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Chapter 739 On the eve of the final battle

"It seems Chisong cheered up and reacted very quickly."

Yang Hui led Garrett and several other [Stars] Knights to set out from Nagano as quickly as possible and attack the rear of Nagano's main force. However, when they arrived, Nagano's main force had already begun to retreat toward Nagoya.

After being delayed by Bunitalia Yamanashi's large force, Yang Hui and the others did not make the trip in vain, killing the three remaining groups that had stayed behind.

"Your Highness, do we need to pursue you?" the commander of the Yamanashi Front asked for instructions.

"No need." Yang Hui shook his head. Although it was a pity that he could not eat the main force in Nagano, it was not necessary. First of all, Yang Hui's strategic goal was to complete the strategic blockade of the northern part of Sakura Country and occupy the line from Yamanashi to Nagano.

The main force of the Sakura Kingdom is blocked in the southern part of the Sakura Kingdom, and the remaining remnants of the Sakura Kingdom in the north are just turtles in a jar.

Secondly, according to the intelligence obtained by Yang Hui, half of the main force in Nagano is from the Six Families of Kyoto. Judging from the current situation, they are not Bunitalia's mortal enemies. Yang Hui still understands the reason for pursuing Mokou.


Third, the military quality of this main force is not very good. Even if they are let go, they will not have much impact on the defense line from Yamanashi to Nagano. It will be easy to find opportunities to capture them in the future.

"Send someone to take over Nagano and the surrounding military facilities, consolidate the defense line, and have Clovis take everyone to meet me at Tochigi after the defense change."

"Yes, your highness."

"Really? That's good." After hearing the news that Nagano's main force successfully retreated to Aichi, Akamatsu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty General, most of the troops in Nagano are members of the Six Families of Kyoto. Why do you want them to retreat? Wouldn't it be better to use Bunitalia's help to destroy them?" the subordinate asked.

"..." Chisong glanced at him coldly. Just when he thought Chisong was going to kill someone again, Chisong withdrew his gaze and sighed, "Now is the moment of national survival. Do we still want to fight among ourselves?"

"But..." The subordinates want to say that even if they don't want to fight among themselves, with the character of the six Kyoto families, they will continue to fight among themselves, and even betray them and the interests of the entire country for their own interests.

"There is no but, they are them, we are us." Akamatsu looked at the battle map, looking at Nagano and Yamanashi that became the Bunitalia occupied area, and smiled bitterly, "Just treat it as a gift to the country.

Leave a spark of fire behind."

"Your Excellency General..."

"Your Majesty General! Urgent information, Cornelia's [Rose Witch] Knights left Hokkaido, landed on the island from Oma, cooperated with Bunitaria's fleet to capture Mutsu, and combined the Itsuru Fleet and the Ominato Fleet.

Blocked within the Tsugaru Strait."

"Cornelia gave up Hokkaido?" Akamatsu was surprised and immediately asked, "Where is the Sasebo fleet?"

"The Sasebo fleet immediately headed north after receiving your order, heading to the Ominato naval port to meet up with the Itsuru fleet and the Ominato fleet. However, before reaching Fukaura, the Tsugaru Strait was blocked by Bunitalia's fleet, but Tsugaru

The blockade on the west side of the strait is not strong. It won’t be long before the Sasebo fleet can break through the blockade of the Bunitalia fleet and go to join the Five Crane and Ominato fleets..."

"No, this is a trap." Akamatsu shook his head and gave the order, "This is a trap set by Cornelia. She wants to annihilate our three fleets in one fell swoop, and sends orders to the Five Crane Fleet and the Ominato Fleet.

Abandon the Ominato naval port and break out to the west, with support from the Sasebo fleet, and attack from both sides to open the blockade. After the breakout, the Ominato fleet and the Itsuru fleet retreated to Itsukushima, and the Sasebo fleet returned to the Itsuru naval port."

"General, once the Ominato military port is lost, we will completely lose control of Hokkaido!"

"I know, but... there is nothing we can do." Akamatsu said melancholy and helplessly, "With the fall of Nagano, Bunitalia has completed the ground blockade of the northern part of Sakura Country. It is only a matter of time before the entire northern territory falls..."

"But, we still have Kyoto! We still have Aichi! We still have Nagoya! As long as this blockade is broken..."

"Haha, Yang Hui will give us this opportunity?"

"Don't we still have the Kure Fleet and the Yokosuka Fleet? They are still in Shizuoka..."

"Report! Your Excellency General...Shizuoka...Shizuoka has been lost! The Yokosuka fleet was completely wiped out, the Kure fleet suffered 30% casualties, and the Aichi support force also lost 20% of its strength."


"Haha, just do as I say."

"Yes Yes."

"This battle... was fought so unreasonably, Knightmare... I should say you, Yang Hui, we will meet again soon.",

After arriving at Tochigi, Yang Hui was stunned when he received the news about Ominato Military Port.

"The Ominato fleet and the Gokuru fleet abandoned the Ominato naval port?"

"Yes, Her Highness Cornelia led the [Rose Witch] Knights to suddenly leave Hokkaido, landed on the island from Oma, took over the command of the fleet and blocked the Tsugaru Strait. However, the enemy Sasebo fleet failed to block it.

The blockade on both sides was successfully broken through by the enemy fleet under attack from both sides. Since the Ominato fleet and the Gokuru fleet took away all the defenders of the Ominato naval port before leaving, the Ominato naval port was captured by Cornelli without any resistance.

Your Highness Ya won it."

"Hmm... As expected of the royal sister, she is so good at catching thieves behind closed doors and attracting others with advice." Yang Hui praised, he never thought that Cornelia would seize this opportunity to abandon her base in Hokkaido and come to the main island to take command.

Two fleets blockade the Tsugaru Strait.

This is a conspiracy. The fleet has blocked the Tsugaru Strait, and the Ohminato fleet and the Gokaku fleet can only be locked up in the Ohminato naval port. The only "solution" is the Sasebo fleet, but the Sasebo fleet cannot cooperate with the Ohminato fleet and the Gokaku fleet.

If the Crane fleet completely destroys Bunitalia's fleet, there are only two options. The Sasebo fleet breaks through the blockade of the Bunitalia fleet and enters the Ominato naval port, rendezvous with the Five Crane and Ominato fleets, or cooperates with the Five Crane and Ominato fleets.

The fleet breaks out.

The three fleets of the former were locked up in the Ominato naval port, waiting for the fate of being annihilated; the latter abandoned the Ominato naval port.

No matter which one it was, Cornelia's goal was achieved. Her goal was not to eat three fleets in one go, but to capture the Ominato Naval Port and remove the deterrent that the Ominato Naval Port exerted on Hokkaido.

The three fleets gathered together and were indeed able to stalemate the Bunitalia fleet. However, when Bunitalia's ground forces were freed up and launched simultaneous attacks from the north, south and south, the three fleets could only be completely defeated.

This is the result of annihilation.

"Where are the Imperial Sister and the [Rose Witch] Knights?"

"We are resting in Mutsu and are expected to lead the First Fleet back to the Hokkaido area tomorrow."

"Well, it's the character of the imperial sister." Yang Hui shrugged. He also planned to call the [Rose Witch] Knights to launch a general attack on the last Sakura Kingdom base in the northern part of the Sakura Kingdom - Itsukushima Base.

"After helping you so much, if you still can't conquer Itsukushima base, I'll look down on you!" Yang Hui had already imagined what Cornelia would say to him.

"Instruct the defenders of Miyagi to send people to take over the Ominato naval port, and tell Neil to go south from the Tsugaru Strait and approach Itsukushima base. After Clovis and the others arrive, the entire Tochigi army will follow me to attack Itsukushima.

base and bring this war to an end."

"Yes, your highness!"

After giving the order, Yang Hui returned to the separate room prepared for him and took out the terminal that had been vibrating. When he first arrived at Tochigi, the terminal had communication access, but Yang Hui was not in a hurry to answer the call after seeing the caller.

After finishing the affairs, I returned to the room and answered his phone.

"Your Highness Yang Hui, I am Shu Mu."

"Prime Minister Shumu, what advice do you have?"

"Your Highness Yang Hui, let's get straight to the point. What price do we need to pay to make you stop?"

"As for the price, I told you from the beginning, Prime Minister Shumu."

"...The price you want is too exorbitant. We can't agree to it, and we can't agree to it to you."

"My price is just like this. Whether you can afford it or not is not my problem, so be it..."


"Is there anything else? Prime Minister Shumu."

"...The six families of Kyoto have already stood aside and I have no binding force on them, so...I can surrender to Bunitalia on behalf of the Sakura Kingdom. Yamanashi and the north of Nagano will become your territory. Our country is also willing to surrender to Bunitalia."

When you return home, you will bow down and be called your minister."

"Haha, this is not right. Prime Minister Shumu, Yamanashi and the north of Nagano were conquered by our soldiers with their own hands. It is my territory and I don't need your help. As for returning home and surrendering or not, and whether I will become a vassal or not.

It doesn't matter, it's just a matter of time to me, so your price is worthless."

"But it can end the war as quickly as possible and reduce the casualties of your army. Although our country can only defend passively and cannot counterattack, if you are pressed, it will also explode with extraordinary combat power, which can directly end the war and harvest the fruits of victory.

Isn’t it a better choice for Your Highness and your army?”

"What you said makes sense..."


"But I don't think Akamatsu will listen to you."


"So, your proposal is still worthless, and Chisong will not give up resistance because of your surrender."

"...I have all the information on the six families in Kyoto, including their secret warehouses, black organizations, and secret assets...I think this should be helpful to His Highness."

"not enough."

"Your Highness Yang Hui, do you really intend to defeat the enemy to the death!?"

"No, no, no, you misunderstood, Prime Minister Shumu." Yang Hui didn't care about Shumu's excitement at all, and said to him calmly, "The fish will definitely die, and the net will never be broken. When I capture the cherry blossoms,

The entire northern part of the country only needs a period of stability, and the local support fleet should have arrived. By then, no matter how much fire Akamatsu has reserved for you now, or how many trump cards the six Kyoto families have hidden, they will not be able to do anything in the face of absolute power.

Doesn’t make any sense, do you understand?”

"...Your Highness Yang Hui, how on earth are you willing to accept it?"

"Well, let me think about it... let's add a little more to all the prices you proposed before, and I can agree."

"You say."

"After the surrender of Sakura Country, all armies will be unconditionally disbanded. The domestic armed forces can only retain a certain amount of police at a minimum."

This chapter has been completed!
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