at the old man next to him curiously. He didn't understand why he would choose to sneak across the country at this age.

This chapter has been completed!
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