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Seven hundred and seventy-seven, real and fake chicken cup

There is no other reason, it is simply because the price of gold is too transparent and he cannot make money relying on it.

The reason why Zhang Yu was able to get the gold bracelet at one-third of the price was probably because the origin of the bracelet was unclear, or the seller was in a hurry to use the money, but due to his identity, he could not go to the bank openly, let alone let anyone know him.

Er knew that he had gold in his hands, so he took advantage of Zhang Yu.

But this is basically not a problem for Zhang Yu. He bought the gold bracelet for fun. If he really needs to use it, gold items are easy to sell, and at worst, he will have to re-make it.

Of course, to put it far, the stall owner was interested in the benefits and wanted to make a fortune from it, so he chose to work in this line of work.

However, due to the bad years, most families have to cut back on food and clothing. Even if they know that these things will appreciate in value in the future, they cannot afford to buy them.

As for those businessmen who were classified as capitalists, except for a few particularly arrogant ones, others also sensed something was wrong. It was too late to keep a low profile at this time, and how could they be willing to spend big money to buy these conspicuous things.

So although this business allowed him to make a living, he couldn't make much money.

If you want to make money, you have to use some means. Just like the stall owner in front of you. Not long after he got into this industry, he found a shortcut, such as buying a batch of fake antiques at a low price and then selling them on the black market.

The purpose is to deceive people like Zhang Yu.

Thinking of this, the stall owner's eyes changed when he looked at Zhang Yu, and he didn't know when he would encounter such a victim again.

Zhang Yu was also very happy at this time and didn't care at all about the way the stall owner looked at him.

He looked at the chicken cup in his hand and kept comparing it with the one in his memory, and then found that every detail matched.

Although it is not certain that it is a chicken vat cup from the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, it was a genuine imitation last time, so he made a big mistake this time.

At this moment, after Zhao Liang finished shopping, he walked up to her and asked casually: "What did you buy?"

This sentence made the stall owner tremble. He looked at Zhao Liang's look of not being easy to deal with and subconsciously stepped back.

The stall owner looked nervously at the little brother whom he regarded as his victim, fearing that if he told what happened just now, the man in front of him would know that he had tricked the little brother into buying some random things with food stamps.

Thinking of the number of food stamps in his pocket, the stall owner couldn't help but shudder. If his relatives found out, he would be beaten, right?

Without waiting for Zhang Yu to reply, he sneered twice, neatly wrapped the cloth on the ground into a package, put it on his shoulders, and slipped away.

When several stall owners who were familiar with his virtues saw this, they all knew that he was deceiving young people again. The stall owner closest to him was hesitant to speak, but after looking at it, he finally suppressed his words.

go back.

Judging from the clothes of the young man in front of me, he doesn't look like a poor man. He shouldn't be lacking in those things, right?

Even if the family members find out, they will only curse a few times. Being fooled this time can be regarded as a lesson, and they will know to be more careful when going out in the future.

He still has a wife and children at home, but he can't offend that kind of villain, just in case...

The middle-aged man was thinking this in his heart, but he didn't stop at all from being ashamed of the stall owner's deceptive approach.

If you don't do any good deeds and just catch those children cheating on old men and women, you will be punished sooner or later.

Everyone who knows him nearby knows that that guy recently hooked up with a group of old men and old ladies. He found out from somewhere that they had good things in their hands, so he used coercion and inducement to take advantage of the fact that the old men and old ladies had no food at home.

Get good things out of other people's hands.

If you meet someone you don't want to mess with, ask to sell it on behalf of someone else. If you meet an old man who's easy to bully, just take the treasure as your own.

In the end, he sold all the things at a high price, but very few of them got into the hands of those old people.

The stall owner took those food stamps and felt proud at first. Then he thought about the 30 kilograms of food stamps that were about to be given out, and he shivered with distress.

But he had to give the food stamps, because the other party had more good things than this. If he still wanted to make money from the old man, he had to give these food stamps, and he had to give them with a smile.

Although he was thinking this way, the stall owner's feet still involuntarily chose the way home.

When he was almost home, he didn't forget to find reasons for himself.

[I don’t want to be greedy for his food stamps, it’s just that it snowed heavily last night and it’s hard to walk on the road today. I’ll wait until tomorrow. I’ll definitely give the old man the food stamps tomorrow.]

But what he didn't know was that there was a "surprise" waiting for him only 10 meters away from him.

Two big men ambush him on the only way home. Their faces were completely covered by scarves and hats, only two fierce eyes were exposed.

After the stall owner entered the alley, they held a huge sack in their hands and approached the stall owner quietly, like a beast hunting its prey. The daggers in their hands reflected the cold light in their eyes.

The stall owner only felt his body being pulled violently, and then he was roughly stuffed into a sack, and the mouth of the sack was quickly sealed.

He tried to struggle, but to no avail.

Seeing the sack making constant noises, the two big men became impatient and directly stretched out their hands to knock out the stall owner who made the noise.

After a long time, stimulated by the cold, the stall owner slowly woke up.

"woke up."

A cold voice came, and someone opened the sack containing him.

Looking at the fierce-looking people around him, who could tell at a glance that they had seen blood on their hands, the stall owner shrank into a ball and said tremblingly: "You... who are you?"

The big man who released him from the sack kicked him directly: "Stop talking nonsense! It's because you deceived Mr. Liu."

"What?" The stall owner was confused for a moment, and when he realized what he was saying, he quickly shouted that he was wronged.

"What an injustice! How dare I deceive Mr. Liu?"

"He also said that it wasn't you. Master Six's young apprentice has already confessed that it was you who used wine to defraud Master Six of his things." After saying this, the big man couldn't help but kick him again.

"I'm so unjust! I didn't lie to Mr. Liu, I..."

The big man opened the baggage that was taken from him, pointed at the chicken cups inside and said, "You said there are none, so where did these things come from? Also, where do you want to put the real chicken cups?


Seeing those chicken cups, the stall owner was stunned, obviously thinking of something, and quickly explained: "It's true that I exchanged wine and Mr. Liu for it, but... but it's fake, and so do you

You can see it.

I, I...I have never seen a real chicken cup."

"You still dare to lie. Master Six has already said that your boy has taken away the chicken cup. If it's not in your hands, who could it be?"

This chapter has been completed!
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