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Five hundred and seventy-seven: Follow-up to the stolen watch incident

"Test tomorrow."




"Ah what? I just want to see what level you are at now so that I can review in a targeted manner."

After the teacher left this news, he left quickly, but the whole class was excited.

There were cries and complaints everywhere.

Zhou Feng even gave Zhang Yu a tenor performance: "Ah ah! Why don't you just let me die? Why do you still need to take the exam!"

Because he couldn't stand the harsh noise in the class, Zhang Yu turned around and went to the toilet.

When he was going to the toilet, two more classmates came next to him. They made a noise and bumped into the wall. Then something rolled down from the wall and hit Zhang Yu on the head.

Zhang Yu stretched out his hand and recognized it as a watch based on the feel of his hand.

When I saw it, I was a little surprised.

He had seen this watch in a department store. Although it was not as good as the one he bought at a high price, it was not cheap either.

It's the kind that most people can't afford and are reluctant to buy.

Zhang Yu looked at the watch in his hand and was a little confused. Why didn't he remember anyone wearing such a watch in school?

Of course, Zhang Yu does not mean that there are no people in school who can afford to wear this watch. There are still a few people who can afford this kind of watch.

But based on the gossip and social skills of his deskmates, it was impossible to miss this piece of information.

And once his deskmate finds out, his mouth means that Zhang Yu is not far away from knowing.

Two classmates who were playing around saw Zhang Yu being hit by something. They quickly stopped playing and said sheepishly to Zhang Yu: "I'm sorry, classmate, are you okay?"

"It's okay, have you ever seen anyone wearing this kind of watch?" Zhang Yu stretched out the hand holding the watch in front of the two of them.

The two of them took a closer look at the watch in Zhang Yu's hand, showing expressions of liking, and then shook their heads with some pity: "I don't know, is this the thing that hit you just now?"

"Well, I wonder how a good watch ended up on the wall of the toilet?" Speaking of this, Zhang Yu was still a little surprised.

The three of them stood there for a while, but no one came to claim it.

Zhang Yu felt that it was not a problem to wait in front of the toilet all the time. In addition, classes were about to begin soon, so he made up his mind to go back to class and ask if anyone had seen this watch. If not, he would just hand it to the school.


The two classmates also nodded in agreement and said that they would also help ask questions after returning to the classroom.

After returning to the classroom, Zhang Yu walked to the podium and asked if anyone had lost their watch?

Zheng Kun looked at the watch on Zhang Yu's hand and was stunned for a moment.

His hand subconsciously dug into his pocket, but when he didn't find the watch that was supposed to be in his pocket, his face suddenly changed color.

He rushed to the podium, grabbed the watch in Zhang Yu's hand, and said excitedly: "This is mine, give it back to me!"

Zheng Kun knew everything about himself. Everything he had now was obtained by relying on this watch.

Without this watch, for someone like him who is so ambitious and has finally found opportunities to transcend social classes, it is like losing the ladder to climb up.

More importantly, he knew the true origin of this watch.

Not only did he know it, the Shi family also knew it.

Once this matter reaches the ears of the Shi family, they will definitely doubt the origin of this watch. At present, he does not have the capital to get away with offending the Shi family.

Thinking of this, he became even more jealous of Zhang Yu.

He was not afraid of the Shi family's revenge at all, and even easily got the Shi family into trouble, leaving them too busy to take care of themselves.

Seeing Zheng Kun's excitement, Zhang Yu subconsciously felt that there was something he didn't know about.

But Zheng Kun quickly mentioned the marks on the watch. Zhang Yu had just checked the watch carefully. Those marks did exist and were very hidden. Only the owner of the watch would notice them.

Now that the owner was found, Zhang Yu handed the watch directly to Zheng Kun.

Looking at the watch in his hand, Zheng Kun couldn't believe it for a moment. Zhang Yu returned the watch to him so easily?

Shouldn't he make things difficult for himself and then ask for compensation from himself?

How could he be so kind?

Zhang Yu didn't know what Zheng Kun was thinking, otherwise he would probably scold him for being mentally ill. Now that he recognized it, what's wrong with returning the property to its original owner?

But since Zhang Yu gave him the watch, he was not polite.

Zheng Kun stuffed the watch into his pocket and finally felt relieved.

But what he didn't know was that a certain inconspicuous person in the crowd of onlookers happened to be the younger brother of the son of the Shi family. He thought the watch looked familiar, so he mentioned it during a chat and joked.

: "What a coincidence! This watch is exactly the same as the watch your sister forced you to give to Zhang Yu, Brother Shi!"

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. The son of the Shi family took this matter to heart.

He asked about the shape of the watch in detail, and then went home and asked his sister where the receipt was when she bought the watch.

Shi Liying was stunned for a moment, and then said indifferently: "I can't remember clearly, but it should have been stuffed into the utility room, right?"

After she was unceremoniously rejected by Zhang Yu, she felt deeply embarrassed and stuffed all the things related to Zhang Yu into the utility room, out of sight and out of mind.

After listening to his sister's words, the son of the Shi family searched the utility room and found the receipt.

Fortunately, this incident happened not too long ago, and the receipt was not placed particularly far inside.

The son of the Shi family looked down at the information on the list, and then thought of the watch in Zheng Kun's hand, and felt a little angry for a moment.

This cousin was given to Zhang Yu through his hand. Now Zhang Yu has no information about this watch, and it appears in Zheng Kun's hand. It is self-evident what happened in the middle.

I guess someone saw me when I was putting my watch on, which made me think something wrong.

He was a little angry for a moment. He could give some things, but others couldn't extend their hands without his consent.

He originally wanted to go to the school, beat Zheng Kun to death with a stick, and then force him to pay back the cost of the watch.

After hearing this, Quartz seemed to have thought of something and stopped his actions.

He smiled meaningfully at his son's dissatisfaction, obviously doing something shameful.

But these are all things for the future, and Zhang Yu still doesn’t know about this watch until now.

As for when he found out later, Zheng Kun also learned the lesson he deserved, and naturally he had no intention of taking action anymore.

However, regarding Zheng Kun's subsequent entanglement with the Shi family, Zhang Yu said that if there is a nest of snakes and rats, just lock him up and stop harming others.

Of course, these are all things for the future.

After school, Zhang Yu was a little shocked when he came home and saw Mr. Yu waiting at the door.

Mr. Yu looked at Zhang Yu who came back and sighed. It was not easy to find his information!

This chapter has been completed!
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