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Eight hundred and ninety Purchase before the New Year

After returning home, Master Xu told his wife about this, which made her very happy.

However, this time the second eldest son of the Zhou family was a blessing in disguise. After this incident, the name of the second eldest son of the Zhou family was remembered by Master Xu. When he accepted the apprentice, he observed it intentionally or unintentionally, which led to such a big mistake.

He was a young man who met his son, and then found that he was really good, so he accepted him as his apprentice.

After all, the second eldest son of the Zhou family also took advantage of this incident.

As for whether the second son of the Zhou family is willing to take advantage of this matter, only he knows.

Anyway, after the incident spread in the factory, those who knew him in daily life would inevitably tease him about it when greeting him.

Because the Zhou family had little food, they only stayed in the hospital for two days. They were almost fine and were discharged directly from the hospital.

But Aunt Zhou's daughter was different. She ate almost as much as the others put together. Fortunately, she was discovered early and induced vomiting in time, so there were no serious consequences and no sequelae.

However, she was more poisoned than the rest of the family and could not leave the hospital for two or three days. In addition, her vitality was also weakened by the continuous suffering, so she still needed to recuperate for a while.

Moreover, after Aunt Zhou's eldest sister heard about this, she rushed over immediately, scolded her sister and the rest of the Zhou family, and then took over the job of taking care of her nephew's daughter.

While her niece was hospitalized, the old lady strictly prohibited all members of the Zhou family from approaching her niece, and did not allow them to bring food to the hospital. In order to avoid further accidents, she was personally responsible for her niece's three meals a day. Anyway, there was one thing

, that is, we must separate our sister and the niece’s family.

To be honest, when they went to the hospital to visit patients on behalf of their busy sister-in-law, looking at the old lady's attitude at that time, Zhang Yu had no doubt that if the country hadn't cracked down on feudal superstition now, the old lady would have found someone to help the Zhou family.

It depends on the feng shui.

Although he only sat in the hospital for a while, Zhang Yu often heard the old lady whispering privately that his niece would have bad luck this year... There was a lot of blah blah blah, and he finally concluded that something must have happened to his sister's house this year.

Feng shui will hinder the nephew's daughter.

The old lady was convinced of this. In order to prevent her niece from suffering, the old lady didn't care what her sister thought and directly decided where her nephew would go.

After my nephew's daughter is discharged from the hospital, he will go to her place to celebrate the New Year, and then leave directly from her place after the New Year, and will not be alone with the Zhou family in the middle.

Not only that, the old lady also repeatedly told her sister that they had better not get close to her nephew this year. If they have anything to do, they can write a letter or ask her to answer the question.

Not to mention what Zhang Yu would think after hearing this, the Zhou family wanted to refute, but all their opinions were suppressed by the old lady with her own strength.

But whether it is true or not, it is because she has learned a lesson from the previous incidents, or the old lady is more careful than the Zhou family. Anyway, since Aunt Zhou's daughter was separated from the Zhou family, nothing has happened to her.


This also convinced the old lady of her own judgment. Regardless of the obstruction of Zhou's family, she directly took her niece back to her home when she could be discharged from the hospital.

Regarding this matter, Zhang Yu and the others didn't know what Aunt Zhou's daughter was thinking, but just looking at her level of cooperation, it was obvious that they felt more at ease with her aunt.

Aunt Zhou's daughter was originally scheduled to return on the fifth day of the first lunar month. Obviously, given her physical condition, she was a little reluctant to go back.

The old lady wrote a letter to the brigade going to the countryside on behalf of her nephew, and asked for another ten days' leave for her nephew.

If you ask for leave and delay your return, the brigade will naturally report it to the commune, and the commune will naturally investigate whether the matter is true.

So in front of the captain, the commune leaders made a search and then dialed the phone number on this street.

Because the affairs of the Zhou family were so evil, the street side specially investigated the matter and determined that it was just an accident.

So when I received the call, I told the commune over the matter truthfully.

Listening to the description from the sub-district office, the commune cadre’s mouth opened wider and wider, and his jaw almost dislocated.

After the phone call was made, the commune leader's eyes changed when he looked at the brigade leader.

The brigade captain was horrified by what he saw, and kept wondering if there was something wrong with the educated youth. After the commune leader recounted what he had just heard on the phone, the brigade captain also opened his mouth wide, and when he closed it, he said directly

Biting his tongue.

The pain in his mouth restored the captain's consciousness, and he said in disbelief: "Really or not? Is that girl that unlucky?"

After saying that, he began to recall the performance of the other party in his own team. When he was sure that not only had this happened to the other party, but he could also beat the boy until he screamed, he also had some doubts as to whether someone had deliberately harmed her.

This was denied by the commune leader. Regardless of whether he thought so in his heart, since the street office where the female educated youth belonged made this judgment, it could only be true.

But even though they thought so, the two couldn't help but sigh at how unlucky the other was.

In the end, after a unanimous decision with the team leader, Aunt Zhou's daughter was given another twenty days of leave. Not only that, the two of them also specifically told her on the phone that they were not busy recently and there was no need to rush back.

Your health is the most important thing. If you haven't recovered well when the time comes, just call and they will definitely give you another holiday.

But no matter what, the Zhou family's affairs have finally come to an end.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and during this time most families in the courtyard start to get busy with the New Year celebrations.

Compared with other people in the courtyard who are busy working together with their whole family, Zhang Yu is much more lonely here, and there is no other person in the whole family.

Needless to say, my sister-in-law and my uncle-in-law.

During this period, my uncle took over several major cases in a row and couldn't spare any time. As for my sister-in-law, she has been completely busy since she heard about the "secret medicine for childbirth".

As for the rest of the family.

The closer the Chinese New Year is, the more attention the factory pays to safety. Those in charge of this aspect are ordered to be more vigilant, and Zhao Feng, who is in the security department, is naturally one of them, and he is very busy.

During the Chinese New Year, publicity is also important, and the second brother Zhao Lei, who works in the Propaganda Department, naturally has nothing to do.

Since the Chinese New Year is coming, why should we distribute a batch of benefits before the Chinese New Year?

This year has been a bad year, and people everywhere are not having enough to eat, so purchasing will naturally be even more difficult.

In order to purchase this batch of things before the Chinese New Year, the entire logistics and purchasing department had to beg their grandfather and grandma.

This chapter has been completed!
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