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Five hundred and twelve, people become better with age

That coffin looks particularly unlucky, doesn’t it?

At this time, the person in charge wanted to transform into Mrs. Xianglin and tell others how much she regretted letting the woman named Wu board the ship.

He has been running this route for so many years without any accident, so why did the boat suddenly capsize this time?

It's all his fault for being greedy!

Thinking of this, the person in charge couldn't help but yell at himself, blaming himself for being so greedy and greedy for five times the shipping fare? If the man named Wu was not allowed to board the ship that day, maybe all of this would have happened.

will not happen.

I'm afraid he has arrived safely in Xiangjiang now, and maybe he is taking his brothers to enjoy the spicy food. How did he end up like this?

But what the person in charge doesn't know yet is that the reason why he was investigated this time was because Mr. Wu kidnapped someone he shouldn't have touched, and that's why he was in trouble.

If he had known about it, he would have rushed to kill him long ago. How could he maintain a superficial peace with Mr. Wu like he did now.

It's just that I don't know how long the current peace can last.

After all, if eyes could fight, the two of them would probably fight to death.

However, compared to the two parties involved, Mr. Chen felt more unlucky.

Although he is a rough guy and has little education, he is still quite sensitive to certain aspects.

For example, in the past two years, he has been vaguely aware of the rough waves hidden under the calm water, and has begun to slowly shrink his power.

I have repeatedly emphasized keeping a low profile, and no matter how low-key I am, I am afraid that I will become the one who stands out.

But he never thought that some things could not be avoided by keeping a low profile, such as this time.

He just wanted to make money as a leader, so he didn't dare to get involved much, but he got himself involved.

Once the GJ machine takes action, no force can stop it.

So even though Mr. Chen was so careful, the police quickly found his head.

Boss Chen was not unprepared for this. He had a bad premonition after learning that a ship going out was caught by the Dragon Kingdom Navy.

But he was still lucky, thinking that he was just doing a matchmaking job and it shouldn't be a big deal.

But all these good fortunes disappeared the moment the police came to the door.

The above mentioned this time that no one who makes mistakes will be spared.

Naturally, they would not let Boss Chen go, and not only that, in order to make up for the mistake they made this time and regain the lost face, the people above were very cruel. After finding out this thread about Boss Chen, they had no intention of stopping.

They turned over everything that Boss Chen had done many years ago.

Mr. Chen originally thought that he would be able to get out after spending a maximum of two years in prison this time, but he did not expect that he would get a lot of money out of it.

When he saw the evidence, Mr. Chen was almost desperate. He scolded Mr. Wu and the person in charge in his heart.

I feel that they have caused trouble for me.

After Boss Chen was arrested, the people he gathered slowly dispersed, leaving only the younger brother who had followed him for many years.

It's just that the little brother's hands are not very clean. He will probably go to keep company with Boss Chen sooner or later. By then, the two of them may be able to continue to write a deep brotherly love in prison.

But compared to them, the other person who took advantage of the chaos to escape was much luckier.

Despite his age, he was the first of the three to get out of trouble.

Sometimes the saying that people become better with age is more than just words.

The old man who escaped was more cautious than others. He did not sell his house before preparing to leave, and he did not inform his relatives and friends like others.

The neighbors only knew that he went out to visit friends, so they were not surprised to see him come back.

On the first day after he escaped, he smoothly integrated back into his old life without any flaws.

However, Zhang Yu didn't know all this at this time. It was also many years later that he met the old man again when he went out for exchanges and learned some truth about the past from him.

But at that time, he was already over fifty years old, so he just smiled and passed these past events, and just praised the other party for his longevity!

Of course, none of this has anything to do with the current Zhang Yu. After he stayed in Shanghai for a day, he was escorted back to Beijing. Naturally, he was not aware of the bloody storm that started after he left.

However, after a lot of troubles, although the three people who escaped were not caught in the end, it was not without some achievements. At least the security was much better than before. For this, ordinary people were very happy. Some were even arrested.

This family, which had been troubled for a long time, even sent a banner.

For safety reasons, the person escorting Zhang Yu home gave up the originally booked ticket and directly contacted the train station to arrange for him to be transferred to the duty room.

This caused Zhang Yu to return to Beijing one night early.

That night, Zhang Guifang, who was having dinner, heard a knock on the door and went to open the door. She was excited when she saw her nephew standing at the door.

I couldn't help but pounce on him, and after checking him up and down, I said, "You scared me to death!"

After finishing speaking, he wiped away his tears again: "It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back!"

Because of the surprise of being found, Zhang Guifang grabbed her nephew's arm tightly from the first moment she saw him, for fear that he would be out of her sight.

Even while eating, she was staring at him. The look in her eyes made Zhang Yu feel sad. What happened to him this time really frightened my sister-in-law and the others.

After some comfort from her family, Zhang Guifang finally relaxed a little and let Zhang Yu go back to sleep.

But for many days in a row, she would always wake up in the middle of the night, and then quietly come to the window of Zhang Yu's bedroom and listen to the breathing coming from inside for a while, before she could go back to sleep.

In this regard, Zhang Yu could only try to extend the time in front of his sister-in-law and comfort her with the facts that he was fine.

In fact, not only Zhang Guifang had lingering fears about this incident, but other people in the family also felt scared.

Even long after this incident, the family still maintained the habit of checking in on him from time to time to make sure he was okay.

But time is a good thing, it can slowly soothe people's hearts and heal the scars in their hearts.

Zhang Yu also gradually returned to normal life, and thought of the idea of ​​celebrating his uncle's birthday again.

However, because of Zhang Yu's kidnapping, Zhao Wenzhuo's already postponed birthday was ignored again. Once or twice, Zhao Wenzhuo was no longer in the mood to celebrate his birthday.

Therefore, the scene that Zhang Yu and the others imagined at the beginning did not appear. This time, they just had a meal together as a family. They cooked an extra bowl of longevity noodles for Zhao Wenzhuo as a birthday celebration for him.

This chapter has been completed!
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