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Seven hundred and forty-eight: Palace Secret Recipe

Thinking of this, the old doctor advised: "The prescription I gave you last time is enough, there is no need to add any more."

Zhang Yu didn't say anything, just handed him some ginseng.

The old doctor put the root to the tip of his nose and smelled it, then pinched a little and put it in his mouth. Then he showed an expression of disbelief.

The old doctor looked at Zhang Yu with bright eyes, his old face showing sincerity and desire: "Do you still have this kind of ginseng? Can you give me some ginseng?"

I definitely don’t want it for nothing, I’ll buy it with the money, or if you see what I have here that you like, you can exchange it for something.”

Faced with the old doctor's enthusiasm, Zhang Yu scratched his head and thought to himself: "This old doctor is also discerning, and he discovered the benefits of ginseng so quickly."

But I only had two on hand, which were just enough for my uncle and the others to use, so I could only politely refuse.

Zhang Yu shook his head and responded apologetically: "The elders in the family are waiting to use it. I'm afraid they won't be able to take it out."

The old doctor was a little disappointed, but then he seemed to remember something and became energetic again.

He asked: "Are you going to use this ginseng as the main ingredient to make medicinal wine this time?"

Seeing Zhang Yu nodding in agreement, he was happy, stroking his beard and said slowly: "With such good ginseng as the main medicine, we can no longer use the ordinary medicinal materials to make medicines. The prescriptions are also

It needs to be changed.

Do you think this is feasible?

I have a secret palace recipe passed down from my ancestors. It is rumored that it was used by the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Later, because the main ingredient that met the requirements was never found, it was sealed for so many years. I think the quality of your ginseng is quite good.

Meet the main drug requirements.

It just so happens that I have a batch of very good medicinal materials here. Otherwise, I will provide the medicinal materials and prescriptions. After the wine is brewed, can you share it with me?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yu was a little moved.

He has seen the power of the old doctor, which can be seen from the effect of the jar of medicinal wine.

Don't say that it's just because ginseng is good that the medicinal effect is so outstanding.

Ginseng is indeed good, Zhang Yu does not deny this, but the medicinal materials prepared by the old doctor also play a big role.

These medicinal materials not only stimulate the maximum effect of ginseng, but also combine the shortcomings of ginseng's excessive medicinal power, which can easily make people weak without supplement.

Seeing that Zhang Yu remained silent, the old doctor thought he disagreed.

There I thought about myself and reduced the ten pounds I requested at the beginning to eight pounds, and then to five pounds.

Seeing that the old doctor was going to continue to descend, he would feel uneasy about his conscience in the future. Zhang Yu quickly nodded in agreement: "Just do what you said, old man."

Hearing that Zhang Yu agreed, the old doctor was in disbelief.

He stared at Zhang Yu and asked excitedly: "Do you really agree?"

"I agree, I will do as you said, old gentleman."

After receiving the affirmative answer, the old doctor became very excited. Regardless of Zhang Yu still present, he began to underestimate what good medicinal materials he had and how to stimulate the maximum effect of ginseng.

Listening to the precious medicinal materials spitting out one after another from the old doctor's mouth, Zhang Yu suddenly felt a little sweaty. Did he feel that he had given too little just now?

Seeing Zhang Yu like this, the old doctor said openly: "Don't think too much. The reason why this medicinal wine can be brewed is mostly due to the ginseng you provided. The remaining medicinal materials are just for preparation."

After the old doctor thought about the recipe, Zhang Yu asked curiously: "How much medicinal wine can be concocted from these medicinal materials?"

The old doctor thought for a while and then replied: "It depends on the size of your ginseng. If it is as big as the ginseng you made the last time to make the medicinal wine, it can be made to 50 kilograms. If it can reach a hundred years old, it can at least be made.

100 pounds.”

As the old doctor spoke, he showed envious and expectant eyes.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Yu simply used the cover of his bag to take out the ginseng.

Looking at the ginseng wrapped in newspapers, the old doctor shivered with distress.

I grabbed it in my hand and opened it carefully. Looking at the ginseng inside, I was both excited and distressed, and the expression on my face was distorted.

"How can you use newspapers to cover such precious ginseng? Also, look at the ginseng beards that are all broken..."

After the old doctor talked for a while, he finally realized that the ginseng was not his. He smiled awkwardly, turned to Zhang Yu and explained: "I, I, I..."

Zhang Yu waved his hand and said it was okay. Although he didn't understand the old doctor's obsession with medicinal materials, he could accept it.

Looking at the ginseng in his hand, the old doctor smiled again: "This size can hold at least 150 kilograms of wine."

Then he said with some distress: "But I'm afraid I won't be able to get so much wine here for a while, and even if I do, I may not be able to get wine of similar quality brewed at the same time.

I’m afraid we still need to think of another way to deal with this issue of wine.”

Perhaps this requirement is difficult for others to fulfill, but for Zhang Yu, it is very easy.

With an automatic brewing machine, these requirements are no problem.

So Zhang Yu directly told the old doctor that he would provide the wine.

After agreeing with the old doctor that the wine would be ready within three days, and then inviting him to prepare the medicinal wine at home, Zhang Yu said goodbye and went home.

As for the ginseng, although the old doctor was reluctant to part with it, he still let Zhang Yu take it away.

People come and go here every day. If something happens to such a good medicinal material in hand, it will be really embarrassing.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu did not try to persuade him. He believed in the old doctor's character, but as the old doctor said, if he is not tempted, he may not be tempted by the people he sees.

Instead of shirking responsibility and affecting the friendship when something goes wrong, it's better to put the matter out in the open now.

After returning home, Zhang Yu entered the secret space in a flash.

Looking at the huge automatic brewing machine in front of him, Zhang Yu finally stopped saying that the system was stingy.

This machine simply solved his urgent need. Otherwise, he would have to search all over the world for wine that meets the requirements. If he really couldn't find it, he would have to brew it bit by bit, which would be tiring and wasteful.


It's not as easy as now. You only need to put the raw materials into the automatic brewing machine and wait for it to produce wine.

With the solution to the medicinal wine issue, Zhang Yu became more relaxed.

Although I disliked the stinginess of the system in my heart, I have to say that the pens that can be included in the system's treasure trove are indeed easy to use.

With this pen, Zhang Yu quickly put other pens on the shelf.

Of course, this does not include the pen he treasured. It was the pen used by his idol, which represented recognition of himself. In Zhang Yu's heart, no other pen could compare to it.

This chapter has been completed!
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