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Forty-three Its your own fault

Under the sun, the few people who were still there exchanged glances with each other and asked if anyone had seen when Brother Feng came over.

In response, several people shook their heads. They had just been busy listening to Feng Laoliu's gossip, and they really didn't notice when Brother Feng approached them.

This time, Zhang Yu was probably the only one who had some vague impression of this. He was silent for a moment, and then said with some difficulty: "Brother Feng has been here a long time ago."

After speaking, as if he was worried that he had not expressed clearly, he continued to add: "Brother Feng Liu came over before he was halfway through speaking."

Zhang Yu was addicted to the gossip at that time, and he kept thinking about what happened in the neighboring courtyard in the original drama, so his brain didn't react for a while. His eyes clearly turned to Boss Feng coming over, but his brain didn't react.

At one time, I thought they were just people who came to join in the fun, but I didn't think about Boss Feng at all.

After hearing this, several young people present looked at each other with unspeakable surprise in their expressions.

Qi Mao couldn't help but swallow his saliva, as if trying to calm down the shock in his heart.

Several people looked in the direction of the Feng family. For some reason, even though it was broad daylight, they felt that there was some kind of deep and terrifying aura exuding in the room.

Several people were frightened by their own associations, and their hair stood on end.

They stroked the frightened goosebumps on their arms and prayed for Feng Laoliu in their hearts, praying that he would not be dealt with too badly by his elder brother this time.

After talking about what happened next door, I turned my attention back.

When they first heard the news that their courtyard was being targeted, everyone in the courtyard was indeed vigilant for a while.

During that time, the families near the gate and the backyard did not dare to sleep too hard for fear that someone would climb over the wall and come in in the middle of the night.

But for more than ten days in a row, Ma Daya's wedding was completed, and there was no movement from the little thieves. Many people began to wonder if it was because there was a big black dog Overlord watching the gate, and those little thieves didn't do anything.

Dare to come.

The more everyone thought about it, the more it made sense. In addition, people's energy is limited, and they were all tired after being tense for so many days. So seeing that nothing happened, their vigilance gradually dissipated.

Someone even patted Zhang Yu on the shoulder and joked, saying that he had raised the dog correctly. Look, with this big black dog around, thieves would not dare to run into our yard.

However, the night after he finished saying these words, Zhang Yu, who was sleeping in a daze but always retained a trace of vigilance, vaguely heard some sounds.

Half asleep and half awake, Zhang Yu reached out to play the stick next to him.

Then at this moment, outside the courtyard, near a wall not far from Zhang Yu's room, several people were whispering there.

The boss and his people were there to figure out how to enter the courtyard without disturbing the people in the courtyard.

Xiao Mao, who was sent to inquire about the news that day, was bored and whispered with a few brothers: "Do you think there will be anything valuable in this courtyard?"

The boss heard them, but because they spoke in a low voice, he just glanced at them and pretended not to hear them.

Seeing that the boss didn't care, someone just replied: "I don't know, but the people who built this courtyard in the past are probably quite rich."

"Why?" Xiao Mao asked curiously.

The speaker gently knocked on the wall and explained: "I have learned to be a bricklayer for a period of time. Although I didn't learn well, my eyes are very sharp. I can catch a glimpse of him.

It can be seen that the inside of this wall is definitely filled with glutinous rice juice."

As soon as these words came out, a bunch of ignorant thieves showed surprised expressions. Xiao Mao was even more shocked and said: "Glutinous rice juice, put glutinous rice juice into the wall, is it so wasteful?"

In Xiao Mao's heart, glutinous rice is a good thing. He has only eaten glutinous rice once in his life.

One of the times was when his mother gave birth to his little brother. His mother had a difficult time giving birth to his little brother. Her health had not been very good since the birth. During the confinement period, his grandma and grandpa gave his mother a baby in order to replenish her health.

Jar of sweet fermented wine.

Hearing someone say that sweet fermented rice is made from glutinous rice, his grandmother made a bowl of fermented rice with eggs for her mother.

At that time, he was still young, ignorant, and very greedy, so he just stared at the bowl of fermented eggs.

His mother was not willing to eat it. When she was waiting for him to wash her little brother's diaper, she secretly called him into the room and fed him the bowl of fermented rice with eggs.

It was the best thing he had ever eaten in his life, and he can never forget the taste to this day.

It would be a pity to use such good things to build walls!

Xiao Mao felt pity and looked at the wall with salivation, wishing he could open his mouth and taste it to see if the wall mixed with glutinous rice juice tasted the same as the glutinous rice in his memory.

While they were talking, the boss had already discussed with others how to get in.

However, the moment he climbed up the wall, the boss's heart began to beat rapidly, and he suddenly had a bad feeling.

So under the expectant eyes of several younger brothers, the boss suddenly stopped and then rolled down from the wall.

The younger brothers looked at the boss with puzzled faces. The timid one was already wondering if someone had discovered him and should he run away?

Xiao Mao asked worriedly: "Boss, what's wrong?"

The boss covered his heart with his hand, feeling the throbbing of his heart. After pondering for a moment, he made a decision: "Let's go, change the target."

In this small group, the boss always spoke the truth, so although the younger brothers were confused about his temporary change of goals, they followed him out of the place honestly.

At this time, Zhang Yu had already grasped the stick in his hand.

He listened for a long time, and after making sure he didn't hear any more strange sounds, he fell asleep again.

What he didn't know was that the courtyard house across the wall from them had become a substitute for their courtyard.

The boss originally planned to take the people away, but when he saw the courtyard where the Jia family was located, he suddenly had a goal.

Since these two courtyards are located in the same alley, and both have blue-brick houses with large tiles, I think they won't be very poor this month.

As for his initial goal, he didn't feel very good and wouldn't touch the courtyard today.

At this time in the Jia family, Jia Dongxu was always half asleep and half awake because he was not feeling well.

I finally fell asleep, and then I was suddenly woken up. When I opened my eyes, I saw the door bolt suddenly moved.

The next second, someone suddenly broke in.

Jia Dongxu subconsciously wanted to shout, but then someone put a knife on his neck.

The man threatened: "Shut up! If you call someone, I will kill you. Let's see who comes faster, the person who saves you, or my knife?"

When someone held a knife to his neck, Jia Dongxu was frightened to the point of peeing. He shivered for a long time before begging for mercy: "I won't speak, so please don't do anything!"

This chapter has been completed!
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