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Five hundred and sixty-nine notes

At dawn, he took one last look at the twins who were still sleeping soundly, and saw that they were still smacking their lips in their sleep, as if they were having a sweet dream. Then he lay down on his bed next to the window and looked up out of the window.

Watching the night outside the window gradually dissipate, the sky becomes brighter little by little, the hazy morning light shines into the earth through the clouds, and the chirping of birds gradually sounds outside the window.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on his face through the window, he suddenly made a decision.

The next day, he cooked a rich breakfast for his brothers and sisters early, and he couldn't help but smile happily when he saw them eating happily.

After eating, the young man handed his brother a note and told him to secretly give the note to Zhang Yu when he was playing with his friends.

Seeing the eldest brother's serious expression, the younger brother solemnly took the note and imitated the eldest brother's expression and promised: "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely give the note to Uncle Xiaoyu."

He didn't play well with the children in his own courtyard, but he had a pretty good relationship with the kids in the courtyard next door, so he naturally called him Uncle Xiaoyu along with them.

"Don't let anyone see the note when I give it to you Xiaoyu..." When the young man said this, he couldn't help but pause for a moment, and then blurred out the title.

As long as he thinks about Zhang Yu's age, he can't call Zhang Yu uncle like his younger brother.

Before he could finish speaking, the boy took the initiative and said, "I know, brother, you can't let others see the note when you hand it to Uncle Xiaoyu."

"Well, after I go out, you can go find your friends to play." The young man warned a little uneasily. He was worried that his younger brothers and sisters would be noticed by the person who was staring at him when they went out with him.

"I got it, brother, go to work quickly." The two children felt that their elder brother was nagging, so they worked together to push him out.

The young man standing outside the door looked at his siblings in the room, pursed his lips, but said nothing.

He also knew why his younger brothers and sisters couldn't get along with the children in the same courtyard, and it was all the fault of those foul-mouthed adults.

In front of the children at home, he did not shy away from talking about their fatherlessness and motherlessness. As time went by, the children in the courtyard started to look down on their younger siblings just like their parents.

Compared with adults, the malice of naive children is often purer, more direct, and more unreasonable than that of adults.

They don't understand what is enough, nor do they understand the harm their actions will cause to others.

This is why he wants to earn money to buy a house and move out with his siblings as soon as possible.

But they were soon able to escape from this environment.

The young man went out very early, but the people staring at him came earlier than he did.

The young man felt the familiar gaze from yesterday since he went out. He pretended to be nonchalant and continued walking forward, taking away the people who were staring at him.

Shortly after the eldest brother left, the two children walked out of the courtyard hand in hand.

Some adults in the courtyard have become accustomed to this, but there are still some jealous adults who glared at their backs and said: "Sure enough, what kind of people teach what kind of children, his brother is not gregarious, these two

This child doesn’t get to play with the children in the courtyard.”

After hearing this, some adults who still had some conscience left their working hands paused for a moment.

They knew why the two children didn't play with the children in the courtyard. After all, the bullies also included their own children.

But soon such guilt disappeared in front of the huge benefits that were within reach but not available.

I can only say that the benefits are exciting!

The twins didn't know what was going on in the yard after they left, and played with their friends as usual.

But because I had the task assigned by my elder brother in mind, I would look at Zhang Yu's room from time to time.

After playing hopscotch for a while, they finally found their chance when they switched to playing hide and seek.

The girl hid nearby and stared at the visitor, ready to remind him at any time.

The boy ran to Zhang Yu's door and knocked on the door.

Zhang Yu looked at the little Douding at the door. He was a little confused for a moment but still half-bent down and asked softly: "What's the matter?"

The boy didn't speak, but handed him the note he had been holding in his arms.

Zhang Yu took the note and after reading the content on it, his face instantly became serious.

He looked at the child in front of him, squatted down and asked softly: "Who asked you to give me the note?"

"My brother, my brother said he must let me hand it over to you."

The young man thought about it all night and finally thought of Zhang Yu.

He is the easiest candidate for his younger brothers and sisters to get in touch with and will not attract the attention of interested people.

The most important thing is that he has heard about Zhang Yu's uncle's reputation, and this news will only be effective if it is passed on to them.

Zhang Yu looked carefully at the names on the note, frightened and a little angry at the same time. There were many people he knew among them.

If what is said on this note is true, it will cause a big earthquake.

Don’t they know how many families will be destroyed and lives lost if those things flow into the public?

No, they know.

They know all too well the consequences of that kind of thing.

But for the sake of profit, they still let it go and even got involved in the matter themselves.

Seeing the cold air radiating from Zhang Yu's body, the boy couldn't help but flinch.

The child's fearful gaze awoke Zhang Yu, who was immersed in anger, and he carefully put the note into his pocket.

Trying his best to control his anger, he comforted the boy with the softest voice: "Don't be afraid, you did a good job, Uncle Xiaoyu is not angry with you.

Do you want some candy?

Uncle Xiao Yu, there are White Rabbit toffees here!" After Zhang Yu said this, he used the cover of his pocket to take out a handful of White Rabbit toffees from the space.

He has always loved and cared for children. Of course, this was only limited to sensible children, and some special naughty children were not included in this list.

Sure enough, candy is a must-have for children.

The boy was quickly attracted by the toffee in Zhang Yu's hand, and his original fear disappeared.

The boy was just about to step forward and take Zhang Yu's hand, but he remembered his elder brother's past teachings and silently withdrew his hand: "Thank you, Uncle Xiao Yu. My elder brother said that I won't be allowed to take other people's candies."

Zhang Yu squatted down again, trying to be as level as the child, and said softly: "Big brother said you won't let anyone else's candy, right?"

"Yes." The boy nodded. In order to control himself from being greedy for the candy in Zhang Yu's hand, he silently turned his head away from looking at the candy in Zhang Yu's hand, and finally put his hand behind his back.

Seeing the boy's behavior, Zhang Yu sighed, this child's tutor is really good!

But he said calmly: "Do you know Uncle Xiao Yu?"

This chapter has been completed!
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