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Six Cellar Treasures

Zhang Yu still remembers his shock when he saw the imperial seal in the cellar.

At that time, his entire mind was attracted by the Chuanguo Jade Seal, and he could not divert his attention elsewhere.

Because he was too shocked or surprised, his reaction to other things found in the cellar was too dull.

After he calmed down, he once opened the boxes he got from the cellar. In addition to some incomprehensible ancient books, there were only some antique-like porcelain left in the boxes.

Because he was not short of money, and during that time, he began to collect information about the Chuanguo Jade Seal privately, hoping to prove that he had the real Chuanguo Jade Seal in his hand.

So I just piled the box of things in a corner of the space intact. After a long time, I almost forgot about it.

However, Zhang Yu did not forget one thing. When he was digging the cellar, he accidentally discovered six strange fire points, as well as the rumored original owner's family who was suspected of being exterminated.

I'm just not sure who are the people staring at this courtyard, and whether they are here for the things buried in the cellar or for the imperial seal.

It is even more uncertain whether they know the news about the Imperial Seal, but the big pits in front of them also reminded Zhang Yu that whether they knew the news or not, they had to make preparations in advance.

If the other party came here only for the things in the cellar, I'm afraid they might know the news about the national jade seal.

The other party just came here to dig a hole this time. He might want to do something next time.

Zhang Yu thought the cellar was very secretive at first, and originally wanted to keep it, but it seems that he can't do it now.

It's better to deal with this cellar as soon as possible. With the way the other party dug, even if they can't find it this time, they might not be able to find it next time.

If they find the cellar but cannot find anything, those people will inevitably not suspect the person who rented the yard.

Although Zhang Yu is not afraid of those people, it would be considered unlucky if someone is always watching behind him and causing him trouble from time to time.

More importantly, Zhang Yu has a bigger secret than the Imperial Seal. Neither the space nor the system is enough to reveal to outsiders. With those two golden fingers, it is impossible for him not to use them. When this means,

If there are always eyes staring at him from behind, there is no guarantee that he won't find something one day.

Therefore, for the current plan, in addition to strengthening the defense and solving the cellar as soon as possible, we must also try to fish out the people behind the scenes.

Instead of worrying all the time, it is better to find the hidden dangers early and solve all problems in one fell swoop.

Zhang Yu, who was thinking about the purpose of those people's coming, was in a good mood, but when Uncle Zhao and the others looked at the destroyed wheat, they felt really distressed. These are all seeds, seeds that are hard to buy with a lot of money!

If you plant this seed, you can harvest a whole ear of wheat.

What bastard dares to come here and destroy crops without fear of thunder.

Uncle Zhao couldn't maintain his usual dignity at that moment and started to curse for the first time.

His curse seemed to have started, and other people also started to curse, and some even started to curse each other.

Zhang Yu stared dumbfoundedly as Uncle Zhao breathed out the fragrance and replanted the dug-out wheat with distress.

"What a sin! It's such a winter, even if you plant it back, it won't survive."

Having said that, others still started working together. Even though it was not as cold in Beijing as in the Northeast, the ground was frozen hard in the winter. The group of people barely planted the wheat that still had roots.

When we returned, our hands were all red from the cold, and some people's hands were already turning purple.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yu suddenly realized that there must be more than one person digging the hole, and this group of people should be used to doing the work.

It's winter now, and the ground is frozen like this. Most people would never have the energy to dig such a big hole.

In the past two years, Zhang Yu has seen the "fierce eyes" of the elders and aunties in the courtyard. They know almost everyone nearby. Anyone who does not know him passes nearby will attract the attention of these elders and aunties.

But this time, there was such a big commotion in the small courtyard, and no one noticed anything was wrong.

If those people hadn't had strong detection and dodge abilities, or if there was another way to the small courtyard besides their door, then those people were nearby residents, so they could avoid attracting many uncles.

Under the suspicion of the aunt, she climbed over the wall and entered the small courtyard.

Zhang Yu had no suspicion for a while.

"Xiaoyu." While Zhang Yu was stunned, Uncle Zhao was already discussing with others how to catch these damn bastards, and had already arranged other follow-up work regarding the small courtyard.

After everyone finished their work and left, Zhang Yu casually found an excuse and stayed alone in the small courtyard.

After lying down at the door again to make sure that no one was around, Zhang Yu locked the door from the inside, then walked to the location of the cellar in his memory, and then all the soil on the upper floor was collected into the space.

Only when he saw the slate in his memory did Zhang Yu stop collecting it.

However, looking at the special patterns on the stone slab, Zhang Yu always felt that they looked familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember where he had seen them.

Regardless, let’s solve the cellar problem first.

Zhang Yu jumped into the cellar, put all the bricks around the cellar into the space, and then prepared to fill the cellar with the soil dug out from the pond that day to expand the space.

At this moment, Zhang Yu suddenly saw something out of the corner of his eye.

It was a box about the size of two adults' palms, just thrown in the corner of the cellar.

Looking at the box, Zhang Yu was a little surprised. He thought he had taken away everything in the cellar last time.

Zhang Yu picked up the box with a puzzled look on his face, and after opening it, he found seven or eight small goldfish and some scattered jewelry inside.

Those small goldfish and jewelry were randomly placed in a box. Compared with the neatly arranged boxes that I saw when I entered the cellar last time, this box containing small goldfish and jewelry was randomly thrown away.

At the very corner, it was obvious that they had been collected in a hurry without enough time to clean them up, and then thrown directly into the cellar from above.

This made Zhang Yu have to guess whether the original homeowner had felt the danger and wanted to leave with his family.

But before they left, those people got some information and took the lead in taking action against them.

How those people knew Zhang Yu, the original homeowner and his family, was unknown, but based on the clues Zhang Yu got, he could now be very sure that the fire was definitely set on purpose. The reason was probably to destroy the corpses and destroy traces of them.

scene to conceal their crimes.

This chapter has been completed!
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