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Juefa uttered one word, and the Bone Bodhisattva behind him quickly took action.

Even though the body of the White Bone Bodhisattva is as tall as a mountain, when he moves his hands, he is as quick as the wind, and his huge Buddha palms go straight towards the Great Black Mountain Ghost King standing in the sky.

The Ghost King of Dahei Mountain soared into the air and fell into the illusory divine body behind him.

The illusory divine body immediately solidified.

The body of the god is surrounded by the majestic power of incense and incense. Although it has the appearance of a blue-black evil ghost, it carries divinity, just like a fairy Buddha. The movements around it are not like the tyranny of evil ghosts, but instead coerce the power of all people's wishes.

"The power of mountains and rivers."


The Bone Bodhisattva, whose magic power was concentrated, retreated a few steps, and his huge body fell to sit on the lotus platform.

"Juefa, your cultivation is too weak."

The voice of the Ghost King of Daheishan resounded, and she did not even use her legal domain. In the legal domain of Juefa, her strength was suppressed, while Juefa's strength would be enhanced.

But with such an advantage, Juefa was still defeated in the first round, which is enough to illustrate the strength of the Daheishan Ghost King.

Juefa's expression did not change much, but he threw the beads in his hand.

The beads grew strong in the wind and fell into the hands of the Bone Bodhisattva. The aura of the Bone Bodhisattva rose again.

"Bama coax."

"Bama coax!"

The Bone Bodhisattva once again started to fight with the Baizhang Divine Body.

This time, I finally gained the upper hand.

"It's impossible to fight like this. Her illusory divine body absorbs the incense and wish power in the Daheishan Mountains. Even the incense and wish power from far away can fly in. Even if you can defeat the divine body once, she can still condense it again."

"The other party is too comfortable."

Inside the Zunhun Banner, Tu Shanjun looked solemn.

If you want to defeat the Great Black Mountain Ghost King, you must cut off Incense so that she has no successor power.

Tu Shanjun wanted to take action, but now was obviously not a good opportunity, so he was waiting.

"When it comes to the use of incense, I am not as good as her. Even if I compete with her for the incense body, there is probably no chance. I can only beat her to death with crushing strength!"

As a master of the golden elixir, there is still a chance if you have a good formation when opening the altar.

But now I have nothing in hand, so I can only rely on seizing the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

Gain the upper hand and then expand the results.

Otherwise, even if all the golden elixirs in the banner are used at once, they may not be able to defeat the opponent in a short time.

The strength of the Daheishan Ghost King is also strong in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir. With the blessing of Incense Dojo, he is at the right time to fight.

And he, Tushanjun, relies on the magic power of Banner Master.

Juefa's strength is the golden elixir, which is a surprise to Tu Shanjun, otherwise he might have said too much.

Since Juefa is a master of the golden elixir, using the intermediate magic weapon with his golden elixir cultivation will not cause too much burden, and the chance of winning can be increased by several percent.

Tu Shanjun couldn't help but sigh: "It would have been better if we had prepared earlier, how could we be so passive like now."

A large piece of long and obscure scripture protruded from the mouth of Juefa, and each talisman was made of gold characters and blended into the four directions. With the appearance of the scripture, the aura of the Bone Bodhisattva surrounding the Buddha's Light scripture changed again.

The most important thing is that the scriptures strengthen the legal domain and isolate the outside incense and vows.

The Ghost King of Daheishan looked at him coldly: "You are going against Wanli Mountains and Rivers."

The divine body raised its hand and a square seal gathered together and hit the Bone Bodhisattva.


The Bone Bodhisattva was staggered by the impact, and the mountain and river seals were too heavy. Even if he was within the legal domain, he still could not resist it.


The gray robe of Awakening the Dharma suddenly stretched out and was draped over the body of the Bone Bodhisattva.

The Ghost King of Daheishan frowned, the power of the incense was weakening.

The golden elixir domain of Juefa still worked, so that the originally solid divine body also appeared a little illusory, just like white snowflakes appearing on an old TV.

"How much better do you think you are than that black dragon?"

"Daheishan, get up!"

Accompanied by the low hum of the Ghost King of Dahei Mountain, the phantom of Dahei Mountain rose up into the clouds in the blink of an eye. It really looked like that otherworldly fairy mountain and the palace in the sky, with its pressure covering nine thousand miles.

The demons in the hall couldn't help but release their protective magic weapons.

Everyone was so horrified that they were speechless.

Only then did they realize that the fighting skills of Jindan monks would be like this.

They only thought that they were already very strong, capable of breaking mountains, splitting rocks, flying into the sky, and escaping from the ground, and the battle spread to a radius of ten miles.

Later, when I saw the black dragon provoking him and turning into flesh and blood on the table in an instant, I felt that although the Golden elixir master was strong, he had not changed much. Now that I saw it, I was really a frog in the well.

The Golden Elixir Domain is like that small world, where fighting not only occupies the right time and place, but also does not intrude on the world.

No wonder I have to see the golden elixir monks fighting so often, it turns out that even if they want to fight, they will expand their magic domain.

People outside the legal domain will not be affected, and even mortals walking by the legal domain will not feel special pressure.

However, it is different within the realm of law. Even the foundation-building monks are like a small boat, drifting in the rough waves of the sea. If they are not careful, they will be overturned.

Intuitively seeing the fighting skills of the Jindan monks had a great impact on them.

The Great Black Mountain turned into a seal, and this time it did not hit the Bone Bodhisattva, but smacked it hard on the Dharma Domain.

The violent vibration sound was like the heavy roar of thunder from the nine heavens falling to the ground.

No matter how strong the legal domain is, it is only a legal domain.

Immediately, a hole was torn open by Daheishan.


Juefa spit out a mouthful of blood, turned the seal in his hand, and the torn corner was repaired again.

Although the gap has been filled, the legal domain of Awakening is no longer as complete as it was originally.

The surging incense power quickly replenished the hundred-foot-long divine body, and the divine body solidified again, and the Great Black Mountain Ghost King inside the divine body also smiled.

"It's now!"

A bloody light flashed, and by the time Daheishan came back to her senses, the bloody light had already appeared in front of her.

The distance is just a large piece of solid incense and willpower.

The Daheishan Ghost King didn't see clearly how the other party got in front of her, but now was not the time to be surprised.

She could only activate the incense body to resist the invasion of blood light.

No matter what kind of creature or magic weapon it is, it will be blocked by this huge incense wish.

Even if the opponent is lucky enough to rush in, they will be affected by the incense wish.

As the distance got closer, the Daheishan Ghost King could clearly see the bloody light in front of him. He was a tall man, dressed in black robes, with wild red hair hanging freely on the back of his head, and two ghost horns winding up against the background.

A handsome face.

"Golden elixir level ghost cultivator."

The thought flashed through her mind, and she felt that he looked familiar.

Only then did I remember that he was the red-haired Taoist who initially helped Ma Lu block her full-strength palm.

"This is me."

"But even a master of the golden elixir cannot break the body of the God of Incense and Fire." The Ghost King of Daheishan was full of confidence.

However, what happened next made her eyes widen.

The red-haired man casually reached out to push away the incense and appeared in front of her. Then his palms turned into knives, and his purple-black oval nails shone with a cold light.

Go straight to the chest of Daheishan.

Apart from the horns, the sharpest thing on a ghost is its claws.

Tu Shanjun himself is considered a strong hand in the middle stage of the golden elixir. His pair of ghost hands are excellent materials for refining magic weapons and are extremely sharp.

The Ghost King of Daheishan also knew that once she was disemboweled by ghost hands, she would be seriously injured.

At this moment, she couldn't care less.



The incense body exploded in front of Tushanjun.

The violent fluctuations instantly swept away everything in front of them.

"Kill with blood, turn with magic."

Tu Shanjun immediately used the spirit demon blood killing technique, and his true body quickly retreated.

The bloody figures left behind also exploded.

The white-bone Bodhisattva blocking the front cracked and turned into bone powder.

Not even the Bone Bodhisattva could withstand it, let alone the Golden Elixir Dharma Realm of Awakening Dharma. The white-capped earth quickly collapsed, and the Buddha's light above the sky of the Dharma Realm also dissipated under the impact of the incense.

It's a good thing to resist in the Dharma realm with enlightenment, otherwise, the entire Daheishan Mountains will be washed away by the torrent of incense.

He felt that the Dharma's face was like gold paper, and the Ghost King of Dahei Mountain opposite him was even more miserable.

The incense and fire divine body could not be condensed for a while. Not only did it lose a large amount of combat power, but it was also injured by the spirit demon blood killing technique. Although the injury was not serious, it was not acceptable to the current Daheishan Ghost King.

The Ghost King of Daheishan gritted his teeth and spit out two words: "Despicable."

Not only did he hide his body, but he actually set a trap for her.

After cutting off the power of the incense, and then absorbing the majestic incense again, her consciousness will not be able to cover all aspects. Her consciousness will also be affected by the incense, and she will have a loss of consciousness that is so subtle that it cannot be noticed at all.

And the other party seized this moment.

The most important thing is that that person can actually break through the barrier of the incense and fire god's body.

The other party also carries the power of incense.

Only then did she realize that the fragments of so many of her incense instruments must have fallen into the hands of the other party.

And he was even used by the other party.

This shows that the red-haired person knows how to use incense and the effects of incense. He still hides it, letting Juefa try his best to block the incense from the outside world, and then takes action when she carelessly absorbs the incense.

Such deep thoughts are too meticulous, and the city is too deep.

Now that I think about it, the Ghost King of Daheishan feels frightened and frightened.

Not only did he create an environment for himself, but he also made his opponent think it was an opportunity.

This is not an opportunity at all, but a chance to die.

Another Jindan monk who lacks courage would not dare to explode his divine body.

Even before he could react, he was severely injured by the red-haired evil ghost Xiu.

Tu Shanjun, who was standing in front of Juefa, said calmly: "In a fight, is there a question of whether it is despicable or not?"

Juefa looked at Tushanjun with a strange look. Didn't his senior say that he was not good at fighting last time? Now it seems that he is more familiar with it than him, and this layout is simple but extremely effective.

The Ghost King of Daheishan stood ready to guard Tushanjun.

Tu Shanjun's aura is not much worse than hers, which means that he is also a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and he is a sinister guy. To fight with such a monk, you must be very energetic.

She still didn't know the details of the red-haired evil ghost, but the other party looked at her very differently.

The Ghost King of Daheishan secretly said: "Insidious, really insidious!"

Fortunately, the other party appeared, otherwise it would only be more dangerous if he stayed in the dark.

The Ghost King of Daheishan said calmly: "A ghost cultivator in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir, is this what you rely on, Jufa?"

"Another golden elixir master!"

"What's going on today? Golden elixir monks appear one after another."

"That seems to be a ghost cultivator."

"The red-haired ghost cultivator."

Malu couldn't help but look to the sky. After seeing the face of the ghost cultivator, he suddenly felt excited. Isn't that the red-haired Taoist Priest? That's what he really is, and there is no other cover to hide it.

Nie Quanjiu also looked at Tu Shanjun's figure in astonishment. He originally thought that Jue Fa was the last resort, but he didn't expect that the Taoist priest was.

The opponent's aura is not inferior to that of the Daheishan Ghost King.

"Is this also arranged by you?" the demon cultivator from the Blood Evil Sect asked in surprise.

He turned to look at the person beside him, and saw that the person was also looking at the people in the sky with an expression of surprise and difficulty in speaking.

"It seems not." Mo Xiu muttered.


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