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380, fire virtue

When he arrived in front of the Taoist temple, his spiritual consciousness had already noticed that someone was inside the Taoist temple.

I just didn't expect so many people to gather.

As soon as the gate of the Taoist temple was opened, the people in the courtyard were like frightened birds, more like wild ghosts who were afraid of the light. They either got into the worship hall or bent down under the hay shed, and some even curled up in a ball with their heads in their hands.

"Not a government official!"

I don't know who howled.

Those who were holding on to their own lives stopped in unison, and more than a dozen eyes moved to focus on the Taoist priest who opened the door of the Taoist temple.

The Taoist priest took off his bamboo hat and looked at the people in front of him.

Maybe these people in front of me are still human beings, but they have a lot of strange features on them. They have green faces, long sharp claws, and some scales covering their necks. People who don't know at first glance might think they are monsters.

"Taoist Priest?"

The voice sounded, and then one figure squeezed out, as if he didn't dare to recognize him. His eyes were full of hope but fear, and he took two steps closer and then stopped quickly: "Taoist Priest Chixuan?"

Chi Xuan was a little surprised. He thought that after he left, the robbers and bandits took over the Taoist temple, so his expression was inevitably cold when he first entered.

However, I didn't expect that people in the Taoist temple would recognize him.

"Who are you……"

"Taoist Priest, it's me, Zhou Hui, from Huanglian Village at the foot of the mountain." Zhou Hui pulled back his weed-like hair, revealing half of his green face, which still vaguely resembled his former self.

Chi Xuan said in surprise: "Master Zhou."

Then he looked around one by one and found that most of the people in front of him were people he knew.

"Why is this so?"

Before Chi Xuan could ask questions, the exclamations started again: "Old man Yang is dying!"

Everyone hurried back to the main hall of the Taoist temple, where there was lying a skinny man wrapped in a straw mat. He was also covered in purple and had scales on his body.

The limbs are no longer human-shaped but resemble entangled tree roots, stuck along the seams in the ground.

Chi Xuan clearly felt a strong sense of vitality from that body, but the human part was getting less and less. Today, the withered human form has no consciousness, and is like a living fish that has landed on the beach, with its mouth opening and closing.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way quickly, let the Taoist Priest take a look."

"Taoist Priest?"

"Taoist Master, you are back."

Everyone in the hall was surprised and happy. With such a mixture of sadness and joy, as well as the original panic, many of them covered their faces and cried under the ups and downs.

Chi Xuan quickly took out the evil-suppressing talisman and the body-healing talisman.

He also input mana into it to protect Old Man Yang's heart.

I don't know whether it was the talisman that played a role or because the magic power protected the heart. Old Yang's eyelids moved and he gradually opened them. When he saw Chi Xuan, Old Yang laughed forcefully.

"After I die, burn it..."

With only this unfinished sentence left, he lost consciousness.

The people around him seemed not to be surprised and were not in any panic. They were able to gather here because they still regarded themselves as human beings and wanted to end their lives as human beings.

When someone dies, they burn the body.

Chi Xuan murmured and took back his magic power, his face solemn: "He is not completely dead yet."

After one or two years, more people are infected and the situation is getting worse.

"No different than death."

Chi Xuan heard Tu Shanjun's words, and the magic power he penetrated also found something strange, that is, the flesh and blood of the people turned into something that looked like monsters, which was a bit like turning animals into plants.

At least with his current level of cultivation, he can't see the reversibility of this change.

In other words, once they enter the advanced stage, those infected will definitely die. Although they are dead, they are not completely dead. They can still have incense floating around their bodies and have some consciousness.

"what is going on?"

The suppressive talisman water slightly eased their situation.

But he couldn't completely eradicate the disease. This disease didn't feel like a disease, but like an unknown curse that turned a good person into a ghost-like appearance.

Lighting a fire to make rice, melting the magical talismans and medicinal power, they were busy until dusk.

Only then did Chi Xuan have some free time.

It's okay to let them do other jobs, but they are afraid of fire, so Chi Xuan can only do it for them.

Looking at the still intact bowl in his hand and the thin porridge in the bowl, the Taoist priest sighed and asked about the current situation of Jicheng and the changes in the past two years.

Zhou Hui couldn't help but speak sadly.

Since Magistrate Hu disappeared, the imperial court sent a new magistrate to take office, but the new magistrate was also helpless against the epidemic, and the doctors recruited widely were ineffective.

This chaos lasted for half a year, and the county government suddenly announced that a cure had been found. Those families who paid the best taxes and were most pious to the court would receive the cure first.

For a time, the people's faith in the imperial court in Jixian County skyrocketed.

There are many people who have obtained the medicinal materials. As soon as the good medicine is put into the stomach, most of the symptoms of the body disappear immediately, which is better than the panacea.

For those who are devout in faith, the yamen even provides financial support.

The good reputation of the government has also caused many people to stop farming and only hope to get help from the county government based on their so-called faith.

There was not enough food to begin with, but as the number of people farming decreased, there was even less food.

Grain shops took the opportunity to drive up grain prices again, and the value of silver plummeted like a mountain of rolling stones.

Many people died.

At that time, no one thought that it would become like this in just over a year.

Until more and more people disappeared and died, the disease that had been under control broke out again, igniting this long-simmering powder keg.

As soon as the people of Ji County resisted, they were quickly suppressed by the government. They were no match for those armored soldiers, nor did they have the power of immortals.

Since then, the government began to arrest those who survived the epidemic.

Those who were infected by the disease did not die or become weak, but became stronger and stronger.

If you report it, you can get money.

Later, if we can't tell the difference, we will control all those who are infected. Anyone who reports the disease will get money to live on.

Zhou Hui escaped just to avoid the government. A small number of people in the Taoist temple were like this, but most of them were in deteriorating health and their vitality was slowly dissipating.

They couldn't go far and finally chose to enter the Red Sheep Palace.

Because few people come here, even the searching detectives don't want to appear here.

Chi Xuan himself didn't know that he had become synonymous with intimidation.

"He adapted to the strength and could become a bottle."

"Bottle?" Chi Xuan was stunned.

"After all, there are only a few boys and girls of the right age, and the power of incense is very huge. This requires enough bottles to contain the power of incense, so they are the most suitable."

If Da Cang Dynasty had not made any big move, it would not have mobilized the power of incense like this.

No matter what the purpose is, many people will die.

Unfortunately, there is no Wanfa Sect in this world, and no one will support these ordinary people. In the eyes of people with "immortal" power, they are just livestock and lambs to be slaughtered.

I just don’t know if the instigator will be convicted if he encounters the Wanfa Sect after leaving this world.

But, it's really hard to say.

As Chi Xuan's cultivation improved and his magic power became deeper, Tu Shanjun could use more power. He discovered that this world was bound by an invisible shackle, so this place was probably a cave.

Because he did not feel the squeezing feeling of incompleteness in the small wilderness. On the contrary, the more he practiced, the more he felt a sense of clarity and enlightenment.

Although there is no end to this cave, there is not much spiritual energy left in it.

Chi Xuan responded silently.


Chi Xuan raised his head in surprise and saw Zhou Hui kneeling on the ground, kowtow and said: "Taoist Master, help me, I don't want to die. I don't want to be taken away by the government, I want to live, I want to live..."

As Zhou Hui knelt down, the sick people fell on their knees one after another, praying to Chi Xuan for help.

"Countrymen, please get up quickly. How can a poor man be worthy of your kneeling down?"

"Get up quickly."

Chi Xuan helped them up.

“Where is the source of the disease?”

These words were not asked by Chi Xuan to the people kneeling on the ground, but to Tu Shanjun in the flag: "Please also ask Demon Lord to teach me."

"Long County."

"Long County?" Chi Xuan's pupils changed slightly. He came out this time just to clear his heart and avenge Zhang Xincheng. As the culprit of Long County's robbery of Zhang Xincheng, of course he would not let it go easily.

I just didn’t expect that the source of the epidemic also came from Long County.

"Remember those deserters?"

"The Demon Lord is saying..."

"Yes, I reflected on the memories of Magistrate Hu and the deserters, and discovered the problems."

"If you want to solve this matter, you have to return to Long County."

Tu Shanjun did not stop Chi Xuan, but rather he hoped that Chi Xuan would resolve the matter, because by resolving this knot, Chi Xuan would not be taken advantage of by his inner demons while building the foundation.

"Then, them?"

Tu Shanjun took out the seal and activated Chi Xuan's magic power to activate the seal. It split into red-yellow light and exploded in Chi Xuan's hand. The dispersed light like fireflies poured into the bodies of those people.

A layer of faint reddish-yellow light lit up.

"This is?"

"Incense protects you."

As the true king of Daheishan, Tushanjun is very familiar with the power of incense. He has used the power of incense to point generals and instill knowledge into them. Now these are just trivial skills and not worth mentioning.

Of course, in the eyes of those people, it was Chi Xuan's hands that shone with light, and then they felt their bodies warm.

Zhou Hui clenched his fists with a look of surprise. He felt that he had an extra strength. The expansion of his strength made him feel that he could kill a cow with one punch.

Chi Xuan slightly cupped his hands and said, "Folks, please wait peacefully to avoid being hunted by the imperial court. I will go back as soon as I go."

After saying that, he took his baggage and sword box on his back and came out of the Taoist temple.

a long time.

The remaining villagers described their current situation to each other.

Everyone is filled with smiles.

Zhou Hui stood up, the hatred and surprise in his eyes flashed past, and they were firmly suppressed by him.

He said loudly: "The Taoist Master is capable. He can make us live and more people infected with the epidemic live."

"Now the villagers are going to look for their families. Anyone who encounters the disease will be brought to the Taoist temple and we will wait for the Taoist priest to come back."

Feeling the powerful force in his body, Zhou Hui was extremely excited.

He also has strength.

Moreover, he saw a good opportunity in this matter.

The people in the county government are not born as immortals, and they may not always be just mortals. Since the Taoist priest can give them power, he can give more people power.

Zhou Hui gritted his teeth: "Damn the county government, damn the court! Everything deserves to die..."

Looking back at Chiyang Palace, Zhou Hui grinned and laughed.

A crazy voice kept echoing in his mind: "The flames of fire will burn the blue sky, and a new order will be born from the green ashes..."

I wish you all a happy holiday, immortality, and longevity.

I didn't get enough rest in the past two days and slept in.

Update later today.

In October, the total number of updates should be no less than in September.

Be brothers and be among the flags.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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