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Eighty-one Zhang Yu VS Hen

As the old lady continued to talk, Zhang Yu and the two finally figured out the whole story.

The old lady had a fierce appearance when she was young, which led to the fact that no one came to propose marriage to her when she was nearly 20 years old, and her family was very anxious about this.

She didn't pay much attention to this, but she saw that she was becoming a famous old girl in the neighborhood, and her reputation was getting worse and worse. Not only that, it also affected the marriages of her nieces and children.

When she saw it, she felt that this was not going to work. If her reputation was bad, it would be bad, but she must not drag her nieces down. No matter whether it was good or bad, she must marry off first.

In order to marry her off, the old lady's parents also spent a lot of effort to create a reputation for her being diligent and filial in the outside world. Her own mother also taught her step by step how to pretend to be submissive.

After all this trouble, someone finally came to propose marriage.

Although the conditions of the other party's family were not very good, she couldn't care so much at that time, as long as she could get married.

So after only seeing each other once, she hurriedly married into her current husband's family.

However, after getting married, she soon discovered that her life was far from being as happy as she had imagined.

The man I married was spoiled, too lazy, and to put it bluntly, he couldn't even do the most basic things for a man to support his family.

Forget it, it's not that she can't do the work in the fields, it's just a little harder at most.

What she didn't expect was that the greatest suffering she experienced in her life did not come from life, but from her mother-in-law.

Her mother-in-law didn't like her daughter-in-law, she often made trouble for no reason, set rules for her, and insisted on keeping her grandchildren by her side.

It can be said that except for breastfeeding, she, the biological mother of the child, is not allowed to approach her at all other times.

Whoever raises this child will naturally get close to him. As time goes by, the hearts of these children will naturally gravitate to the old lady and the mother-in-law.

And under the instigation of the old lady's mother-in-law, the children naturally lost the respect they should have for the old lady, their biological mother.

It was not until the old lady's mother-in-law disappeared that the sons returned to the old lady.

At first, the old lady found out that her sons had been taught a wrong way, and she tried every means to bring them back, but later she tried all her methods. Not only did she fail to bring back the tempers of the children, but it also worsened the relationship between mother and son that was not good in the first place.

More distant.

Later, as time passed, I saw their true nature, and the old lady no longer bothered to deal with them.

It's just that those children are a piece of flesh that has fallen off her body. She still hopes that her sons will one day figure it out, work hard, and at least be able to support themselves.

It's a pity that if the root is broken, the root is broken. Some things are beyond human control. The three of them are spoiled and think about getting something for nothing all day long.

As for the old lady, sometimes after pretending for so long, she thinks she is really like this.

She has been pretending to be submissive for most of her life, and has been trapped by the image she pretended to have, so she has been able to endure it for so long.

After listening to what the old lady said, Zhang Yu and the others opened their mouths, not knowing how to comfort her for a while.

However, compared to them, the old lady who had figured it out seemed much more open-minded. She just reassured them that she had completely understood it this time. Instead of trying to persuade those white-eyed wolves to change their minds, she might as well live her own life.

Today, without her son, she still has a daughter.

After the old lady finished speaking, she patted the mud on her body and wanted to leave.

Just thinking about those three grown men, Zhang Yu and the driver were still a little uneasy. The difference in force between the two sides was really too big. What if those three men were really crazy enough to attack their own mother?

Seeing their worries, the old lady shook her head: "It's okay, I understand those three white-eyed wolves, and they don't dare to risk the reputation of being despised by others to attack my own mother.

Besides, I’m not someone to be trifled with, old lady. My brother from my mother’s side is old, but my nephew and grandnephew are still young. If those three white-eyed wolves really dare to touch me, I will immediately go back to my mother’s house and complain.

Beat them to death."

When the old lady said this, she gritted her teeth, obviously full of resentment.

Zhang Yu and the others felt relieved when they heard that the old lady had a plan.

After saying goodbye to the old lady, they returned to the car again.

Coincidentally, the long-awaited bus slowly drove towards them less than a minute after they returned to the jeep.

Zhang Yu reached out to stop the bus, waved to the old lady who greeted him from afar, and got on the bus.

As the bus started, the figures of the old lady, mother and daughter gradually disappeared from sight.

At this time, Zhang Yu thought that he and the old lady just met by chance and would probably never meet again in the future. However, what he didn't know was that one day soon, he would see the old lady again.

But that time, the old lady was no longer the weak one being protected.

When we met again, the old lady's three white-eyed wolf sons had been made submissive by her, so that they didn't dare to go east or west, and they didn't dare to chase the chicken.

Of course, this all happened later.

Zhang Yu attracted everyone's attention as soon as he got in the car.

He didn't think it was easy for him to see this, to have people stare at him without blinking.

He glanced at his elder brother sitting next to him, then followed his line of sight and saw the chicken he was holding in his hand.

Sure enough, in this era, people are far less attractive than a chicken.

I don’t know if it was Zhang Yu’s imagination, but he seemed to hear the sound of swallowing.

Looking up, the elder brother sitting next to him was staring at the chicken in his hand without blinking. His eyes kept changing with the movements of the chicken, and his throat kept swallowing.

Suddenly, the elder brother and Zhang Yu met their eyes.

Seemingly realizing what embarrassing thing he had just done, the eldest brother smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, little brother!"

After the elder brother finished speaking, he looked up at the roof of the bus, as if there was something attractive on it.

Along the way, people kept stealing glances at the chicken in Zhang Yu's hand.

Zhang Yu was also helpless when he saw it. He pretended to take out a larger cloth bag from his "shoulder bag" and put the chicken in it.

Seeing that the chicken was no longer in sight, everyone turned away in disappointment, their eyes filled with regret.

It was not that no one wanted to ask him where the chicken came from, but everyone was watching, and no one wanted to be the one who stood out.

He couldn't bear to be stared at, so he hurried off as soon as he arrived at the station.

He didn't even notice that when he got off the bus, the big brother next to him also got off.

However, the elder brother didn't react quickly enough. He was stunned for a moment when he got off the car. In addition, Zhang Yu ran fast. By the time he got off, Zhang Yu had already gone far.

This chapter has been completed!
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