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Six hundred and ninety-five The incident happened

"Have you found out the origin of those toffees?" Zhao Feng's expression at this time could no longer be described as serious.

If it is true as the doctor said, this is a large-scale poisoning incident. The most intolerable thing is that the other party chose to attack the child.

"No." Director Wu shook his head. Although the supply of toffee is not large, it is not so small that it can be found by just checking.

Moreover, toffees all look similar, who knows which one is poisonous?

What Director Wu is most worried about is that these toffees have been tampered with during production or transportation. In that case, the scope of victims will be wide.

And after summarizing the information he received from several nearby hospitals, he concluded that as time went by, the dosage of drugs in toffee became larger and larger, and the number of victims also increased. It can be said that more and more people are taking action.

So unscrupulous.

The dose taken by those eight children was almost close to the limit that children could bear. If the other party could not be caught before he committed another crime, the next batch of victims would be in danger.

Zhao Feng frowned, obviously thinking of this.

But at this point, they could only hope that the eight children would wake up soon so that they could ask them about the origin of the toffee.

Looking at Zhao Feng's look, Director Wu felt a little embarrassed. Originally, this case had nothing to do with Zhao Feng, who was on vacation, but now that he was thinking about it, he guessed that the other party wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

Seeing his guilt, Zhao Feng shook his head: "This matter has nothing to do with you. It's all your fault that those who killed a thousand swords actually attacked the child.

Even if you don't come tonight, I will know the news tomorrow and I will stop taking vacation."

After saying that, Zhao Wenzhuo went back to the back room to explain to Zhang Guifang.

"Guifang, please go on to sleep. There is something unexpected at work, and I have to go there."

Zhang Guifang, who had not fallen asleep since being woken up, nodded. As a police officer, she was used to her husband having to go back to the police station to work overtime whenever something went wrong.

I just know that I know, but I still worry when I should be worried, especially since Zhao Wenzhuo has just experienced a life-and-death disaster not long ago.

Thinking of this, even Zhang Guifang, who understood her husband's work very well, couldn't help but complain a little.

This was the first rest for her husband after he recovered from his injury, and it was over like this. She originally wanted to take advantage of these two days of rest to recuperate his health.

But even though she felt unhappy, Zhang Guifang stood up and went to get him a cotton-padded coat when she looked at her husband who was in a hurry to leave.

"It's cold at night, so bring more cotton-padded clothes."

"I'll get it, but don't get up. Don't worry about the heat in the bed." Zhao Wenzhuo stopped Zhang Guifang from getting up. When the weather gets cold, his wife's hands and feet often get cold, so it's hard to warm the bed.

It will definitely get cold again after tossing it around.

"Okay, then go slower on the road."

"I know, don't worry."

When Zhao Wenzhuo packed up and went out, he looked at Director Wu waiting outside and felt a little embarrassed: "Brother Wu, I've kept you waiting for a long time. Let's leave now."

Director Wu vaguely heard something. Seeing Zhao Feng like this, his frown relaxed a little: "Brother and sister, I care about you."

The two people left the courtyard one after the other.

Early the next morning, the police guarding the hospital sent word that a child had woken up.

As soon as the news came, the eyes of everyone who had stayed up all night lit up and they immediately became energetic.

Zhao Wenzhuo couldn't wait for his colleagues to pass on the news, so he hurried to the hospital with others.

After rushing to the hospital, I got another good news.

During the time he arrived, in addition to the child at the beginning, two more children woke up.

Several police officers, with the cooperation of the family members, questioned the child.

Those family members also hated the people who poisoned their children and wanted to bring them to justice immediately. They were very cooperative with the inquiry.

As soon as the police opened their mouth, they had already arrested the child and started questioning him.

Thanks to the cooperation of his family members, the child was not too nervous and soon narrated what happened yesterday under the guidance of the police.

Although he is still a child, his thoughts are wild and the process of telling is a bit confusing. Just as he is talking about this, he suddenly turns to another topic, but the role of family members is reflected at this time. They understand their children,

Able to translate the general meaning to the police.

Combining the confessions of several children, Zhao Feng and the others quickly identified the suspect and organized the arrest as quickly as possible.

The third master, who was sitting in a wheelchair and watering the flowers, looked at the police who suddenly broke in. He was stunned for a moment, but he soon returned to his usual calmness.

Slowly you put down the kettle for watering the flowers, smiled and said to the police who came in: "I wonder what business you have come to my humble home?"

Waiting for the policeman to answer, he continued to talk to himself: "But I am too old to withstand such a shock. I hope you will be gentler next time you come here."

"Cai Tian!" The policeman who came to arrest ignored his pretentious words and shouted his name directly.

When he first heard the name, Mr. San paused his fingers and didn't react for a moment.

After being stunned for a few seconds, I remembered that Cai Tian was the name of the unlucky guy who had had everything replaced by him.

I am so used to being called Third Master that I have forgotten that my name should be Cai Tian now!

Thinking of this, the Third Master sighed. It seems that I have to call this name more, otherwise it will be a joke if I really don't remember it one day.

At this time, he didn't take the little policemen in front of him seriously, thinking that it was just one of the younger brothers who caused trouble, and someone followed the clues and found him.

This is not uncommon. After all, I often walk by the river, and there is no one whose shoes don’t get wet. After so many years on the road, no matter how mysterious it is, there will always be traces of it.

As time goes by, either by chance or because of real ability, some police officers will come to your door.

But this is not a big deal. He has never dealt with the police in a year, and he has never seen them dare to do anything to him.

Thinking of this, the Third Master sighed. The most dangerous time, he almost died at the hands of that fool.

But in the end, I won.

I heard that after that idiot was suspended, he was shot to death.

What a pity!

Such a good opponent is gone!

From then on, he no longer had an opponent. As time passed, the people he protected around him were gradually dispersed by him.

It seems like we have to go through another formality today,

That's it, that's it! Life is boring these days, why not go with them and have some fun.

However, sometimes people cannot be too confident, otherwise they may capsize in the gutter.

The third master at this time is a proof.

"Cai Tian, ​​you are suspected of a poisoning case, come with us!"

As soon as he said these words, the third master's hands shook and his face suddenly turned ugly. He never thought that this was the reason why the police came today.

"Poison! How is that possible? Is there any misunderstanding here?" Even though he already felt bad, the third master still tried to struggle.

However, his sophistry had little effect on the police who already had a lot of information.

Ten minutes later, when a group of police officers forced the old man to go out, the neighbors all looked shocked.

The residents nearby still had an impression of the old man. He was in poor health. After retirement, he and his son moved to live nearby.

They don't usually go out much, but young people from thirty to fifty come to visit them.

To think that he is loved by so many young people, he must be a respected old man.

His son didn't know whether it was due to physical reasons or other reasons, but he still didn't let the old man have a grandchild in his middle age. Because of this, the old man's eyes gleamed when he looked at the children nearby.

Every time I meet children nearby, I take out some candy from my pocket and give it to them. The candy is relatively expensive toffee.

Because of this, parents like them feel that they are taking advantage of the elderly, and are very embarrassed, so they often send things to the elderly.

They couldn't imagine that such a kind old man would commit a crime.

Some people even ran to the police and asked the old man what he had committed. Did they misunderstand?

His words aroused the echo of the neighbors, who all talked about the good things the old man usually did.

Seeing the people who were getting more and more excited as they talked, and even wanted to stop them from enforcing the law, the leading police officer directly told the things that the police had found out in order not to arouse conflicts between the police and the people.

As soon as these words came out, there was an instant silence.

After hearing what the police said and thinking about the candies that the old man gave to his children in the past, everyone looked at the kind old man in disbelief. It was hard to imagine that he would do such a crazy thing.

The parents with children nearby shuddered, and then they hugged the children who had squeezed in to watch the fun and inspected them carefully.

The child was stunned by the unprecedented harsh actions of his parents, and he was so timid that he almost cried.

The child's elders didn't care at all. They just looked at the policeman blankly, with eyes full of prayer: "Comrade policeman, my child has eaten the candy given by the old man, will anything happen?"

As soon as these words came out, the policemen leading the team were stunned, as were the children who had eaten those toffees.

But he quickly reacted and reassured: "Relax, relax, we will continue to investigate. After our investigation, there are indeed some bad things in the sugar, but the content is very small. As long as you don't overdose at one time, will it be possible?"

What is the problem."

At this time, the parents couldn't listen to these explanations at all. When they heard that there was really something wrong with those candies, everyone present immediately exploded.

They didn't understand the dosage issue, they just felt that the child had been poisoned.

Although people at this time did not have only one child in a family like later generations and were overly protective of their children, this does not mean that they do not love their children.

It's just China's old tradition since ancient times that makes it difficult for them to express love in their hearts.

As soon as they heard that someone was trying to harm their own children, everyone became angry.

Everyone present looked resentfully at the old man who was handcuffed and held in the middle by the police.

Looking at the resentful looks of those people, the old man enjoyed it very much.

Knowing that he was in trouble this time and that he probably couldn't run away, he simply smashed the jar and showed a provocative smile to the group of angry parents.

How could the people present here still hold back? They all rushed up to beat him.

The police had no choice but to stop these parents. After all, the old man was old. What if he missed and killed him?

Ahem! The leading police officer coughed to hide his true thoughts.

They also wanted to dig out other information from this old man. It would be a great advantage for him to die at this time.

Under the comfort of the police, the excited parents finally calmed down a bit. Although they still cursed the old man, they no longer took action.

At this moment, a wailing sound came from the yard next to the old man.

Hearing that heart-shaking cry, everyone present fell silent.

They knew this family. They were a middle-aged couple in their forties who had been married for many years and had no children.

I went to various hospitals in order to have a child of my own, and as soon as I heard someone say that there was someone who could cure infertility, they would rush there immediately.

Some folk remedies look disgusting, but in order to have a child, the couple took them for many years.

It can be said that in order to have a child, they endured everything.

Maybe their actions moved God, and God finally closed the curtain, and when she was nearly forty years old, she finally got the news that she was pregnant.

The moment they learned the news, the couple hugged each other and cried.

But it may be because the woman is older, and the couple drank countless medicines in order to have a child, which ruined their bodies.

Therefore, even if he was admitted to the hospital every day, the child could only be saved for seven months before he could no longer be saved.

After the child is born, everyone thinks that the child cannot be raised well.

However, he was rescued by the couple and carefully raised him until he was five years old.

Seeing that the child is getting better and better, it is time to stop.

But unexpectedly, due to an oversight, the child went out to play, and when he came back he said he felt unwell. He died before being sent to the hospital in time that night.

After the child was gone, the couple spent the whole night dead and convinced that someone was trying to harm their child. They arrested people nearby and asked them again and again about the people and events that happened on the day of the child's accident.

This made everyone very annoyed. Although they could understand the sadness of the couple losing their son, they would always become irritated after being chased after them asking about the same thing every day for a long time.

They used to think that the couple was overly grieving because their child was gone.

Now that I think about it, didn’t that child eat candy from the old man in front of him with a group of friends that day?

Thinking of the statement that milk sugar is poisonous, everything can be explained clearly.

Several children had eaten poisonous milk candies that day. The child had been in poor health since he was a child. Even if he stood upright, he was not as healthy as a normal child. The medicine that would only give ordinary children stomachaches was placed in him.

It's a reminder of death.

After hearing these people's stories, the police officer leading the team pursed his lips and didn't know what to say.

But the old man beside him was very satisfied with these things.

He even smiled proudly.

At this moment, the man who had been comforted could no longer bear it, and rushed towards the old man regardless of the police's obstruction.

This chapter has been completed!
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