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Forty-six Three people with ten minds

Jia Dongxu put the penis into the bed that was soaked by his own urine.

Then the result can be imagined, Banggeng just accepted this shit from his biological father.

Even if he cried and complained that he didn't wet the bed, Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu didn't believe him.

After all, they were the only ones sleeping on the bed, father and son. Bangge didn’t wet the bed, so maybe it was Jia Dongxu who did it.

Who would believe this if told?

On the contrary, although Bangge is not too young anymore, and if you think about it carefully, it is a bit shabby for a child of this age to wet the bed, but compared with Jia Dongxu, he is still more acceptable.

As for Jia Dongxu, who was originally enjoying a bed alone because of his unrecovered injury, so as to avoid being accidentally crushed and adding new injuries to old ones, why was there an extra person on the bed?

This is easy to explain in the eyes of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. It is simply that Jia Dongxu felt that so many people were crowded into the same bed, making Bangge uncomfortable to sleep, so he secretly took him to sleep with him in the middle of the night.

So, no matter how the stickman explains it or how he behaves, the matter has already been decided in the minds of the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law.

However, at this time, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were all focused on the lost money and had no energy to argue with BangGeng about this.

After realizing that there was a thief in the house, Jia Zhang's first reaction was to turn over the bed.

As soon as she reached the bed, she realized something, suddenly stopped groping, threw herself on the bed and started crying.

However, what she didn't know was that Qin Huairu had seen all her subconscious actions just now.

After knowing that there was a thief in the house, her mother-in-law's first reaction was to run to the bed. Qin Huairu's eyes flashed, and her eyes staring at the bed had a different meaning.

This damn old woman hid the money very well. The last time she was in jail for such a long time, she took advantage of the cleaning time and searched inside and outside the house, but she couldn't find the money. It was there.

She had turned over the bed last time, and there were nothing like those bed boards.

Thinking about it this way, most of the money was hidden under the bed.

Jia Dongxu, who also witnessed all this, didn't say anything. He knew that his mother had money.

But knowing that the money would be his own sooner or later, he was not in a hurry to get to the bottom of it, and now he had the money in his hands.

But since his mother still has money in her hands, can he pay less to his family in the future?

There were just three adults in the family, with three thoughts, but on the surface they regarded the thieves as the same enemy and cursed them non-stop.

This incident was a big deal and had a particularly bad impact. Within 20 minutes of receiving the report, Director Li from the sub-district office rushed over with a group of staff and the police.

After the police arrived, they began interviewing victims door-to-door, extracting useful information from a sea of ​​curses and cries.

This incident spread around the neighborhood that day.

Although some courtyard houses have been visited before, only one or two households lost their belongings. It has never been like today when all the residents in the courtyard were looted.

After this matter was reported, the superiors requested that the case be investigated as quickly as possible and that those audacious thieves be brought to justice.

What everyone didn't know was that after the gang of thieves left the courtyard, they immediately found a place to divide the cash they stole today, and then they buried all the things that had not been cashed out for a while.

After dividing up the fruits of victory, everyone followed the boss's instructions and each found a place to hide.

After the police left, the courtyard was still full of crying.

Jia Zhang was cursing the thieves in the courtyard, while Qin Huairu was crying secretly beside her. For those who don't know, they probably thought how much money they had lost?

As everyone knows, the three adults in the family have their own thoughts and their own trump cards.

Ever since Jia Dongxu was caught by Zhang Yu and took away the money hidden in the bricks, Jia Dongxu has learned to be cunning. After careful calculation, he should still have a lot of money in his hand.

And he also has a secret, which is the batch of money and things stolen from D's table during the chaos. Those are his real confidence.

But he didn't dare to move for a while because he was worried about the revenge of the people over at D Field.

However, he thought that he was hidden enough that no one would think that he hid the money in the cesspit of the public toilet.

He has already observed that people are hired to clean the cesspits in the alleys four times a year, that is, once every three months.

Except when the manure well is being cleaned, the lid will be opened. At other times, everyone wants to stay away.

Now that it had only been more than a month since he last cleaned the manure well, he still had more than a month to think about where to put those things.

At this time, he had no idea that no one would have thought that he would hide the money in the manure well, but he was unlucky and Zhang Yu saw him hiding it.

I just don’t know what his reaction would be if one day he opened the manhole cover and couldn’t find those things?

Let's talk about Jia Zhang, she has a lot of money in her hands, part of which is her husband's pension, and part of which is the money that her husband took home back then, which includes wages and a large part of shady income.

Mr. Jia Zhang was a good pickpocket of money from his family. Before his death, he was able to collect a lot of money from his family every month.

After so many years, no one knows how much money this old lady still has.

After the man left, she shamelessly climbed up to Yi Zhonghai with her son and asked him to recognize Yi Zhonghai as her master, which also brought constant benefits.

At least in order to let his apprentice support him in his old age, Yi Zhonghai had done a lot of help to the Jia family earlier.

Those help are not only at work, but also in daily life, including sending things to the Jia family.

With the help of Yi Zhonghai, he occasionally pretended to be pitiful in the courtyard and took advantage of him. After going back and forth like this, the Jia family had very little money to go out every month.

Over the years, the Jia family has only had two relatively large expenses.

First, when Jia Dongxu married a wife, because Qin Huairu was a rural girl, the cost of Jia Dongxu marrying a wife was much less than that of others.

The second time the cost was relatively high. That time, Jia Dongxu was hanging out with the widow, and then someone took advantage of him, and he finally lost 300 yuan.

But the money is not enough to devastate Jia Zhang's vitality.

As for Qin Huairu, she has some money hidden in her hand.

However, the origin of this money is more complicated.

In addition to the betrothal gifts brought back when they got married, there were also some gifts that Jia Dongxu secretly subsidized for his mother without telling her.

Some of it was dug out from daily daily necessities, and the last part was attributed to a certain fool called Silly Zhu.

Thanks to his generosity in the past year, Qin Huairu's money bag has become bigger and bigger.

This chapter has been completed!
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