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Chapter 1362 Stop him, stop me

"Colonel Yang Hui, if it were you... what would you do?"

"Save everyone, of course."


"No but, Sanye, who can accurately predict the consequences of something that hasn't happened yet? Even trivial factors may affect the final result, but... it hasn't happened yet, has it?"

"Didn't... happen?"

"Yes, it hasn't happened yet. No one knows what the outcome will be. All I can do is to do it with the determination to achieve a perfect ending. As for the final result... that's not what happened when I didn't do anything.

It should be considered.”

"But what if..."

"Then let me tell you, there is no 'if' here, I have to do it, even if I have to sacrifice everything, I have to do it."

I have had this memory for a while. It was a question that Sanye Greyvale asked Yang Hui for advice when [Drestliga] had just set sail.

Er's question was almost exactly the same. At that time, she did not have the confidence to be a good captain of [Drestliga]. She was inevitably looking forward and backward and worried, so she asked Yang Hui such a question.

And Yang Hui... also gave an answer that she had never imagined, or in other words... an answer that she wanted but thought was impossible to achieve no matter what.

"My answer is...save them all!" The sonorous and powerful answer came out of Sanye Greyvale's mouth, like a heavy hammer hitting Kaluleum Faur's face.

"This..." What really horrified Kalureum Faur was not the content of the answer. There were too many identical answers in his memory. This naive idea was not reflected in Kalureum Faur's answer.

Ur seems to be a funny joke and the best proof of his lack of wisdom. He has already set the prerequisites and can only choose one of the two, but he still has to choose them all. It is simply stupid.

Obviously, Clover Grayvale should also be classified by him into the unreachable group.

However, what shocked him was that unlike the other respondents who had a stern look in his memory, Sanye Grevalet's eyes were full of courage and determination. This was not a response out of desperation, but her true conviction.

Being able to do it on his own is something that Kalureum Faul has never seen before, and it has never appeared in his memory.

"You are so stupid, Sanye, you shouldn't be such a stupid person, do you need me to repeat it again? My question is..."

"No, I know exactly what your question is, and this... is also my answer! No matter how many times you repeat it, I will not change my answer!"

"...You violated the rules, Sanye." Kalureum Faour's tone changed from gentle to cold, "I will not accept such an answer."

"But you only asked me to answer your questions, and you never asked me to choose one of the answers you provided."

"This is sophistry, the choice is inherently included in the question..."

"But I don't choose. I have my own answer! I won't follow your ideas, Kaluleum Faul!"

"This!" Calureum Faul rarely experienced what "anger" means. Sanye Grevale works part-time and doesn't talk about martial arts, but if the other party really doesn't choose, don't say he can't do it.

Make accurate judgments, even...


Just when Kaluleum Faur was thinking about what to do, an unknown high-energy reaction occurred next to the ruins of Phnom Penh. The arc rapidly expanded from a small point and spread into a terrifying energy storm.

"Unknown high energy reaction detected..."

"Everyone is on the defensive!" Mitsuba Gravelay understood that it must have been Calureum Faur's question and his answer that caused all of this to happen.



"The door... actually opened?" Under the protection of many drones, Kaluleum Faul's body was not impacted by the energy aftermath, but at this moment he stared blankly at the blood-red light beam rising into the sky.

, "It shouldn't be, I haven't...yet made a judgment...how could the door open...could it be!"

Thinking of the only possibility, Calureum Faur looked in the direction of [Drestliga] in horror. To be precise, he looked at Sanye Grayvale.

"Her answer... has been recognized! In other words! The two answers the teachers and masters told me... are not the only answers! Other answers will also be recognized! They can also open doors!"

The current phenomenon has impacted the common sense of Kalureum Faur. In his heart, everything the teachers and masters said is the truth, everything they say is irrefutable, and everything they ask for is necessary.

It will be achieved, and it will definitely be achieved. There will be no variables. The result is now...

Variables appeared, right in front of his eyes!

"Could it be that...the teachers and masters are not all-knowing and omnipotent? Why on earth...wait! Why do I question the teachers and masters!?" This is the first time that Kaluleum Faul has questioned anything since he was born.

The father is also the teacher and master of God. At this moment, he learned what "questioning" means.


At this moment, [Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] had come to the machine driven by Calureum Faur, and the palm of his hand fell on his machine. In the blink of an eye, the green crystal instantly

The machine body was completely wrapped, not only the outer shell, but also spread to the inside, turning the entire machine body into turquoise crystals. Kaluleum Faul in the cockpit was also covered in turquoise crystals, only

The head was left behind.

And all the surrounding machines protecting Calureum Faur were destroyed by the [Flag Abschneiden (Cut)] and other machines, and all the weapons in the body were locked on the [Flag Abschneiden (Cut)] machine.

, any abnormal movement will be shot down as soon as possible.

"Do you know what you are doing? An outsider from a different world." Kalureum Faur was not worried about his own safety at all, and just asked Yang Hui coldly.

"Of course, Kaluleum Faur." Yang Hui replied calmly, "It's just to capture prisoners."

"Only you? How dare you treat the king of this world like this? Are people in other worlds so uneducated?"

"Education is worthless to the enemy."

"Haha, it is indeed a primitive species that can only destroy. Although I still can't understand whether Sanye's answer is left or right. Now that the door has been opened, let's use your behavior as the basis for judgment. The balance is tilted to the left."

"...I am very interested in the words in your mouth now. I hope you can bear it."

"Gate", "Balance", "Left", "Right", these words are considered by Yang Hui to be very important. They are likely to be related to the core of this world, as well as to the Temple of Killing and [Knight], especially "Gate", the Temple of Killing.

The blockade that [Knight] needs to break through, and the need for the army of the Killing Temple to fully invade the world, don't they just correspond to the concept of "door"?

"I'm sorry, I have no interest in staying with vulgar primitive species." As soon as he finished speaking, the green crystal wrapped in Kalureum Faur exploded, and Kaluleum Faur

It was intact, and at the same time a beam of blue light enveloped him.

"Don't even think about it."

Under Yang Hui's assimilation, Calureum Faur's body completely turned into green dust and shattered. The palm of [Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] held [Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] tightly in his hand,

The emerald green crystal once again enveloped Kaluleum Faur. Different from just wrapping him before, this time, Yang Hui assimilated all the body except the head, leaving only the head as the original biological tissue.

"This is!"

Yang Hui's original plan was to directly assimilate Calureum Faur and receive his memories, but when the assimilation was about to reach his head, a special spiritual energy blocked the progress of the assimilation phenomenon. Yang Hui was about to break through this

When a stream of spiritual energy blocked him, he noticed a familiar feeling from this spiritual energy, and at the same time, his consciousness was also pulled into a special space.

Yang Hui was very familiar with this special space. It was the dark space he had arrived in in his strange dream. It was still pitch black around him, and the only light was still an unreachable glimmer in the distance.

"It's actually here?" Yang Hui was surprised, but quickly regained his composure, "Now is not the time to explore this place, how should we go back?"

Calureum Faur has not yet been completely assimilated and may escape at any time. Besides him, there is another unknown force that has not yet been resolved. This is not the time to explore this place leisurely.

"It stands to reason... my current body... is just consciousness, and my consciousness can play a role here, so..." Thinking of this, Yang Hui began to repeat the idea of ​​"waking up" and "going back", "It's useful


As Yang Hui expected, the body composed of consciousness began to become illusory, but the speed was very slow, as if there was something else here that affected Yang Hui and did not want him to leave.

"Find...find me...the first you...the final me...find...me..."

It was a familiar murmur again, but Yang Hui was not in the mood to pay attention to it. It was just that he had heard this sentence thousands of times without understanding it at all, and there was no change at all, and he was not struggling with it now.

when saying a sentence.

As Yang Hui's thoughts become stronger and stronger, the body composed of consciousness has become transparent and is almost disappearing completely.

However, just before Yang Hui disappeared, his voice became a little clearer, his words became more coherent, and... more familiar.

"Find me, the first you, the final me, we don't have much time left, we must find me, stop him, stop me..."

"Yang Hui! Yang Hui!"

At Graham's call, Yang Hui's consciousness returned to his body and he looked up. The [Flag Abschneiden (Cut)] and other machines firmly guarded [Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] in the center.


(End of chapter)

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