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Six hundred and twenty, a false alarm

The security guard at the hospital entrance didn't stop him when he saw this. He had been working in the hospital for a long time and he was well-informed. Judging from the behavior of the two people just now, it was probably because someone at home had an emergency.

The security guard shook his head, looked at the backs of the two people with some pity, and sighed that life is impermanent!

Zhang Yu didn't know the security guard's sigh. After he and his sister-in-law rushed into the hospital, they discovered that because they didn't listen to the whole story, they didn't know where their uncle was now. They had no choice but to open their eyes wide and try to figure it out.

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At this moment, Zhang Yu's eyes lit up when a person suddenly appeared. He rushed forward to block the person: "Uncle Wu, do you know where my little uncle is?"

"It's in the emergency room." Seeing Zhang Yu, Director Wu was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the two of them must have received notification that Lao Zhao was injured.

Seeing the two people looking anxious, he quickly stepped forward to lead the way.

"Old Zhao, Old Zhao, how is he now?" As she trotted all the way to the door of the emergency room, Zhang Guifang suddenly stopped. She was suddenly afraid, fearing that she would see something unacceptable when she went in.

Director Wu saw what she was thinking and quickly comforted her: "It's okay, Lao Zhao is fine."

When she heard that it was nothing serious, Zhang Guifang's feet gave way. If Zhang Yu hadn't helped her in time, she might have fallen to the ground.

However, Zhang Guifang couldn't care about that at this time. She just wiped away the tears that she didn't know when and began to mutter to herself: "It's okay if it's okay, it's okay if it's okay."

Then he took a deep breath, opened the door and went inside.

Seeing his wife and nephew pushing in the door, Zhao Wenzhuo was stunned for a moment, and then he consciously showed a flattering smile: "Daughter-in-law, Xiaoyu, why are you here?"

After asking, he focused all his attention on Zhang Guifang's face, trying to see what his wife was thinking.

The more he looked, the more something was wrong, and the more he looked, the more guilty he felt. Zhao Wenzhuo, who felt that he could not escape this time, hurriedly looked at Director Wu, his eyes full of questioning information: "Didn't I tell you not to tell my family, my wife?"

How do you know?"

Director Wu also answered him with his eyes: "I don't know either."

"What should we do now?"

"What should we do? You can only carry the cold salad by yourself now." Director Wu smiled helplessly. He would definitely not admit that he sent someone to report the news.

Zhao Wenzhuo laughed angrily at Director Wu's helpless thoughts and glared at him: "Just wait for me."

The communication process between the two people was watched by Zhang Guifang. Although she didn't know what the two people were trying to do, she knew that they were definitely hiding something from her.

Thinking of this, Zhang Guifang narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the two of them, making them feel uncomfortable.

In the end, it was Zhao Wenzhuo who was defeated first and explained: "Daughter-in-law, I'm fine. I'm really fine. It's just a minor injury. The doctor bandaged me up and I can go home today."

As soon as these words came out, the doctor standing next to him was unhappy at first. He interrupted all Zhao Wenzhuo's luck with one sentence: "I can't go home today. You have to stay here for ten days and a half with your injuries like this. You are so injured."

You can’t leave until you’re fully recovered.”

Zhang Wenzhuo felt bad when he saw the doctor opening his mouth, so he blinked hard and winked at the doctor.

It's a pity that his behavior was like writing a love letter to a blind man, but it was of no use at all.

On the contrary, Zhang Guifang, who was standing aside, saw clearly that he still wanted to hide it from her even at this time. Zhang Guifang angrily rushed up to pinch him, while complaining: "You still want to hide such a big thing?"

Can’t I?”

"No, no, my wife, my injuries are really not serious." At this time, Zhao Wenzhuo was still stubborn and determined not to admit the seriousness of his injuries.

Unfortunately, no matter how he explained this time, Zhang Guifang didn't believe it and insisted on seeing his wounds.

Just like that, one person wanted to watch the other person cover him up, and both sides were going back and forth. Seeing that his clothes were about to be torn apart, Zhao Wenzhuo got excited and quickly cried out for pain.

When she saw him complaining about pain, Zhang Guifang no longer dared to take off his clothes forcefully. She could only watch anxiously: "Where does it hurt? Doctor, doctor, come and have a look."

Seeing the two people's behavior, the doctor thought something was wrong. He hurriedly came over to take a look, and then said angrily: "It's okay!"

After saying that, he turned around and left. As he walked, he muttered: "I don't make a fuss here every day."

The couple heard clearly what the doctor just said and looked at each other awkwardly. Zhang Guifang no longer pressed to see the wound.

Until this moment, Zhang Guifang's heart finally fell to the ground. Realizing that her husband was still there, she couldn't help but lay on Zhao Wenzhuo and cried bitterly: "You scared me to death, I thought you were the one"

Zhao Wenzhuo quickly reassured his wife that it was not serious and she would be discharged from the hospital soon.

But some things still cannot be hidden. Shortly after Director Wu and Zhang Yu borrowed a stretcher to send Zhao Wenzhuo into the ward, a doctor came in to change the hemostatic gauze. At this time, the secret that Zhao Wenzhuo had tried so hard to hide was naturally discovered.


Looking at the wound that almost opened her stomach again, Zhang Guifang almost screamed out in surprise. Finally, she realized where she was and worried about affecting the doctor's operation, so she tightly covered her mouth and held back her tears.

After the doctor left, I couldn't stop crying: "Almost, almost..."

Facing his crying wife, Zhao Wenzhuo was a little at a loss. His wife has always been strong and has never cried in half her life. Today she cried twice because of him.

Just when Zhao Wenzhuo was at a loss, Zhao Feng and others got the news and pushed open the door. When they came in, they asked: "Mom, how is dad?"

Hearing the children's voices, Zhang Guifang hurriedly wiped away her tears, not wanting the children to see her cry.

"It's okay, it's just a small wound. If the doctor hadn't let me go, I would have gone home today." Zhao Wenzhuo also didn't want the children to worry.

But it was obvious that the children didn't really believe what he said. Zhao Feng was even more blunt. Knowing that he couldn't get the truth from his father, he didn't ask any more questions. He planned to go to the doctor who diagnosed him later to ask about the specific situation.

Zhang Yu pushed the door open and came in at this moment. Looking at the brothers in the room, he said with some surprise: "Brother, why are you here?"

"Why don't we come if such a big thing has happened?" Zhao Feng said as he reached out to take the order in Zhang Yu's hand: "Give it to me and I'll pay the fee."

"No need, brother, I've already handed it over." Zhang Yu just thought that his sister-in-law and uncle must have something to say, so he ran to pay the money.

This chapter has been completed!
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