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Eighty-six People coming from school

But the middle-aged man is the backbone of the family. With his lameness, not to mention whether he can work anymore, but after this time, no one dares to come to him for work again. The family has to rely on his wife to run the house from the street.

Take on some manual work to make ends meet.

It’s also difficult for the street office. There aren’t many jobs they can arrange, and most of them can’t do it.

Director Li was also very embarrassed by this matter.

When I was in a dilemma, I suddenly heard a young man who had just joined the sub-district office complaining that his home was far away and it was inconvenient for him not to have the elderly around. Even eating in the morning was difficult.

There is no canteen in the street office, and there is a long queue at the state-owned restaurant. It is difficult to wait until you can buy it, but you may not be able to buy it...

After hearing this, Director Li had an idea and came up with this idea.

Anyway, being lame doesn't delay fried dough sticks. Even though his wife can't speak, she can still stand by and help.

So this stall came into being.

"What about the grain?" Zhao Liang asked. After working as a buyer for a long time, his focus on the problem has also changed.

Although this matter was not handled by Zhang Guifang, a discussion meeting was held within the sub-district office on this matter, so she probably knew the procedure.

She lowered her voice and explained: "The grain and oil for the first week were specially approved by the street office. As for the future, the street office will issue a certificate to them. After they sell fried dough sticks and receive food stamps, they can go directly to

In exchange for public grain."

Seeing that Zhao Liang wanted to ask more questions, Zhao Wenzhuo tapped his hand with chopsticks: "Where do you come from so many words? Eat quickly! I'll be late for work soon."

After breakfast, the family went about their business.

As soon as Zhang Yu entered the school, he was taken away by the vice principal.

"Xiaoyu, come with me."

The vice-principal is Uncle Wang's old father-in-law. It was because of his relationship that Zhang Yu was able to enter high school based on his daily grades in junior high school without any high school entrance examination results.

Following the vice-principal all the way to the door of the principal's office, Zhang Yu was a little confused. What did the principal want to do with him?

For the vice-principal, he has a son-in-law relationship, and Zhang Yu is indeed outstanding. In his eyes, Zhang Yu is his own child.

Seeing the confusion on Zhang Yu's face, he whispered: "It's nothing, don't worry, just go in and tell the truth."

After saying that, he knocked on the door: "Principal, I brought Zhang Yu here."

"Please come in."

The vice principal and Zhang Yu pushed the door open. As soon as they entered, four pairs of eyes were focused on them like spotlights. It was not them, but Zhang Yu.

There was curiosity and scrutiny in those eyes, and the atmosphere was a little solemn for a moment.

"Ahem, cough!" The principal coughed twice, breaking the solemn atmosphere. He looked at the other three people and said jokingly: "What are you doing so seriously? If you scare my students, I won't forgive you."

After speaking, he turned to look at Zhang Yu and said comfortingly: "Zhang Yu, don't worry, it's not a big deal, I just have something I want to ask you. Just say whatever you know."

Being interrupted by the principal, the atmosphere became quite tense. Since Zhang Yu entered the door, the three men who had been looking at him also looked away. The leader smiled and said: "We don't mean any harm, we just want to ask Mr. Zhang

Some Problems."

"You asked, if I knew I would never hide it."

Although these three men were not wearing military uniforms, Zhang Yu had an inexplicable feeling that they were definitely related to the military.

Seeing Zhang Yu express his position, several people stopped beating around the bush and asked directly: "Classmate Zhang Yu, where were you last Monday and this Tuesday?"

Zhang Yu thought about it for a moment, and then said: "I have been attending classes normally during those two days, and went home after school."

"Then can anyone prove it?"

Zhang Yu: "Yes, my classmates and neighbors can all testify for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yu looked at one of the three people writing something in the notebook.

The man then asked Zhang Yu the specific time of arriving at school and returning home in the past two days.

After listening to Zhang Yu's answer, the person who asked the question seemed to have confirmed something, and his attitude towards Zhang Yu was much softer than before.

When he asked again, his tone was much lighter: "Classmate Zhang, have you met anyone special recently?"

"Someone special!" Zhang Yu muttered, then subconsciously looked at the three people in front of him.

When he saw it like this, the leading man couldn't laugh or cry: "Except us."

Worried that Zhang Yu would not understand, the man also explained specifically: "It is the kind of person who has nothing to do with your school and has never appeared before, but recently he has frequently appeared around your school, or asked you about the school's situation."

Zhang Yu carefully recalled what happened in those two days. He seemed to have guessed some of the other party's reasons. The other party came because the school cafeteria was poisoned.

He lowered his head silently, hiding the confusion in his eyes, and then thought carefully about the events of those two days.

After thinking for a long time, he finally raised his head and said with some uncertainty: "It seems that there really is such a person, but I'm not sure if I'm overthinking it."

"It doesn't matter, just say it and we will investigate."

Zhang Yu said while recalling: "When school was over on Tuesday afternoon, I walked five or six minutes later than other students because I went to the toilet.

After I came out of the toilet, there were not many classmates left in the school, so I asked them to come together.

As soon as a few of us walked to the school gate, we saw a man next to us repairing a car chain. It was just a simple car chain. The man had been repairing it for a long time and couldn't fix it. We wanted to go up and help, but the man waved his hand and said no."

After saying this, Zhang Yu felt that he was overthinking it.

I just always felt that that person was a little awkward. Zhang Yu frowned and carefully searched for something in his memory.

Others did not disturb him and allowed him to recall.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, slapped his forehead, and stared: "I remember, it was not the first time I met that person. I forgot the specific time, I only remember that it was probably the middle of last month.

The man repaired the car twice next to the school, but one time the tire was punctured, and the other time the bell on the car was dropped."

The reason why he remembered it so clearly, apart from the awkward feeling the man gave him, the most important thing was that Wang Rui was by his side both times, and the time the bell was dropped, Wang Rui still sighed in his ear.

He said that there must be someone at home.

Zhang Yu also asked him how he could tell?

What did Wang Rui say at that time?

Oh, by the way, Wang Rui pointed at the bicycle and said: "This model of bicycle was just released at the beginning of this year, and there are only eight of them in the department store."

This chapter has been completed!
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