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Chapter 53: Pulling food

"Stop joking, how many are there?" Team leader Wang still couldn't believe it, thinking he was joking.

"Of course it's a truck. How could I be joking about this? If you don't believe it, you will know when the truck is loaded tomorrow."

Seeing the serious expression on Zhang Yu's face, Team Leader Wang finally began to believe it, "Is there really that much? Isn't it said that the place you went to doesn't have many small mountain villages? How can there be so much excess food?"

"It is true that it is a small mountain village, but the cultivated land area there is not very small. The things I brought this time are also needed by them. In addition, many people in the village exchanged many notes with me in private, so

I pieced together a whole truckload of stuff."

Team Leader Wang nodded subconsciously, "That's right, they do lack tickets."

Then he seemed to realize something, and suddenly asked: "Where did you put those grains?"

"I put it in a cabin."

Hearing this, Team Leader Wang became a little anxious, grabbed his clothes and ran towards the direction of the car.

"Brother Wang, Brother Wang, you...slow down...slow down..." Zhang Yu staggered as he was dragged, and he reached out to hold the hand that was holding him, speaking a little bit incoherently.

"How could I not be in a hurry? That's a cart full of food. You just put it in a small wooden house in the wilderness so safely. What if it's lost?" After that, I stopped listening to what he said.

, got into the car, then dragged him into the car, told the old man at the door that something was wrong, and someone would come to pull things tomorrow, and then drove away.

Zhang Yu, who was sitting in the car, straightened out the clothes that had been pulled away and explained: "I have seen that wooden house. There is a thick layer of dust inside. No one has been there for a long time."

"That's not safe either. What if someone passes by there recently? Just show me the way and we'll go get our things back quickly."

"Brother Wang, it's getting dark today. You still need to walk a mountain road to get to that cabin. It's not easy to walk during the day. What's more, if you go now, you will definitely walk at night. Isn't this unsafe?"

"It's okay. Don't you still believe in your brother Wang's driving skills? I've been driving a big car for so many years. When has anything ever happened to me? I've also driven on dangerous roads than that."

Seeing Team Leader Wang's confident and confident look, Zhang Yu could only give him directions.

After the sky darkened, some people couldn't see the road clearly, so Zhang Yu asked him to turn on the car lights.

Only then did he realize that the car actually had no lights. Zhang Yu asked in disbelief: "Brother Wang, these lights..."

"Hey, what's the matter? My car was hung up when I was picking up goods some time ago, and then the headlights broke. Doesn't the factory not have this accessory? The car lights ordered from outside haven't arrived yet. I'll just make do with it.

That’s it.”

"How can we walk at night without car lights? What's more, we have to walk at night later!"

"Isn't there a flashlight here?" Team leader Wang took out a flashlight from the side of the car seat and looked like it was nothing.

Looking at the flashlight in Team Leader Wang's hand, Zhang Yu felt like he was going crazy. He was driving all night on such a dangerous mountain road with only a small flashlight!

What surprised him the most was that Team Leader Wang actually looked like he was making a fuss about the question he raised. Is this a problem for the world or for him?

Zhang Yu was frightened and trembling as he sat on the road. When passing through some steeper sections, the entire car would tilt greatly. He could only hold on to the seat tightly for fear that the car would overturn.

Zhang Yu, who was still shaking up and down while holding on to the seat, suddenly regretted that the place where he planned to store supplies was too far away.

After his thoughts were wandering all the way, he saw a familiar large leaning tree and realized that he had finally reached the place. After the torture, he quickly said: "Brother Wang, please stop in front, I will

Remember it should be here."

When the car stopped, he quickly got out of the car, pretended to look for it for a while, then walked into the cabin and put the things inside while Team Leader Wang was still in the car.

"Brother Wang, this is it."

As soon as he heard his shout, Team Leader Wang quickly got out of the car and walked over. His eyes widened as he looked at the food in the room.

The two people used flashlights to load everything into the car again and again. After only moving for a while, Zhang Yu was already panting from exhaustion.

Team leader Wang looked at his appearance and asked him to rest for a while, but he was really embarrassed to watch him working alone, so he continued to shoulder the burden within two minutes of resting.

After carrying the burden for a long time, they didn't even pack many bags of grain. If they continued like this, the two of them would be exhausted.

He had no choice but to tell Team Leader Wang: "Brother Wang, this place is some distance from the car, and the car can't drive in. I'll transport the things to the car, and you can load them into the car."

"How about I transport it, and you wait next to the car to load it." Considering that the cabin was not very close to the car, Team Leader Wang wanted Zhang Yu to do some light work.

"I'll do it, we'll change when we get tired." Zhang Yu said and ran to the cabin to carry things.

At this time, he was the only one in the cabin, and since it was dark and blocked by trees, no one was watching, so he could use the secret space to cheat boldly.

He packed a lot of things in the cabin into the space, then picked up the empty load, and only loaded the load into the load when he got close to the cart.

The two of them changed positions several times, and thanks to his cheating, the grain loading speed was much faster.

When it was ready, Team Leader Wang still couldn't believe it when he saw the cart full of grain. "It's ready."

"No, I can't believe it. We have done so much right now." Zhang Yu also pretended to be in disbelief and said.

After loading the car, Team Leader Wang was only half relieved. He even took out the raincloth he had treasured for a long time from the cab for food.

This raincloth is his treasure. He usually doesn't want to use it for hauling things, but this time he took it out for the sake of the food.

On the way back, I don't know whether it was for food or for something else, but Team Leader Wang drove much slower and less bumpy.

After walking through it once, Zhang Yu no longer needs to constantly give directions. He only needs to say something at the key intersection.

Slowly he fell into a deep sleep. Seeing Zhang Yu sleeping next to him, Team Leader Wang took out a small quilt from behind the car seat and covered Zhang Yu.

The road was covered during a break.

"You're still young. I probably haven't had much rest in the past two days. I'm probably tired." Team leader Wang sighed, tucked the quilt around him again, and then continued driving.

This chapter has been completed!
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