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"This is not the place to talk."

"Senior please."

Tu Shanjun turned sideways and spread his hands, as if to invite Master Canglan to cross the dojo and step into the Ghost King's Hall surrounded by pavilions.

Master Canglan's originally tense expression softened, and he said softly: "You are not worthy of being called a senior. Speaking of which, my cultivation level is not as good as yours."

"Those who are masters in the world of spiritual practice are the first, but they really deserve the title of seniors."

Tu Shanjun shook his head and said: "Today, regardless of cultivation level or other irrelevant status, this is what the senior said."

"I still have a furnace of elixirs in the inner hall, senior, why don't you go with me?"

"It should be so." Master Canglan is not young, and he knows how to do as he pleases. He is not in a hurry to ask what he wants to know. Sometimes fate is like this.

The stone road is long and far away.

It feels very solid when you step on it.

The demon soldiers and ghost soldiers on both sides did not dare to disturb them, so they all retreated far away under orders.

The needles of Dahei Mountain are flying and falling in the breeze.

Accompanied by the chirping of insects at dusk, the gentle afterglow spreads freely. There is no urgency, but everything seems so peaceful, quiet and warm.

The azure robe shone brightly in the residual light, forming a sharp contrast with Tu Shanjun, who was wearing a black robe next to him.

Master Canglan walked unhurriedly, staring at the dance pavilion and singing platform in Daheishan, with its horns and high eaves, and his expression was calm and gentle, just like a quiet cold pool. At first glance, he only felt it was clear and elegant.

While retracting his gaze, he said: "The formations are connected one after another. The small formations all around are combined to the extreme. The inner formation is used to activate the large formation. Generally, the golden elixir monks will not even notice the hidden formation and will run into it."

"The method is really clever."

Master Cang Lan still has something to say, that is, unless he is a genius, he can reach such a situation in the Talisman Formation without working hard and spending time.

Tu Shanjun said humbly: "Forefathers have countless explanations of the Talisman Array Sutra. As long as you are willing to work hard, you will gain something."

Only then did Master Cang Lan move his gaze to Tu Shanjun.

Wearing a black robe, his long dark red hair was gathered and tied up by a crude hairband. Two winding ghost horns grew from his forehead. When his red hair was gathered together, it also added a bit of ferocity and prowess to the person in front of him.


This man is undoubtedly handsome.

Tall and burly, with a cold face, there was obviously no movement at all, but just standing there made people feel like a powerful and majestic unparalleled demon.

This was the first time he saw Tu Shanjun.

I heard the sect elders mention it in the past.

Ding Xie said little, only that he was a friend.

This indifferent and cold demeanor alone is enough to make a conclusion.

No wonder this person was able to block the golden elixir monks of the Rakshasa Void Clan when they were in Dongyuan.

"I have five disciples. The eldest is a talented person. He has practiced without any hindrance. Unfortunately, during the mission, he fought to the end to protect the younger brothers and sisters. By the time I rushed there, he had already died."

"The third child became disabled and had no choice but to go down the mountain and start a family. His destiny in this life can only be entrusted to his descendants."

"The fifth child, also known as Cangyun, got married early. In fact, I have long advised him not to be blinded by love, but he didn't listen."

"Lao Wu took on an apprentice."

"You know."

Master Canglan paused for a moment, with a look of sadness in his eyes, and then continued: "It seems to be fate. Back then, Lao Wu went to Fangshi to do some shopping, and he picked up a child."

"After asking, I found out that I took the spirit stone and flew on the spirit boat for a full year."

"I survived while working on the spirit boat."

"I wanted to send him back, but I didn't expect that the child was stubborn and insisted on becoming a disciple, so Lao Wu accepted him. Although he had a lot of hardships after getting married, he didn't treat his apprentice badly."

"I actually didn't expect that child with a qualification like Three Spiritual Roots to practice too quickly."

"Unexpectedly, a trip to Xiaolingzhou seemed to enlighten me, and my cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds."

Master Canglan sighed: "I regret it very much."

"He shouldn't have been allowed to face those people from the sect outside the palace at that time. I thought it was a training, but it actually harmed him."

"The grievance I felt at that time must be unspeakable."

"Later, I didn't even have a chance to explain."

Neither of them spoke anymore.

Tu Shanjun didn't know what he was thinking.

After sighing, Master Canglan quietly walked up the stone road and crossed the steps. He didn't know how long the silence lasted.

Until in front of the Ghost King's Palace.

Master Canglan stopped and stood in front of the Ghost King's Palace, looking to the west of Daheishan.

There was only the last ray of light left there, which seemed to be covered by the dim afterglow: "That day, like today, was a good weather."

"The sun is not dazzling and is very gentle. He returned to the mountain gate."

"But he died."

"I don't know why he died. Even if the breakthrough fails, he should stay alive."

"Lao Wu knelt on the ground and begged me to save him."

"I don't know how to save him."

"I was very powerless at that time."

"I am the master of Canglan Peak of Wanfa Sect. I have trained two disciples to go to Shangzong. Master Jindan can be ranked high even in the small wilderness. He stands there like a mortal, helpless. , there is nothing I can do, I can only watch him die."

"I don't even know why this happened."

Tu Shanjun paused in his steps and nodded seriously: "I understand."

Master Canglan was stunned and looked at Tushanjun.

Then the originally restrained Shenfeng light bloomed in his eyes, and he said: "I can't tell whether it's guilt or unwillingness. I'm here just to ask you why he died and where is the Yin God?"

Tu Shanjun integrated those memories.

He opened his mouth and said, "I tried to persuade you, but I didn't persuade you to stop."

Master Canglan was surprised, but seemed a little relieved, and said sadly: "Yes, if I could persuade him, it wouldn't be him. I should have thought of it earlier."

He thought that Ding Xie was still the young man who picked up a spirit boat in his teens, and could move forward bravely when encountering any setbacks. In fact, there were too many things to face when he reached the peak of foundation building, and it was not something he could do just because he wanted to.

As the saying goes, heroes dare to compete first.

Cultivation is inherently a process of struggle.

Fight with heaven and earth, fight with all things in nature.

How could everything be smooth sailing?

Which cultivator doesn’t feel that he is the chosen one by destiny.

When the opportunity is standing in front of you, who knows if you miss this opportunity, whether you will have another opportunity in the future. Maybe if you don't get this link, it will make the future cultivation path countless times more difficult.

"I don't blame you."

Master Canglan murmured softly, perhaps in order for Tu Shanjun to hear clearly, so he said it again.

While they were talking, the two of them had already passed the Ghost King Hall, the main hall of the court meeting, and arrived at the retreat place where the body is usually closed.

Tushanjun did not lie to Master Canglan.

He does have a pot of pills that are still being refined, and there are many people in the dojo. Tushanjun doesn't want the news to become known to everyone, and needs a place where he can talk.

Master Cang Lan was also a smart man and knew what Tu Shanjun meant, so the two of them walked all the way from the dojo to the Ghost King's Palace.

"The Yin Shen San Gong, the true spirit will be reincarnated here?"

In front of the temple, Master Canglan still asked this question. Even if the physical body is destroyed, as long as the Yin God is still there, you can turn to another path, or become a ghost cultivator, or choose to take over the body without an owner.

But when Ding Xie returned, it was empty.

This is what makes Master Cang Lan feel most strange.

Tu Shanjun stood in front of the temple, his gaze level, as if he wanted to look past the objects in front of him and reach the clay statue inside.

In fact, as long as Tu Shanjun wants to do it, he can summon Ding Xie's Yin God to appear.

But what happens next?

Have a fight with Master Cang Lan, or let him raise the Soul Reverend Banner and give it a try yourself?

Or perhaps, he pretends to be generous and tells the secret.

No matter which point, Tu Shanjun felt that he could not do it. The Zunhun Banner was the foundation for his livelihood, and he instinctively did not want others to know its secrets, even those close to him.

at last.

Tu Shanjun shook his head helplessly.

Master Cang Lan was surprised. What he saw was not Tu Shanjun shaking his head.

It was a great master in the late Jindan stage who showed helplessness in front of him. It was a very obvious powerlessness, as if telling him straightforwardly that no matter what the final result was, he couldn't do it.


However, even though he is a smart person, Master Canglan still cannot guess the insight, and can only ask again: "I don't know or I can't tell?"

Tu Shanjun looked lonely. He opened his hand and bowed it into claws. It was clear that there was nothing, but it seemed that he was holding something. However, the gesture in his hand disappeared in an instant. He waved his hand and said, "I don't understand, and I can't tell."


"I heard that your combat power can reach its peak when fully activated?"

Tu Shanjun smiled and said: "I didn't expect that senior would also know about my grudges with Sunset Mountain."

"That's not possible?"

Tu Shanjun clicked his tongue and shook his head: "I'm ashamed, I dare not speak of my peak."

"I understand." Master Canglan nodded.

There is no need for a great monk whose combat power reaches the peak of the Golden Core to lie in front of him, and there is no need to pretend to trick him. In this case, there is nothing he can do.

Thinking of the changes in Ding Xie and the strange changes in the final retreat, Master Canglan couldn't help but frown.

That technique is so weird.

"Dad, can you please take care of them? I go hunting and drive the prey towards me. When I go to the river, I just put fish and shrimp in my basket. It's no fun at all."

"What happened today?"

Tu Shan Jinghong pouted and said, "Er Gou and the others are going to test their spiritual roots. No one will play with me today."

Seeing Master Canglan wearing a blue robe next to Tushanjun, Tushan Jinghong quickly got off the tiger's back.

"Hello, uncle."

With that said, Tushan Jinghong wiped the mud from his face and saluted.

Then he held his hands in a very decent manner and said, "Daddy has guests, so I won't disturb daddy's official business there."

"Dahuang, let's go." Tushan Jinghong quickly turned over again, urging the beast that was already shivering like a kitten.

Dahuang felt bitter in his heart. The king was easy to get along with, but he also felt scared due to his majesty.

The man standing next to the king now has a flash of divine light in his eyes. This look is unique to the golden elixir monks. He wants to run away quickly.

"Wait a minute."

The steps Dahuang had just taken suddenly stopped, and his huge tiger head looked at the speaker.

This chapter has been completed!
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