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Seventy-six arrived in Beijing

At this point, his voice became even sharper, "He said he wouldn't let me go to the fields. In our whole village, I'm the only one my age who doesn't have to work.

My son is very filial. He has been asking me to go to Beijing to see him all day long, and this time he even wanted to take me to live there. I am not used to living in Beijing.

Or he said he was just taking me for a walk and letting me see what Beijing was like, so I agreed to go.

He also called and asked our leader to take me to buy a ticket. He was afraid that I would not be willing to buy it, so he specially sent me money.

Let me tell you, the seat ticket is great! It's also cheap. Wouldn't it be better to save the money to buy meat? If it weren't for my eldest grandson to sleep for a while, I wouldn't buy a sleeper ticket.

But let’s not talk about it, this sleeper ticket is really good, my eldest grandson can lie on it and rest.”

Having said this, she obviously forgot that the lower bunk she was currently occupying belonged to another girl.

As she showed off loudly, she finally arrived at Beijing Station. People nearby breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily, quickly packed their things and wanted to leave the place immediately.

Zhang Yu looked at the sacks on the ground, smiled and said to Xie Zhiying: "This time, uncle, it's your turn to look after the luggage here. I know the people at the station and ask them to help me get it."

"Okay, then you can go, I'll keep my luggage here." Xie Zhiying originally wanted to say that he was going, but after thinking about it, he had been away from Beijing for so many years, and many people he didn't know, and he heard his nephew say that he

Get to know the people at the station.

My sister-in-law and uncle had been waiting at the entrance of the train station early, and Zhang Yu didn't even ask for help. All these things were unloaded.

Seeing Xie Zhiying's arrival, the two seemed very happy to finally see each other again after so many years.

"Second brother, you are here. Please take care of Xiaoyu during this journey." Zhang Guifang hurriedly greeted him.

"Anyway, Xiaoyu is my nephew. It's my duty to take care of him. Besides, Xiaoyu has also taken care of me along the way."

"In the blink of an eye, I haven't seen you for more than ten years. How are uncle and aunt doing now? I heard some time ago that they were not in good health, but I couldn't get over it, so I kept thinking about how they were doing.

Now that you are finally here, hurry up and tell me."

"The body is not bad. It's healed. There are no problems. Don't worry." Xie Zhiying was still a little scared when it came to the health of her parents. At that time, the doctor in the hospital had already issued a critical illness notice, but the two old people were in good health after all.


"That's good, that's good. As long as you are in good health, Xiaoyu was not born when you left Beijing. Now Xiaoyu is so tall."

"Yeah, it's been more than ten or almost twenty years since I left Beijing in the blink of an eye. Now I don't really remember the appearance of Beijing."

"It's okay. I'll remember when I ask the kids to take you shopping more."

"Is that so-and-so still here? My dad keeps talking about him at home!"

"Yes, why aren't you here? My body is still strong."

"Ah, then he is not young, is he?"

"I'm so lucky. He celebrated his 100th birthday last year, and now he can still eat a big bowl at one meal."

"That's amazing. Is he still living in that place now? I finally came here and I have to go see him no matter what."

"No, he no longer lives in his original place. He is getting older. His son was worried and took him to live with him."

"How is that so-and-so doing now?"

The two of them started chatting about the past. Zhang Yu and his uncle looked at each other from behind and could only push the bicycle filled with large and small sacks without complaint.

When I returned to the courtyard, my neighbor greeted me: "Guifang, your Xiaoyu is back! Who is this one?"

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"I'm back, I'm back. This is my brother-in-law, the second brother of my sister-in-law's family. Xiaoyu came back alone. The old people in the family were worried, so the second brother went all the way to give Xiaoyu

Have you sent it back?"

"Then you should go back quickly. It's almost time to eat now."

"Okay, you're busy then, I'll go back first."

Bringing Xie Zhiying to Zhang Yu's home, Zhang Guifang opened the door and said, "Before you come, I have dried the quilts and laid them out, so you two can sleep peacefully."

Then he turned to Xie Zhiying and introduced: "My second brother, this is Xiaoyu's house. You will stay here tonight."

"Okay, why not?" Compared to going to other people's homes, it's more comfortable to live in my own nephew's home.

"Then, my second brother, please sit here for a while and I'll make a meal."

"Don't go to so much trouble. Just eat whatever you want to fill your stomach."

"Well, why don't you send Xiaoyu all the way here? Wouldn't that be a slap in my face?" Zhang Guifang said and hurried out of the room. She had to prepare for cooking. 3.

Xie Zhiying looked around at the house. It was not bad, but for him who was used to living in a detached house, the floor height was a little low, which made it a little uncomfortable.

"Second uncle, how is it? The house is pretty good, right?"

"It's not bad. You just renovated it, but the floor height is a little low."

"I can't help it. The two-story building I built some time ago doesn't seem to be that spacious. However, I live here because my uncle is not worried about me living alone. I also have a three-story courtyard house in the alley next door.

It’s just that it’s hard to clean up now in the winter, and it hasn’t been cleaned up yet. Once it’s done, I’ll open a door in this room and go directly to the yard in the alley next door.”

"The third-level courtyard." Xie Zhiying was a little surprised. When he was young, life was relatively good, but because of the low profile of the Xie family, the whole family only lived in the second-level courtyard.

"Is there any problem with the origin?" Xie Zhiying asked nervously. Although he is not as sensitive to current affairs as his father and elder brother, he has learned a lot about it through years of experience.

Does he know that at this time, being too outstanding and attracting too much attention is not a good thing.

"Don't worry, Second Uncle, you got it properly or as a reward from above. I've already made a note on it, so there won't be any problems."

"Rewarded." Xie Zhiying was even more surprised. He turned to look at his nephew and patted his shoulder: "Okay, you boy, you have the ability, you are awesome!" If the superiors can reward a three-near courtyard house, it will be a reward.

I know how much contribution my nephew has made, otherwise there would not be such rich rewards.

However, he did not ask in detail. This kind of thing does not need to be asked so clearly, just in case the superiors need to keep it secret.

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