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Forty, laughing like crazy

It's just that her mother is beside her, so Zhang Guifang still knows what to say and what not to say.

Gong Hehua didn't care about this. She didn't expect to get any response, but she had been angry with her son for the past two days and wanted to find someone to complain about.

Qi Mao was stunned when he heard his mother complain about his lack of sperm. His face turned red and he wanted to rush in and cover his mother's mouth to tell her to stop talking.

However, after Gong Hehua glanced at him, this momentum withered like a deflated rubber ball.

He could only watch helplessly as his own mother revealed her shortcomings in front of him.

"Sister, you don't know that this kid has been infertile since he was a child. He didn't want to go to school when he was a kid, and he envied sick people who could eat delicious food, so he imitated the newly married daughter-in-law next door and pretended to be sick.

He didn't know how to pretend to be reliable when he was sick. His little wife was pregnant. He didn't know anything, so he just stupidly followed others.

He felt uncomfortable when others were uncomfortable, and vomited when others vomited. If he couldn't vomit, he would dig his throat with his hands.

My daughter-in-law said that eating goose eggs was good for the child. When he came back, he started to make trouble with me, saying that he didn’t eat well and the child in his belly was starving and thin. He asked me to buy him goose eggs. The child in her belly

Want to eat..."

Every time she thinks of this, Gong Hehua feels helpless and dumbfounded.

Her silly son!

Qi Mao covered his face, but his red neck betrayed him.

Zhang Yu was holding back his laughter so much that his whole body was shaking. He pinched his thighs desperately and used all his strength to prevent himself from laughing on the spot.

Qi Mao is already miserable enough, and I can't make it worse for him.

But, I really want to laugh!

Pretending to be pregnant!

What did he think?

There are many diseases in the world, and there are many ways to pretend to be sick. Why do you have to pretend to be pregnant?

Haha, hahaha!!!

Zhang Yu was laughing almost crazy in his heart.

No wonder, no wonder, Qi Gang could come up with so many tricks at such a young age.

Zhang Yu finally found out the reason today, and it turned out to be Sui Gener.

"Pfft, hahaha!!!"

Hearing the laughter that resounded throughout the room, Zhang Yu was stunned and subconsciously covered his mouth.

Did you laugh just now?

It shouldn't be. Although he felt uncomfortable holding back his laughter, he probably didn't laugh out loud.

After making sure that he was not laughing, Zhang Yu raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

Then I saw Qi Mao's daughter-in-law, who was laughing and shaking all over. She didn't know when she came over, and she happened to hear her mother-in-law complaining about the outrageous things her husband did when he was a child.

Seeing my daughter-in-law laughing so hard that her whole body was trembling, and her big belly was shaking. She was laughing so hard that she seemed unsteady on her feet.

That look almost frightened Qi Maodan's heartbeat. At that moment, he didn't care whether he was ashamed or not. He rushed towards his wife and held her shoulders: "Wife, wife, calm down.

Son, don’t scare me!”

"Haha, hahaha!" Qi Mao's wife also felt that she was laughing too hard and was worried about the child in her belly, but just as she was about to suppress her laughter, Qi Mao's face came right in front of her.

As soon as she saw Qi Mao's face, the scene her mother-in-law described appeared in her mind. She couldn't hold it in anymore and started laughing even harder.

Qi Mao's daughter-in-law directly pushed Qi Mao's face with her hand, and said while laughing: "You...you...turn your head, I...when I saw you...I just...wanted to laugh, hahahaha...

...Hiccup...I can’t do it anymore, I can’t do it anymore, I can’t laugh anymore.”

Seeing this, Gong Hehua no longer cared about burying her son, and hurriedly ran to her daughter-in-law, pushed her son away, and then supported her daughter-in-law.

"Breathe in, breathe out, don't rush, let's take it slow, take it slow..."

Gong Hehua comforted her for a long time, and then Qi Mao's daughter-in-law couldn't hold back her laughter.

After finally holding back her laughter, Qi Mao's wife turned her eyes to Qi Mao and looked him up and down, which made Qi Mao's hair grow cold.

Just when Qi Mao couldn't bear it any longer, Qi Mao's wife spoke up: "I asked why my son always does outrageous things. I was originally thinking that there was no such person in our family. I was wondering where he was.

If you learn crookedly, it turns out it’s up to you.”

"How is it possible? I'm reliable. My son has grown crookedly. How can he blame me?" Qi Mao didn't admit this. In order to shirk his own responsibility, he did what his son did to make people laugh.

My hands were itchy and I told him all about wanting to give him fried meat on a bamboo board.

Including but not limited to feeling that his name is difficult to write and has too many strokes. He asked his family to name him Qi Yi. He accidentally wet the bed some time ago and was afraid of being scolded. However, that brat actually put the bed under his body.

The quilt was moved under his father's body, and he woke up from the cold.

The next morning, that brat was the first to complain, because he, the father, wet the bed...

Talking about the youngest son and the eldest grandson, the old lady's lifeblood, in Gong Hehua's eyes, her son is no longer the treasure in her hands, but her two grandsons are.

When he heard that his son was teasing his grandson, he immediately became displeased. He didn't care that the person opposite him was his own son, so he just went back.

"How good do you think you are? You did these things when you were a child. You wet the bed yourself, and you still falsely accused your father.

The key is that you just lied when you made the accusation. In order to make people believe it, you even took a teapot and poured it into your father's bed, claiming that your father wet the bed and wet your bed.

You don't even look at your wet pants. The most outrageous thing is that you don't even think about it. At that time, you slept on the same bed by yourself. No matter how powerful your father was, he couldn't pee on your bed...


Speaking of this, Gong Hehua couldn't help but feel a little toothache.

She had already noticed that her son had not been very smart since he was a child.

Fortunately, he found a good wife for him, otherwise she would have to worry about her grandson's brain.

Although she was injured when she was young, she would not be unable to continue her promotion if she took good care of herself.

Those relatives and friends often persuaded her to have two more children, so that when the children grow up, they can support each other and provide for them in old age.

She had been tempted a few times, but every time she saw the outrageous things her son did, she immediately gave up the idea.

Forget it, if all the children she gave birth to were like her eldest son, how much worry would she have to worry about?

This one was enough for her to worry about. If there were two or three more, Gong Hehua suspected that she would tire herself to death from worrying too much until her children were able to be filial.

Qi Mao's wife looked at her man. She didn't know why. After hearing these words from her mother-in-law, the more she looked at him, the more she felt that his whole body exuded a feeling that he was not very smart.

This chapter has been completed!
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