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Chapter 770 Cherry blossoms are blooming? The season is wrong!

There is a huge space inside a mountain near Kyoto. The passages extending in all directions turn the inside of the mountain into a complex maze. Many people gathered in the hall in the core area, including officers wearing the original Sakura Army uniforms, and some in formal attire.

There were businessmen and officials in suits, but this was not a banquet. Everyone was sitting on both sides, kneeling, and at the end of the center was a narrow room shrouded in white gauze. With the help of the light, a person's shadow could be seen.

"General Katase, do you really want to do this?" A light and sweet voice came from behind the tulle. If it was cheerful, it was bright and warm sunshine, but it was polluted by worry and tension.

God Emperor Le Ye, the last survivor of the Sakura Kingdom royal family, is also the leader of everyone present, but...

"Your Majesty, this is our best opportunity to revive Sakura Country. For this opportunity, we have been preparing for a long time. We have finally gathered all like-minded comrades together, and we can also get the help of facilitators.

Once we give up, all our efforts will be in vain, and the reputation of our Sakura Liberation Front will fall to freezing point, so we must not give up at this time." The former Sakura Country major general known as Katase firmly told God Emperor Raya

Said, his tone was full of no doubt, as if he was the leader, and the God Emperor Le Ye behind the veil was an ignorant child who was taught by him.

"However, we should at least warn the people of Kyoto in advance..."

"You can't do this, His Majesty the God Emperor. Once we issue a warning, Bunitalia will be aware of it. The Bunitalia army that finally waited for the opportunity of a large-scale exercise and transferred it will quickly come back and give them a warning.

Our actions have caused huge obstacles." Katase continued to say to God Emperor Raya, "We are fighting to revive Sakura Country. For this great cause, we cannot retreat in any way, and I believe those people can understand it.



Behind the veil, God Emperor Le Ye's face is full of sorrow and sorrow. She is a cute, innocent and kind-hearted girl, but she is also a mature princess in her heart. As the last survivor of the royal family, she has the obligation to restore the glory of the royal family and liberate the captives.

Land taken away.


If the people of [ELEVEN] are oppressed by Bunitalia and their livelihood is in dire straits, then she will not have any objection to Katase's plan, but will fully support him.

But this is not the case. Although Sakura Country has lost its territory, lost its name, and only has the number [ELEVEN] left, there is no doubt that all the laws promulgated by Yang Hui have been implemented, and the lives of its people are happy and stable.

Especially the civilians who were once oppressed by the Six Families of Kyoto, their lives are getting better day by day.

Since the people are living a good life, why do they still resist Yang Hui's rule? Take the initiative to destroy this happiness and peace? They don't even care about the casualties of innocent people!

God Emperor Le Ye is a very mature and sensible girl. In her view, the royal family is not only a symbol of status, but also the protector of the people. It is the duty of the royal family to protect the people so that they can live a happy and healthy life.

Instead of destroying the peaceful life of the people for the sake of so-called revival.

And she could also see that everyone present, including the awe-inspiring Katase, were all careerists. What they really wanted to revive was not the Sakura Country, but the power and wealth they once had.

Sakura Country... is just the foundation for them to have these.

She wanted to stop all this, but she was powerless. From the moment Katase found her, she was just a puppet in Katase's hands, and no one below would support her or help her.

As time passed little by little, Katase stood up on his own initiative and bowed to God Emperor Leye: "Your Majesty God Emperor, the time has come."

"..." God Emperor Leye did not answer Katase. She did not want to be the initiator and no longer wanted to be a tool in the hands of careerists. Although this was the only resistance she could do, it was also a signal of resistance.

"Really? I understand." Katase was very sorry that God Emperor Loye had finally separated from him, so he turned around, picked up the wine glass, and said with an excited expression, "I am very grateful to His Majesty the God Emperor for handing over the clarion call for revival.

When I blow, the cherry blossoms will bloom!"

"The day the empire was reforged!" XN

"Everyone, encourage each other!"

He drank up all the wine in the glass, then as if he had made up his mind, smashed them all, and then...

The walls of the entire hall began to reverse, and a large number of screens rotated out. A large number of soldiers filed in, found their positions and sat down. Katase planned to perform his command in front of everyone and confirm his status in front of them.

, as long as this plan succeeds, not only can Bunitalia be defeated, but also his supreme status in Sakura Country can be confirmed after the restoration of the country.

"Everyone in Area A is ready..."

"Area B [Black Saber], [Hyena Gang]...are ready, requesting instructions..."

"The teams in Area C are ready..."

"The main force of Knightmare in Area D is ready..."

"The base camp assault force is ready..."

Report after report echoed in the hall, and Katase looked confident of victory. He was really grateful to the helpers for providing such an opportunity and taking advantage of the opportunity when Yang Hui conducted military exercises and transferred the garrison troops from various places.

"Where is Bunitalia's action?" Of course, Katase was not an impulsive and reckless person and did not immediately order the operation to begin.

"No trace found!"

"Very good! The [Sakura Blooms] operation has begun! Send orders to all units to execute according to the original plan!"


As the orders were conveyed one by one, resistance organizations from all over [ELEVEN] took action, and the proud smile on Katase's face gradually turned into fanaticism.

But as soon as the fire started to burn, it was extinguished by a basin of cold water. Just when all the resistance organizations were preparing to start wreaking havoc everywhere, red light spots representing the enemy appeared like mushrooms after a rain, densely packed, killing each area.


"Hahaha! Die, die, die!"

"You vanity-loving traitors! Go to hell!"

[ELEVEN] Resistance organizations in various places have acted according to Photoze's plan, but it is a plan, but it only allows them to cause chaos everywhere. They are given weapons, and even a few Knightmare, so that they can cause destruction everywhere.

The purpose is to attract the attention of Bunitalia's army.

Most of the resistance organizations that Katase contacted were local gangs under the banner of resistance organizations. They were local malignant tumors. After the operation started, they chanted the slogan of regaining Sakura Country and wantonly destroyed and looted, but...

"Huh? Why is there no one?"

"Boss, there's no one here either!"

"Where have everyone gone?"

After the initial excitement subsided, they all noticed that the streets that used to have a lot of people there were actually empty of people, and the houses on the left and right were even more empty.

"Find! Find all the people who are hiding! Kill them!"

"Yes! Boss..."

Just as they were about to disperse and look for where the people were hiding, a cannonball accurately hit the advancing Knightmare, and exploded into pieces with a "boom~" sound.

"That's it! Knightmare of Bunitalia!"

"Damn it! How come Bunitalia's army is here!?"

Soon, resistance groups everywhere found themselves surrounded by the Bunitalia army that appeared out of nowhere. There were not only a large number of soldiers, but also Knightmare several times their size.

"Counterattack! Counterattack! We also have Knightmare... Boom~!"

The leader was just about to encourage everyone to launch a counterattack, but before he could finish his words, the cockpit was destroyed.

"The number of heads plus one." Sunderland in the distance raised the sniper rifle in his hand, and the driver proudly showed off.

"You have the nerve to count heads for someone like this? You deserve to fail the [Nightmare] test!"

"Shut up! At least you haven't!"

"It'll be there soon!"

"That bastard on No. 3, don't use rockets. Your Highness paid for the repairs if the house was blown up!"

"Come on, charge, you are a bunch of rubbish. Use your alloy sabers and Feiyan minions as much as possible to destroy the enemy aircraft and reduce the damage!"

"Yes!" XN

When local gangs have weapons, they are just a group of gangsters. They may be able to slaughter ordinary people, but in front of the regular army, they are just a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

In the headquarters, Katase watched the friendly force signals in various areas disappear one after another, and his silver teeth were almost broken. As soon as their operation started, Bunitalia's regular army appeared to surround and eliminate the resistance organization. Fools were stunned.

It can be seen that the opponent has been prepared for a long time and has set up a pocket formation waiting for them!

Everyone who was watching Katase's conductor in the hall also saw that something was wrong, and they all asked Katase what was going on, whether the plan was exposed, and whether they were safe.

"Everyone, please be patient." Katase was not sure whether this place was exposed, but he did not need to appease everyone. After forcing himself to calm down, he said with a calm smile, "This is all part of my plan.

Although many comrades died inside, their sacrifices were worth it. They successfully helped the main force attract a large number of Bunitalia troops and shared a lot of pressure for our main force. The plan went very smoothly, so there is no need to worry.


Katase's explanation played a good role. At least many panicked people have calmed down. They changed their faces and flattered Katase, saying that "the hope of the empire", "the pillar of the empire", "Akamatsu is better than anyone else in this world". But he" and the like are popping up like a barrage of firecrackers.

But... is this really the case? Because Katase's attention returned to the command, he didn't realize that many people looked at him wrong, and even whispered, thinking of leaving.

"General, there is a call from Colonel Song Teng. The main force of our army has all left the hiding place. The 1st Marine Division is suppressing the surrounding cities. The 2nd Marine Division is approaching Itsukushima Base through secret routes. The journey is smooth!"

"Very good!" Katase nodded with satisfaction, finally hearing the good news. Those resistance organizations were the bait he threw out. As long as the main force can succeed, those resistance organizations will be worthy of their death.

But the next second, a piece of [bad news] reached his ears, making him unable to maintain his calm posture anymore.

This chapter has been completed!
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